GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #13

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I know this is o/t, but this is my obsession--- a better life for children.

This is a nice short article that talks abut the effects pf poverty. The stress and cortisol.

It also talks abut language development and the differences in vocabulary heard by children in poverty.

There are things that we can do for children in school to deal with cortisol. Relationship based teaching is a biggie.

Anyway, here is the article

Bless your compassionate and hopeful spirit. The world needs more folks like you, human.

Honestly I was thinking "How's a kid who just witnessed five of the twelve people living in their home fist fighting before school going to calm down? Couple that with the popsicle and chips he rumaged up for breaksfast before he left two hours early for school with some random crossing guard yelling at him, and there's a powder keg for the rest of the day".

Your links give hope.
Thank you, the thanks button was not enough! Having just recently found out that my beautiful, affectionate, loving 2 yr old most likely has ADHD, combined with autism, all of this talk has devastated me. There has been, what seems to be, a lot of autism / ADHD mentions in recent cases on WS (regarding both victims and perps) and it was starting to do my head in.. I'm worried enough about his future and whether I'll be able to do what's best by him.. And none of these stereotypes have helped one bit.


I agree with the poster who said a.d.d. and autism will no more cause your child to be deviant than diabetes. And I just wanted to tell you that my brother in law, who is an extremely successful and decorated E9 in the army and a wonderful father and human being, has aspergers. Also, I am 99% sure that my doctor has it. Please don't let all of this criminal profiling talk get into your head. Your sweet little boy will be just fine.
IMO I believe it's so hard if not impossible to treat because many are only sexually aroused by children, they carefully select, cull them from the herd and groom children. Many actually believe the child is capable of consent and they do not believe they are hurting children. They claim to "love them"

That leads me to believe, at least for some, it is a sexual orientation all it's own. I'm straight and all the therapy in the world can't change that, same for homosexuals no therapy can change it. IMO it's hard wired like pedophilia.

Pedos can't be changed because they do not think they are doing anything wrong.

They are just like Ariel Castro. No clue about their behavior.

I imagine it to be an orientation as well. Which is why it can't be changed. I have read testimonials from homosexuals who were put through religiously sponsored and designed therapy programs, how they came to be resigned to the fact that they could never change how they felt, they would (due to personal religious beliefs) resist acting upon their native sexual desire. It sounds like a living hell.

In the case of pedophiles, if we think of it as an orientation, that, to me helps explain why it is not possible to rehabilitate. I know that my sexual orientation is fixed, it isn't oing to change.

Now what I'd be interested in knowing, and I imagine it's a tough question to answer: are there pedophiles out there, who are denying their desires? Good upstanding citizens who don't commit crimes on child victims, because their will to do the right thing won't allow them to, even though the sexual attraction is strong.

Am I making sense? The sexual attraction is only a problem if it is acted upon. In the case of consenting adults, acting upon the sexual attraction is not a problem ever, regardless of the action taken. (What you do at home in private is 100% okay, as long as all parties are agreeable).

The problem comes in when there are victims.

Another example would be people who are aroused by exposing themselves. Obviously, we can't allow that, because their actions effect others.

But my point is that if pedophilia is sometimes hardwired, like an orientation, that would certainly explain why it can't be fixed. And furthermore it's possible that there are people out there who are fighting that attraction with all their might because their morality not to claim victims overpowers their desires. The trouble is, not all of them fight it.

I think in other cases pedophilia is a response to environment. A child is sexually abused, and they grow up to sexually abuse also, because they've come to associate sex with a certain set of circumstances, but even that is hard to tease out, given that incest is as common as it is, it would have to be studied carefully to determine what fraction is nature and what fraction is nurture.
I imagine it to be an orientation as well. Which is why it can't be changed. I have read testimonials from homosexuals who were put through religiously sponsored and designed therapy programs, how they came to be resigned to the fact that they could never change how they felt, they would (due to personal religious beliefs) resist acting upon their native sexual desire. It sounds like a living hell.

In the case of pedophiles, if we think of it as an orientation, that, to me helps explain why it is not possible to rehabilitate. I know that my sexual orientation is fixed, it isn't oing to change.

Now what I'd be interested in knowing, and I imagine it's a tough question to answer: are there pedophiles out there, who are denying their desires? Good upstanding citizens who don't commit crimes on child victims, because their will to do the right thing won't allow them to, even though the sexual attraction is strong.

Am I making sense? The sexual attraction is only a problem if it is acted upon. In the case of consenting adults, acting upon the sexual attraction is not a problem ever, regardless of the action taken. (What you do at home in private is 100% okay, as long as all parties are agreeable).

The problem comes in when there are victims.

Another example would be people who are aroused by exposing themselves. Obviously, we can't allow that, because their actions effect others.

But my point is that if pedophilia is sometimes hardwired, like an orientation, that would certainly explain why it can't be fixed. And furthermore it's possible that there are people out there who are fighting that attraction with all their might because their morality not to claim victims overpowers their desires. The trouble is, not all of them fight it.

I think in other cases pedophilia is a response to environment. A child is sexually abused, and they grow up to sexually abuse also, because they've come to associate sex with a certain set of circumstances, but even that is hard to tease out, given that incest is as common as it is, it would have to be studied carefully to determine what fraction is nature and what fraction is nurture.

BBM. I think yes, just as there are those who have homosexual tendencies but never express them. And while I do NOT believe a.d.d. causes anyone to rape, think about the implications of poor impulse control if a person already has deviant tendencies. Also, while I do NOT believe being a sociopath, etc., causes people to attack children, the lack of empathy that comes with it could certainly be a factor if someone also possesses deviant tendencies. And for the record, I am saying that finding children sexually attractive is deviant. I am NOT calling homosexuals deviant.
Not confronting you, but posts like this in general. I have sat on my hands more than once while reading posts that connect ADHD to rape and murder.

No! ADHD is no more likely to make a person a rapist/murderer than is diabetes.

Again, not picking on you, but your post was just the straw that broke this camel's back. I read posts associating ADHD with psychopathy or sociopathy and violent and deadly intent ALL of the time.

Even if this monster had ADHD, it is irrelevant to his killing and rape of an innocent child. My heart breaks for children like my own, who have ADHD and are unfairly and erroneously labeled as "dangerous" when they are beautiful, non-violent, usually very bright children who simply have a learning difference.

I just wanted to educate, not attack. There seems to be this culture of assuming Aspergers and ADHD kids are somehow more inclined to violence and ultimately, murder. That just isn't true. :twocents:

I posted the original comment about TH blurting, which is a common feature of ADHD. I was in NO WAY connecting ADHD or anything on the autism spectrum with a life of crime. My son has pretty severe ADHD and I have ADD. Neither of us are criminals, and my son is the sweetest kid you'll ever meet. However, it had been mentioned that TH was ADHD/hyperactive and I was just noting that he seems to exhibit the blurting component. Obviously a lot more going on than ADHD to make him what he is. To all of you with young children diagnosed with ADHD, autism, Asperger's, etc. take heart. There is so much better understanding of these things now than when my son was diagnosed (he's 23 now). You may run into people--teachers, etc.--who should know better who give you bad advice or are dismissive of your child. Ignore them and keep digging until you get your child what he/she needs. You are your child's best advocate. It takes perseverance and courage, but you can do it.
Is it really that they don't think they are doing anything wrong or is it denial and justification for their actions? Do rapists and others that commit horrible crimes against others also think they are doing nothing wrong? Pedophiles are one of the most despised in society and they know this but yet they still think there is nothing wrong with what they do??

Ariel Castro certainly went to a lot of extent to hide his actions if he "truely" didn't believe what he was doing was wrong.

A pedophile is a rapist of children. I don't buy for a second that they don't know what they are doing is wrong. They wouldn't work so hard at trying to hide it or cover it up if they did. The grooming process is part of trying to hide their actions so they don't get caught IMO.

They don't get a "oh, I don't think there is anything wrong with it or I can't help myself" pass from me. BS

Regardless, I wouldn't term TH as a pedophile. He is a sexual sadist. Alanna was a convenient object for him. TH doesn't seem to think a head about anything he does. I don't believe he even knows how to "think".

His kind thank god are rare, but one in society is to many.
Is it really that they don't think they are doing anything wrong or is it denial and justification for their actions? Do rapists and others that commit horrible crimes against others also think they are doing nothing wrong? Pedophiles are one of the most despised in society and they know this but yet they still think there is nothing wrong with what they do??

Ariel Castro certainly went to a lot of extent to hide his actions if he "truely" didn't believe what he was doing was wrong.

A pedophile is a rapist of children. I don't buy for a second that they don't know what they are doing is wrong. They wouldn't work so hard at trying to hide it or cover it up if they did. The grooming process is part of trying to hide their actions so they don't get caught IMO.

They don't get a "oh, I don't think there is anything wrong with it or I can't help myself" pass from me. BS

Regardless, I wouldn't term TH as a pedophile. He is a sexual sadist. Alanna was a convenient object for him. TH doesn't seem to think a head about anything he does. I don't believe he even knows how to "think".

His kind thank god are rare, but one in society is to many.

The psychology of someone like this is very twisted. I think they do know what they do is wrong but that is buried underneath their "need" to do what they do, and they're trying to justify their actions. The fact that they know on some level that their actions are wrong is obvious by their efforts to cover them up.
Just listening to AC whine in court about the consensual sex and harmony in that house, especially on the heels of Michelle's amazingly brave and beautiful statement, is vomit-inducing. It literally made me feel sick. While I personally have no great desire for TH to come out of this alive, it will be interesting to hear what he has to say if he does live. He doesn't deserve to live, IMO, but that is not up to me.
The psychology of someone like this is very twisted. I think they do know what they do is wrong but that is buried underneath their "need" to do what they do, and they're trying to justify their actions. The fact that they know on some level that their actions are wrong is obvious by their efforts to cover them up.

IMO, this boils down to a lack of self control. Humans learn from a very young age the importance of controlling their actions. If they don't there are consequences they suffer.

I think maybe I feel better looking at it from this perspective. I'm not at all comfortable with statements that criminals make to try and justify their behavior. If society allows criminals to make excuses for their behavior then it just gives them power to justify repeating those mistakes.

Ugh...I'm frustrated this morning. I'll take a break for a while! :jail:
Food for thought....
if JT was prostituting himself
if he were riding his bike around late at night on numerous occasions
could he have been riding to local appointments?
He could easily hide his bike at his appt so nobody would know he was there. Cant hide a vehicle.
if so, he could have taken keys or even just asked to borrow a johns car that day. Maybe even threatened to expose that person if he ever told anyone. Could even be a family man.....
IMO, this boils down to a lack of self control. Humans learn from a very young age the importance of controlling their actions. If they don't there are consequences they suffer.

I think maybe I feel better looking at it from this perspective. I'm not at all comfortable with statements that criminals make to try and justify their behavior. If society allows criminals to make excuses for their behavior then it just gives them power to justify repeating those mistakes.

Ugh...I'm frustrated this morning. I'll take a break for a while! :jail:

Just jumping off my post to clarify...

I'm not frustrated with anyone here. I hope it didn't sound like that. I think everyones opinions are valid and I appreciate you all. I am frustrated with the perps....
Bless your compassionate and hopeful spirit. The world needs more folks like you, human.

Honestly I was thinking "How's a kid who just witnessed five of the twelve people living in their home fist fighting before school going to calm down? Couple that with the popsicle and chips he rumaged up for breaksfast before he left two hours early for school with some random crossing guard yelling at him, and there's a powder keg for the rest of the day".

Your links give hope.

Those were my students. I see some of their names in the court section now that they are old enough to be there ,sadly.

I found exercise right away in the morning got rid of some of that pent up adrenaline, I made plenty of mistakes, but honestly, I did not have much in the line of behavior issues that were not fixed in the classroom with positive intervention.

The children suck it up like a vacuum. Being respected, listened to, giving words to their feelings. Telling them being angry is OK , but it has to be expressed in acceptable ways like talking about it, not hitting and throwing tantrums. Yelling in gym or outside-----ok.

I could go on and on about this because I believe in it so much.

I tried to find the article about the principal in Washington state, I believe, who calls high school students into his office. If they are swearing or acting inappropriately, he tells them that he is concerned. What's going on? They usually spill their guts about their horrible situation. Attendance has gone through the roof and suspensions are waaaaay down.

If we would treat misbehavior as a sign of help needed, it would change the US over a course of years. Every grade. I so believe this!
I imagine it to be an orientation as well. Which is why it can't be changed. I have read testimonials from homosexuals who were put through religiously sponsored and designed therapy programs, how they came to be resigned to the fact that they could never change how they felt, they would (due to personal religious beliefs) resist acting upon their native sexual desire. It sounds like a living hell.

In the case of pedophiles, if we think of it as an orientation, that, to me helps explain why it is not possible to rehabilitate. I know that my sexual orientation is fixed, it isn't oing to change.

Now what I'd be interested in knowing, and I imagine it's a tough question to answer: are there pedophiles out there, who are denying their desires? Good upstanding citizens who don't commit crimes on child victims, because their will to do the right thing won't allow them to, even though the sexual attraction is strong.

Am I making sense? The sexual attraction is only a problem if it is acted upon. In the case of consenting adults, acting upon the sexual attraction is not a problem ever, regardless of the action taken. (What you do at home in private is 100% okay, as long as all parties are agreeable).

The problem comes in when there are victims.

Another example would be people who are aroused by exposing themselves. Obviously, we can't allow that, because their actions effect others.

But my point is that if pedophilia is sometimes hardwired, like an orientation, that would certainly explain why it can't be fixed. And furthermore it's possible that there are people out there who are fighting that attraction with all their might because their morality not to claim victims overpowers their desires. The trouble is, not all of them fight it.

I think in other cases pedophilia is a response to environment. A child is sexually abused, and they grow up to sexually abuse also, because they've come to associate sex with a certain set of circumstances, but even that is hard to tease out, given that incest is as common as it is, it would have to be studied carefully to determine what fraction is nature and what fraction is nurture.

I have to tell you that my daughter was a therapist for civilly committed sex offenders, It was a great job with great benefits and pay. One Friday, she said, " I cannot do this anymore." She did not return on Monday.

The average stay by an employee at that place is two years.

She could not take it anymore how these offenders would justify why it was OK to rape a 4 year old. Each client had horror stories of their growing up. She said that most were not sexually abused, but they were horribly emotionally abused. She said most are very charming.

I do not believe that being attracted to children is hardwired, I only know one pervert personally. He molested his daughter and was caught when she was 8 years old. He said he did not penetrate her because she was to small inside. I read that in his court case.

He was totally unlikeable, to me, although he had icky friends. He used to brag how he had killed a guy from out of state. He moved here from that state. He married a woman--they were in their 40's, at this point, who had been the babysitter for a perv when she was a teen.

I do not believe that someone is hardwired to use a child's body.

This is a topic that enrages me because as a teacher and as just a person, I have met sexual abuse victims. Some were victims by parents or relatives or boyfriends of a mother and some by neighbors. The effects on their lives have gone on for years.

They can't be rehabbed because they are like Ariel Castro. They are so screwed up. The article that was posted above by Keith Ablow is so right on. IMO
I have to tell you that my daughter was a therapist for civilly committed sex offenders, It was a great job with great benefits and pay. One Friday, she said, " I cannot do this anymore." She did not return on Monday.

The average stay by an employee at that place is two years.

She could not take it anymore how these offenders would justify why it was OK to rape a 4 year old. Each client had horror stories of their growing up. She said that most were not sexually abused, but they were horribly emotionally abused. She said most are very charming.

I do not believe that being attracted to children is hardwired, I only know one pervert personally. He molested his daughter and was caught when she was 8 years old. He said he did not penetrate her because she was to small inside. I read that in his court case.

He was totally unlikeable, to me, although he had icky friends. He used to brag how he had killed a guy from out of state. He moved here from that state. He married a woman--they were in their 40's, at this point, who had been the babysitter for a perv when she was a teen.

I do not believe that someone is hardwired to use a child's body.

This is a topic that enrages me because as a teacher and as just a person, I have met sexual abuse victims. Some were victims by parents or relatives or boyfriends of a mother and some by neighbors. The effects on their lives have gone on for years.

They can't be rehabbed because they are like Ariel Castro. They are so screwed up. The article that was posted above by Keith Ablow is so right on. IMO

Great post!
Your daughter working with the civilly committed SO's....the ones who had horror stories about horrible emotional abuse as children......were the majority of them in there for rape or rape of a minor?
Not that rape isnt an awful offense to commit against anybody. I had just thought that child molesters were usually victims themselves of having been molested as a child. So I'm just trying to get some clarity.
I have a question.

Let's say, just for discussion sake, that TH liked to wear women's underwear. LE found some at his house. It was an XL thong.

Did he not have other female underwear? Certainly his mother had underwear, but they did not take that. For some reason, they took the thong.

LE found the DNA matched on Sat and they came on Tuesday to arrest him.

I do not think that would be enough time to get a search warrant for his phone, would it?

Could they have obtained a search warrant earlier? Can they get pics off of a phone without the phone?

Do they have someone else's phone that has pics of a kitchen chair and him in thong underwear?

Why that underwear?
I have a question.

Let's say, just for discussion sake, that TH liked to wear women's underwear. LE found some at his house. It was an XL thong.

Did he not have other female underwear? Certainly his mother had underwear, but they did not take that. For some reason, they took the thong.

LE found the DNA matched on Sat and they came on Tuesday to arrest him.

I do not think that would be enough time to get a search warrant for his phone, would it?

Could they have obtained a search warrant earlier? Can they get pics off of a phone without the phone?

Do they have someone else's phone that has pics of a kitchen chair and him in thong underwear?

Why that underwear?
It could be that one or more of his "clients" liked him to wear them. I have a feeling there are many more pics on his least one of him in a womans thong.
Great post!
Your daughter working with the civilly committed SO's....the ones who had horror stories about horrible emotional abuse as children......were the majority of them in there for rape or rape of a minor?
Not that rape isnt an awful offense to commit against anybody. I had just thought that child molesters were usually victims themselves of having been molested as a child. So I'm just trying to get some clarity.

There are 1046 offenders there.

She had regular rapists and ones that raped children. The ones that had done the children were the ones that finally put her over the edge.

I can ask her more questions when I see her.

There was a several part article in our paper about these offenders as they are too expensive and there are lawyers working on changing the law so they can be released with some kind of monitoring.

My daughter feels that not one should be released ever.

They are in total denial of what they did as being wrong. No one can change if they do not think what they did is wrong.

The main thing is that it is someone else's fault, never their fault.

It is hard to believe when you hear someone like Ariel Castro because what he says makes no sense. But he really believes it.

Think of people that you know that blame things on everyone else. They really believe it even though you see it as ridiculous and impossible to believe.
It could be that one or more of his "clients" liked him to wear them. I have a feeling there are many more pics on his least one of him in a womans thong.
One more you think he made a snuff film? I keep wondering about that.

That is an interesting question if we can distance ourselves from the implication of it.

Can LE get pics off of a phone without the phone in their hands?

I am wondering why they took the thong.

Or , did they look through the phone and find that they needed to take the thong? Do we know how many hours they were at the home?

I am still mystified by the kitchen chair.
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