GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #8

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The FBI could trace the type of ink used to write a fake ransom note 17 years ago to a specific brand and type of writing instrument within a matter of a day or two.
( reference JonBenet Ramsey ransom note/ letter)
There is NO WAY the FBI doesn't know what model, make, etc. these cars are. The photos are probably released to get people who MIGHT think they know something or saw something strange that day related to Alanna's whereabouts to come forward and talk. The car photos probably will not even have a tie- in to the case. Unless this is a gated community with restricted entrance, which I do not think it is, then the presence of " unknown" cars in the area, whether they are there for 20 minutes. or 3 hours, is unremarkable.

Again, there's quite a bit of construction in the area. All kinds of laborers have to get to work via private vehicle, even short term hired help such as interior designers, cleaning personnel, real estate agents, and then there are the people going to pools, visiting, etc.

I think the car photos are a smoke screen. MOO.

But I think it might have the opposite effect too. I saw something but I didn't see the cars they are looking for - nah, it's probably nothing relevant, I won't bother to call.
If the police are afraid to release the specific make and model because it might discourage tips from folks who thought they saw a different make and model, then why not just communicate that? Why not say hey we're looking for the owners of this make and model, but please folks, dont hesitate to call in a tip if you saw a car aroundthis time in the neighborhood and youre not sure if its a honda or a buick or whatever. I think invesitagtions work best when LE works in partnership with the public and communicates effectively. I think the JessicabRidgway case is a good example. JMO.

Effective communication has been lacking on this from day one. I could go all the way back to the beginning.......but if you've been reading these threads you've seen folks' thoughts on some of the sound bites LE has released, the one way flow of info.....

Even looking at just yesterday:
1. in the afternoon they release a statement that in light of the arson they were not going to put out pics/video......and then a few hours later they change their mind and we get the two stills of the black cars - don't get me wrong, I'm glad, but it makes you wonder what's up with the 180?

2. when the pics are released it's said they may have witnessed something, and then hours later Ing makes a statement that makes their presence in the neighborhood sound somewhat nefarious:

"Most vehicles come into the neighborhood and leave," said Officer Damon Ing, a spokesman for the Saginaw Police Department. "These for some reason do not."

Police said the dark-colored four-door vehicle and dark-colored two-door car seen in the pictures lingered in the area for some time

The communication (or complete and total lack thereof for days at a time), has been very frustrating for me.
I also believe Alanna was taken in a car (killed in another?) based on this car info now. JMO
Effective communication has been lacking on this from day one. I could go all the way back to the beginning.......but if you've been reading these threads you've seen folks' thoughts on some of the sound bites LE has released, the one way flow of info.....

Even looking at just yesterday:
1. in the afternoon they release a statement that in light of the arson they were not going to put out pics/video......and then a few hours later they change their mind and we get the two stills of the black cars - don't get me wrong, I'm glad, but it makes you wonder what's up with the 180?

2. when the pics are released it's said they may have witnessed something, and then hours later Ing makes a statement that makes their presence in the neighborhood sound somewhat nefarious:

"Most vehicles come into the neighborhood and leave," said Officer Damon Ing, a spokesman for the Saginaw Police Department. "These for some reason do not."

Police said the dark-colored four-door vehicle and dark-colored two-door car seen in the pictures lingered in the area for some time

The communication (or complete and total lack thereof for days at a time), has been very frustrating for me.

I agree. I also miss the forensic astrology forum. It was another forum I loved visiting during frustrating cases.
I'm glad that so many people are hopeful. I still believe that LE has almost nothing but a more narrow timeline.
I have the picture up on the computer and asking my hubby ( who works with cars) if he can tell what kind they are. He is sleeping now so he will see it in the morning. Me, all I can say is its a car that works.

Quoting myself... He did not answer my question so if he does not call me in a bit with what kind of cars they may be Ill ask again tonight. ( he does that sometimes. I leave a note with a question and instead of answering on the note he would call me later that day). Judging from the answers here he may not have answered b/c there a few possibilities.

He will just be bugged by me tonight till he tells me his thoughts. You would think the man would have figured this out by now.
"Most vehicles come into the neighborhood and leave," said Officer Damon Ing, a spokesman for the Saginaw Police Department. "These for some reason do not."

Police said the dark-colored four-door vehicle and dark-colored two-door car seen in the pictures lingered in the area for some time

BBM - Does that mean they didn't leave the area? Lingered maybe but are they saying through looking at surveillance they have no evidence they ever left at all? Maybe in someones garage?
Does that mean they didn't leave the area? Lingered maybe but are they saying through looking at surveillance they have no evidence they ever left at all? Maybe in someones garage?

Exactly, I don't quite get that statement, I wonder if a neighbour has come forward to say that the car/cars were lingering in the street for a while and then LE has asked the neighbour to look at the footage to pick out the car/cars, otherwise how else would they know that the cars did not leave at the other end of the street? I presume the cars had to leave the street in some way, but someone knows that they sat at or cruised along the street, so I am thinking someone must have witnessed this.
In every 'finally solved' cold case I have read about there was someone (many times more than one person) who knew something and was ignored when they reported it, or (more often) they didn't tell anyone because they were: A) afraid of the person, B) had things in their life they didn't want delved into, C) had a record (or outstanding warrants, tickets, etc) & were afraid they would be brought in or a combination of all three. *Sadly some people are just self-absorbed and don't even give it a second thought if it doesn't involve their immediate circle of friends/family.*

If LE would keep things that someone MUST have seen (the cars, her picture, description of her clothing) in front of the public, it would be more likely to make someone talk about what they know or saw or suspect. (IMO) I really do not understand the fact that there is SO LITTLE media attention on this case. If I lived in the neighborhood, I'd be raising a fuss with local media to have more stories on it, putting up posters, etc. The killer is out there & unless it is an immediate family member, no one's children are safe. It makes you wonder if more is going on than they are telling people about! Does that neighborhood have a "Watch" program?
Pics of both cars zoomed in.


Exactly, I don't quite get that statement, I wonder if a neighbour has come forward to say that the car/cars were lingering in the street for a while and then LE has asked the neighbour to look at the footage to pick out the car/cars, otherwise how else would they know that the cars did not leave at the other end of the street? I presume the cars had to leave the street in some way, but someone knows that they sat at or cruised along the street, so I am thinking someone must have witnessed this.

I'm wondering if LE have viewed surveillance from a few cameras and been able to see all cars come through the neighbourhood and either leave, or belong to residents and verified, but for these 2 cars. For whatever reason they don't see them leave in the time frame of footage they have viewed, ie they lingered. MOO
I think there's a general fear investigators have especially but not solely in high profile violent crimes of not being able to get a conviction on a suspect to the point that they hold back pertinent information to the detriment of society itself. Why in the world would they just now be releasing the pictures of the two cars in question? surely they realize that the potential witnesses are not bound to keep checking the status of murder investigations on a daily basis waiting on LE to release certain aspects of cases that might lead to someone coming forward. Memory's fade, people move on. Its pissed me of forever the way they don't rely more on the public to help them come to a resolution. It also has to do with the "we know more about how to do this than the public so just sit there and be silent until we call on you" LOL.
This attitude contributes to more cases going unsolved than anything else I can think of. Investigators are human which means they are fallible, No matter how good you are at something there's always someone somewhere that can do it better. I've always been pro LE but I also feel criticism is healthy and one of the only ways to bring change.
I still see that odd spot near the rear taillight of the first car (which could be nothing). And, today I see something unusual about the rear passenger window (dark area where it connects to the front passenger window). There's a distinct line in that rear window which couldn't be foliage.
The new article also states that LE believes the 2 fires may be separately caused, with the memorial fire accidentally started by a candle.

A local security company has donated the installation of a camera to the Gallaghers. The Gallaghers had ordered one by mid-morning yesterday, they do not want to move.

It wouldn't surprise me if candle started a fire. I don't understand how people leave candles out next to toy animals, etc. That is not safe at all.
Don't know if this has been asked before, but was the 4:00 time the only time Alanna went outside that day? Had she gone out earlier?
I thought it had been stated somewhere that she had been in and out most of the day? Could Alanna have been caught on the surveillance tapes before either of these cars went through?
If they really are just wanting to talk to the owners of these vehicles because they might have witnessed something, then why wouldn't they release the make and model of the cars? Why not say something like if you were driving a blah blah whatever on Babbling Brook drive at specific time call us, you may have important info! I mean if the FBI knows what cars theses are and the drivers themselves know that would be the fastest way to make contact, if that's all there is to it. But that's probably not all there is to it since they didn't specify. maybe if they are doing behavioral profiling and theynknow the perp is attention seeking they are hoping to get the perp to come out pretending to be an innocent witness.

Hard to say.

In the case of Jacob Wetterling who was abducted in 1989,a man who had been at the scene shortly after said he had talked to LE at the scene. But there is no record of it.

Longer story, short. The man Kevin, contacted LE many years later. Don't remember how many to tell about his experience. He was with a girlfriend and they had left her parents house as well to go to the scene.

Not one of those people contacted LE in spite of thousands of pleas, billboards, vigils, etc etc etc.

He is not considered a suspect in the case, but here is an example of people who may have had info and did not come forward.
I've found it, the 2nd house down on Babbling Brook Drive. This street view is looking away from the house, the same position as the CCTV pics:

Great sleuthing!

I think what the vid shows, more than two cars caught "lingering" in the neighborhood, is..."we have video of you coming up the street AND going down the street".

Probably video of poor little Alanna as well.
I think there's a general fear investigators have especially but not solely in high profile violent crimes of not being able to get a conviction on a suspect to the point that they hold back pertinent information to the detriment of society itself. Why in the world would they just now be releasing the pictures of the two cars in question? surely they realize that the potential witnesses are not bound to keep checking the status of murder investigations on a daily basis waiting on LE to release certain aspects of cases that might lead to someone coming forward. Memory's fade, people move on. Its pissed me of forever the way they don't rely more on the public to help them come to a resolution. It also has to do with the "we know more about how to do this than the public so just sit there and be silent until we call on you" LOL.
This attitude contributes to more cases going unsolved than anything else I can think of. Investigators are human which means they are fallible, No matter how good you are at something there's always someone somewhere that can do it better. I've always been pro LE but I also feel criticism is healthy and one of the only ways to bring change.

Personally, jmoo, I dont think the security camera footage was meant to be spoken about at all.

It wasn't until the FBI Officer told the guy (resident) who had the gun pulled on him by a Police Officer when he was backing out of his driveway, that they were looking for a car like his that was spotted on Security camera in the street.
Up until that time there had been no mention of street camera footage or other cars - just the red truck.
It was the resident who had the gun pulled on him that made that statement after the media learn he had made a complaint about the Police, and it was the media that printed it.

I think the Police were holding back on that info.
Someone up above ( sorry not to give credit, but I cannot find it right now), said they feel that the car was not the target for the fire. They feel that a device was thrown at the house and it rolled under the car.

I agree with that.

This perp is very brave and maybe stupid. He knows there are cameras all over.

If he walked with the device, I would think a camera caught it.

Throwing something out of a car window , I feel is difficult. You don't have enough room to make a good toss.

So, it may have been two people. A driver and a thrower,

I think a car would be caught on camera as well.

Starting a car on fire in not that easy. You can google the reasons and if it is not on purpose, it is a failure in the system of the car, such as electrical.
Pics of both cars zoomed in.



In the lower car picture, especially, I think I am seeing right through the front windows and seeing grass on other side so maybe clear glass or windows down but the backseat windows are very dark. Somewhat the same in other car but not as sure about back being darker.
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