GUILTY TX - Billy Joe Harris for rapes of elderly women in 6 counties, 2011

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have done some quick studying / profiling of the type of creep that would sexually assault an elderly woman. Below is one of the articles I found to be most enlightening.

People find it difficult to imagine why a rapist would target an elderly victim, because society still equates sexual arousal and desire with rape,” Safarik said in a phone interview. “You’re dealing with issues of power and anger in these cases, and for a number of these offenders the victim is largely symbolic,” he added. Safarik speculated that the anger level, particularly with those who target elderly women, could be one explanation for the high murder rate of victims.

Safarik found that rapists who target and murder elderly women varied greatly by age and race, but were homogenous in many other characteristics and methods of operation.

The study found that these individuals are typically undereducated, unemployed and substance abusers--usually alcohol. They are socially incompetent, do not fit into their peer group, and sexually inadequate with only 48% of the offenders leaving semen at the crime scene.

The vast majority (92%) have some sort of criminal history, but mostly misdemeanor incidents. “In approximately 80% of the cases, you will not find them in your sex offender database,” said Safarik.

They are not criminally sophisticated criminals, and frequently leave evidence at the crime scene. Another commonality is their proximity to the victim. 56% of the assailants live within six blocks of their victim, and 30% of those on the very same street. “Focus the initial investigation on the neighborhood,” Safarik suggests.

“Contrary to what some might think, their primary goal is the sexual assault,” says Safarik. Although they will usually make off with cash or jewelry afterwards, burglary is not the primary motivation—it is an afterthought.

The victim’s race is a good predictor for the race of the rapist only if the elderly victim is a black or Hispanic woman. Black men are the likely assailants if the sexual homicide victim is an elderly black woman. Likewise, Hispanic men are the likely attacker if the elderly victim is an elderly Hispanic women. White women not only make up 84 % of the victims in the study, but are the targets of rapists of all races. However, white men are unlikely candidates if the elderly victim is black or Hispanic, as they focus almost exclusively on elderly white women.

“The best predictor for age of the perpetrator is the level of injury,” according to Safarik. The more violent the injuries the sexual homicide victim suffers, the higher the likelihood that the offender is younger than the mean offender age of 27 years.
Perry requests help in 'Twilight Rapist' case

The Associated Press
Updated: 12:51 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21, 2010
Published: 12:16 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21, 2010

AUSTIN, Texas — Gov. Rick Perry is asking for more resources to help catch a serial rapist targeting older women in Central Texas.

Perry requested Thursday that a major crimes task force help investigate at least eight sexual assaults or attempted sexual assaults of older women over the past year. The victims ranged in age from 65 to 91.

All the women lived alone. The suspect has been dubbed "The Twilight Rapist."

Perry has requested that the Texas Department of Public Safety establish a major crimes task force to work with local authorities. DPS spokesman Tom Vinger says this now elevates the case to a "department-wide priority."

The crimes have all occurred in rural towns, including three cases in Yoakum.

O/T - there's been shots fired @ the Capitol today -- suspect in custody
Ruflossn--Thank you, that was very helpful. Being that we know our perp is dark-skinned, though, what does this tell us? I'd still like to know the breakdown of race in the victims. I also wonder about the level of physical injury. Being that this young man is most likely under 27, is it holding up that the women are being greatly physically harmed (please note that I know they are devastatingly traumatized).

The part about inability to successfully "complete" a rape surprises me as I assumed that that was due to issues of aging female physiology. So, it's actually due to the inability of the rapist to finish things. Hmmm. The anger is troubling. Is this misplaced anger over a perceived wrong in childhood, do you think?

Looks to me like our guy doesn't exactly match the profile. He's obviously spreading out--although Yoakum is high on the list for his home base. I can see the robberies being a second thought but I don't see our guy as bumbling, sloppy, or drunk. I think he's very controlled and conniving. He's obviously putting a LOT of hard work in this. He's also leaving no trace of evidence. I think he's actually quite smart. The study says we should be looking for someone "unsophisticated" with a drinking problem and who is a social outcast. I see nothing about the Lubbock photo (if that is our guy) or the details from the rapes reported to support that description at all.
Ruflossn--Thank you, that was very helpful. Being that we know our perp is dark-skinned, though, what does this tell us? I'd still like to know the breakdown of race in the victims. I also wonder about the level of physical injury. Being that this young man is most likely under 27, is it holding up that the women are being greatly physically harmed (please note that I know they are devastatingly traumatized).

The part about inability to successfully "complete" a rape surprises me as I assumed that that was due to issues of aging female physiology. So, it's actually due to the inability of the rapist to finish things. Hmmm. The anger is troubling. Is this misplaced anger over a perceived wrong in childhood, do you think?

Looks to me like our guy doesn't exactly match the profile. He's obviously spreading out--although Yoakum is high on the list for his home base. I can see the robberies being a second thought but I don't see our guy as bumbling, sloppy, or drunk. I think he's very controlled and conniving. He's obviously putting a LOT of hard work in this. He's also leaving no trace of evidence. I think he's actually quite smart. The study says we should be looking for someone "unsophisticated" with a drinking problem and who is a social outcast. I see nothing about the Lubbock photo (if that is our guy) or the details from the rapes reported to support that description at all.

One of the articles I read stated the perp had left behind DNA evidence.
If he has left behind DNA evidence, I am assuming he has also left behind other evidence. LE will not release all the evidence they have gathered. The clocks are interesting. I am wondering if this perp is taking clocks to make note of the exact time of his attack. These creeps are known to take trophies, but, I can not figure out the "clock thing". It is a rather unusual trophy of the assaults.

As for the "attempted rape", I use to know the % of rapists that were unable to complete "the act". It has been a long time since I have studied a rape case and the number escapes me. However, when a perp can not complete the rape, he often becomes frustrated and takes out his anger on the victim. Hence the escalation of violence against some victims. That is one reason I think the woman that was victimized twice is a huge lead in this case. WHY did he return for a 2nd assault? There has to be something that set her apart from the other victims. IF LE could figure out that question, they would be a lot closer to finding out what and why makes this perp strike out towards the elderly female population.

Ruflossn--I thought I'd read that there hadn't been DNA evidence. Can you find the article where you read that there was. I know, the clocks are perplexing and some sort of a trophy. They must be. Can we read symbolism into it or is that too deep for our perp?

I'm intrigued by the one line in your post above:

"Another commonality is their proximity to the victim. 56% of the assailants live within six blocks of their victim, and 30% of those on the very same street. “Focus the initial investigation on the neighborhood,” Safarik suggests."

OK, is LE following this advice and going door to door with the details known for a radius of six blocks of the first few rapes in Yoakum? I'd like to think that they are. I also wonder if this man moved around a lot when he was younger and might have lived in all these neighborhoods. That would make him local to all the victims.

Has anyone seen whether it has been reported if the victims share any commonality ie. being retired teachers, etc.?
I hadn't seen this before:

The Bluebonnet Youth Ranch is in Yoakum and took in their first children in 1972. This is a link to the history of the Ranch for troubled and needy children. I wonder if this statement might be of importance:

"Plans are always made to further their education and assist each child in establishing a career for themselves. The Ranch assists any child who wants to go on to college by continuing both financial and counseling support."

I wonder if our perp might have had a stay at the Ranch?

A map of the exact location of the Ranch:
MissIzzy - the link in the OP shows:

The assailant left behind DNA and other forensic evidence after some attacks, but authorities have not been able to link the DNA to anything in the state system, said Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Tom Vinger.,2933,583256,00.html

Ruflossn - the clock trophy has me thinking & researching, too....seems like most trophies are more 'personal'.
One of the articles I read stated the perp had left behind DNA evidence.
If he has left behind DNA evidence, I am assuming he has also left behind other evidence. LE will not release all the evidence they have gathered. The clocks are interesting. I am wondering if this perp is taking clocks to make note of the exact time of his attack. These creeps are known to take trophies, but, I can not figure out the "clock thing". It is a rather unusual trophy of the assaults.

As for the "attempted rape", I use to know the % of rapists that were unable to complete "the act". It has been a long time since I have studied a rape case and the number escapes me. However, when a perp can not complete the rape, he often becomes frustrated and takes out his anger on the victim. Hence the escalation of violence against some victims. That is one reason I think the woman that was victimized twice is a huge lead in this case. WHY did he return for a 2nd assault? There has to be something that set her apart from the other victims. IF LE could figure out that question, they would be a lot closer to finding out what and why makes this perp strike out towards the elderly female population.


This strikes me as someone who has access to these women's personal records. Have they all seen the same doctor? Been to the same hospital? Any number of staff members would have access to see addresses and whether they live alone (widowed, divorced, etc....).

The victim that was attacked twice may have updated her address with the perp and not even have known it.
Impatientredhead--That was my first thought, too. See my posts #45 & 46 about a possible medical connection.

I've just got a funky feeling about this Bluebonnet Youth Ranch. I looked back and didn't seen any obvious scandals or major stories which hit the news. We all know about the dangers, though, inherent to institutional care. The time frame fits. This guy could have been there sometime in the eighties or nineties. There could have been abuse or a perceived slight. He could blame an older woman for something that happened there. If anyone knows Yoakum, can you look to see how close the reported rapes are to the map I linked to for the Ranch.

Another wild thought is if any of the women had just lost their husbands. Could this person work at a funeral home and thus know more details than typical?

Is he following the same MO, waking the women from sleep to rape them? One thing that's been weighing on my mind is that women over 65 or so wouldn't be familiar with the trauma assessment therapy geared for children and younger people. How I hope they and their families avail themselves of this service. They deserve to regain their sense of strength!!
I can barely read this thread. It actually freaked me out.
I read a few posts here and there and my stomach got queasy ready to throw up.
Not sure what that's about,,,,but how can anyone harm an elderly lady? HOW?
I am not coming back here, I cant handle it..... I am sorry this it horrific.
God Bless you all who can stand in on this one.:angel::angel:
Ruflossn--I thought I'd read that there hadn't been DNA evidence. Can you find the article where you read that there was. I know, the clocks are perplexing and some sort of a trophy. They must be. Can we read symbolism into it or is that too deep for our perp?

I'm intrigued by the one line in your post above:

"Another commonality is their proximity to the victim. 56% of the assailants live within six blocks of their victim, and 30% of those on the very same street. “Focus the initial investigation on the neighborhood,” Safarik suggests."

OK, is LE following this advice and going door to door with the details known for a radius of six blocks of the first few rapes in Yoakum? I'd like to think that they are. I also wonder if this man moved around a lot when he was younger and might have lived in all these neighborhoods. That would make him local to all the victims.

Has anyone seen whether it has been reported if the victims share any commonality ie. being retired teachers, etc.?

Missizzy ~
This is a multi-agency team. You can bet these LEO's are the best of the best. They will have all sorts of profilers working this case. Geographical, behavioural profiling etc........... They will have completely canvassed the Yoakum area. I have yet to read of any commonality other than the ages of the victims.


The law enforcement effort is multi-agency led by the Texas Rangers, Vinger said.

"We wanted to establish a coordinated effort to move these investigations forward," Vinger said. "It's clear that he is a calculating guy and not just walking in off the street and committing random crimes."

In addition to the Rangers, the FBI and U.S. Marshal service are involved as well as local law enforcement agencies.

"We are assisting the local agencies and helping tie everything together. That's our role," Vinger said.
Ruflossn--I thought I'd read that there hadn't been DNA evidence. Can you find the article where you read that there was. I know, the clocks are perplexing and some sort of a trophy. They must be. Can we read symbolism into it or is that too deep for our perp?

Here is another reference to DNA.
Thanks Texasmist for the other DNA link.

"Many of these cases have been linked by physical evidence, including DNA," Texas Ranger Chief Tony Leal said in a Department of Public Safety news release. "All of the victims have been elderly women ranging in age from 65 to 91 who live alone."
I can not get the clocks / trophies off my mind. I am trying to understand this article. If I understand this article correctely ~

1) This creep is taking clocks as "trophies" from his assaults.

2) The Japenese clock was stolen in September. The same night the Japenese clock was stolen, the perp visited another womans house. He visited this womans house around 3:00 a.m. BEFORE he stole the Japenese clock. He was unsuccessful in gaining entry into this womans home. But, she heard the loud "tick / tock" sound from a clock that was propped against the side of her home.

This indicates, this man is not only taking clocks from the crime scene but he is also taking them to the crime scene. Maybe he is taking a clock from one crime scene and leaving it at another? A sick type of calling card? Maybe he stops the time at the moment of the attack.

If he is keeping the clocks for himself, this would indicate to me that he lives alone. A wife, roommate etc..... would become fed up w/ so many clocks decorating their home. At least I would get fed up w/ so many clocks.

3) This creep initially visited the womans home in September, he returned to her home in December. Both times he was unsuccessful in gaining entry. The fact that he returned to her home says that he is somewhat of a risk taker and does not like to be thwarted in his attempts at gaining entry and assaulting his victims. He is prideful and does not want to "lose".

All of these victims live alone. How does this perp know that? I read where he is watching their homes before he attacks. Is the only way he knows they live alone? I would like to know if any of these women are widows or have spouses that have recently died or may be in nursing homes.

Investigators said the man has taken several clocks as trophies.
Investigators have said he watches his female victims for days before he breaks into their homes in the early morning hours and tries to rape them.
In Marquez, hours before the Japanese clock was stolen, investigators believe the suspect was at another Marquez woman's home. The woman, who spoke to News 3 on the condition of anonymity, said the man had a clock with him then.

"It probably woke me up with tick tock real loud," said the woman.

In September, she spoke to News 3 after burglar bars had been removed from her window. That's when she said a clock was laid against her outside bedroom wall.
"It was three something in the morning and it was really loud and I thought, 'what is that? That sounds like a time bomb'," said the woman.

Since then, a dog has become a new addition to her home, as has a stun gun.

"It's 12,800,000 volts," said the woman.

Every bit of which she said she's ready to use if she has to.

The woman said the man was back at 4:30 in the morning on December 28th trying but failing to get in her home. The Sheriff's Department is investigating that. FBI agents were also at her house a few weeks ago, in what has become a nation-wide effort to catch the serial rapist.
I think the idea that the man is either an employee at a funeral home or a nursing home is plausible. He would have access to addresses and the fact that the women lived alone. I know at my Mom's nursing home in Cedar Park, they have a form which shows who in our home they can speak to about any concerns and it lists both my husband and me--so everyone there would know that I don't live alone.

I also did a lot of research on clocks last night. I was looking at symbolism or history of stolen clocks in other crimes. It gets pretty oovy-groovy and I'm not sure our guy is there. The fact that the clock was tick-tocking tells me that it was on a battery and still working--so he didn't stop a pendulum or pull a battery out to stop the clock to mark the time of the "conquest". I wonder why he would take the chance of the noise alerting someone. Even if he's not marking a time, I'd think that he'd want to silence the clock. And why not leave it in the car. That's where it gets really spooky. Maybe the oovy-groovy place is where we need to be.

I appreciate the links about the DNA. I was hanging up on the fact that the DNA had not been found in the database. Didn't I read, though, that he's left no fingerprints or did I screw that up too? So if he's leaving DNA, he's likely not using a condom or being careless. That surprises me with all his other extreme care. I wonder what the breakdown is for rapes with/without condoms and what that says about other elements of the profile?

Did you notice that LE called him calculating? So, they are even admitting that he doesn't fit the typical profile. I'm glad they're putting so many resources into this.
Might be nothing whatsoever but I found it a bit of a coincidence:

Scroll down to the comment by Tick Tock on Oct 24, 2009. The comment is benign but the poster's name is interesting as is the time of the post, 5:24 am.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the incident where a woman shot at the rapist that same week?

I also found this:

I hadn't seen this. It's an article and police sketch of a wanted rapist who struck three times In June to October 2009 at a Houston apt. complex. The rapes occurred at 3 am, 4:45 am, and 8 am. His victims ranged in age from the 20s-50s so he wasn't very picky at all. The GATED complex houses med students. The description fits accept for the weight. This guy is described as being 200 lbs. plus. I did notice, though, that there's a great discrepancy in height description for the Twilight Rapist--5'5"-6'. That's quite a span.
I appreciate the links about the DNA. I was hanging up on the fact that the DNA had not been found in the database. Didn't I read, though, that he's left no fingerprints or did I screw that up too? So if he's leaving DNA, he's likely not using a condom or being careless. That surprises me with all his other extreme care. I wonder what the breakdown is for rapes with/without condoms and what that says about other elements of the profile?

Did you notice that LE called him calculating? So, they are even admitting that he doesn't fit the typical profile. I'm glad they're putting so many resources into this.

Missizzy ~
DNA can be found in any bodily secretion/fluid/hair. Leaving his DNA does not mean he is leaving semen. In fact, some of these "rapes" have been referred to as "attempted rapes". This leads me to believe that semen was not the DNA sample left at every crime scene. The DNA could have come from epithelial cells that were left on the victims. (under their fingernails, any place this creep had skin to skin contact w/ a victim etc...), it could also be blood, urine, feces etc....

As for the LE referring to him as calculating, I think when caught, this perp will fit the profile of a rapist. He will be full of anger and venom. When LE refer to him as calculating, they (imo) are simply stating that he is not picking a victim at random. He is watching his victims and getting a plan of action b4 he commits his crime.

The comment from the Tick Tock guy came from a forum connected to a fraternity. I did a little checking and came up with this on the search for "Brothers Under Christ/Theta Chapter":

This is at the University of North Texas located in Denton. Denton is not far from the Dallas/Forth Worth area.
Ruflossn--Thank you for the info on DNA. As you can probably tell, my experience with rape was with a known rapist. There was no investigation as to WHO did it as he was a neighbor and he had at least 11 children pointing the finger at him. My interest is in helping those who are victims/survivors of familial or close neighbor/friend sexual abuse.

The Twilight Rapist scares me as my dear Mom lives in Cedar Park at a nursing home and likes to sit out front as much as possible--even in the early morning hours. I also lived in Liberty Hill, TX for 14 years so I have lots of older friends there whom I worry about. I'm learning a lot from this thread. Thank you all for being patient with me and helping me learn more about this heinous crime.
The comment by Tick Tock haunts me. I checked back and here's some dates:

On Oct. 10, an elderly woman was attacked in her home just outside of Marlin in Falls County.

Two weeks later, an elderly woman in Leon County heard an intruder in her home, grabbed a gun and scared off the would-be attacker.

Another attack was reported on Nov. 9 in Yoakum."

So within 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after that comment was written, 2 rapes and 1 attempted rape occurred.

I posted last night about the Bluebonnet Youth Ranch in Yoakum. I wonder if a graduate of that ranch (it looks like many children age out there) might have gotten a scholarship to the University of North Texas and joined that fraternity. The BYR site clearly states that they assist their residents with furthering their education.
The comment about race and rape by "Tick Tock" was written on a fraternity forum for the Brothers Under Christ/Theta Chapter (Beta Upsilon Chi), located at the University of North Texas. The Brothers Under Christ are headquartered in Fort Worth. I found that there are many chapters in Texas as well as church affiliations. Here's a link:

A link to the fraternity's home page:

FWIW, I watched the informational video and while the fraternity is primarily made up of white Christian young men, there are some men of color also.

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