TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #1

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That's assuming they're telling the truth, I think they've shown that they have not so far so why would we assume that's the truth?

I've not found where they have said anything contradictory from the family? I do see where the police and media do not have the same stories. Where have you found where family has not told the truth? At this point, how would any of us know what is truth when there is no police press conferences or police updating the community? Here in NH we have a teen girl missing and the police are always updating. They do the same here with adults missing, too. Maybe the difference is not many go missing around this neck of the woods?
I have a few theories, may not be popular, it's only my thoughts but here goes.

BL and KL are at the family home doing meth, BL has relapsed, he starts becoming paranoid and aggressive, especially when challenged about his behaviour by his wife who has kids to think about, he storms out of the house at 11.53. LL knows the truck is low on fuel and advises KL to this fact - Brandon places a call to his brother at 12.38 saying he's run out of fuel (so they say, we don't know what was said during that phonecall) even though this was apparently established 8 minutes before with no call from Brandon by Kyle as per the timeline. Who called who? Is this based on Brandon's outgoing calls?

Did Brandon and Kyle leave the house at the same time? In his low fuel truck and with them both high, Brandon becoming exceedingly paranoid and delusional. Were the calls for petrol/gas actually from Brandon's phone to Audrey who suddenly appears in this story. Explaining why Kyle and the police got there at exactly the same time because Kyle was already there - why is Audrey not mentioned in this part?

My hands are moving faster than my brain now.

I don't get this feeling at all. He works in the oil fields and I am sure he is drug tested often. The cell records show the calls in and out and to whom so they couldn't lie and say that KL was somewhere else if he was already at the house and they have 4 kids and some are certainly old enough to tell police who was in the home and who was not. I also do not hear a voice that sounds like someone paranoid or on drugs. I think he ran out of gas as I believe he was angry and hopped into his truck and took off towards his dad's home and may have already passed a gas station and the next would be in Bronte at Stripes and just didn't make it and ran out.
I thought I heard something different in the call, and my darn dogs barked, and now I can't hear what I thought I did!!! Gonna ask my family to listen to it separately, and not tell them anything about the call, and see what they hear. I have some very southern speaking family members, but don't know the slang and such from where Brandon lived. :( I have an aunt that thinks she's better than the rest of the family because she has some money....but she says ARSprin instead of ASSpirin (aspirin) and towleres for towels! I heared, instead of I heard! So many other southern words like that. Some lack of education, and some is regional/cultural/etc. I never knew a creek could be a crick until I went to PA and had no idea what they were talking about.
You can also cash it in and give it up altogether. Just be prepared for large tax penalties! (My parents do tax accounting!)

am i mistaken or did he just start a new job? this could explain 401k check, from previous job? i know sometimes depends upon who you work for you can exercise leaving it and transferring it or cashing it in.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nih4fZQRIk0 = sorry if I'm not allowed to do that x

That is a very tragic call and a very dangerous drug. I obviously cannot say if BL was taking this drug but from the 911 call I don't hear confusion or paranoia. I would also think if he was under the influence of Meth that his body would have been found by the searches and I do not believe he left his girlfriend and family to hide from police all this time.
I can understand not giving it out but I would be there searching it myself if I couldn't get the police to do it. They said they did searches as recent as February? Maybe they did search the new area but are not talking? Other than the map do we know where other searches took place?

She can't just go onto private property and search.

I read there was another smaller search by the Colorado river somewhere. I have no details. I think the dog hitting on something that could have been hog or human lead to the further search towards the river.
But But But.....that statement doesn't jive with Brandon's 911 call! He clearly said "Please hurry!" and "No, I need the cops." So if he was hiding from the cops, while they were there, and was warned the cops were there, then ummm makes no sense! He asked for help! :tantrum:

The Deputy was not responding to Brandon's call and was likely unaware of the call AND K and A failed to tell him that Brandon said he was up the road 10 minutes and bleeding.

TWO major fails!
And where is Ladessa's interputation of the call? and his family's? They would know how he pronounces words and any slang he might use better than us. :(

No clue. She doesn't want anyone asking questions.
I appreciate all the info about the 911 call because I am deaf and I cannot listen to it. but I did read a transcript about the call is anyone of you hearing anything after the 911 operator keeps saying hello hello hello? any sounds at all? I really think someone came upon him and removed him from the scene.

I read somewhere if someone deaf with a phone could play the tape and it type out the text of the call? Do you have such a phone? Maybe technology can understand the sounds clearer than people?
I've not found where they have said anything contradictory from the family? I do see where the police and media do not have the same stories. Where have you found where family has not told the truth? At this point, how would any of us know what is truth when there is no police press conferences or police updating the community? Here in NH we have a teen girl missing and the police are always updating. They do the same here with adults missing, too. Maybe the difference is not many go missing around this neck of the woods?

K later admitted that he did not tell Deputy N that he was talking to B because he ASSUMED B was hiding from the Deputy due to the warrant. He didn't realize that B might have been in need of help until later. I read he went and talked to LE the following weekend or when LL found out that B called 911 the following Tuesday. I also read that LE asked Ladessa to come talk to them and she wouldn't. So much can't be verified though.
Yes,there is some noise, but nothing that couldn't be explained by breathing/walking. The unfortunate thing is that I don't believe we hear the call until Brandon hung up or was cut off. The recording ends after the three hellos. In my opinion we do not hear the call disconnect. As a result we can't tell if the operator hung up on Brandon after three hello's or if the call was dropped or if Brandon ended it. He says something to the effect of "I can't talk" just before the "yeah/no I need the cops" line. So, also my opinion, I think Brandon had to be quiet for some reason and the operator simply hung up because she didn't grasp what was going on.

I did amplify the version I had downloaded and after the three "hello's" a voice whispered, "Done." And at first I thought that was significant, but the youtube notes said to ignore whispering at that point because it was their sound technician.

I cannot hear "I can't talk?" Can you post your version here? I have only heard the YouTube videos on his website and FaceBook.
am i mistaken or did he just start a new job? this could explain 401k check, from previous job? i know sometimes depends upon who you work for you can exercise leaving it and transferring it or cashing it in.

It could have been from a prior job. That might make more sense. When you leave a job (employer has nothing to do with it) you can cash it out but you have to pay income tax and a 10% early withdrawal penalty. (I do taxes) Or you can roll it over.

The only ways you can cash it out (or a portion) when you are still employed is the reasons I listed. You can also take a loan out against it, which is smarter tax wise.
The 911 call was not authorized to be released. LL didn't have permission to give it out or post it. It is an ongoing case she and others could be held liable for posting or making any adjustments to it. In an on going and open case if information is released or it causes problems in the investigation then its called hindering an investigation.

If it was part of the investigation I doubt they would have given her a copy and if you research it says Texas: No indication of unusual rules or restrictions to 911 recordings and transcripts. http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/911-recordings-transcripts-state-statutes
According to the site missingbrandonlawson.com the coordinates of the truck were 31.830607 x -100.292. This is about a quarter of a mile further south than the position shown by the Observer/Enterprise graphic. This would be roughly halfway between the point shown by the newspaper and the picnic area. There are trees along the roadside in this area

Attached is a graphic showing both truck locations. The yellow circle is an approx 10 minute walking distance from the new coordinates of the truck. The green outline is the search area according to the Observer/Enterprise and now shows the search more centered on the truck location.

If he was N of Bronte on 277 (walking?) that would put him on the Sheriff's own property which is a little over one square mile to his farmland. How ironic would it be if he made it that far (which is right by the Snipes Gas station.) Sorry I don't know how to post maps but I just Googled it. I wish we knew where the new cell phone ping was located and what I don't understand is how it is "new" and different from what the police obtained in their search? Does anyone know?
B or BL =Brandon Lawson
K or KL =Kyle Lawson (brother to Brandon)
L or LL =Ladessa Lofton (gf/common law wife of Brandon)
A or AK =Audrey (gf of Kyle)
Gosh, more inconsistencies! Thanks for the info and updated map!!

More confusion! It did say that the search done was not in the right area. Now that I remember reading as I found it very interesting that they would search somewhere that was not from a ping? In one of the comments on FaceBook the mod said they searched only one side of the road and I found that strange too. I tried to find that comment but have not been able to find it. :tantrum:
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