TURKEY - George Smith, 26, missing from cruise ship, July 2005

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kato said:
Yes, saw that. That's part of the reason why George's sister and family are upst because it will preclude them from getting that info.. Bree also said last night very vehemently, that the family feels Jennifer hid or is hiding stuff from them.
It's so sad to see a family so divided. I am curious about Jennifer's relationship with the Smith family before the disappearance.

I thought it was interesting that Bree noted that the family was very grateful for Henry Lee's assistance, but didn't want to give Jennifer any credit for hiring him.
Olivia77 said:
It's so sad to see a family so divided. I am curious about Jennifer's relationship with the Smith family before the disappearance.

I thought it was interesting that Bree noted that the family was very grateful for Henry Lee's assistance, but didn't want to give Jennifer any credit for hiring him.

Don't hold me to it but I think the caller that asked the question about Dr. Lee was incorrect about saying Jennifer hired Dr. Lee. I think it was the Smith family that hired him and that's probably why she didn't give credit where credit is due.
kato said:
Don't hold me to it but I think the caller that asked the question about Dr. Lee was incorrect about saying Jennifer hired Dr. Lee. I think it was the Smith family that hired him and that's probably why she didn't give credit where credit is due.
When I saw her on Oprah she said she hired him, I'm pretty sure she did. I think the info might be on this thread but I am too lazy to look back through the 15 pages right now. :eek:
nightowl said:
Before we are so critical of Jennifer for agreeing to a settlement without including the groom's family...think of this...

It's possible that the groom's family was not nice to Jennifer at all. They may have even thought she was responsible or somehow or accused her. I'm sure it got pretty ugly. Apparently they have not been communicating.

If some kind of accident happened to my husband, and there was a settlement involved -- I know that I would likely not include my in-laws in it!!!

I think the issue here is likely that they were married for such a short time. But legally, I think the settlement money would rightfully go to Jennifer. (not sure about that though.)

Was the amount of the settlement reported (just curious)?!

I agree. The money belongs to her. Once you get married, your spouse becomes your family and any wrongful death proceeds go to the spouse, not mom and dad. I can also understand them being upset with Jennifer because let's face it, whatever else she did, she passed out in the hallway during her honeymoon. I don't think I'd be too happy for my daughter in law to do that to my son. But, right or wrong, he picked her, he married her and the money should go to her.
Olivia77 said:
On NG it said the settlement wasn't just about the money, Jennifer will now have access to records and other items about the case from RC as was dictated by the settlement. Did anyone else see that?
It seems to me that if she really is as cold-hearted and has moved on as much as the family would like to portray, she would have just taken the money and not included access to records and documents in her negotiations. I'm sure whatever access they won was painful to RC based on how secretive they've tried to be - so that could have been a real sticking point in trying to get any money, if that's what she really was after.

I just have to have sympathy for her - even if their honeymoon wasn't ideal, it doesn't mean she didn't care for him (she DID marry him), and she probably didn't wish him to disappear!
Jeana (DP) said:
I agree. The money belongs to her. Once you get married, your spouse becomes your family and any wrongful death proceeds go to the spouse, not mom and dad. I can also understand them being upset with Jennifer because let's face it, whatever else she did, she passed out in the hallway during her honeymoon. I don't think I'd be too happy for my daughter in law to do that to my son. But, right or wrong, he picked her, he married her and the money should go to her.

Right on Jeana, thats the way it is! I agree!
mellybean said:
It seems to me that if she really is as cold-hearted and has moved on as much as the family would like to portray, she would have just taken the money and not included access to records and documents in her negotiations. I'm sure whatever access they won was painful to RC based on how secretive they've tried to be - so that could have been a real sticking point in trying to get any money, if that's what she really was after.

I just have to have sympathy for her - even if their honeymoon wasn't ideal, it doesn't mean she didn't care for him (she DID marry him), and she probably didn't wish him to disappear!
Agreed. I also know that if anything happened to my fiance, I would probably move out of town, too. All of the memories may be too much to bear, so I don't see why she should be crucified for moving to Boston, which is close enough to be able to drive back to her hometown, but big enough to provide her with some anonymity.

BTW, I'm also agreeing with JeanaDP's post. Very well put.
Olivia77 said:
Agreed. I also know that if anything happened to my fiance, I would probably move out of town, too. All of the memories may be too much to bear, so I don't see why she should be crucified for moving to Boston, which is close enough to be able to drive back to her hometown, but big enough to provide her with some anonymity.

BTW, I'm also agreeing with JeanaDP's post. Very well put.
Totally agree w/ both of you...such a sad situation. I really do feel for Jennifer. What a horrific turn of events, you are on your honeymoon and your fiance goes missing! God , I could not image.
This whole story is sad. I really hate alcohol. It causes more misery and pain in people's lives and I can't think of one good thing about it. This whole horrible story begins and ends with alcohol. I know that George and Jennifer made the choice to get plowed throughout their cruise and all of that stuff but alcohol has taken more lives and turned so many peoples lives upside down and I really dispise it and what it does. If it weren't for alcohol George Smith would be alive today. Why people like to get roaring drunk is just beyond me.

From what I recall I think that Jennifer cut her in-laws off right from the beginning...after she returned from the cruise. That is why they feel that she knows things that she isn't telling.

Her behavior bothers me because she had to know how close this family was and how much they love their son. She has to know the amount of horrible pain that they are in. Yet she refuses to tell them anything or answer their questions. They need to know what she knows. If she loved George I would think that she would know that he wouldn't want her to cut his family out like she has done. I can't even imagine not having anything to do with my husband's family if he disappeared like that. I don't have it in me to turn my back on people who are hurting so badly. I think the Smiths are very hurt by Jennifer's behavior towards them.

Jennifer didn't even file a suit against the cruise line. They had a meeting with her attorney...their idea they said...and threw some numbers around and agreed that they would pay her x amount of dollars. I thought that was kind of odd. Why were they paying her when she hadn't asked for any money?
I don't think that she owes the Smiths any of the money and I doubt that they are expecting any. They filed suit so they could get some answers. The family has money and the sister is an attorney.

I just wonder if anyone will ever know for sure what happened in that cabin. Was George so drunk that he did sit on the balcony railing and fall over it? Did someone in that room push him over? I wish the neighbors on both sides had gotten up and went onto their balconys to see what was going on. I'm such a snoop I probably would have been right out there. I notice that security was called at 4:00 and didn't arrive until 4:30!!!!! What the heck were they doing in the middle of the night that took so long? Then they didn't even go in the cabin. Great security. I won't be at all surprised if the FBI comes back with accidental death. It's been a long time now.
Imo, we will never find out what truly happened to George. Its such a shame, and such a waste of life, as to whatever transpired. I am still very interested in this case, and really wish that it be solved. But it doesn't look promising!:(
When the Cruise Line payed Jennifer whatever amount that was agreed upon they also stipulated that they would give her all of the paperwork/info that they have on the investigtion but she was not to let anyone else see it....she agreed.

Jennifer did not have to agree with that. She knew that the only reason that the Smith's were suing the cruise line was so that they could get that information. Now she has everything...all of the information about the investigation and she can't let the Smith's read it. I think that was just plain low down and dirty. Why shouldn't the Smith's have that information? Why would Jennifer even agree to something like that? It really makes me question what kind of a person she is.

Jennifer could have said that she would agree but only if the agreement stipulated that her in-laws get a copy of everything to do with the investigation. She was holding the cards. Was the darn money so important to her that she would agree to keeping George's parents and sister from knowing all about the investigation and any conclusions? I just don't understand where the woman was coming from and why she would do what she did. No wonder the Smith's feel like she is withholding something.
Maybe she didn't like the husband's parents. Maybe there was longstanding bad blood between them prior to the wedding. Maybe they told their son he should not marry her but he wanted to anyway, so they went along with it but let her know that she was not "worthy" of their son.

Maybe she and George had an "open' relationship - even on their honeymoon - and she doesn't want that to get made public.

Maybe George had no life insurance and left a ton of bills and she needs the money to pay off the bills.

This is another one where we will never know. Unless she decides to write a book. Hmmmm....
AlwaysShocked said:
Maybe she didn't like the husband's parents. Maybe there was longstanding bad blood between them prior to the wedding. Maybe they told their son he should not marry her but he wanted to anyway, so they went along with it but let her know that she was not "worthy" of their son.

Maybe she and George had an "open' relationship - even on their honeymoon - and she doesn't want that to get made public.

Maybe George had no life insurance and left a ton of bills and she needs the money to pay off the bills.

This is another one where we will never know. Unless she decides to write a book. Hmmmm....

Thats it, a book. Oh yeah, she's probably working on it as we speak. I bet your right!!!
lilpony said:
Imo, we will never find out what truly happened to George. Its such a shame, and such a waste of life, as to whatever transpired. I am still very interested in this case, and really wish that it be solved. But it doesn't look promising!:(
I do not understand why you say that this case will never be solved. Please read my detailed explanation on the June 23, 2006 post. Also, I suggest that you read the rather detailed account heard by ex-police officer Clete Hyman and Pat/Greg Lawyer who were on either side of the Smith cabin. This appears in the nice transcript of the Dateline program "Few Clues in Honeymoon Cruise Disappearance". Look on page 3 of the following link. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/9356611/

Mr. Hyman actually opened his door and saw George's friends leave his cabin. He only saw 3 people leave but the halls are narrow. There is no question that they all left at the same time or else they would have "copped out" on each other under intense FBI questioning. Then, Mr. Hyman heard a single male voice and some noise like furniture being moved. The Lawyer's heard something like it was being thrown against the walls. This was a distraught George hitting his fist on the walls and furniture causing the minor bleeding. Mr. Hyman heard drawers and cabinets being opened. This was George looking for bandaids. Then, Mr. Hyman heard movement out on the balcony and the sound of balcony chairs moving. This was George pushing a chair up to the railing to boost himself up and sit on the railing. Then, Mr. Hyman heard 2 to 3 minutes of complete silence. This was George sitting on the railing, possibly smoking a cigarette and trying to clear his head. At this point he probably felt that his marriage was over. He believed that his wife was having an affair right during the honeymoon at that very moment. Then, Mr. Hyman heard the awful reverberating thud when George fell backward on to the metal canopy below. The canopy would be wet and slippery and slanted to the sea. The boat was rolling and George slipped into the water.

Iwillgo said:
I do not understand why you say that this case will never be solved. Please read my detailed explanation on the June 23, 2006 post. Also, I suggest that you read the rather detailed account heard by ex-police officer Clete Hyman and Pat/Greg Lawyer who were on either side of the Smith cabin. This appears in the nice transcript of the Dateline program "Few Clues in Honeymoon Cruise Disappearance". Look on page 3 of the following link. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/9356611/

Mr. Hyman actually opened his door and saw George's friends leave his cabin. He only saw 3 people leave but the halls are narrow. There is no question that they all left at the same time or else they would have "copped out" on each other under intense FBI questioning. Then, Mr. Hyman heard a single male voice and some noise like furniture being moved. The Lawyer's heard something like it was being thrown against the walls. This was a distraught George hitting his fist on the walls and furniture causing the minor bleeding. Mr. Hyman heard drawers and cabinets being opened. This was George looking for bandaids. Then, Mr. Hyman heard movement out on the balcony and the sound of balcony chairs moving. This was George pushing a chair up to the railing to boost himself up and sit on the railing. Then, Mr. Hyman heard 2 to 3 minutes of complete silence. This was George sitting on the railing, possibly smoking a cigarette and trying to clear his head. At this point he probably felt that his marriage was over. He believed that his wife was having an affair right during the honeymoon at that very moment. Then, Mr. Hyman heard the awful reverberating thud when George fell backward on to the metal canopy below. The canopy would be wet and slippery and slanted to the sea. The boat was rolling and George slipped into the water.

Okay--and why was there so much blood on the canopy? There didn't appear to be anything sharp on the canopy to cause this massive amount of blood. I for one do not think that it was suicide.
Okay--and why was there so much blood on the canopy?

And the blood was pooled in one spot. I don't believe for a minute that it was a suicide. Sounds more like George was stabbed in the heart by the location of the pooled blood.
Can someone update me on the case? I've read back to page 9 but can't find any info about this case being closed. Is it closed to further investigation now that the cruise line has settled with Jennifer? Did authorities say that it was either an accident or a suicide and quit investigating for a possible crime?
BrendaStar said:
And the blood was pooled in one spot. I don't believe for a minute that it was a suicide. Sounds more like George was stabbed in the heart by the location of the pooled blood.
I did not for one minute think this was suicide. He fell backward off the railing because he was very intoxicated and lost his balance. This is very easy to do. To say he was stabbed in the heart is ridiculous. If true, there would be large amounts of blood in the room and on the balcony and less blood on the canopy. George fell on his head and sustained a scalp laceration. Scalp lacerations bleed profusely.
Iwillgo said:
Jennifer is no doubt generally a very nice person, however she has refused to accept any responsibility for her behavior. Instead, screaming foul play and spending her time on talk shows attempting to salvage her reputation by shifting blame to the cruise line and others. Her phony "can't remember ploy" is painfully obvious. She remembers everything very well. The Smith family has aided Jennifer in this subterfuge by screaming murder when no murder has occurred. The fact that Jennifer has settled the case is a de facto recognition that George's death was an accident. The cruise line has elected to give her a monitary settlement to get the case off it's back. This is sad because they are no way at fault. Don't expect anything to come out of the information the cruise line is supposed to turn over to Jennifer. This is just another face saving ploy. The cruise line's information has already been made public.

I expect the FBI will soon close this case now that Jennifer has settled and moved on with her life. No charges will be filed. Any other disposition would be a miscarriage of justice.

I hate to do this publicly, but after sending you a PM and deleting this post now for the THIRD TIME, I have no choice. YOU MAY NOT bash or blame the victim in this case on this forum.

What is left of your post, above, can remain.
Jeana (DP) said:
I hate to do this publicly, but after sending you a PM and deleting this post now for the THIRD TIME, I have no choice. YOU MAY NOT bash or blame the victim in this case on this forum.

What is left of your post, above, can remain.
Sorry, I was mainly trying to establish the reason for Jennifer's anger. This anger had to be building up over some period of time. I do not believe her state of intoxication would cause her to kick him and openly flirt.

By the way, what is a PM.

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