GUILTY TX - Billy Joe Harris for rapes of elderly women in 6 counties, 2011

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Looks like us websleuthers were right again. The local lubbock LE is looking at the rape of the 87 year old woman as possibly being the twilight rapist. Same description and MO.

The area where this rape happened is an older, but very nice area with brick homes. All homes here have fences, most in that area are the tall wood ones and the homes all have garages. There's hardly any apartments around. One apt. building is very close though and the Loop and Walmart just up the road. I'm wondering if this guy rode the Citibus or how he came across this woman and knew that she was alone.
Can everyone look at the sketch on the link I posted a page back concerning the Houston rapist:

I've checked and I can't find any reports of this man's arrest. Anyway, look at the sketch and compare it to the photo of our guy in the Enyce jacket at the ATM in Lubbock which is shown in posts #48 and 50 on this thread. Resemblance?

I'm sure every victim will be shown this photo and maybe we'll get somewhere.
Warning: This site is vile and I in NO way tolerate this type of talk. However, I can't find out much info on the Houston rapist and this site supplies some that I haven't seen elsewhere. Don't say I didn't warn you.

[ame=""]Rape ape busy in Houston apt. complexes - NNN Reporters Newsroom Forum[/ame]

Gotta go splash cold water on my face.
Let's talk about clocks. The photo I've seen of the one reported stolen, looks to be a pendulum clock. Am I correct or is it just made to look like one? A pendulum clock stops ticking when the pendulum is stopped. How is it, then, that a woman could have heard a clock tick-tocking loudly when it was leaned up against the side of her house? Are we talking about different clocks?

Another issue with clocks is a link to Aspergers Disorder. Many people with Aspergers either LOVE clocks and watches and collect them to excess. Or they HATE them and all ticking of clocks must be stopped when they are present.

So, just going way out here--could the guy have Aspergers and chose clocks as a trophy? Or could the guy have Aspergers (odd that the elder woman rape profile posted yesterday mentioned that rapists of older women were often socially inept--that's true of many with Aspergers) and simply had to silence the clocks or place them away from where he was committing his crime? Has anyone seen any reports on clocks being found ditched or left behind?

This is really frightening if this rapist has truly moved on to Lubbock.
I'm wondering if the twilight rapist (if it's him) is planning to leave Lubbock since he risked using the ATM maching and having a pic out there. Unless he was desperate for money and didn't realize that some elderly might not have cash on hand, but be up to date and only use debit cards. Also, if this woman had an atm card, she must have been out and about still able to get around and drive. He could have followed her home from the bank, grocery store, or even church then cased her home. I can't figure out how anyone would know for sure that she was alone and didn't have others living there or possibly not even a dog inside since no dog was mentioned.
Ruflossn--Thank you for the info on DNA. As you can probably tell, my experience with rape was with a known rapist. There was no investigation as to WHO did it as he was a neighbor and he had at least 11 children pointing the finger at him. My interest is in helping those who are victims/survivors of familial or close neighbor/friend sexual abuse.

The Twilight Rapist scares me as my dear Mom lives in Cedar Park at a nursing home and likes to sit out front as much as possible--even in the early morning hours. I also lived in Liberty Hill, TX for 14 years so I have lots of older friends there whom I worry about. I'm learning a lot from this thread. Thank you all for being patient with me and helping me learn more about this heinous crime.

Missizzy ~ You are most welcome for any info that helps your interest in crime. I am in No way a professional but, I have studied profiling for a few years. I have a close friend that is former law enforcement and he has helped me a lot w/ the profiling of criminal cases. He just sent me a profile of the creep that is assaulting these women. If he gives me permission, I will post the profile on this site. It is interesting.

I understand your concern for your Mother. But, from what I can tell, he has not struck in a nursing home environment. He seems to like the cover of darkness, and the privacy of an individual living alone. In a nursing home, there would be the chance of nursing staff and roommates to contend with. Your Mom will most likely be safe.
Let's talk about clocks. The photo I've seen of the one reported stolen, looks to be a pendulum clock. Am I correct or is it just made to look like one? A pendulum clock stops ticking when the pendulum is stopped. How is it, then, that a woman could have heard a clock tick-tocking loudly when it was leaned up against the side of her house? Are we talking about different clocks?

Another issue with clocks is a link to Aspergers Disorder. Many people with Aspergers either LOVE clocks and watches and collect them to excess. Or they HATE them and all ticking of clocks must be stopped when they are present.

So, just going way out here--could the guy have Aspergers and chose clocks as a trophy? Or could the guy have Aspergers (odd that the elder woman rape profile posted yesterday mentioned that rapists of older women were often socially inept--that's true of many with Aspergers) and simply had to silence the clocks or place them away from where he was committing his crime? Has anyone seen any reports on clocks being found ditched or left behind?

This is really frightening if this rapist has truly moved on to Lubbock.

This is a very interesting observation, and one I don't necessarily disagree with. However, in my personal experience as a mother of 2 teenage sons with AS, I'm not seeing the connection to rape mostly because ASers typically have a repulsion towards intimacy of any sort. I can't wrap my mind around an ASer forcing intimacy/touch of ANY kind, especially rape. I'm certainly no expert, and I think this is a fascinating correlation the poster has drawn...I'm just having trouble getting 'on board' with it due to my personal experience/education with AS.

I really like the analytical reasoning, Missizzy!

ETA: When I consider what kind of monster would be doing this to elderly women all I keep coming back to is a spineless coward who has absolutely no confidence in himself or he'd choose victims who had half a chance of fighting him off. Slime.
Can everyone look at the sketch on the link I posted a page back concerning the Houston rapist:

I've checked and I can't find any reports of this man's arrest. Anyway, look at the sketch and compare it to the photo of our guy in the Enyce jacket at the ATM in Lubbock which is shown in posts #48 and 50 on this thread. Resemblance?

I'm sure every victim will be shown this photo and maybe we'll get somewhere.

I looked at both photos. I do not think they are the same man. :waitasec:
txsvicki--I have a debit card but I am totally bedbound. I occasionally will have one of my adult children use it for me if I need them to purchase something when my husband's out of town. They know my code. So, the poor victim in Lubbock might not still be going out. She might be as frail as that one spokesperson described.

I'm just really shocked that this guy seemed to take no steps at all to disguise or cover himself from the ATM photo--and to wear such a distinct hoodie. I don't get it. Isn't it considered a given that once rapists get cocky; they get sloppier and they get more dangerous?

Several articles I've read have stated that they believe that there could be more victims who have not come forward. That, too, is my concern. A woman who is over 65 might feel more shame and/or guilt over the crime itself (due to being raised in a different cultural "climate) or worry that a report could limit her hard-fought-for freedom. Can you imagine constantly bickering with your children about your safety as you really want to stay in your home and not go to an assisted living facility and then this happens?

I can certainly imagine some women are not coming forward and my heart aches for them. They'd be all alone with their pain and fear. I can see why one woman had a stroke. They just have to find this guy now.

Ruflossn--Thanks for the reassurance. I called the nursing home and they said that they are not allowing any of the residents outside at night right now due to the rapist. That made me feel much better. My Mom has mild dementia and is friendly to everyone. She's also almost blind. I could see her being easily victimized. I'll be watching to see if your friend allows you to post the profile. Thanks again.
The guy is very brazen. One attack was at a retirement village where residents might be up really early before dawn and much more nosey than regular neighbors.
Here is profile that my friend completed on this creep. It is difficult to get a completely accurate profile w/out all the crime info. But, it is interesting.

In my opinion this serial rapist is organized.

-Organized offenders are average to above average in intelligence.

-Come from families where they may have been mentally not physically abused.

-Dominate father figure.

-More than likely graduated from high school and could have taken college courses.

-Many organized offenders work as skilled laborers.

-Many are married and have children.

-More than likely he has a criminal history of theft, burglary or criminal trespass (Peeping Tom).

-Voyeurism is often one of their abnormal behaviors.

-I would say our offender comes from a home that is not broken (parents not divorced) but dysfunctional with a very dominant father figure who may verbally and mentally abused his wife and children.

-Organized offenders can be very mobile as in these cases and his automobile will show high millage on it.

-He will drive around putting hundreds of miles on his vehicle looking for potential defenseless victims.

-Our offender suffers from abnormal behavior and has fantasies about sexually assaulting elderly defenseless women.

-Most organized serial offenders like to take souvenirs but it’s usually something very personal to their victims like underwear, drivers license, jewelry ect.

-I’m not aware of this offender taking these type of souvenirs but I’m not privy to the investigation and facts about the cases.

-I would say our offender lives in area closest to the first few attacks. The more organized he became the further he traveled.

-He may have a job where he travels thru these areas like working for a news paper delivering bulk loads of papers to smaller towns.

-I would say he’s between the ages of 25 and 35 most serial offenders start in their mid twenties.

-Most likely African American or Hispanic according to physical description (dark skinned).

-The organized offender conducts a lot of pre-organized planning, It’s not a spur of the moment attack.

-The urge builds as he plans and conducts surveillance on his victims then when he can’t control his urge he attacks.

-Often organized offenders keep souvenirs so they can relive the assault while they masturbate.

-Often organized offenders know someone in law enforcement or may be related to someone in law enforcement.

-They study police tactics and do not leave much evidence. In this case the offender is leaving behind dna evidence so he knows he’s not in any dna (CODIS) data bank.

He will attack again but I need to know many more facts about these cases before I’m confident in a accurate criminal profile.

You can bet he’s reading about his crimes in the newspapers and keeping up with the investigations.

Organized offenders like to keep up with the investigation and it’s not uncommon for them to try and contact the victims family and offer to help and show sympathy. It’s another way they can keep up with the investigation.

Remember they are familiar with police tactics.
Ugh, those who target children, the elderly, animals or any other helpless faction of society are the lowest of the low. My dad grew up in Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn in the 1950s, and when he was a young boy his 96-year old next-door neighbor was raped. His family left the neighborhood not long after.
Also a couple of years ago here in NYC there was a perp violently robbing elderly women in Queens, he was caught, I believe, through someone recognizing him from CCTV footage that LE released to the public.

This guy needs to be caught, and caught soon, as I don't imagine him stopping otherwise. If anything, he may well escalate to beating his victims or even murder, in addition to rape, which is horrible enough. Has a description/drawing been released yet, does anyone know?
Ruflossn--That was quite interesting but also very different than the other profile from yesterday. I, too, think our guy is quite smart. That's why I wonder about the ATM photo. If we go back to Yoakum, where the first rapes (as far as we know) occurred, I'd still like to consider someone who spent time at the Bluebonnet Youth Ranch. That sounds highly plausible to me.

Has anyone heard of a profile detail specific to anger towards older women ie. a man who grew up with an abusive grandmother? Or does that just not factor in?

The Aspergers connection came up for me when I was researching obsessions and theft of clocks. I went a little further and researched Aspergers and sexual violence and it didn't surprise me that it is not common, for the same reasons you mention, Mom_of_five. The clock thing is just driving me nuts as there's got to be some worthwhile clues there.

Of course, this guy is getting off on reading about his crimes. I have no doubt in my mind that he's read every one of our posts. His days of hurting women are coming to a close, however. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now, with the whole state of Texas gunning for him. Talk about a trophy. I can just hear the guys down at the Liberty Hill VFW.
OK--If our guy is so smart and familiar with police tactics and ATMs, why would he allow his photo to be taken? What if it's not him? What if our guy approached someone who looked similar to him and made a deal with him to split the cash? Yes, I realize that the photographed guy is bound to be identified but if he was just some guy walking by looking to make some cash (possibly drunk or drug-seeking or cognitively slow--likely as that guy certainly didn't know or care about the ATM photo), he's highly unlikely to be able to identify the rapist. Just a thought.

I still wonder why the rapist needed $200-300 being that he stole $12,000 but maybe it's the thrill of it.
OK--If our guy is so smart and familiar with police tactics and ATMs, why would he allow his photo to be taken? What if it's not him? What if our guy approached someone who looked similar to him and made a deal with him to split the cash? Yes, I realize that the photographed guy is bound to be identified but if he was just some guy walking by looking to make some cash (possibly drunk or drug-seeking or cognitively slow--likely as that guy certainly didn't know or care about the ATM photo), he's highly unlikely to be able to identify the rapist. Just a thought.

I still wonder why the rapist needed $200-300 being that he stole $12,000 but maybe it's the thrill of it.

Did you read more reports about if or how much he got from the ATM card? He looks really young to me in the pic but fits the general description of being thin and the height. Hopefully the Lubbock woman has a good memory and tell if it's him in the pic. About the clocks, one report I read was that he could have given a clock to someone. Maybe to a grandmother or Aunt?
I'm not sure what to make of that report, Texas Mist. If the rapist is watching so carefully, wouldn't he have been scared off by all the lights coming on? If this lady is an early riser, surely she would have turned on some lights. I can't imagine that she was bathing in the dark....unless she's blind (which could be a possibility but would probably have been reported). He would be mighty bold IMO to break into a house with lights on and attack a woman.

I'm still stuck on the Houston rapist. Being that's it's not likely IMO that the photo of the guy at the Lubbock ATM is actually the rapist, I think the Houston guy needs to be more closely checked out. They have a good sketch of him, he broke into a gated complex (very bold), in the early morning hours, and was not picky about age.

Doesn't it just break everyone's heart to read:

"...........the 77-year woman said something that will stay with me. She said, “You think you’re in control of your life, but you’re not. You are not.”
So, presumably the photo at the ATM was taken early Saturday morning, January 16th.

"Lubbock investigators said the man broke into an 87-year-old woman's home early Saturday morning, raped her and stole her purse. They said he did not have a weapon, but did cut the woman's phone line."

That certainly fits his MO. I have no idea, though, just how early in the morning we're talking about.

I found this:

The Lizard Club
Hip-Hop & R&B
1505 34th Street, Lubbock, Texas
Between Ave Q & I-27

The Lizard Club states that they have special events every Friday evening. I wonder if the guy in the ATM photo might not have just come from the Lizard Club? Does anyone know what time clubs must close in Lubbock? If the rapist waited until the NEXT evening to find a dumb guy to go to the ATM for him, the guy might have come from:

The Champagne Room
Hip-Hop, Old School, Reggae, Dance
2202 Buddy Holly Ave, Lubbock, Texas
Between 19th Street & I-27
Behind The Beer Garden

which advertises that they hold special events on Saturday nights. I wonder if the bouncers at these two clubs could be shown this photo. That's a mighty recognizable hoodie there and just what a guy might wear out to the club to impress the ladies. For some reason, I just don't get the sense that the rapist attended either of the special club nights. Does anyone know where the ATM was reportedly located?
OK--If our guy is so smart and familiar with police tactics and ATMs, why would he allow his photo to be taken? What if it's not him? What if our guy approached someone who looked similar to him and made a deal with him to split the cash? Yes, I realize that the photographed guy is bound to be identified but if he was just some guy walking by looking to make some cash (possibly drunk or drug-seeking or cognitively slow--likely as that guy certainly didn't know or care about the ATM photo), he's highly unlikely to be able to identify the rapist. Just a thought.

I still wonder why the rapist needed $200-300 being that he stole $12,000 but maybe it's the thrill of it.

If this in fact is the serial rapist, I believe he was stupid enough to get caught on the ATM photo because of the angle. Most ATM photos are caught from above, looking down. Usually, you will see what the perp is wearing and maybe a few facial features. However, this ATM did a shot at face level. This is why the perp has a heavy hood pulled over his head, but the shot is directly of his face.

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