TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

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It is "highly inflammatory" because it's true! FCA knew this was Caylee because she killed her and threw her in the woods. Since when do we not allow evidence because it proves guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. To me, it's ridiculous to keep evidence like this out. It's such a shame our court system cares more for the criminal's rights, not the victims. :maddening:

I wholeheartedly agree!

I am just disgusted with our justice system! It protects killers by labeling evidence too inflamatory for the jury to see, but allows pure fabrication like Baez's OS. Since demeanor of the defendant at trial is allowed to be considered by the jury, why wouldn't the demeanor of the defendant upon hearing a body was found also be allowed?

There is not much left that makes any sense in our courts.
They might not call if neglect was at play....say Caylee drowned but Casey didn't notice for two hours? That'd be pretty obvious she wasn't watching her for quite some time....that'd make ya panic and stage a kidnapping.

There is no reason on this planet to ever stage a kidnapping, even if it was neglect. That's just ridiculous. Like the courts say, there is no good reason EVER for duct tape to be on anyone's face. NONE. This was pure terror because she KNEW what she did. She wouldn't have been that frightened if it was staging! The only way she would have a reaction to the remains being found like that is if she KNEW she killed Caylee with the duct tape and feared being found out about it. There is no way she would have that reaction if this was an accident. No way.
Was just thinking the same thing! Who upthread was asking about Karma? Sometimes Karma takes baby steps - excruciatingly small steps - one at a time over time...

I just hope it doesn't take as long as it did for OJ. Something needs to happen sooner. Argh, this is just so frustrating!
Baez would just put a few more details in his opening statement (which of course the PC 12 would have snapped up like Reeses Pieces.) He would have said that KC flipped because she realized at that moment what Evile, terrible mean-old, abusive George had actually done with the body. Baez would have had NO proof but, I think, the PC 12 would have repeated his words back, syllable for syllable, at the end of the trial just like they did with the spun out of control thingie. It's over and she's out there. Wish it could be fixed and justice for Caylee achieved, but no tape, not even a confession can do that now.

Well, she can be taken down in other ways. I am holding out for that.
Granted, I am just catching up.

Tape 1: For more than 5 minutes no one pays any attention to her, as in no one addresses her distress. People are there and they pass in and out of the area where she is. I see figiting, doubling over and inhalations that I cannot tell whether or not they are panicked. BUT-it looks like consciousness of guilt to me.

Regardless of the circumstances leading up to Caylees death (I think murder), SA and DT agreed that Casey had always known where Caylee's body was. I can think of many reasons why the discovery of Caylee would lead to that reaction if Casey killed her daughter. But nothing really springs to mind if Caylee was there as a result of an accident. Either way, she knew her daughter was dead. I could see being resigned or relieved if Caylee were finally found. Then the nightmare would have ended for Casey as well. If Caylee had drowned. I mean, she had the perfect chance to speak her truth then.

But instead she spent another 2.5 years in jail.....because.... see, I am still not getting it.

Because Caylee's little face was bound in duct tape and what does that have to do with an accidental drowning. And if your child died accidentally, why do you duct tape her nose and mouth and perhaps her hands, place her in three separate bags, carry her around in the trunk of your car, and then finally throw her in a garbage strewn lot a block or two away from your home. How do you explain that? And why did you lie about the Nanny and the kidnapping and let people search everywhere for her for six months. Why? if you knew she'd been dead since the middle of June.....when you took off to stay with your boyfriend and avoided your parents....and lie to them about where Caylee was everyday and why they couldn't see her....

okay that's enough - I am starting to lose my mind again....
Because Caylee's little face was bound in duct tape and what does that have to do with an accidental drowning. And if your child died accidentally, why do you duct tape her nose and mouth and perhaps her hands, place her in three separate bags, carry her around in the trunk of your car, and then finally throw her in a garbage strewn lot a block or two away from your home. How do you explain that? And why did you lie about the Nanny and the kidnapping and let people search everywhere for her for six months. Why? if you knew she'd been dead since the middle of June.....when you took off to stay with your boyfriend and avoided your parents....and lie to them about where Caylee was everyday and why they couldn't see her....

okay that's enough - I am starting to lose my mind again....

ITA. I just want to know what sane person, after realizing their child drowned, immediately thinks, "Ooh, let me get the duct tape and stage a kidnapping!" WHO DOES THAT? No sane person I know, and I wouldn't expect anyone here to think that either. It's NOT NORMAL. It's about the most out there reaction to a drowning I have ever heard of in my life.

Normal people call 911. Normal people keep trying to resuscitate long after it will do any good. Normal people are frantic, trying to do anything to bring their loved one back. ANYTHING.

No, this wasn't a simple drowning. Casey killed Caylee with the duct tape, then tossed her in trunk and then the swamp like garbage. THAT is what happened. Besides, if it was a drowning, Casey would have milked it for all it's worth as a grieving mother. Why oh WHY pass that up for three years in jail blaming it on a nanny that doesn't exist? That is just INSANE to do if it's a drowning.

This was NOT a drowning. This was NOT a staged kidnapping after the fact. It was a cold blooded murderer of an innocent, helpless two year old by the one person in the world who should have loved her and protected her the MOST.
I do hope the jurors see it and I hope it and their verdict replay over and over and over again in their minds for the rest of their lives.

IMO, the jurors will go into denial. They will try to say the tape shows a distraught mother hearing news her daughter was dead. I think they have to say that because anything else would mean admitting that they did wrong. IMO, they hope that if it is never spoken out loud, it will never be a fact.
IMO, the jurors will go into denial. They will try to say the tape shows a distraught mother hearing news her daughter was dead. I think they have to say that because anything else would mean admitting that they did wrong. IMO, they hope that if it is never spoken out loud, it will never be a fact.

HELLO?????? Baez told the jury FCA knew Caylee died on the 16th of June when she drowned in the family pool......
Why would she be distraught at finding out she was dead on December the 11th - six months later?
<modsnip>...this video says absolutely NOTHING!personally I see where this vid may have helped the defense, not hindered it.

coming from someone that has never been convinced as to exactly what happened to Caylee, I dont see how this in any way points towards her guilt. so, she was having an anxiety attack? um, the news just ran a spot on her child being found!!! guilty or innocent, this is what I would expect out of anybody.

Not quite. The news report was that a child's body had been found. It took another week before the body was identified. One would think the anxiety attack would have happened when Casey knew for sure it was Caylee.

Oh, did!
HELLO?????? Baez told the jury FCA knew Caylee died on the 16th of June when she drowned in the family pool......
Why would she be distraught at finding out she was dead on December the 11th - six months later?

You're right. I'm wrong.
HELLO?????? Baez told the jury FCA knew Caylee died on the 16th of June when she drowned in the family pool......
Why would she be distraught at finding out she was dead on December the 11th - six months later?

Exactlyyy! You sure live up to your username...just saying....
Was just thinking the same thing! Who upthread was asking about Karma? Sometimes Karma takes baby steps - excruciatingly small steps - one at a time over time...

Me :seeya:. I just want it to come before she has another chance to donate another egg so that it can be born just to be murdered when said egg donor decides she's had enough.
Just got home and saw this. If KC knew that Caylee was dead and that it was an "accident" why would she react this way? She wouldn't. Honestly it makes me beyond sick. Poor Caylee.

All jmo.
I wholeheartedly agree!

I am just disgusted with our justice system! It protects killers by labeling evidence too inflamatory for the jury to see, but allows pure fabrication like Baez's OS. Since demeanor of the defendant at trial is allowed to be considered by the jury, why wouldn't the demeanor of the defendant upon hearing a body was found also be allowed?

There is not much left that makes any sense in our courts.

Iroic isn't it. Or should I say moronic. It makes me so mad.
Because Caylee's little face was bound in duct tape and what does that have to do with an accidental drowning. And if your child died accidentally, why do you duct tape her nose and mouth and perhaps her hands, place her in three separate bags, carry her around in the trunk of your car, and then finally throw her in a garbage strewn lot a block or two away from your home. How do you explain that? And why did you lie about the Nanny and the kidnapping and let people search everywhere for her for six months. Why? if you knew she'd been dead since the middle of June.....when you took off to stay with your boyfriend and avoided your parents....and lie to them about where Caylee was everyday and why they couldn't see her....

okay that's enough - I am starting to lose my mind again....

Because that's how they bundled up their dead animals before burying them is what the DT would tell you. But it would be that GA did it all of course. Sickening isn't it. FCA had a great education in that bundling class. I can't even believe that that monster was ever blessed with a child.
it seems the second video is longer than that. you know it is cause they were in there a lot longer than that, per the guards iirc. as far as her guilt goes-if that's guilt, and her story is true, then she must have really been looking out for george. cause it sure seemed like it was only about her there. her story is that george had her do all this and now she knows she's gonna pay.

tough girl looking out for her dad. *gag*
So glad this got released.

My take on it

When she first noticed the TV and was watching, her mouth started moving. I would love to know if she was saying something out loud or if it was just mouth movements.

When she laid her head back against the wall, if you focused on where her shirt was unbuttoned in the front, you could see her breaths. So they had to be deep and yes they were rapid. I got dizzy when I tried to replicate them. Toward the end I noticed her signature double fist clench that she uses when she is angry.

I loved it that while all of this was going on, no one seemed to inquire if she was ok. No one even seemed to take note of her. At times she seemed to be trying to ignore what was being said on TV, but she kept looking back at it. It was like she couldn't ignore/escape it.

It looks like they took did the filming through mirror glass. There were reflections on both videos in places, and in the first video esp you could see the little lines in the glass where there is wire. The camera was hand held.

Now I understand why Baez kept moaning about the jail taping him with KC. This is what he was fussing about.

I'm thinking that Baez just about has to put her in an interview for her version of the story now just to try to balance the negative image that people will have. Or an announcement on when her book will be out maybe.

I also think CA will try to get a media interview this week.
Wow. I just had a chance to see the entire video. My heart just broke all over again. Rest in sweet peace, Caylee. The Anthony family can never hurt you again.
Was just thinking the same thing! Who upthread was asking about Karma? Sometimes Karma takes baby steps - excruciatingly small steps - one at a time over time...


The mill grinds slow, but exceedingly fine.
Just saw the video on HLN. Casey look like she is ... um _____ing bricks! Even though it's grainy tape you can still see the horrified look on her face when she realizes what is on that television. Pure terror.

Well, if nothing else I'm glad she experienced that fear.

If only SWAT could have set off a flash bang at the height of her :panic: attack, we would have instantly got justice for Caylee. :rocker:
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