GUILTY TX - Alicia Moore, 16, Greenville, 2 November 2012

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I've been very puzzled on how exactly this perp seemed to have so easily reset her iPad thereby rendering it essentially useless in every way as far as tracking, locating it, etc.. I wouldn't be near as puzzled if say, it was just a personally purchased iPad..but I can attest from my sons school issuing them apple Mac notebook laptops

Let's start here: BBM. There is no such thing as a "notebook" for a Mac (Apple). That's PC term. IMO. Even so .. let's assume one of the below for the Apple product:

Laptops are sooooooo different than iPads. Way more to go into and it has nothing to do with Alicia Moore's case since she was issued a GISD iPad.

But what AM could do with her iPad via her teacher's laptop/ipad to the students:
1) Test ... teacher SENDS the test to the iPads in the room.
2) Students receive it and take the test and enter the answers and SEND to teacher when the allotted time is over.
3) teacher gets all those answers from the kids.
4) Teacher scores the test and sends it
5) No trees died during the above process to print all that out.

Video to show how it all links up: It's what Alicia could have done.
Click on see how it works ^^^^^

I really think someone freaked out about that and wiped her iPad per link:
I was annoyed at everyone other then LE. I figured LE had reasons of doing things. The aunt and family friend not sure if they were the best to go up and speak. To me they were to busy blaming LE instead of giving as much info as possible to help find the murderer. If she was bullied that needs to be addressed. If she was a previous run away that needs to be looked at too. That would help the every day folks think about people they thought were suspicious but may have pushed it off b/c the "family" blew it off the bullying or that she has run off before.

AMEN. The awful things were glossed over ... per Aunt/family friends. Didn't runaway... say what? Not what her mom said:

Newly released documents in the case reveal Moore suffered from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and was on medication for it. And her mother told police she'd disappeared before with an older male she'd befriended over the summer. That's why her case was initially filed as a runaway.

ETA: That guy (TR) is in the Hunt County jail (since Sept) for the sexual assault of AM in July on multiple counts. He's clear of harming AM.

What I would like to know ... more Elephants:

Did the GISD have any more video of AM getting off that GISD school bus earlier than was planned ... per her ACE program and her Aunt's say so?

I really don't think GPD classified AM as a runaway. The only one that said that was the AUNT. I have reasons to be skeptical on that based on the above links. IMO. I am in NO way blaming the aunt ... other than not being truthful with GPD. JMO

Elephant in the room: GPD thought she planned to meet up with someone unbeknownst to her Aunt as she did before with TR. JMO.

PEACE and WTH do I know? Nothing.
he also told the family that "things happen" or something to that effect.

are you kidding me

As you can tell, I'm way behind on this.... I have seen this posture again & again with school administrators (and let me quickly say not with all administrators, certainly). Is he afraid of getting fired? Getting sued?

I did not see this presser, but did it appear that this official was wearing a teflon suit??
he doesn't know anything. re: questions that reporters have.

I hope the family is the squeaky wheel here!

saying now that runaway and missing person are synonymous.


What school did this person attend?? Dayam.
I really, really take issue with the characterization of that prior incident as a "runaway" situation. This was not some rebellious teenager who took off. This was a 16 year old girl who left home with a 49 year old man, who now sits in jail awaiting trial for repeatedly raping and sexually abusing her. “Runaway” implies an act of free will. This was no such thing. Not in my eyes, and not in the eyes of the law which recognizes that a girl Alicia’s age does not have the developmental capacity to make those kinds of choices when it comes to a 49 year old man. For that matter, a 16 year old girl does not "befriend" (one of the terms I saw used in the press) a 49 year old man who sexually abuses her. She is groomed. There is a difference.

I've said it before, I will say it again-the MOMENT GPD found out about the rape case, they should have dropped everything and treated Alicia's disappearance as a top priority. There should have been an Amber Alert, the community should have been mobilized.

If this situation didn’t warrant an Amber Alert, then what DOES? We have a man, TR, who is sitting in jail awaiting trial on multiple counts of sexual assault of a child-potentially facing a life sentence. We have a 16 year old girl who is the key witness against him. A child with a history of being victimized by sexual predators. She's missing. Her iPad is reset. Her family says that none of her valued personal affects have been taken. She walks off her school bus and seems to vanish into thin air. And we, the public, don’t find out about any of this until 72 hours later?

You bet I'm Monday morning quarterbacking-and I'm siding with the family on this one. Yes, I am darn sure judging LE’s response. And I do think GPD dropped the ball on this girl, just as LE across this country drop the ball when it comes to protecting rape victims, and handling cases of missing teens who are automatically labeled runaways. And now we have a child stuffed in a box and tossed on the side of the road like garbage. A child who may very well have lost her life because of this indifference :(
I was annoyed at everyone other then LE. I figured LE had reasons of doing things. The aunt and family friend not sure if they were the best to go up and speak. To me they were to busy blaming LE instead of giving as much info as possible to help find the murderer. If she was bullied that needs to be addressed. If she was a previous run away that needs to be looked at too. That would help the every day folks think about people they thought were suspicious but may have pushed it off b/c the "family" blew it off the bullying or that she has run off before.

The family gave a lot of information. They may need to withhold some in order to protect the investigation.

IMO-they (the family) know or have a pretty good idea who did this, and why. I think they have felt from the beginning it was related to the SA, and knew that Alicia was in grave danger because of that fact. And their frustration is that LE did not take their concerns seriously.

IMO this case is close to being solved. They have a POI. The Texas Rangers are on the case-and thank God for that because right now the GPD seems to be in CYA mode, instead of Justice for Alicia mode.

BTW-since this has been brought up several times in press reports and even here-IMO the bullying is irrelevant because it does not appear she was killed by any of her tormentors. The prior "running away" is irrelevant because it was not actually a runaway case for reasons I outlined in my last post. The fact that Alicia was on ADHD and took medication for it is beyond irrelevant, and at this point borders on victim shaming. The family should not be expected to answer questions that are irrelevant to this case and I applaud them for their restraint and focus. And I applaud them for the fact that, even in their moment of grief, they want to make sure that something positive can come from her tragic death. They want to make sure this NEVER happens to another child in their community.
If you look on TW's facebook page he has a friend thats a cousin of hers and i clicked on his (cousins) fB page and he didnt know anything about her missing till wed

I noticed that as well. Even the person who was so worried about her and started the "end bullying" page was very vague at first, IIRC they posted on Weds that they were concerned about how she was missing, but at that point she'd already been identified. This whole case is just weird IMO.

With every new thing I learn or find I feel worse and worse for Alicia. :(
The family gave a lot of information. They may need to withhold some in order to protect the investigation.

IMO-they (the family) know or have a pretty good idea who did this, and why. I think they have felt from the beginning it was related to the SA, and knew that Alicia was in grave danger because of that fact. And their frustration is that LE did not take their concerns seriously.

IMO this case is close to being solved. They have a POI. The Texas Rangers are on the case-and thank God for that because right now the GPD seems to be in CYA mode, instead of Justice for Alicia mode.<respectfully snipped for space>

BBM... I agree. I think they knew she was in danger. Even the kids who apparently bullied her knew she was in danger, it seems from the "end bullying" FB page. I don't know if they knew why, but I think they knew something wasn't right. What's extra scary to me is she was RIGHT THERE by her house, it's not like she was walking miles or even a mile home. Someone waiting in front of her house could see her walk from the bus stop to home, easily. It reminds me somewhat of the Jaycee Dugard case where her stepdad saw her get grabbed, THAT close. I wonder if that may even be why her uncle was there, to make sure she got home safely from the bus, but he wasn't watching for her at that time when she came home early. This isn't criticism of anyone, other than whoever did this to Alicia, just keep thinking it's so hard to even comprehend.
The family gave a lot of information. They may need to withhold some in order to protect the investigation.

IMO-they (the family) know or have a pretty good idea who did this, and why. I think they have felt from the beginning it was related to the SA, and knew that Alicia was in grave danger because of that fact. And their frustration is that LE did not take their concerns seriously.

IMO this case is close to being solved. They have a POI. The Texas Rangers are on the case-and thank God for that because right now the GPD seems to be in CYA mode, instead of Justice for Alicia mode.

BTW-since this has been brought up several times in press reports and even here-IMO the bullying is irrelevant because it does not appear she was killed by any of her tormentors. The prior "running away" is irrelevant because it was not actually a runaway case for reasons I outlined in my last post. The fact that Alicia was on ADHD and took medication for it is beyond irrelevant, and at this point borders on victim shaming. The family should not be expected to answer questions that are irrelevant to this case and I applaud them for their restraint and focus. And I applaud them for the fact that, even in their moment of grief, they want to make sure that something positive can come from her tragic death. They want to make sure this NEVER happens to another child in their community.

We are taking a very good guess that it has something to do with the guy behind bars but we do not know for sure. Her running away is very relevant she did it before. Sure the guy may have pushed her into doing it but in the end she did. If she ran away to be with some guy before we do not know if she did it this time. She would not be the first and would not be the last girl who made up her own mind to run off and be with an older guy. It happens we can not say it does not.

Every time I have heard the family speak it was about how bad LE is doing their job. According to the family LE is no where close to finding out what happened. So which is it? If LE screwing up big time where they will never find Alicia killer or are they doing their job as best as they can with what they know.
An Amber Alert could not be called b/c it did not fit within the guidelines. If they were complaining about how long it took LE ask for help with a missing person case from the public, I would be siding with them on that. The info LE had at first was a 16 yr old girl who went off in the past did not make it home. Then they find out that she was supposed to go to ACE but decided to take the early bus home that day which can lead them to believe maybe she did it b/c she had plans her family was not aware of. There is nothing there to say she was in danger. Even if you add the fact that an older male got her to run off with him before does not say she is in trouble this time. Some girls seek out attention where ever they can get it.

My post is in no way blaming Alicia for what happened but we can not say for sure that she did not make up her own mind into leaving with anyone. 16 yr olds are way more intelligent then what society gives them credit for.
If she had run away that day I don't think she would've taken the bus home and run away basically in front of her own door. She would have gone straight to where she wanted to go to, not almost home and then go. That doesn't make any sense.
New article on Greenville Herald Banner. I'm on my phone and can't link it.

Paraphrase- Alicia's dad contacted the Banner through a first cousin. He wants the person responsible to come forward.
The police haven't talked to him at all about the investigation. He was in contact with Alicia every day. He feels left out and wants to be included.

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We are taking a very good guess that it has something to do with the guy behind bars but we do not know for sure. Her running away is very relevant she did it before. Sure the guy may have pushed her into doing it but in the end she did. If she ran away to be with some guy before we do not know if she did it this time. She would not be the first and would not be the last girl who made up her own mind to run off and be with an older guy. It happens we can not say it does not. <snipped for space>

BBM... who is either no longer behind bars or recruited someone to accept nearly 20 friend requests on FB. I'm not that good with finding the arrest/release info, but was surprised to see a bunch of new activity.
Minutes before Greenville High School’s Friday night football game, there was a moment of silence to honor Moore.

Moore will be laid to rest on Saturday, November 17th at 11 a.m. at Ridgecrest Baptist Church.

Same day/time as Katrina Smith :( I'll be out all day but I know Alicia and Katrina - and hoping they get justice - will be on my mind.
New article on Greenville Herald Banner. I'm on my phone and can't link it.

Paraphrase- Alicia's dad contacted the Banner through a first cousin. He wants the person responsible to come forward.
The police haven't talked to him at all about the investigation. He was in contact with Alicia every day. He feels left out and wants to be included.

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so interesting... I was wondering what part Alicia's dad played in her life... If any!
I noticed that as well. Even the person who was so worried about her and started the "end bullying" page was very vague at first, IIRC they posted on Weds that they were concerned about how she was missing, but at that point she'd already been identified. This whole case is just weird IMO.

With every new thing I learn or find I feel worse and worse for Alicia. :(

OH I know! but the kid even said how strange the family is! Because no one told him and hes her cousin

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