Regarding the bags: I thought she packed a larger bag but carried a smaller bag with her. And the smaller bag is missing?
Regarding packing light: it is a concept with a cultish sort of following. My DH is one of those people who scours websites about how to pack light. People post pictures of the least amount they can take on a business trip or on vacation. The general idea is to carry everything on your person rather than lug suitcases around. The benefits?
-- no baggage checked
-- no baggage fees
-- no baggage claim lines
-- no lost luggage
-- easier to pack up and just - go!
-- with a suitcase full of clothes, you end up lugging around a suitcase full of dirty clothes by the time you come home
I'm not saying Sarai was that deep into the whole "pack lite" culture, but I do think she had probably read a little about how to pack and what to pack. I think she packed very wisely. I could go away for three weeks with just one or two changes of clothes and an extra pair of shoes myself. I've learned how due to my DH's obsession with it.
FYI here are some websites (my DH surfs there at night while I'm here on WS - romantic, huh? Maybe we need to hang out an airport):
- (for beginners)
DH's faves (more hardcore)