Try to have some compassion

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..."Compassion isn't dead.... though it's VERY rarely extended to people who have shown a clear disdain for their fellow man..."

But those are the people that need it THE MOST. That's what true compassion IS -- learning to love unconditionally and learning to accept others, even when they are at their worst.

..."Compassion isn't dead.... though it's VERY rarely extended to people who have shown a clear disdain for their fellow man..."

But those are the people that need it THE MOST. That's what true compassion IS -- learning to love unconditionally and learning to accept others, even when they are at their worst.

you know...i agree we most have compassion and I think everyone here feels for the grandparents and I believe at the beginning many were trying to help. at this point they are making it very difficult for anyone to lend a hand. Someone better than me once said "God helps those who help themselves." They are doing little to help themselves and instead are choosing to blame individuals that are not at fault for their fate.
But don't you think the press and nosey camped out on your lawn with a webcam pointed at you 24/7 just waiting for you to pick your nose is more than any of us could handle?I would have been caught on tape saying worse than that. She is at the end of her rope and the circus down there is unforgiving and cruel imo. How much are they suppose to be able to handle?

I'm a big believer in considering the consequences of your actions BEFORE you act.

Now, I think the public gave the Anthony family a whole lot of slack & we didn't see people camped out on their lawn UNTIL they brought Casey back home.

And even then, the neighbors didn't get involved until the last couple of days.

So what changed?

You had the results coming back saying Caylee is dead AND yet you still have Cindy & George bashing LE & the media, spinning the same nonsense about poor Casey?

Except for the T-shirts they wear, you would never know this family has ANYTHING to do with Caylee & would think their daughter Casey has been accused of killing some stranger's child.

I don't think I would personally protest in front of their home now that the Mother of the Year is back in jail BUT I can certainly understand why others do. And I have no problem with them doing it either, as long as they don't break any laws.
I'm a big believer in considering the consequences of your actions BEFORE you act.

Now, I think the public gave the Anthony family a whole lot of slack & we didn't see people camped out on their lawn UNTIL they brought Casey back home.

And even then, the neighbors didn't get involved until the last couple of days.

So what changed?

You had the results coming back saying Caylee is dead AND yet you still have Cindy & George bashing LE & the media, spinning the same nonsense about poor Casey?

Except for the T-shirts they wear, you would never know this family has ANYTHING to do with Caylee & would think their daughter Casey has been accused of killing some stranger's child.

I don't think I would personally protest in front of their home now that the Mother of the Year is back in jail BUT I can certainly understand why others do. And I have no problem with them doing it either, as long as they don't break any laws.

If tests came back saying she is dead, where is the charge?
Back on topic....

I actually have more compassion for George than Cindy.
For me, I see the pain in his eyes. I see the desperation in his actions and I see the total devastation in his demeanor.
Cindy doesn't come off this way to me. All I see is a mom protecting her daughter at the expense of her granddaughter.

This tragedy didn't develop over night. This was years in the making.
That's alot of years of denial.
YES, you show compassion toward others, even when they are their worst.

We had a newsletter come into our email last year from our son's school. I wish I could find it, because the gal that wrote it put a saying in there that was just so poignant. It stated something to the effect, "It is easy to love our children when they're good, but when they need our love the MOST is when they least deserve it."

I think the Anthony's have obviously caused some of their own difficulties. Sometimes, we really are our own worst enemies. But their emotions are so RAW right now. And no, they haven't behaved in a rational manner -- but given their circumstances, I can easily understand why.

The news media is here for the circus. They're not there to help -- they're there to get the inside scoop. It's their job, I get that, but it's doing nothing to truly help find Caylee.

I'm a big believer in considering the consequences of your actions BEFORE you act.

Now, I think the public gave the Anthony family a whole lot of slack & we didn't see people camped out on their lawn UNTIL they brought Casey back home.

And even then, the neighbors didn't get involved until the last couple of days.

So what changed?

You had the results coming back saying Caylee is dead AND yet you still have Cindy & George bashing LE & the media, spinning the same nonsense about poor Casey?

Except for the T-shirts they wear, you would never know this family has ANYTHING to do with Caylee & would think their daughter Casey has been accused of killing some stranger's child.

I don't think I would personally protest in front of their home now that the Mother of the Year is back in jail BUT I can certainly understand why others do. And I have no problem with them doing it either, as long as they don't break any laws.
I disagree.:)
I feel compassion for the Anthony's for the loss of their grandaughter not for defending the actions and coddling of their daughter. I can understand not wanting to believe that her daughter is a cold blooded killer but I think in her heart of hearts she knows that its true.
Back on topic....

I actually have more compassion for George than Cindy.
For me, I see the pain in his eyes. I see the desperation in his actions and I see the total devastation in his demeanor.
Cindy doesn't come off this way to me. All I see is a mom protecting her daughter at the expense of her granddaughter.

This tragedy didn't develop over night. This was years in the making.
That's alot of years of denial.
It seems that Cindy was trying to hold casey's feet to the fire when she called LE on her. I think as parents we think if we can keep guiding our children and influencing their decisions we can make them do the right thing. In some cases it is best to cut bait. In some cases it is best to persevere.
How do we know the difference? Sometimes we figure it out too late.
I do not think Casey or George believe that casey is capable of doing this. They are most likely in for a very rude awakening and i hope their are compassionate and forgiving people around them to help with the healing.
It seems that Cindy was trying to hold casey's feet to the fire when she called LE on her. I think as parents we think if we can keep guiding our children and influencing their decisions we can make them do the right thing. In some cases it is best to cut bait. In some cases it is best to persevere.
How do we know the difference? Sometimes we figure it out too late.
I do not think Casey or George believe that casey is capable of doing this. They are most likely in for a very rude awakening and i hope their are compassionate and forgiving people around them to help with the healing.

I wish I could believe you are right. Unfortunately, my experience says that at least one of these parents will continue to blame others and never face the truth.
I don't believe that they are bad people, I just think they screwed up and don't know when to back down.
But when you are under so much enormous emotional pressure, you don't THINK, rationally or otherwise. You REACT -- you don't have the capacity to 'think in the moment, "Gee, if I do such and such, THIS is going to happen." That's what reacting IS...acting without thinking of the consequences.

It's rather obvious that Cindy has issues with reactive behavior. This family is dysfunctional on so many levels --

This family was a trainwreck waiting to happen -- I imagine they've been on a collision course to doomsday for a very long time. Casey is this family's catalyst -- she manifests a great deal that is wrong in this family. Caylee was the heartbreaking victim in this whole dysfunctional mess...

I love a poster's comment on another thread somewhere --

She asked her daughter what her daughter would do if she, the Mother, had knowingly covered up the accidental death of her son. Her daughter looked at her and said something to the effect, "Well, I would call the police department and let them know what really happened. I would always love you, but I would know that you were where you belonged."

Those lessons can be really hard and painful to learn -- that's why it's so hard to view the pain this family is going through. It's really devastating to watch...

I am disgusted, what is the point of having a judicial system? If people take it upon themselves to conclude a verdict before even a charge is made! Next on the news we will be seeing people mounted on horses screaming off with her head! Nobody know’s anything more then what the media wants us to see and some documents. Not only are all the facts not in we don’t know what is said behind closed doors.

I found the things Cindy says in this video truly... mind boggeling...

"Have you ever opened a refridg and said what died in here ?" (refering to what she said about the trunk of the car)

I really had a hard time watching this

Why does she continue to come out publicly with these things....

Dear Lord this family needs to find peace
..."Compassion isn't dead.... though it's VERY rarely extended to people who have shown a clear disdain for their fellow man..."

But those are the people that need it THE MOST. That's what true compassion IS -- learning to love unconditionally and learning to accept others, even when they are at their worst.

We have no idea whether any neighbors have offered them any help OR whether the Anthony family accepted or declined the offers.

You know.... when a family in crisis has NO neighbors at their side.... NO family members.... NO friends..... you really have to ask yourself why the abnormal disconnect from other people? My sense is that this family has no use for outsiders who do NOT go along with their way of saying & doing things.

They don't want compassion.... they want people who will mirror their own beliefs & words.

This family needs a spokesman that isn't on the other side of the country.... someone who wisely moves them AWAY from defending Casey to the public & someone who starts focusing towards their own stated goal..... FINDING CAYLEE.
And yes, there is something to be said for tough love -- letting go and forcing a wayward child out into the world, and learning to stand on their own two feet, is sometimes the most compassionate and loving thing you can do for them.

What I'm saying re: compassion does NOT mean that in being compassionate, you agree with what this family is doing, saying, etc. Being compassionate simply means allowing another human being to know that you care about them, that you understand the deep pain they are in, and that you do not judge them. It doesn't mean becoming their best friend -- but it doesn't mean standing outside their home, shouting obscenities, and calling for their daughter's head, either. It also does not mean camping out on their property with a videocamera. Those people are doing absolutely NOTHING productive with that type behavior. If those very people are the same ones saying 'this is all about Caylee,' how in the world is this type behavior serving to help find justice for this little girl?

It doesn't. It's just bad behavior -- it's unproductive and doesn't in the slightest serve anyone's best interests.
I am disgusted, what is the point of having a judicial system? If people take it upon themselves to conclude a verdict before even a charge is made! Next on the news we will be seeing people mounted on horses screaming off with her head! Nobody know’s anything more then what the media wants us to see and some documents. Not only are all the facts not in we don’t know what is said behind closed doors.

Even if Caylee is still alive, which I truly hope for with all my heart and soul, Casey has done nothing to help her cause.
Her phone conversations and general attitude are the actions of someone who is guilty of something.
There is a baby missing, of course people are going to be outraged.
We see a mother who was out partying, again, should we give her a hug.
She should have called the cops the moment she lost sight of her.
Why are people assuming that the Anthonys don't have friends, neighbors, and family members supporting them?

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