Twitney Spears enters rehab! Threads Merged

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Now why didn't I think of that.


I can't believe people would even think it's her hair, there's 14 auctions right claiming to have Brit's hair.
AlwaysShocked said:
Yes, I too have been thinking that perhaps we are witnessing the onset of a mental illness.

I know that the early to mid twenties is a common time for the onset of both schizophrenia and bi-polar disease. Plus that onset of these illnesses is often associated with a period of heavy use of alcohol and/or drugs.

Wonder what took place at the rehab center in Antigua that had her leaving within a day?
Someone I know said they think she was confronted with truth and didn't like it, or the rules of the program. Those programs can be tough- some claim they break down the ego (painful process), then build it back up.*

*not all rehab programs are hard necessarily...Lindsay Lohan's stay at Wonderland is a prime example.
She clearly is breaking down. Why who knows. Chemical, self medicated I don't know. Where is her family and people. I would have her watched 24/7. I heard she could have been raped, where were her bodyguards then? She is a time bomb waiting to happen. Poor Soul and I feel worse for her kids. Tick Tock.
I wish the media would report that many people on internet sites are expressing genuine concern for her. I wish they would report that folks are wondering why someone in her family doesn't step up and help her RIGHT NOW - no matter what it takes.

Seems all they are reporting is that she shaved her head and the hair is being auctioned on ebay.

I realize her "handlers" or "her people" or whatever you want to call them are interested in her - I'm sure genuinely for her welfare as well as being their employer.

But basically, if this is a "nervous breakdown" or the onset of some major mental illness, it would be a good thing to determine at this time. And only her family will be able to intervene in a manner that would determine this.

If it were my daughter, I would do whatever it takes.
There is speculation that Britney could've been raped. Her manager said something bad had happened to her recently and she made those comments about not wanting people to touch her.

IF IF IF this is true, I feel terrible for her. She was already on her way to some kind of breakdown, but this would surely push her over. :(

Also, Perez is saying that Lynn is now with Britney. Hopefully Lynn will be able to get her some REAL help and Britney will accept it.
AlwaysShocked said:
I wish the media would report that many people on internet sites are expressing genuine concern for her. I wish they would report that folks are wondering why someone in her family doesn't step up and help her RIGHT NOW - no matter what it takes.

Seems all they are reporting is that she shaved her head and the hair is being auctioned on ebay.

I realize her "handlers" or "her people" or whatever you want to call them are interested in her - I'm sure genuinely for her welfare as well as being their employer.

But basically, if this is a "nervous breakdown" or the onset of some major mental illness, it would be a good thing to determine at this time. And only her family will be able to intervene in a manner that would determine this.

If it were my daughter, I would do whatever it takes.
They are reporting that her Mom is in town to see Brit and was photographed today. When the paparrazzi asked Lynn Spears what was going on and expressed concern for Britney, she didn't comment but gave a thumbs up sign.
Elphaba said:

Seems this young lady is making moves that just seem to get stranger and stranger... now she shaves her hair off, after a 10 minute cry outside of a salon? And in the video she looks lost and in a dark mental place, and what little bit of her voice you can hear, she sounds off.

I ponder if her partying ways are fixing to be taken to task in regards of her kids and keeping custody of them. By getting rid of her hair, she thwarts anyone from being able to test it to see how extensive her drug use has been. Just a thought... and I may be dead wrong, but it does make you think...
I am thinking also and yes~you are right.I for one am sick of her antics..The children should be taken away,money or no money she is not a fit parent.IMO
With all due respect, I don't think her kids should be taken away. It's not like she is dragging them to clubs with her and leaving them in her car while she parties, for goodness sake.

I am sure they are well taken care of in her absence. I don't agree that she is being a good parent, but I don't think she is abusing her kids.

She is rebelling and acting crazy, but come on, do you really think the kids would be better in foster care?? So they can end up like the countless kids in the foster system that are murdered or abused? mmmm, yah, that is a great solution. :confused:
shopper said:
There is speculation that Britney could've been raped. Her manager said something bad had happened to her recently and she made those comments about not wanting people to touch her.

IF IF IF this is true, I feel terrible for her.She was already on her way to some kind of breakdown, but this would surely push herover. :(

Also, Perez is saying that Lynn is now with Britney. Hopefully Lynn will be able to get her some REAL help and Britney will accept it.
Well maybe she should try putting her underwear on before going out on the town and stop throwing herself at anything that moves.
Maybe she should try and have a bit of respect for herself, then maybe other people will respect her too.
JanetElaine said:
No, I was 'continuing' because I was accused of being offensive towards cancer patients, which hurt me really bad but that's my problem, and all I tried was explain myself further. And as I stated myself, I doubt I can explain exactly what I mean anyway, here and now.
Sorry, but I never said that you were intentionally trying to be offensive towards cancer patients. I said that putting Britney Spears's antics on the same level as things happening to cancer patients is offensive. Maybe you're a big fan of Britney Spears and don't see anything wrong with comparing her to non-celebrity people who's situations are not even in the same realm as what she's doing. If you turn out to be correct and she is doing this for some greater cause, I will glady concede your comparisons were spot on and won't be surprised at all if tweens everywhere joined together in this selfless act of humanitarianism.

No, but obviously someone believes I would. I tend to not take anything being said on message boards personally, and I habitually do not attack people or get personal with anyone, it is not worth it. But this one hurt.
:waitasec: lol Oook....If you feel this way, then I'm not sure why you became offended when you read that people were assuming so many 'bad' things based on her shaving her head and then brought up personal things completely unrelated to Spears as reasons why women shave their head. Then, you got offended a second time when told that comparing BS to women in the medical situations that you described could be interpreted as offensive....completely missing the reason behind that which is that Britney is clearly a low life scum who has voluntarily made very poor choices and, gosh, that would probably be why it's not very nice to compare her to people who were in the same situation as your friend. Just a thought. Again, I never said that you were intentionally making a negative correlation and it could very well have been all about wording.

In answer to what you claim is your 'original' question, it was obviously a lot more than the shaved head that had people saying that she seemed to be spiraling. I barely ever follow celebrity news and have heard the stories about her being half naked in the car with Paris Hilton or how she has been out of control at parties (plus, the other safety issues with her children). So, I honestly have absolutely no idea why you thought it was all about the hair. Anyhow, this will be the last time I say anything in celebrity news. Good Lord.
I really don't know why I've read this thread, someone :slap: me!

From the photos I've seen of Brit shearing her own hair off, then at the 'Tat' Parlor she seems to be having a great time.

She's more than slow at maturing for a woman of 25 with two children, but I've seen many like her.

A close family member owns two Tattoo Parlors/Body Artisit Salons as they say......LOL, and I've seen it all, and the shaving of the head thing is common to see also when I go there.

If Brit is planning on continuing her carrer I have a suggestion, that would be to get in shape, good grief, doesn't look like she's done much in over 5 months to do so.:eek:

Okay, that's it, no more posting for me here, I'm already :eek: that I did.
mrsjonnob said:
Wow... I tend to agree that perhaps she did it to prohibit any testing of her hair for drugs. Would that have been done or is she paranoid too?

All that hair. She could have at least donated it to locks of love or something like that. No, instead it all went on the floor and now its all going to be on EBAY.
pedinurse said:
All that hair. She could have at least donated it to locks of love or something like that. No, instead it all went on the floor and now its all going to be on EBAY.
I doubt very much that damaged, over-processed hair would be suitable for any hair piece.

Dang, I wasn't going to post her again :doh:
mrsjonnob said:
With all due respect, I don't think her kids should be taken away. It's not like she is dragging them to clubs with her and leaving them in her car while she parties, for goodness sake.

I am sure they are well taken care of in her absence. I don't agree that she is being a good parent, but I don't think she is abusing her kids.

She is rebelling and acting crazy, but come on, do you really think the kids would be better in foster care?? So they can end up like the countless kids in the foster system that are murdered or abused? mmmm, yah, that is a great solution. :confused:
I agree with you and don't understand why people think her kids should be taken away.

There is no indication that the children aren't being cared for. Whether or not we like Britney's actions or agree with her choices, if her children are being looked after by competent adults then they are being cared for and should certainly not be taken from her.
I do not thinking shaving her head is a sign of a breakdown or unfit parenting.

Nor is her partying... Not the choice most parents would make but, it is very common for women going through a divorce to get a little wild and there is no doubt that Brittany has a nanny or two .....
Leaving your children to be raised by nanny's is not cause for them to be taken away.

And I am unclear as to why anyone thinks her mother will be helpful ..... This is the same women who pimped her daughters out for fame and fortune.
LillyRush said:
.... putting Britney Spears's antics on the same level as things happening to cancer patients is offensive....
I don't know that I am following the logic behind this post. None of us KNOWS why Spears shaved off her head - we're all offering opinions (drugs, mental illness, fried hair, wanting a fresh start, sympathetic to cancer victims?...). Truly - we don't know.

So why is the post talking about cancer victims shaving their heads in relation to this any more offensive than the posts questioning Britney's mental status. Is "putting Britney Spears's antics on the same level as the things happening" to people who suffer from a mental illness offensive? Not to me, it's not.
pedinurse said:
All that hair. She could have at least donated it to locks of love or something like that. No, instead it all went on the floor and now its all going to be on EBAY.
Locks of Love does not accept dyed hair.
Many beautcians take it, but LoL just throws it out.

Also LoL is a money making business and they do not donate that many wigs to people.... They are not in good standing with the BBB.
Basically people donate their hair (thinking its going to a good cause) and LoL makes a ton of money from it and very few get the wigs and even then some of them are charged for them.
southcitymom said:
I don't know that I am following the logic behind this post. None of us KNOWS why Spears shaved off her head - we're all offering opinions (drugs, mental illness, fried hair, wanting a fresh start, sympathetic to cancer victims?...). Truly - we don't know.

So why is the post talking about cancer victims shaving their heads in relation to this any more offensive than the posts questioning Britney's mental status. Is "putting Britney Spears's antics on the same level as the things happening" to people who suffer from a mental illness offensive? Not to me, it's not.
I'm not following the logic on why it is ok for one person to say they are offended by something and not another? It is ok for the original person I was speaking to be 'offended' by the comments about shaved heads being 'wierd' and then to be offended because not everyone agreed with her comparisons? But, apparently - or at least what I'm getting from you, is that it's not ok for me to say that it is my opinion that her analogies to cancer patients could be construed as offensive? I really do not care whether you thought it was offensive or not, especially now after you've twice jumped in with comments basically saying that no one should be offended because you aren't offended. lol Oh, ok, that makes soooo much sense. Whatever. Done.

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