Troubled country singer Mindy McCready, RIP

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Mindy McCready: 'I Wanted to Stand Up and Fight'
Zander, McCready said, "says that Nana -- that's what he calls my mom -- is so mean that her heart is black, and that she's so mean she doesn't know how to be nice anymore."

McCready also claimed that Inge has exposed her son to a bizarre religion, "Treasures of the Snow."

"My mom believes that she can astrally project herself, meaning she can be at five places at one time," McCready said. "They were encouraging my son to go around with them to churches and stand up on stage and, you know, scream gibberish, and then everyone act like it was something amazing that he said."

Responding to McCready's allegations, Inge told ABC News: "I have been Zander's guardian for four-and-a-half years. There has been all kinds of scrutiny. He has never been abused in our care."

How would a five-year-old know how to describe someone as having a "black heart?" I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and try and believe that Zander may have said his Nana was mean, but there is no way I am going to believe a 5-year-old described his Nana as having a "black heart." :banghead:
How would a five-year-old know how to describe someone as having a "black heart?" I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and try and believe that Zander may have said his Nana was mean, but there is no way I am going to believe a 5-year-old described his Nana as having a "black heart." :banghead:

Except, I think that the term 'Black Heart' MIGHT be something the grandmother uses herself in her 'sermons.' And if she used that term and threw it around, then the little boy might have picked up on it himself.

Reports are that he was being forced to take part in the religion, and was being groomed as a little preacher for them. So I can believe he may have used that term.
How would a five-year-old know how to describe someone as having a "black heart?" I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and try and believe that Zander may have said his Nana was mean, but there is no way I am going to believe a 5-year-old described his Nana as having a "black heart." :banghead:

I wondered that as well and in addition to what katydid suggested my own thought was of the grinch movies and Dr. Seuess books wherein the grinch was described I think, as having a black heart that was ten sizes too small.

But the phrasing caught me as well.
How would a five-year-old know how to describe someone as having a "black heart?" I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and try and believe that Zander may have said his Nana was mean, but there is no way I am going to believe a 5-year-old described his Nana as having a "black heart." :banghead:

I doubt if Zander got to watch much mainstream tv, but shows for kids these days are different. I could see a term like that being used on a Disney or Nickelodean show.
Heck,even Dr. Seuess refers to the the Grinch's small heart and he was really ,really mean.
I wondered that as well and in addition to what katydid suggested my own thought was of the grinch movies and Dr. Z books wherein the grinch was described I think, as having a black heart that was ten sizes too small.

But the phrasing caught me as well.

Jinx.My first thought was of the Grinch,also.
Bless you I was too lazy to look up how to spell the good Dr.'s name. you got it right for me tho. and jinx back atcha.

I found Mindy sincere and did not see any outward sign that she is living a risky lifestyle or on drugs at the moment. Like I said above, I hope everything works out for she and the little family she is trying to build (rebuild). I do think hope the courts at least monitor the situation once she has her son back as is implied in the piece.
Bless you I was too lazy to look up how to spell the good Dr.'s name. you got it right for me tho. and jinx back atcha.

I found Mindy sincere and did not see any outward sign that she is living a risky lifestyle or on drugs at the moment. Like I said above, I hope everything works out for she and the little family she is trying to build (rebuild). I do think hope the courts at least monitor the situation once she has her son back as is implied in the piece.

I want to believe that Mindy is really getting her life together. I'm rooting for her. On the other hand, I will just have to wait out and see how things go. I don't know if I believe everything she is saying. She seems to overexagerrate things (how LE came and removed Zander) to make it better for HER. I do think she is stretching the truth in order to get her way.

I don't blame her for wanting her son and I believe that she should be able to regain custody if she is really better. I also don't believe her mother is as bad as she says she is.

It seems she is saying that Zander has been beaten with a wooden spoon. So much so that it has left scars. Do I believe that? I don't think so? That is, imo, very severe and I believe DCF would have been to called a long time ago if that were true and he would have been removed from the home.

I hate to even go there, but I hope Mindy didn't personally harm Zander to make it look better for her.

I just don't know what to think about any of them. Personally, I don't know if Zander should go back to any of them? Seems like a very toxic family. One we've seen before.

Mindy McCready Welcomes Son Zayne

*She said she was pregnant with twins when all that stuff went down with her son.
I wonder if she lost one. :(

I don't believe she lost one. I think she thought that saying she was having twins would give her sympathy, not to mention that she used a twin pregnancy to avoid doing things she was asked to do because she claimed it was dangerous to her pregnancy.
To me this just proves that she either has serious mental health issues or she is just plain deceptive. I think it's both.
Or she simply lost one.
That would be really sad no matter her mental state.
Or she simply lost one.
That would be really sad no matter her mental state.

"At the time of the initial announcement surrounding Mindy's pregnancy, in consideration of her size, Mindy was certain she was carrying twins," her rep told E! Online. "A misinterpreted sonogram seemed to support her feelings and excitement."
"A misinterpreted sonogram seemed to support her feelings"
- McCready's rep
At the same time of the alleged misinterpreted sonogram, McCready was also in a legal you-know-what storm after she failed to her return her 5-year-old son, Zander, to her own mother's custody.

Read more:

There was no lost child. A misinterpreted sonogram? Give me a break. It was a ploy for attention and sympathy, as well as an excuse not to bring her child back.
We have to remember that the twins thing came up BEFORE she took her son.
She was already saying it was twins before that.
I am a bit curious if the judge requested to see any medical records?
Or did he just take her word for it?

I guess this settles whether she was 5 months or 7 months along back in December.
There was no lost child. A misinterpreted sonogram? Give me a break. It was a ploy for attention and sympathy, as well as an excuse not to bring her child back.

No, it could happen. Not all sonogram techs are created equal. When I did medical records for an office, we had one who was fantastic and another who was less than stellar. The less than stellar one once told a woman she must have miscarried although it was actually her fault that she couldn't get a good read on the baby. That was not a pretty situation.
No, it could happen. Not all sonogram techs are created equal. When I did medical records for an office, we had one who was fantastic and another who was less than stellar. The less than stellar one once told a woman she must have miscarried although it was actually her fault that she couldn't get a good read on the baby. That was not a pretty situation.

I've been pregnant 6 times and each time by 6 weeks it was confirmed that I was only carrying one baby. I actually was told that I had miscarried once, by my ob/gyn, because he couldn't find the heartbeat but he had me come back a week later to be sure and there it was, so I know it isn't a perfect science but I am sure this wasn't the case here. She supposedly assumed she was carrying twins because she was so large? If I had a dollar for every time I was asked if I was having twins when I was pregnant I would be rich. Most women feel like they are carrying a football team but that isn't a diagnoses. While I agree that it is possible for a tech to make a mistake I just don't think that is the case here.
MM is obviously a drama queen and having twins is much more dramatic then having a single baby.
I just hope she can keep herself healthy and do right by her children... at the end of the day that is what counts the most.
I've been pregnant 6 times and each time by 6 weeks it was confirmed that I was only carrying one baby. I actually was told that I had miscarried once, by my ob/gyn, because he couldn't find the heartbeat but he had me come back a week later to be sure and there it was, so I know it isn't a perfect science but I am sure this wasn't the case here. She supposedly assumed she was carrying twins because she was so large? If I had a dollar for every time I was asked if I was having twins when I was pregnant I would be rich. Most women feel like they are carrying a football team but that isn't a diagnoses. While I agree that it is possible for a tech to make a mistake I just don't think that is the case here.
MM is obviously a drama queen and having twins is much more dramatic then having a single baby.

It's really not out of the realm of possibility. If you're much larger than expected for how far along you are, you could suspect. And then sometimes, you can't find both heartbeats, for a variety of reasons. While she may be a drama queen, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that, for a time, twins could have been a possibility based on the information at hand.
It's really not out of the realm of possibility. If you're much larger than expected for how far along you are, you could suspect. And then sometimes, you can't find both heartbeats, for a variety of reasons. While she may be a drama queen, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that, for a time, twins could have been a possibility based on the information at hand.

It may not be out of the realm of possibility but it is extremely unlikely that an ultrasound would miss twins.
Do you think she sincerely believed herself to be pregnant with twins?
It may not be out of the realm of possibility but it is extremely unlikely that an ultrasound would miss twins.
Do you think she sincerely believed herself to be pregnant with twins?

I don't know - I don't really have a horse in this race. For me, I simply think it's unfair to paint someone a liar when there's a possibility of truth in their statements.
It may not be out of the realm of possibility but it is extremely unlikely that an ultrasound would miss twins.
Do you think she sincerely believed herself to be pregnant with twins?

I vote mental illness. I hope she gets the serious help she probably needs.

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