GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #8

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The new article also states that LE believes the 2 fires were separately caused, with the memorial fire accidentally started by a candle.

A local security company has donated a camera to the Gallaghers.

I think that's extremely unlikely. That's quite a coincidence. Is it possible LE is fibbing strategically about the memorial fire being accidental? I did see a candle burning in video of the first memorial. Even if it was a candle, it could have been intentional.

Or, perhaps the memorial fire inspired the arsonist to set the car fire.

But two fires on the same night? At the same time? Nah.
Of course, if the Opal Jennings case is related, LE is completely wrong in saying that the case is isolated and Saginaw is safe. I hope LE is right and has evidence to back that up.

RSBM: Imo, whether or not this case is related to Opal Jennings - I personally would be leaving with my kids for an extended vacation at Grandma's house. ( out of the area )
I think that's extremely unlikely. That's quite a coincidence. Is it possible LE is fibbing strategically about the memorial fire being accidental? I did see a candle burning in video of the first memorial. Even if it was a candle, it could have been intentional.

Or, perhaps the memorial fire inspired the arsonist to set the car fire.

But two fires on the same night? At the same time? Nah.

Jumping off my own post. :blushing: Here's another thought. Maybe the memorial fire was set first and the arsonist was disappointed with it. It smoldered. It didn't draw attention. It went out without anyone calling 911. So, then this person escalates to a bigger fire to get more attention.
By not telling the make/models, LE is going to get hammered with a lot of useless calls. More than they usually do, I mean.

I believe LE does not want tipsters sitting on their info because they don't know the makes and models as well as they thought they did.

In other words, if LE released the makes and models, then a tipster may not call in because they thought the saw a Honda, and LE says its a Ford (or whatever).
I believe LE does not want tipsters sitting on their info because they don't know the makes and models as well as they thought they did.

In other words, if LE released the makes and models, then a tipster may not call in because they thought the saw a Honda, and LE says its a Ford (or whatever).

Someone earlier stated that LE has some kind of books that show every model of car and the type of paint, etc.

I think they know 100% what make, model and year these cars are . It would be simple for someone into it.

Just like someone knows the batting average, year , uniform, team, stats of baseball players, someone is an expert on cars
In other cases I;ve seen people actually put up photos of the vehicles they think it is side by side with the surveillance. Can anyone do that here?

Seems more like it would be against the Gallaghers rather than the people of Saginaw. I don't see any concerted terrorism campaign against the town, really. :moo:

I am sure there are many ordinary folks feeling terror for themselves and their children, because of what is happening to the Gallagher family. They will be afraid, and feel victimized themselves, like never before.

There is vehicle recognition software available. I don't know how accurate it is but I'm sure it would help to narrow down the year, make and model.
Someone earlier stated that LE has some kind of books that show every model of car and the type of paint, etc.

I think they know 100% what make, model and year these cars are . It would be simple for someone into it.

Just like someone knows the batting average, year , uniform, team, stats of baseball players, someone is an expert on cars

The FBI could trace the type of ink used to write a fake ransom note 17 years ago to a specific brand and type of writing instrument within a matter of a day or two.
( reference JonBenet Ramsey ransom note/ letter)
There is NO WAY the FBI doesn't know what model, make, etc. these cars are. The photos are probably released to get people who MIGHT think they know something or saw something strange that day related to Alanna's whereabouts to come forward and talk. The car photos probably will not even have a tie- in to the case. Unless this is a gated community with restricted entrance, which I do not think it is, then the presence of " unknown" cars in the area, whether they are there for 20 minutes. or 3 hours, is unremarkable.

Again, there's quite a bit of construction in the area. All kinds of laborers have to get to work via private vehicle, even short term hired help such as interior designers, cleaning personnel, real estate agents, and then there are the people going to pools, visiting, etc.

I think the car photos are a smoke screen. MOO.
More new info in this article, interview with Laura.

She also explains why Karl had the red tape etc. in his car.

Thanks you!!! From the article...

"Gallagher said her husband is in the Texas State Guard and kept supplies needed to help set up public shelters during emergencies or bad weather in his car."

Read more here:

This is a much more reasonable explanation than the original one that was floating around (that the family had just returned from a campling trip... seemed to be the wrong car in that case for starters).

But even though the presence of these items is explained, that car could still be the source of items used by the perp.
This sounds like more than just random potential witnesses. But unless there were two cars involved in the crime, at least one and possibly both of them have perfectly innocent reasons for lingering. I am going to take LE's statement at face value and assume that LE didn't throw in an extra car for "line-up" purposes. I would hope LE would have figured out by now if the owners of the vehicles lived in the neighborhood. So perhaps at least one car was someone visiting in that neighborhood. Off the top of my head, I can't think of another likely innocent reason for lingering in a suburban neighborhood in a privately owned car (although there are lots of unlikely but completely innocent possibilities).

What if both cars belonged to the killer? Maybe one was used to scope the area and the other to commit the crime. That would explain the time lapse between the photos.

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I am sure there are many ordinary folks feeling terror for themselves and their children, because of what is happening to the Gallagher family. They will be afraid, and feel victimized themselves, like never before.


I would agree, esp after the release of TWO cars and Ing's statements implying that they are interested in both of them, the statement that they were loitering implies they didn't appear to have business there (didn't go to anyone's house, maybe were seen over a period of time on other cameras, too?)..... Then, there's the question of the red truck. Certainly does sound like a potential collusion between multiple parties to ID, abduct, potentially sexually assault, murder, and dump a little girl blocks from where she'd lived her short life.

In addition to being terrified for my own family, there is the arson. Was it the perp(s)? If so, why? If not and was instead a local "vigilante" who suspects family, then you know that if this happened to you that your own neighbors would be coming after you as well.

So, while I'm not in Saginaw, I'm certainly quite worried. Even more so than I was when I thought it was a "dirty old man" neighbor or someone in their social circle. Now it sounds like there are organized creeps cruising the streets looking for babies to rape and kill. Who wouldn't be terrified?
I think released the photos since they are trying to pin down something at a very specific time. They saw something on those cameras (perhaps a red truck or Alanna walking by and followed closely by someone) that makes them know that the people in those cars saw something that they weren't aware was significant.

From the Saginaw PD press release (in their own words):

Repeated neighborhood interviews and canvases have allowed investigators to
approximately recreate Alanna’s last day
, but it is believed that others may have
witnessed something
that could be pertinent to solving this crime.
I think released the photos since they are trying to pin down something at a very specific time. They saw something on those cameras (perhaps a red truck or Alanna walking by and followed closely by someone) that makes them know that the people in those cars saw something that they weren't aware was significant.

From the Saginaw PD press release (in their own words):

If they really are just wanting to talk to the owners of these vehicles because they might have witnessed something, then why wouldn't they release the make and model of the cars? Why not say something like if you were driving a blah blah whatever on Babbling Brook drive at specific time call us, you may have important info! I mean if the FBI knows what cars theses are and the drivers themselves know that would be the fastest way to make contact, if that's all there is to it. But that's probably not all there is to it since they didn't specify. maybe if they are doing behavioral profiling and theynknow the perp is attention seeking they are hoping to get the perp to come out pretending to be an innocent witness.
I know *why* LE isn't releasing the make/model - because like everyone has said, it allows people to give tips the benefit of the doubt. "OH they're looking for a FORD, not a HONDA. No reason to call."

HOWEVER, I also wish they would release the information because it could give credibility to someone who may not know they have a crucial key to the puzzle. "Well my neighbors car was missing on July 1 and its an older black Honda, but LE said they weren't looking for that specifically, so I'll wait and see if they do need that information."

It also wastes some degree of time for LE/tip lines because people (as evidenced in this thread) all see the same thing very differently. Ten-twenty calls about a suspicious Crown Vic, when to me that second car is CLEARLY not a Crown Vic, is a waste of time and energy. It's also a blow to tipsters if they don't contribute to the case/aren't followed up with. I feel like they may get the mindset - well why did I bother? LE didn't follow up with me, I guess my tips aren't that important.

You have to consider that mainstream public is not in the same mindset of us websleuthers.

IMO they know the make and model. And they know more than they're showing us. I think back to the DWT in the Mickey Shunick case. They had rolling video of that truck and could've released more than one still. Especially when it came to - had the truck run her over at the intersection? Had it not? HUGE waste of time when we could've been following different angles - it was clear in the VIDEO she had not. I'm positive with video and seeing these cars from the front/side/back they can tell what they are.

OUR reason for trying to determine, however, is so we can figure out what we're looking for. ;) MOO
If the police are afraid to release the specific make and model because it might discourage tips from folks who thought they saw a different make and model, then why not just communicate that? Why not say hey we're looking for the owners of this make and model, but please folks, dont hesitate to call in a tip if you saw a car aroundthis time in the neighborhood and youre not sure if its a honda or a buick or whatever. I think invesitagtions work best when LE works in partnership with the public and communicates effectively. I think the JessicabRidgway case is a good example. JMO.
Lingering= trolling.

These vehicles were already driving around the neighborhood, and likely were filmed several times, captured on different cameras that day, IMO. Maybe Alanna's mother hadn't even left the house yet based on the shadows in these photos. How long were these cars "lingering" for- hours? I've seen this before, in the case that brought me to WS (Victoria Stafford). I think these are suspect vehicles, at least one of them is, although I can easily believe that two perps could be involved. Two cars is strange though. One of these vehicles could actually be the witness vehicle that LE is requesting info from.

Ings statement makes it clearer to me: "Most vehicles come into the neighborhood and leave," said Officer Damon Ing, a spokesman for the Saginaw Police Department. "These for some reason do not."

I'm looking for the article that uses the term "lingering" (a video?). Oh, I see it in the same article: Police said the dark-colored four-door vehicle and dark-colored two-door car seen in the pictures lingered in the area for some time.

So who owns these vehicles? One looks custom painted and is likely a younger owner in his 20s. What about the other one?
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