GUILTY TX - Billy Joe Harris for rapes of elderly women in 6 counties, 2011

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I read that the rape happened around 6:30 am and heard LE say on a video that the phone lines weren't cut, but the phone was disabled by being pulled out at the wall. I think clubs close here at 2:00 am, or at least they used to.
Here is profile that my friend completed on this creep. It is difficult to get a completely accurate profile w/out all the crime info. But, it is interesting.

In my opinion this serial rapist is organized.

-Organized offenders are average to above average in intelligence.

-Come from families where they may have been mentally not physically abused.

-Dominate father figure.

-More than likely graduated from high school and could have taken college courses.

-Many organized offenders work as skilled laborers.

-Many are married and have children.

-More than likely he has a criminal history of theft, burglary or criminal trespass (Peeping Tom).

-Voyeurism is often one of their abnormal behaviors.

-I would say our offender comes from a home that is not broken (parents not divorced) but dysfunctional with a very dominant father figure who may verbally and mentally abused his wife and children.

-Organized offenders can be very mobile as in these cases and his automobile will show high millage on it.

-He will drive around putting hundreds of miles on his vehicle looking for potential defenseless victims.

-Our offender suffers from abnormal behavior and has fantasies about sexually assaulting elderly defenseless women.

-Most organized serial offenders like to take souvenirs but it’s usually something very personal to their victims like underwear, drivers license, jewelry ect.

-I’m not aware of this offender taking these type of souvenirs but I’m not privy to the investigation and facts about the cases.

-I would say our offender lives in area closest to the first few attacks. The more organized he became the further he traveled.

-He may have a job where he travels thru these areas like working for a news paper delivering bulk loads of papers to smaller towns.

-I would say he’s between the ages of 25 and 35 most serial offenders start in their mid twenties.

-Most likely African American or Hispanic according to physical description (dark skinned).

-The organized offender conducts a lot of pre-organized planning, It’s not a spur of the moment attack.

-The urge builds as he plans and conducts surveillance on his victims then when he can’t control his urge he attacks.

-Often organized offenders keep souvenirs so they can relive the assault while they masturbate.

-Often organized offenders know someone in law enforcement or may be related to someone in law enforcement.

-They study police tactics and do not leave much evidence. In this case the offender is leaving behind dna evidence so he knows he’s not in any dna (CODIS) data bank.

He will attack again but I need to know many more facts about these cases before I’m confident in a accurate criminal profile.

You can bet he’s reading about his crimes in the newspapers and keeping up with the investigations.

Organized offenders like to keep up with the investigation and it’s not uncommon for them to try and contact the victims family and offer to help and show sympathy. It’s another way they can keep up with the investigation.

Remember they are familiar with police tactics.

Tell your friend 'thanks' for us, Ruflossn...seems s/he thinks the same about the 'trophy' clocks as we do -- clocks (vs. wristwatches) are not personal -- I think this freak will turn out to be one really odd bird.

Also, what are your thoughts - and could you ask your LE friend about this, pretty please -- on the lady who was attacked after LE relocated her....jeez, I would think if LE did the relocating, they would have been careful that *nothing* was in her name, and she didn't get mail there, etc.

I mean, really -- if LE relocated her, then how did this freak find her again -- by coincidence???

Before I read that LE had relo'd her, I was thinking maybe she changed her address for her SS check or something else very important.

Also, since the vics/survivors are 65+, it makes me think there's some link to SS.....just a stretch of a guess as to how he can find these ladies who are alone....SS Administration would have a wealth of info if he had access to it.
Serial rapist: Authorities urge ‘common sense’ precautions by Central Texas women

Published: January 22, 2010 11:11 am
By Anita Miller
News Editor

He hasn’t yet struck in Hays County, but the possibility that a serial rapist who targets elderly women might remains, prompting authorities to urge local women to exercise “common sense” crime prevention.

According to the Department of Public Safety, the predator dubbed the “Twilight Rapist” could be linked to as many as a dozen sexual assaults in rural areas of Leon, Bells and Falls counties and towns, including three attacks in Yoakum.

The last known attack was in November in Luling. The victims ranged in age from 65 to 91.

“A little troubling is the number of cases in a relatively short time,” said DPS spokesman Tom Vinger. “Some serial rapists only strike once or twice a year. The fact that he was extremely active in criminal activity especially during the summer months through November is very troubling. His pace seemed to pick up.”

Vinger urged elderly woman, especially those living alone, to be vigilant.

“Paying close attention is half the battle,” he said.

Beverly Engel, counseling director for the Hays Caldwell Women’s Center, said on top of the “basics” of making sure all doors and windows are locked, women who feel they might be at risk should vary their routines “so you’re not coming home or leaving at the same time.”

She also suggested leaving lights on along with a TV or radio, “anything you can do to make it look like someone is with you.”
A few things--SS could be a factor but only for the addresses--not the money, surely. The man stole $12,000 cash!! Did he buy a car or maybe some fancy clocks? That's why I can't figure out the ATM thing. (And I notice nobody can answer the mystery of the still ticking clock!!)

Notice that our profiler mentioned that organized rapists (wouldn't want a messy rapist, Lord help me) are often familiar with LE or even related to them. Could he be a relative of someone in LE and have some "in's" on databases, if it's not through the Post Office or Social Security? I'd think if he worked for a government agency, though, he wouldn't have the freedom to travel. I'm still not letting go of something like Scott & White.

I did some more research on clubs and the Lizard Lounge closes at 3 am (I assume all do) so we'd be looking at the next morning, Sunday the 17th--probably right after the clubs close. I'm not sure I agree that this is the rapist. I don't think he dresses nearly as "hip or normal". The ATM guy looks just like a guy who's partied a bit much and didn't get a lady to go home with. He runs into our rapist who offers him a deal. Even if he remembers going to the ATM, he won't remember much about the rapist. JMO

Sometimes, I have to step back and shake my head. I guess I never thought I'd be concerned about what time the Lizard Lounge in Lubbock closes. WS is an intriguing place to hang out. It does broaden one's mind.
My husband offered up a caution to all Texas young men of color over the next few days. If you're wise, you won't be transporting your Mom's clock to be repaired as a surprise for her birthday. You might find yourself taking a very close look at the pavement. Families, remind your guys of this.

Just like when Clemmons and your Texas death row guy absconded, I worry about totally uninvolved young men getting rousted. Hopefully, they'll keep their calm.
Did you read more reports about if or how much he got from the ATM card? He looks really young to me in the pic but fits the general description of being thin and the height. Hopefully the Lubbock woman has a good memory and tell if it's him in the pic. About the clocks, one report I read was that he could have given a clock to someone. Maybe to a grandmother or Aunt?

The quote you are referring to came from a news article that showed the photo of the clock. LE were hoping someone recognized the clock and would recognize it and call LE w/ info. Because one of the targeted females stated she heard a clock ticking outside her house, as the perp was trying to gain entry into her home makes me think he is taking the clocks as trophies. Normally, these kind of offenders take something that is more personal in nature, jewelry, lingerie etc...... But, is seems this creep is taking clocks.
Tell your friend 'thanks' for us, Ruflossn...seems s/he thinks the same about the 'trophy' clocks as we do -- clocks (vs. wristwatches) are not personal -- I think this freak will turn out to be one really odd bird.

Also, what are your thoughts - and could you ask your LE friend about this, pretty please -- on the lady who was attacked after LE relocated her....jeez, I would think if LE did the relocating, they would have been careful that *nothing* was in her name, and she didn't get mail there, etc.

I mean, really -- if LE relocated her, then how did this freak find her again -- by coincidence???

Before I read that LE had relo'd her, I was thinking maybe she changed her address for her SS check or something else very important.

Also, since the vics/survivors are 65+, it makes me think there's some link to SS.....just a stretch of a guess as to how he can find these ladies who are alone....SS Administration would have a wealth of info if he had access to it.

Sure, I will be happy to ask his opinion about the relocation of the victim and the fact that she was located and victimized twice.

I did not realize LE had relocated her. This (again) makes me think there was something special about this victim. Why would LE move this lady? It has not been reported that LE moved any other victims. The fact that the perp victimized her after LE relocated her makes me think the perp was really trying to prove to LE that he is superior to them. This is exactly the type of behavior an organized offender would display.

Do you have a link to the article that says LE relocated her? I would like to read it.
Sometimes, I have to step back and shake my head. I guess I never thought I'd be concerned about what time the Lizard Lounge in Lubbock closes. WS is an intriguing place to hang out. It does broaden one's mind.

This is so true!
Sure, I will be happy to ask his opinion about the relocation of the victim and the fact that she was located and victimized twice.

I did not realize LE had relocated her. This (again) makes me think there was something special about this victim. Why would LE move this lady? It has not been reported that LE moved any other victims. The fact that the perp victimized her after LE relocated her makes me think the perp was really trying to prove to LE that he is superior to them. This is exactly the type of behavior an organized offender would display.

Do you have a link to the article that says LE relocated her? I would like to read it.

I read it in a few stories but here's a link I still have open.

Last month, one victim was assaulted a second time, even after police relocated her to another part of town. The assault revealed a degree of calculation and audacity that has shocked even veteran law officers.
Txsvicki--I guess we don't go clubbing much anymore. Neither of us got the time right. I was guessing 2 am also. But then aren't you and I two who were referred to as elderly? LOL

Are you in the Lubbock area? If so, please be cautious.
I read it in a few stories but here's a link I still have open.

Last month, one victim was assaulted a second time, even after police relocated her to another part of town. The assault revealed a degree of calculation and audacity that has shocked even veteran law officers.

The assault revealed a degree of calculation and audacity that has shocked even veteran law officers.

Audacity is the perfect word for this type of behavior.
Thanks for the link. I had not read this article. It is also interesting to note, this article states he is not leaving finger prints. He is covering up his finger prints but, not worried about DNA. This indicates to me that he has been fingerprinted before but has not ever had his DNA entered into CODIS. He will definitely have a criminal record but no offenses that required DNA to be submitted.
I checked on that hoodie and possible retail locations for that brand in the Lubbock area. Killeen and Austin are still the closest.

And concerning a comment from someone about him being the "right height", there really isn't a right height. LE is saying that women are reporting 5'6"-6'. That's quite a span. If you are surprised or awoken by someone standing over you, it would be almost impossible to tell, IMO. Somewhere, I've read that rape victims often describe their attackers as much larger than they really are.
The assault revealed a degree of calculation and audacity that has shocked even veteran law officers.

Audacity is the perfect word for this type of behavior.
Thanks for the link. I had not read this article. It is also interesting to note, this article states he is not leaving finger prints. He is covering up his finger prints but, not worried about DNA. This indicates to me that he has been fingerprinted before but has not ever had his DNA entered into CODIS. He will definitely have a criminal record but no offenses that required DNA to be submitted.

thumbprints are required for a TX DL, FWIW.
I checked on that hoodie and possible retail locations for that brand in the Lubbock area. Killeen and Austin are still the closest.

And concerning a comment from someone about him being the "right height", there really isn't a right height. LE is saying that women are reporting 5'6"-6'. That's quite a span. If you are surprised or awoken by someone standing over you, it would be almost impossible to tell, IMO. Somewhere, I've read that rape victims often describe their attackers as much larger than they really are.

Maybe he's from central TX area visiting someone in college in Lubbock :confused:

Another thought -- if the Lubbock lizard is the CenTex serial rapist, he's driven quite a ways from the Bell county cluster of rapes -- 300+ miles.
I keep wondering if the rapist moved around as a child and thus feels comfortable in a number of small towns. I know I keep bringing up the Bluebonnet Youth Ranch in Yoakum but how many times have we heard of children in the foster system moving numerous times?

Our foster daughter has been in 26 placements (she's only 15) and she craves to see the places she's stayed/lived. It's almost like it satisfies some need. We've taken her back to see other foster families and day care centers she was in. Once, early on, when she ran away, she planned to walk 300 miles north (she is DD) to find a school she attended. My point is that I'm not sure where our daughter would consider "home base" or her "neighborhood". Of course, loving her and being committed to her, we consider it here. But that's through our eyes. She sees things through a very different lens.

I just wonder if this man didn't have some connection (maybe when feeling defenseless) with each of these areas. He's of an age where he could certainly have been moved a lot within the system. Texas did a lot of revamping of the F/C system in the last ten years. One fact I know is that boys of color move more than any other child.

I think everyone would have to admit that, while he fits so much of the "organized rapist profile", some factors don't fit at all. Traveling to Lubbock just doesn't fit in, IMO.
I was thinking about the travel, and group home or other facilities. Perhaps he could be working for a home or facility delivering meals, supplies, medical items, medical testing materials? They often have multiple locations owned by one company, and own vans or trucks to supply them. This person seems clever and could fool others who know him into thinking he is OK. Just ideas !
Txsvicki--I guess we don't go clubbing much anymore. Neither of us got the time right. I was guessing 2 am also. But then aren't you and I two who were referred to as elderly? LOL

Are you in the Lubbock area? If so, please be cautious.

Lol elderly at 55, yes, I only live about two miles from where the attack happened but don't live alone plus have a dog. It's been over 25 years since I've been in a club. I'm not sure the guy in the pic looks old enough to get into a club, but keep wondering if he might have been in college around the College Station area, started his crimes until November then came here to Lubbock for Christmas and stayed. The weather was snowy and really cold for awhile around xmas, but he's had time since to case out victims. Maybe he has family here or is attending Texas Tech now. I think the foster kid/youth ranch extending education is a good idea. He could have been released from foster care at age 18 then came back here where there is some family. He doesn't look over 19 to me.
Wow, that's a pretty good surveillance photo....and the jacket isn't exactly non-descript. I'm thinking that this guy will be located soon (I hope).

What a dirtbag.

My stars, maybe I am just lookin wrong but I do not think those gloves fit. They don't look like his style, so I ask, did he take these from a victim? Just looks like something I might have on my dresser is all...Hands get cold at my elderly age of 50+ !
The hoodie looks pretty snug too. I see so many young guys wearing around town with the hood up, but they're all big and loose on them.
Well, i have checked group homes, photos, corporations that own them, burglaries in Yoakum. Can't find anything good enough to run with. Interesting burglary info but nothin good for now. Waiting on these DNA results!
I have alt ed students who wear hoodies, too, and this guy in our area anyway would be said to have fashion challenges! Girl's hoodie maybe?
Or is he a mixed gangsta/emo kid? We do have a few of them, socially challenged. They wear smaller clothes.

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