GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #13

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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My own take on all the tp tubes found laying around is this. He had a lot of 'guests' by the look of things, as evidenced by the amount of used condoms found. I think TH and his 'guests' used a lot of tp for cleaning up during and after their 'activities'. The tp tubes were just left laying around because TH is a lazy slob.
My own take on all the tp tubes found laying around is this. He had a lot of 'guests' by the look of things, as evidenced by the amount of used condoms found. I think TH and his 'guests' used a lot of tp for cleaning up during and after their 'activities'. The tp tubes were just left laying around because TH is a lazy slob.


But then, there's going to be lots of DNA to test...... Even w/o ejaculation, there will be epithelial cells on the inside and outside of all of them.

ETA: "them" being condoms (but who knows what else?)
Just recently, a member linked to an article about a 20 year study on children born to crack addicted mothers. The results negated the previoius held theories about the adverse effects of crack on offspring. I'll have to look for the link. It was an interesting article.

Ma'am that would be me. I'll go get the link.

Sums up that poverty itself is more harmful than crack for your unborn, and growing children as well.

But then, there's going to be lots of DNA to test...... Even w/o ejaculation, there will be epithelial cells on the inside and outside of all of them.

ETA: "them" being condoms (but who knows what else?)

Lol. I just got an image of detectives in haz mat suits holding up black lights in TH's bedroom. That place would GLOW! Eeeew.

Or have I just watched to much telly......
My own take on all the tp tubes found laying around is this. He had a lot of 'guests' by the look of things, as evidenced by the amount of used condoms found. I think TH and his 'guests' used a lot of tp for cleaning up during and after their 'activities'. The tp tubes were just left laying around because TH is a lazy slob.

He should have invested in some towels. Plus, what kind of nutters was he entertaining? It would be mighty risky going to a 17 year olds house who lived with his mother. Anybody could have walked in.
Ma'am that would be me. I'll go get the link.

Sums up that poverty itself is more harmful than crack for your unborn, and growing children as well.

I know this is o/t, but this is my obsession--- a better life for children.

This is a nice short article that talks abut the effects pf poverty. The stress and cortisol.

It also talks abut language development and the differences in vocabulary heard by children in poverty.

There are things that we can do for children in school to deal with cortisol. Relationship based teaching is a biggie.

Anyway, here is the article
I know this is o/t, but this is my obsession--- a better life for children.

This is a nice short article that talks abut the effects pf poverty. The stress and cortisol.

It also talks abut language development and the differences in vocabulary heard by children in poverty.

There are things that we can do for children in school to deal with cortisol. Relationship based teaching is a biggie.

Anyway, here is the article

bbm: I'm curious -- what kinds of things? Calming exercises, music, what?
Well, there are definitely pedophiles who don;t have sex with adults, which is why I said many may have sex with other adults. But no one can tell me that pedophilia is a sexual orientation like hetero or homosexuality.

IMO, based on cases I saw while interning at the Federal Public Defender, as well as research I've done over the years, it has little to do with "attraction". It has to do with domination and sadism. It has to do with control. Kind of like rape has to do with power and humiliation. It's similar.

Thus, both rapists and pedophiles will rape or molest their victims with an object, instead of their penises, if they are castrated or impotent. It's about inflicting pain and harm, and about control, IMO. Pedophiles like to justify what they do by claiming they are just naturally "attracted" to little kids and that they "love" them or have "relationships" with small kids. That's all b.s. IMO. You can't have a one-way relationship and love doesn't involve taking advantage of the weaknesses or the lesser power of your loved one. Pedophilia involves an egregious imbalance of power that has much less to do with actual sexual attraction as it does to mental and sexual arousal from doing evil. :moo:
The sexual arousal from doing evil. Great post!
I think there is something profound in that statement.
Well, there are definitely pedophiles who don;t have sex with adults, which is why I said many may have sex with other adults. But no one can tell me that pedophilia is a sexual orientation like hetero or homosexuality.

IMO, based on cases I saw while interning at the Federal Public Defender, as well as research I've done over the years, it has little to do with "attraction". It has to do with domination and sadism. It has to do with control. Kind of like rape has to do with power and humiliation. It's similar.

Thus, both rapists and pedophiles will rape or molest their victims with an object, instead of their penises, if they are castrated or impotent. It's about inflicting pain and harm, and about control, IMO. Pedophiles like to justify what they do by claiming they are just naturally "attracted" to little kids and that they "love" them or have "relationships" with small kids. That's all b.s. IMO. You can't have a one-way relationship and love doesn't involve taking advantage of the weaknesses or the lesser power of your loved one. Pedophilia involves an egregious imbalance of power that has much less to do with actual sexual attraction as it does to mental and sexual arousal from doing evil. :moo:

Yeah...never said pedophilia was a sexuality. I have worked with sexually abused children and have been a court appointed aide. There are definitely people who say they have only ever been attracted to children. Do we know if that's true? There is no way of telling. I don't disagree that rape is about humiliation, control, and abuse of power. We all know that to be true. You simply cannot claim, that their aren't deviants that sexually desire children. You can't claim that sexual desire is not at least part of the process in grooming a child. The reason you can't claim that, is because we can't be in their heads. To say that you know anything for certainty is false. The only ones that know, are those that commit these crimes. Everything else is an educated guess based on phycologist theory, and the words of criminals. (I hope that doesn't come across as argumentative. I'm definitely not arguing.)
I think and will have to read the warrant again of inventory items taken, that there was mention of toilet paper rolls with condoms attached. Forgive me if I'm wrong. I'll check tomorrow. :seeya:
bbm: I'm curious -- what kinds of things? Calming exercises, music, what?

There are mats that children sit on that have nubbies on them. There are weighted vests. Sitting on balls instead of chairs .


Talking with young chldren and telling them that you are there to help them when they are having a meltdown. You speak to them in a calm voice once they start to settle down from a meltdown. Talking while they are melting down does not help. You use words to express what they may be feeling. For instance, you tell them I understand you are scared or frustrated or angey or whatever. What can we do to help?

For older kids, you discuss with them that someone looking at you or bumping into you is not a hostile action. So many kids are hypervigilant that they look at many things as aggressive when they are not.

Rather than punishing, if an older kid acts out, the principal calls the kid in to find out what the problem is, not to punish.

There is hope.
Yeah...never said pedophilia was a sexuality. I have worked with sexually abused children and have been a court appointed aide. There are definitely people who say they have only ever been attracted to children. Do we know if that's true? There is no way of telling. I don't disagree that rape is about humiliation, control, and abuse of power. We all know that to be true. You simply cannot claim, that their aren't deviants that sexually desire children. You can't claim that sexual desire is not at least part of the process in grooming a child. The reason you can't claim that, is because we can't be in their heads. To say that you know anything for certainty is false. The only ones that know, are those that commit these crimes. Everything else is an educated guess based on phycologist theory, and the words of criminals. (I hope that doesn't come across as argumentative. I'm definitely not arguing.)

IMO I believe it's so hard if not impossible to treat because many are only sexually aroused by children, they carefully select, cull them from the herd and groom children. Many actually believe the child is capable of consent and they do not believe they are hurting children. They claim to "love them"

That leads me to believe, at least for some, it is a sexual orientation all it's own. I'm straight and all the therapy in the world can't change that, same for homosexuals no therapy can change it. IMO it's hard wired like pedophilia.
IMO I believe it's so hard if not impossible to treat because many are only sexually aroused by children, they carefully select, cull them from the herd and groom children. Many actually believe the child is capable of consent and they do not believe they are hurting children. They claim to "love them"

That leads me to believe, at least for some, it is a sexual orientation all it's own. I'm straight and all the therapy in the world can't change that, same for homosexuals no therapy can change it. IMO it's hard wired like pedophilia.

Pedos can't be changed because they do not think they are doing anything wrong.

They are just like Ariel Castro. No clue about their behavior.
Not confronting you, but posts like this in general. I have sat on my hands more than once while reading posts that connect ADHD to rape and murder.

No! ADHD is no more likely to make a person a rapist/murderer than is diabetes.

Again, not picking on you, but your post was just the straw that broke this camel's back. I read posts associating ADHD with psychopathy or sociopathy and violent and deadly intent ALL of the time.

Even if this monster had ADHD, it is irrelevant to his killing and rape of an innocent child. My heart breaks for children like my own, who have ADHD and are unfairly and erroneously labeled as "dangerous" when they are beautiful, non-violent, usually very bright children who simply have a learning difference.

I just wanted to educate, not attack. There seems to be this culture of assuming Aspergers and ADHD kids are somehow more inclined to violence and ultimately, murder. That just isn't true. :twocents:

Thank you, the thanks button was not enough! Having just recently found out that my beautiful, affectionate, loving 2 yr old most likely has ADHD, combined with autism, all of this talk has devastated me. There has been, what seems to be, a lot of autism / ADHD mentions in recent cases on WS (regarding both victims and perps) and it was starting to do my head in.. I'm worried enough about his future and whether I'll be able to do what's best by him.. And none of these stereotypes have helped one bit.

Thank you, the thanks button was not enough! Having just recently found out that my beautiful, affectionate, loving 2 yr old most likely has ADHD, combined with autism, all of this talk has devastated me. There has been, what seems to be, a lot of autism / ADHD mentions in recent cases on WS (regarding both victims and perps) and it was starting to do my head in.. I'm worried enough about his future and whether I'll be able to do what's best by him.. And none of these stereotypes have helped one bit.


You may want to read about people such as Bill gates who feels he has autism. Also, Temple Grandin.

Hopefully,you can find a good program for your child. There are all kinds of great interventions.

If you are interested, I can PM a great site that isonline for interventions that are easy to do at home.
I was just watching Dateline and a preview for next Fridays show came on. It was about a murder,and something written in blood.... they showed someone talking about how online forums were trying to figure out what was written and the name Webslueths came on the screen.
I was just watching Dateline and a preview for next Fridays show came on. It was about a murder,and something written in blood.... they showed someone talking about how online forums were trying to figure out what was written and the name Webslueths came on the screen.

That could possibly be this:

It's in Waiting for Trial. I did not realize there had been an arrest! Have to go read it now.
Here's the study.

PA "Crack Baby" Study Surprising, But Quite Clear - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

That is crack mind you. Nothing about meth though. From reading the threads I'd say X Files is spot on each post. Crystal has been a huge problem fo rour gay community. Heck, in communities all over.

Point blank is don't do drugs and don't be born into poverty.
Thank you, Filly! Personally, I'd like to see this article linked on message boards around the world. That's how important I think the message to be. :blowkiss:
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