TURKEY - George Smith, 26, missing from cruise ship, July 2005

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Annie said:
He said in a two story fall there is usually blood around the head area if the person hits on their head but this indicated an artery being cut before the person fell.
This idea combined with the lack of blood elsewhere on the ship makes me wonder if he was being held over the railing before being attacked and thrown over. Perhaps the entire event took place right there at the railing.
JerseyGirl said:
It would certainly seem so because it sounds like way too much blood to have been left behind from a fall.

They showed the 'blood scene' on tv and it was alot! of blood. It almost looked as if who ever lay there for a few minutes because there was like a pooling in one spot, before the (what looked like) drag marks.

fran said:
They showed the 'blood scene' on tv and it was alot! of blood. It almost looked as if who ever lay there for a few minutes because there was like a pooling in one spot, before the (what looked like) drag marks.
I just now saw the photo of the blood from someone's link, (thanks a million for the link)! And you're right - it appears to be A LOT of blood. And it also appears to be a long mark - does anyone know the dimensions of the blood mark?
JerseyGirl said:
Has that ship been put back out for cruises or is it sitting somewhere as a possible crime scene?
I saw the ship on A Current Affair on Wednesday and apparently, it is in Italy. I think it actually did take people there but then the FBI made them dock??
Looking at the picture of the blood....where do you guys see the handprint? I've tried so many times to see it but I can't. Can anyone tell me where it is in the picture?
WOW, that is a big blood stain.. I'm wondering what is under that awning, a deck or the water.
texasgirl said:
I saw the ship on A Current Affair on Wednesday and apparently, it is in Italy. I think it actually did take people there but then the FBI made them dock??
There's a missing passenger, a large blood stain on an awning, and no one thought to dock the ship before taking more passengers????? :waitasec:

As for the handprint, I haven't seen it either. I've heard it mentioned on various news programs that there was a bloody hand print on the side of the ship or something like that. I don't recall exactly where they said the handprint was other than it sounded as if it was not part of the blood that was found on the awning. Does anyone else remember the details of that?
AOL News - Prosecutor: American's honeymoon disappearance looks suspicious

... Blood stains running from the balcony of Smith's cabin to life boats, as well as a hand print on the side of the ship, prompted a Turkish prosecutor to ask Smith's family to provide blood samples for comparison.

"I certainly think it's fair to characterize this as suspicious," U.S. Attorney Kevin O'Connor told The Associated Press. "I don't think anyone has reached a definitive conclusion that a crime was committed. However, I believe we are all operating under the assumption that a crime could have been committed here..."
texasgirl said:
Looking at the picture of the blood....where do you guys see the handprint? I've tried so many times to see it but I can't. Can anyone tell me where it is in the picture?

They said the handprint was on the side of the ship. But then in one of the articles I was reading earlier, they mentioned a 'foot print.' Now, if you look at that picture of the blood, to the right there, it does appear it MIGHT be a foot print.

I like your theory. I don't think the wife was even there when whatever happened went down. Or, IF she was there, she just plain doesn't remember. It seems that the husband liked to buy people drinks. They may have met alot of people on the cruise and she might not remember who was in their room that last night. :confused:

Too bad such a happy time turned into such a nightmare. :(


PS...sorry JersyGirl, saw your post after me with the explanation of the handprint... :innocent:
ABC News: No Clues in Conn. Newlywed's Disappearance

... Cruise officials said earlier in the week there was an indication Smith may have fallen overboard. Officials had not determined if that was the case, and were working with the FBI and international authorities to continue the investigation.

Smith, whose great grandfather of the same name was a pitcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers, played football at Greenwich High School...
A Current Affair

Three weeks have passed since the mysterious disappearance of George Allen Smith during his honeymoon aboard a Mediterranean cruise ship, and the girl who photographed the horrible bloodstain seen on an awning under his cabin says authorities are yet to ask to see the tell-tale picture.

She said there was a footprint in the blood, and handprints like someone had desperately clung to the edge. A scream she heard the night before made her think it was a woman who had gone overboard. With Connecticut’s top prosecutor admitting that authorities are facing a dilemma in solving the case, there are glaring questions to be answered.

Who screamed? Who left the footprint? Was George Allen Smith fighting for his life with a mysterious attacker?
I wonder if George was flashing a wad of cash? They were in the casino. If he was buying drinks for everyone (and drinks on a cruise ship are not cheap!) he was most likely putting them on the "sign and sail" card. He may have projected a high roller image. Maybe it was all about robbery?

JerseyGirl said:
A Current Affair

She said there was a footprint in the blood, and handprints like someone had desperately clung to the edge.

Who screamed? Who left the footprint? Was George Allen Smith fighting for his life with a mysterious attacker?

Now that is frightening, "handprints like someone had desperately clung to the edge."

dani said:
I wonder if George was flashing a wad of cash? They were in the casino. If he was buying drinks for everyone (and drinks on a cruise ship are not cheap!) he was most likely putting them on the "sign and sail" card. He may have projected a high roller image. Maybe it was all about robbery?

If the wife is not a suspect, and they were all getting wasted, I would have to agree with your theory dani. Being on a cruise ship before, or on junkets in the past, many get wasted in the casino. They seem to be easy prey for those that are looking for someone to rob.

The ship acted negligent by not searching, and not carefully investigating this incident.

Yes, what should have been a happy event in ones life- turned out to be a nightmare. :(

I would think security should be high in the casino, but......
I sincerely hope the new bride starts remembering something.......

This is very mysterious..........but if a old boyfriend was aboard the ship??? Then if the new hubby picked up with some unknowns who knows what could of happened to him. If he was in the bar business they normally don't look at new acquaintances as foes / ones I've known make friends real easy! :twocents:
This is my first time posting here. I found this site while looking for information on this story. I have been on five cruises and on the last three I went on, they swiped my card every time I left the ship and got back on again. I don't see how he could have been left in a port without it showing him as not having checked back in. They usually page passengers who have not returned to the ship when it's time to sail so I doubt he was left ashore anywhere.
In my experience the cabins are so small it would be hard not to notice your spouse wasn't there or to notice blood on the bed.
It seems surprising to me that this happened 3 weeks ago and there hasn't been a huge outcry like in the Natalee case. I would freak out if my husband was missing on the ship, and I find it hard to believe the cruise line wouldn't take it seriously. On one cruise I was on, we were awakened at 5 am on a Saturday morning. They kept paging a passenger every few minutes. Then they announced that he had been reported missing and that the crew was searching for him. This went on for quite a while until finally the person was found. They apologized for waking everyone and upsetting everyone, but people were relieved to know it was a false alarm.
I will be curious to see how this case progresses.
Great website, by the way
fran said:
They said the handprint was on the side of the ship. But then in one of the articles I was reading earlier, they mentioned a 'foot print.' Now, if you look at that picture of the blood, to the right there, it does appear it MIGHT be a foot print.
I noticed that earlier also. That's why I'm curious about how large or small that blood stain is. If that's a foot mark, (it looks as if his knee would have been turned out towards the right - is that what you're seeing?), then there is no way, IMO, that this was an accident. He would have to have been covered in blood before the "fall".

fran said:
PS...sorry JersyGirl, saw your post after me with the explanation of the handprint... :innocent:
No problem, fran. :)

BTW, welcome to WS, kyotodeb!!! :)
Kyotodeb Welcome to WS!

OK, my theory.
Hubby and wifey are in the casino partying. They are both drinking heavily. She ends up at another table partying, and the hubby continues drinking to the point of almost passing out. So does wifey. At some point wifey stumbles out onto the deck and passes out in a lounge chair. Hubby has become so drunk that someone "assists" him back to his cabin (ship staff maybe?). Once in his cabin, that person starts demanding money, and the drunken hubby is slow in responding maybe making his own threats. They end up out on the balcony and a knife is pulled by the suspect. Hubby gets stabbed and thrown over the balcony. But instead of ending up in the ocean, he lands on the balcony. He is still showing some signs of life, maybe moving, maybe even trying to get up (thus the bloody handprint). The suspect either goes to where he can access the balcony roof and shoves him off of the roof into the ocean or he gets in position to where he can reach him with something and shoves him off (thus the pooling blood and the "drag" marks). It is close to daylight and the person (staff member?) doesn't have time to do any clean up or search for money, and goes about normal beginning for the day. When the alarm is raised for the missing man, the suspect begins the usual procedures for a missing passenger.
This is not the first "missing passenger" that has happened on a cruise ship. There have been several others, and they tend to happen on just 2 or 3 of the cruise lines. IMO if they compared those passenger/staff lists they would find that someone happened to be on most of those ships when a person went missing.
mysteriew said:
At some point wifey stumbles out onto the deck and passes out in a lounge chair.
I didn't even think about that....maybe the wife didn't ever even make it back to the room. I definitely don't think she ever saw the blood...now whether she made it to the cabin that night and was taken against her will (she could've trusted the guys---they had been hanging out with them all night!) or not, is something that will be interesting to find out!!

Good point!!!

Welcome to WS Kyotodeb !:D
mysteriew said:
This is not the first "missing passenger" that has happened on a cruise ship. There have been several others, and they tend to happen on just 2 or 3 of the cruise lines. IMO if they compared those passenger/staff lists they would find that someone happened to be on most of those ships when a person went missing.
Wow, what a bizarre possibility. I've never considered that before. Interesting idea, mysteriew.

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