GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #1

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thepinkdragon, what is those SCA events? Like what do they encompass? Do you stay in one city or travel?

This certainly is an active family. You are right. There's kids out there that never get to enjoy all those events with loved ones. We just have to remember that even in 2013 everyone is not familiar with all the different family dynamics today.

All comments by me are MOO:

The SCA events most commonly known to "us common folk" are renaissance festivals. Some members travel and others do local events only. They also have other meet ups that are members only where they role play.

My cousins and I were very much into D&D, SCA and online gaming growing up. (I'm now 37 and still love these type of things) We were considered nerdy and goths. They still are somewhat into that lifestyle and although it still interests me I don't participate in any of it any longer aside from the occasional MMORPG. ( As I type this my husband is explaining the old Warcraft game he is playing on my laptop to our 5 yr old) I have known lots of "colorful" couples and families, some who practice polyamory. They were all very well adjusted and loving people. I hate to see this family brought into a negative light due to their lifestyle choice. The father is a highly intelligent and respected member of the national guard as well as the aerospace community and I in no way suspect him or the other adults of the home. Like my cousin's children, it appears the kids of this family are very bright and considered mature for their age and are probably given more relaxed rules than their peers. With Alanna being the youngest, one would assume that she had the typical energy and curiosity of any 5-6 yr old. My son is 5 and wants to be outdoors looking for bugs whenever he is allowed to. I do not allow him to go anywhere in the neighborhood without me but I am also an anxious mom. Even in a fenced backyard I always keep the blinds open and check on him periodically. I remember being allowed to play outside on my own with neighborhood kids at that age. It's sad what society has become.

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It seems like it wouldn't take LE long to match up an accidental weapon wound to weapons in the house. Not that I want to use this in their defense in this way, but the family is very smart (Dad went to MIT), they just don't seem like the "bumbling attempt at cover up" type we typically read about here.
Unless I am totally out of the what is usual loop, which is completely possible, the red tape thing seems like a very big coincidence. Maybe everyone but me has red duct tape handy?
I don't think so. The way she has been described as being found- I tend to lean towards a child predator... In the worst way. :( an accident would be so much better than what I think happened to her.

I agree, I think it was either a neighbor or a maintenance man who has been in the neighborhood before and seen this child out alone in the past. The fact that she was found in the street bound in a tarp so close to her home means he took her, did what he wanted with her and was probably on his way out of town to dispose of her.

....that's just my opinion.
All comments by me are MOO:

The SCA events most commonly known to "us common folk" are renaissance festivals. Some members travel and others do local events only. They also have other meet ups that are members only where they role play.

My cousins and I were very much into D&D, SCA and online gaming growing. We were considered nerdy and goths. They still are somewhat into that lifestyle and although it still interests me I don't participate in any of it any longer aside from the occasional MMORPG. I have known lots of "colorful" couples and families, some who practice polyamory. They were all very well adjusted and loving people. I hate to see this family brought into a negative light due to their lifestyle choice. The father is a highly intelligent and respected member of the national guard as well as the aerospace community and I in no way suspect him or the other adults of the home. Like my cousin's children, it appears the kids of this family are very bright and considered mature for their age and are probably given more relaxed rules than their peers. With Alanna being the youngest, one would assume that she had the typical energy and curiosity if any 5-6 yr old. My son is 5 and wants to be outdoors looking for bugs whenever he is allowed to. I do not allow him to go anywhere in the neighborhood without me but I am also an anxious mom. Even in a fenced backyard I always keep the blinds open and check on him periodically. I remember being allowed to play outside on my own with neighborhood kids at that age. It's sad what society has become.

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I knew there was a reason I keep thumbs-upping all your posts. :) Thank you for coming out and saying this all much better than I could. I've interacted with many of these subcultures all my life, except that I'm too introverted for the SCA/social stuff. I really appreciate your perspective.

(Edit: had lots of SCA friends, including polyamorous ones and my brother did the ren faires.)
Unless I am totally out of the what is usual loop, which is completely possible, the red tape thing seems like a very big coincidence. Maybe everyone but me has red duct tape handy?

I have red, pink, leopard, zebra, & mustache duct tape. I didn't need it for any specific thing, I just liked it. Some being in the car doesn't alarm me. Maybe when the colored/patterned duct tape was uncommon it would have alarmed me. Dad is in the TX guard and helps with Boy Scouts.. Plenty of reasons to have red tape. MOO.
Unless I am totally out of the what is usual loop, which is completely possible, the red tape thing seems like a very big coincidence. Maybe everyone but me has red duct tape handy?

Maybe I missed confirmation earlier, but so far I've seen no official link on the "red tape at crime scene" thing.
Anything is possible, but I can't imagine these parents defiling their daughter's memory and body the way she was found. These parents seem pretty law abiding (albeit a little unique) and mature (I usually equate this type of cover up to younger parents for some reason).

I'm with you...I really don't feel like they are involved. But the pool seemed more likely than weapons. MOO.
I hurt my back badly last week. I struggle to catch up.
Been out of commission for a week. Stay cool folks. :seeya:

I have a bad feeling about this. :twocents:
No, IMO a threesome is typically used to describe a sexual experience involving three people. Polyamory is a term describing loving relationships involving more than just one significant other.

For the record, if rather stab myself repeatedly in my left eye than have two husbands. ... And I have a great one!

On Wednesday, an FBI receipt viewed by WFAA revealed investigators confiscated plastic bags, various colored tapes and tarp to help the probe into Gallagher's death. The list was written onto an FBI search warrant receipt visible on the front seat of a car registered to the owner of the home where the victim lived. A partial list of items taken included:

•Walmart plastic bags
•Charmin Ultra Soft pack
•Blue/Gray tarp
•Red, White, Camouflage tape
•Electrical tape
•Citizens Academy card
•Copy of Social Security card

Gallagher, who celebrated her sixth birthday in mid-June, was found dead under a tarp, the Tarrant County Medical Examiner told CBS DFW. Her body was found bound with red tape more than a mile from her home.

eta, other articles mention only tape or electrical tape.
Anything is possible, but I can't imagine these parents defiling their daughter's memory and body the way she was found. These parents seem pretty law abiding (albeit a little unique) and mature (I usually equate this type of cover up to younger parents for some reason).

yeah but look at jonbenet! (well... depending on your take of that case...)
This is a great post and I agree with all of it. Like someone else said earlier, kids have more a chance of being hit by a car/ice cream truck than being abducted. I tend to be overly cautious but am really trying to chill a little and give my kids a little space and not constantly watch them. It's hard though - especially in the summer when they want to run and play without a care in the world. Obviously there are precautions to take but at the same time, what are we (general we) doing to our kids if we hover over them 24 hrs a day. Still, in the scope of things, these incidents are very rare. More of a chance of dying in a car accident on the way to the library than being snatched off the street by a killer.

I really disagree with this post. You seem to suggest that stranger abductions and child murderers are the main things to fear. Just because they are rare does not mean the risk is not large to our children.

Neigbours, family friends, child's friends family etc. all pose a risk as they know how to get access to the child, how to make them keep quiet etc. Sadly sexual abuse of kids is not all that rare and I'd say that risk is not small because the stakes are the highest they come. If your child goes through that their childhood is over and they're facing that damage for life. Just because it probably won't happen to my family does not mean it's ok to take the risk. Children's lives and safety are all that matter and it's not safe.

Long post sorry. This case has really got me very emotional and worked up :(
Brandon Todd ‏@BrandonToddFOX4 2h
Here's a picture of Alanna Gallagher..provided by #saginaw Police. @FOX4

Bill Miller ‏@Bill_MillerST 27m
Color school photo of Alanna Gallagher. Saginaw police spokesman says nearly 300 officers/agents on case.

Awwww :(

Alanna is absolutely preeeeecious!


:rose: :rose: :rose:
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