TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

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It wasn't his intelligence, strategy or the amount of time that got FCA acquitted. Just plain luck and some ridiculous decisions by Judge Perry.

Plus when you lie about things, or deceive them in some way other than what you know to be true you could get away with murder. jmo
It wasn't his intelligence, strategy or the amount of time that got FCA acquitted. Just plain luck and some ridiculous decisions by Judge Perry.

I really thought JBP was the right judge, I was so wrong. I guess I believed the hype about him. He was all bark and no bite. He did not seat a death penalty qualified jury. He never followed through with any of his threats. The defense team made a mockery of his court room and our legal system. Blatant lies were told under oath and what happens, nothing. I wish he had followed through with his threat to get a jury from the homeless camp.

FCA should not have been able to testify without getting on the stand. That's exactly what she did by making faces, mouthing 'that's not true', putting her face up DS' arm pit like a child, the list could go on and on.

He actually jailed a guy for disguising flipping the bird but FCA got away with it twice. .43 mark and 1.26 mark.

[ame=""]Casey Anthony Flipping Bird Twice In Courtroom - YouTube[/ame]

And he could not remember half of the answers to the questions he was asked. Something he should have been able to do. He was a character, though. Too bad the jury did not see through him. jmo

What kills me, to this day, is that he BEGGED either the jury or JA or both to believe him. I will NEVER forget that. I thought to myself, okay, SURELY they can't believe him now that he's BEGGED them to! I mean, what self respecting expert does that? I seriously thought he was shot, and boy, I was wrong, so very wrong. I still can't get over it. WTF, Pinellas 12? SERIOUSLY?

I'll never forget that and his depraved indifference to poor Caylee's skull. OMG, it just makes me want to throw things when I think about what he did. Unbelievable. There just was NO REASON to open her skull like that. NONE. This man was so past his prime and greedy for money that he didn't care about Caylee's remains. God is going to judge him one day for that. That told me all I needed to know about him and that he is the worst expert I have ever heard of.
IMO, he used those two years very wisely. After all, he did get his client acquitted, didn't he?

IMO he did lie & cheat, but I disagree that he is anything but wise.
The only truth he told was when he said "The truth stops here"
IMO he did lie & cheat, but I disagree that he is anything but wise.
The only truth he told was when he said "The truth stops here"

That was the most truthful statement that ever came out of his mouth and I'm sure it was what he was thinking and not what he meant to say out loud..
Ryan Hughes
#JoseBaez has "no comment" for #WFTV about release of #CaseyAnthony video; hangs up on me

I suspect the reason JB vehemently fought the release of the video was more over his embarrassment at his own reaction being broadcast rather than Casey's reaction (remembering him accusing JA of 'whining like a little girl' hmmmpppfff!)

Speaking of his reaction, I've seen no indication that he himself has any kind of conscience or sense of decency. So seems to me that he was more upset at the futility of the situation and the enormity of the task ahead of him rather than the loss of the child or sympathy toward Casey.

Sorry for the lack of charity toward him but the outcome of this trial has left me a little short of it these days. JMO.
IMO he did lie & cheat, but I disagree that he is anything but wise.
The only truth he told was when he said "The truth stops here"

I remember that occasion because I laughed my head off - one of those true give-away freudian moments - Ah...Mr.'s the buck? We actually did know that truth stopped speaking when you started....

I, too, have thought from day 1/31 that FKC killed Caylee out of jealousy, to get back at CA and also to free herself to find a man and for partying along the way. No doubt in my mind.

Did she grieve? Maybe some, it could have been while in jail, but I doubt much. I think in her mind it was all justified and had to be (as if it was some sort of childlike fate incident). I don't think she feels she did anything wrong. I don't know as I do not know her personally, thank goodness! This is all just my thoughts on it.

I do think the verdict and the antics of her "lead attorney" just reinforced all of her wrong-doings as right-doings. It justified for her that she was correct and innocent in all wrong doing, and, therefore, will continue on the path of the wrong-doer and stand shocked (yet again) when held accountable for a small wrong-doing or another very, very large one.

Because of this reinforcement and no real accountability she will remain mentally incapable of understanding others in any capacity, she will remain a narcissist and God be with any soul near her when she does not get her way.

If you look at the three people on the DT... FCA, JB and really have to wonder if any of them have a conscious. Why were they allowed that kind of behavior in a court of law. The media continued to sing Judge P praises all through the trial but why didn't he put a stop to the dog and pony show.
JB's OS accusing possibly an innocent father of child molestation and cover up after the so called accident. The accused hand gestures, her googly eyes towards certain males present in the room, her mouthing comments clear for the jurors to see. DS playing mommy, my daughter and I even commented on how much DS looked like CA. Notice how DS never fixed her hair until AFTER the trial was over. What woman in her right mind would show up to a televised court looking like her head got caught in a blender, she had plenty of opportunity before the trial started to get it fixed.
A clear DT strategy meant to send a message to jurors "sitting straight across" from the DT table. FCA made no attempt to hide the fact of her hatred for Linda especially, she let that emotion poor out but seems the jurors missed that look!
I have no sympathy for anyone on that DT, especially JB. Seems that some members of the media were even surprised at CM, some wondered why he would associate with JB on such an emotionally charged case, obvious through evidence their client killed her child, dumped her in a swamp, duct tape, "garbage bags" and all and then tried to pin the crime on anyone she could think of. I believe JB knew full well before Dec. 11 what FCA had done. The PI was looking for Caylee, sent there by CA and told to call JB, not LE. JB knew full well what evidence existed and tried to beat LE to the dump site so he could get rid of what was there. I think LA made it quite clear on the stand that all the while CA was refusing to look for a dead Caylee, she did send the PI to the dump site.
IMO...Just as there is no question in my mind that FCA was guilty, there's no question JB knew part of the truth, the ugly gruesome part, of what happened. He knew in Nov. Caylee was dead. He went to great lengths when FCA was released to help her and still is. If he owned a conscious I believe he would have walked away the day the verdict was read and left it up to someone else to deal with the mess. JB is driven by greed and self preservation. Notice how he faded away when FCA lost her value. Look who his next client is, a rich, perverted guy who through the evidence very likely took the life of a young woman because he didn't get what HE wanted from her, sound familar?...JMO
Because Caylee's little face was bound in duct tape and what does that have to do with an accidental drowning. And if your child died accidentally, why do you duct tape her nose and mouth and perhaps her hands, place her in three separate bags, carry her around in the trunk of your car, and then finally throw her in a garbage strewn lot a block or two away from your home. How do you explain that? And why did you lie about the Nanny and the kidnapping and let people search everywhere for her for six months. Why? if you knew she'd been dead since the middle of June.....when you took off to stay with your boyfriend and avoided your parents....and lie to them about where Caylee was everyday and why they couldn't see her....

okay that's enough - I am starting to lose my mind again....

JMO...I think it's very likely FCA put that stray piece of duct tape across Caylee's eyes. I've heard it mentioned before that people who kill loved ones sometimes cover their face. I heard Beth K talking today about people dying with their eyes open. She said two of her family members died in her arms and they both died with their eyes open. This was in respect to MJ dying so fast he didn't even have time to close his eyes.
Message from KC. to A.L. texting transcripts 2008.
"If they ever find her guess who will spend eternity in jail".
Its there if you care to look it up.:maddening:

Sorry if this has been addressed...I am several pages behind in this thread. lol, but I that text actually was "If they DON't find her, guess who gets blamed and spends eternity in jail.
At least you aren't blaming it on the jury.

But regardless, Baez, against all odds, did get his client acquitted. Period.

It wasn't his intelligence, strategy or the amount of time that got FCA acquitted. Just plain luck and some ridiculous decisions by Judge Perry.
I do believe the SA's office had a say in picking those "12 spineless people" as jurors.

IMO, what he managed to do was get 12 spineless people as jurors. That was pure luck, from a random drawing of driver's license. I think CM was behind JB winning, he was the only one on that team that had the experience and cunning to pull it off. Baez just did what he was told to do. :floorlaugh:
Sorry if this has been addressed...I am several pages behind in this thread. lol, but I that text actually was "If they DON't find her, guess who gets blamed and spends eternity in jail.

I believe twas "if they NEVER find her, guess who..." which is what leads to the misquote of "if they ever".
I believe twas "if they NEVER find her, guess who..." which is what leads to the misquote of "if they ever".

Oops.. I'm sorry. I saw it written as "Don't" in a couple articles. I should have done my research better
Are we going to be able to watch the depo tomorrow live or are we waiting until Morgan et al upload it - anyone know? Thx.
Are we going to be able to watch the depo tomorrow live or are we waiting until Morgan et al upload it - anyone know? Thx.

we may never see it..or at least for quite a while. I remember reading FCA's atty Greene asked that the depo be sealed. :maddening:
I found this article, link below, will see if I can find one if a decision was made re: sealing..

IMO this judge will let it be sealed, whatever reason FCA's atty will come up with. I just highly doubt we will get to "see her face" at all right now seeing other attys JB et al are trying to save that for more big $$$$$ (even though we saw her face once in Ohio pics, THEY want to get $$$$ for that face, not for free via some legal proceedings, God forbid). IMO they will relate this necessary sealing somehow to the 'lynch mob" and "death threats" so it will not be safe for anyone to see her on a computer screen via skype, in some roundabout fashion.

Meanwhile, Charles Greene, the attorney representing Anthony in this case, said a recent psychological evaluation of Anthony indicated she is "emotionally unstable" and needs to be given "breathing room."

He suggested they wait a month to take Anthony's deposition and give a "little breathing room."

Greene also requested that when Anthony is deposed, that deposition be sealed and not broadcast live over the Internet.

here is a link to a more recent article from today:,0,1724701.story

I'm late to this.

Let me start by saying I personally still believe KC is guilty.

That said, the video wasn't compelling to me in the least. The remains were found near KC's home. To be very honest, if my son was missing and a child's remains were found a stone's throw from my home, I'd go all to pieces. I would assume it was him and lose my mind.

Based on that, I can understand why the SA chose not to show it to the jury.
I'm late to this.

Let me start by saying I personally still believe KC is guilty.

That said, the video wasn't compelling to me in the least. The remains were found near KC's home. To be very honest, if my son was missing and a child's remains were found a stone's throw from my home, I'd go all to pieces. I would assume it was him and lose my mind.

Based on that, I can understand why the SA chose not to show it to the jury.

Except her story was that Caylee drowned and she already knew.
IMO, he used those two years very wisely. After all, he did get his client acquitted, didn't he?

By sheer luck. Not ability or talent. Crap likes this happens in every perfect storm.
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