Found Deceased TX - Alan White, 55, seen leaving LA Fitness, Dallas, 22 Oct 2020 #3

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Just thinking out loud: Would you drive your car uphill, park it between the bushes, and leave it with the keys inside? :)
Makes sense, @Gumshoe Stories

After "walking" in Google Street View from the lot at Kitty Street to block 5500 on Bishop College Drive, I abandon the notion of Alan voluntarily parking his car and walking a good 15-20 minutes through a shabby part of town with no sidewalks.
  • With that, I also withdraw my theory that he went there to take his own life. It just doesn't make any sense, especially after I virtually walked that route.
  • Carjacking: Out of the question, imho — Time of day and the narrow window of opportunity make that very unlikely.
With those options out of the way, I can only speculate that he met someone in the near vicinity. The nature of that meetup could be transactional, amorous or sexual, or even to check up on a quick renovation project.

I doubt it's the latter, that would be just a tad too early. 7:30, sure. Early risers, especially in the construction business. But meeting for a quick talk or inspection at, say, 6:15? Less likely.

The stalling at RT and Churchs is something I would do if I was arranging a meetup. You exchange some details/expectations, swap pics if need be, an address to drive to, and off you go. It is there were Alan met his end. Later that day, or maybe at night, his remains were dumped at the wooded area, his car left somewhere else, with the keys inside, hoping someone would take it off their hands.

All speculation and MOO.
I agree. What do we know for sure about Church’s, other than he wasn’t there to buy chicken? I assume there is video of the car pulling in? Does it just sit there parked? For how long? Is there video of it leaving and in what direction?
Just thinking out loud: Would you drive your car uphill, park it between the bushes, and leave it with the keys inside? :)
Only if I was a bad guy and a) didn't want to be seen or captured on vid parking/exiting/walking away from the vehicle and b) wouldn't have minded it if the car disappeared, making someone else look like a bad guy...
I agree. What do we know for sure about Church’s, other than he wasn’t there to buy chicken? I assume there is video of the car pulling in? Does it just sit there parked? For how long? Is there video of it leaving and in what direction?

Can you or another poster assist with where the info can be found on the Church's parking lot? Thanks
I haven’t followed from the beginning so could have missed it in an article.
Can you or another poster assist with where the info can be found on the Church's parking lot? Thanks
I haven’t followed from the beginning so could have missed it in an article.
You’re asking the same thing I’m asking. I keep seeing references to Church’s being a destination after he left RaceTrac. But I haven’t been able to find a direct reference to where that info came from.
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Hmm but he wouldn't have had time for this trip, with his call at 7:00.
I thought of that but we are assuming he anything to do on that call except listen and occasionally comment. I take calls in my car and then walk in and transfer them to my home (so long as I am not the meeting organizer and have slides to present). The pandemic has made everyone very clever with Webex and Teams meetings.
He was literally 5-7 minutes from home. No need to linger 2-3 minutes at RT and Church's to check on business emails when he could have done so 5 minutes later in front of his laptop, which is faster and has a bigger screen.

This leads me to believe he was doing something that he wasn't comfortable doing at home.
The two businesses are side by side. Here's a link to a reporter referencing it earlier in the discussion:
TX - TX - Alan White, 55, seen leaving LA Fitness, Dallas, 22 Oct 2020
But that doesn’t say that he paused at Church’s. It says he drove “through” Church’s and Auto Zone and onto the road toward his home. I assume the businesses from RaceTrac to Church’s to AutoZone have a shared parking lot? Maybe there’s just a certain exit onto the road that he preferred to take and he had to traverse the parking lot to do so. I thought there was a report somewhere of him actually pulling into a Church’s but this seems innocuous.
But that doesn’t say that he paused at Church’s. It says he drove “through” Church’s and Auto Zone and onto the road toward his home. I assume the businesses from RaceTrac to Church’s to AutoZone have a shared parking lot? Maybe there’s just a certain exit onto the road that he preferred to take and he had to traverse the parking lot to do so. I thought there was a report somewhere of him actually pulling into a Church’s but this seems innocuous.
The only references I've seen to the pause go back to "rumors' from unapproved sources.
Do I think it could have happened? Certainly, whatever on the phone may have distracted him at the gas station could have also distracted him as the started to drive away and he dealt with it before driving off.
Perhaps he walked the short distance to his apartment unit in the Mountain Creek Apartments, directly across the street from where the Macan was found. Or in 1 of the 2 other nearby complexes...

I agree.

As the DPD officer said in the FOX4 news video posted previously up thread, the location at Kitty Street is well known to locals as well as to DPD.

Notice on Google Maps that there is what appears to be a well-worn trail through the rough between where the car was found and Highland Hills Drive.

Easy access from there to a number of complexes or elsewhere in the neighborhood. (I would post a screenshot, but that's beyond my current abilities. Apologies.)
To me, it doesn't make sense either way. But yet it happened for some reason.
If it was suicide, why pick that location and that walk to the final location?
If it was a car jacking, a hit, any kind of meeting gone bad - why leave the car and body in such close proximity?

I think it was left there so it would be stolen. In that case, the murderer obviously was given a ride by someone. Or he lived close enough to walk.
I initially thought that route through the park was probable, in a rendezvous scenario, but the more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to believe killer (if there is one) knew the 'hood, knew of the convenient secluded, wooded dump site at terminus of Bishop College Drive and knew of the nearby vacant lot off Kitty Lane known as an illegal dumping site. After all, in rendezvous scenario, not at all necessary to hike to the far corner of the park, at around say 6:30am (paid for gas 15 miles away at 6:01am), especially when pressed for time due to fast approaching 7am scheduled meeting. That woods looks gnarly, but not impenetrable. The surveyors got into it, so a killer could too...

Good sleuthing!

It's possible that the bad guy forced AW to walk into that area, then killed him.
He was literally 5-7 minutes from home. No need to linger 2-3 minutes at RT and Church's to check on business emails when he could have done so 5 minutes later in front of his laptop, which is faster and has a bigger screen.

This leads me to believe he was doing something that he wasn't comfortable doing at home.

What you suggest is certainly plausible. I’ll offer an alternative, however.

Until recently I had a very similar job to Alan. In my experience, the volume of emails is nonstop and you are basically expected to be responsive at nearly all hours. I’d check them on my phone when in transit all the time (including today while getting gas) - and an important or interesting one would have my attention regardless of where I am.

Any with the following (example) subject lines could have easily caused Alan to stop and engage and would be absolutely common in our shared line of work (my own opinion only, of course)

+ Run-of-show for 7am call
+ Alan - can you kick off 7am call, I am stuck on another mtg
+ URGENT: Client *advertiser censored* issue we need to discuss
+ For review: documents I promised last night re: *advertiser censored* account

Corporate consultant email barrage is of course not the only explanation for lingering at the RaceTrac. Simply an alternative.

edited for typos
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