TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #1

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It doesn't really matter at this point. If she picked it up it wouldn't be admissible in court for fingerprints or anything like that. Best to not touch it and call LE if you find something and let them collect it properly.

I agree that it should be LE but how does one sit back and wait? This was sad to read. How much more does his family need to beg to get help? I wonder where this property was that they found

"we did what little we could until it came a down pour..we drove down the back side of some of that property, nothing found..but a cell phone that was crushed..of which was not his..but were keeping it..and a t-shirt. We have not given up n won't till we find him...it just seems every way we turn to get something done we run into roadblocks"https://www.facebook.com/brandon.lawson.3990/posts/401581469968589?stream_ref=10
I agree that it should be LE but how does one sit back and wait? This was sad to read. How much more does his family need to beg to get help? I wonder where this property was that they found

"we did what little we could until it came a down pour..we drove down the back side of some of that property, nothing found..but a cell phone that was crushed..of which was not his..but were keeping it..and a t-shirt. We have not given up n won't till we find him...it just seems every way we turn to get something done we run into roadblocks"https://www.facebook.com/brandon.lawson.3990/posts/401581469968589?stream_ref=10

Agreed. I'm really really hoping this new "attention" to his case will force LE to search. I am hopeful. The Sheriff is an elected official and bad press is not good for him. NOT that I totally believe he/they did anything wrong. They did try to search for him. I'm not sure if the 911 call was tampered with or anything dicey went on with LE but it's possible. All I want is for them to search the new gps/ping area. That's the least they could do since there is NEW info. Bring TEXSAR back and go to that location. The family shouldn't have to nor should LE want them to.
IIRC, the communication at 1 AM was a text. This is when Kyle thought Brandon was hiding and watching when in fact I'm not sure if he really was. I would have to find the quote from LL. Then I think the 1:19AM was possibly a phone call where he is incoherent and says he is bleeding and then nothing.

I really think we are dealing with the fact that the family has more information they are not putting out there on the calls/texts. They got Brandon's phone records. They have to know more than we do about the times on the calls and text messages. JMO

Back to walmart. Has it been determined if in fact he was there? They have cameras in the Parkin lot

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Back to walmart. Has it been determined if in fact he was there? They have cameras in the Parkin lot

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Nope. I'm taking that as rumor for now. I've not seen/heard anything more on it.
This is just odd. I keep thinking about the young couple lost, confused and on meth. Their 911 calls made no sense. http://www.foxnews.com/story/2005/01/22/young-couple-on-meth-die-in-nebraska-snowstorm/

If he was running, scared, he might of hit his head and is somewhere in the area he is. If it was my family member I would be knocking of doors asking if I could search their property. I feel like maybe he meant "this guys takin to the woods"... Wild animals, just pushed passed what ever animal it is..

Maybe he did come across fishy 1 am activity. But I would think other drivers would of seen something passing by.

He should of stayed in his vehicle.
In that area and that time of the early morning, good chance no one passed by.
I apologize. I read on his that he currently works in the oilfield. I will see if I can find for which company and when. She doesn't say it on hers but I noticed he is gone a lot from her comments.

You are right! I was wrong! I found where she said he is gone all the time and on the rig and thought of trucking but further in comments she mentioned he was a mud logger and works with h2s gas on a rig. So, safe to say in oil field industry but probably away as my research showed "off shore rigs" that use h2s.
Maybe we all should take one sentence at a time from the recording until we can unanimously agree, word for word and build it from that point? Seems we all have many the same but very broad differences on the pertinent sections? We can copy and continue adding on like the "whisper in my ear" game. Let's start here:

050 and 38 seconds

Dispatch: 911 Emergency?
BL: Yes, I'm in the middle of the field
Seriously! Do the reports ever not contradict?
Deputies responded to the call and arrived on the scene where Lawson’s truck stood abandoned. At the same time, Kyle Lawson, Brandon’s brother, appeared with a gas can and filled his brother’s truck.

According to Lori Norris, Brandon Lawson and Ladessa Lofton’s neighbor, the Sherriff’s Deputies asked Kyle Lawson if he was the one who had made the call, and Kyle stated that the vehicle was his brother’s and that he must have stepped away. Kyle Lawson would gas it up and his brother would return to retrieve it.

After this, the Deputies left the scene.

This part of the story has been confirmed by Coke County Sherriff Wayne McCutchen

, Lawson’s girlfriend Ladessa Lofton, and Lori Norris. What happened thereafter, however is where the story gets murky.

When Deputies were on the scene, no mention was made concerning the potential whereabouts of Brandon Lawson. It wasn’t until two to three days later that Kyle Lawson came forward and admitted to the Sherriff that his girlfriend had been on the phone with Brandon while Kyle was talking to the Deputies, Sherriff McCutchen said.

According to Norris, who has been assisting in the search for Lawson since his disappearance six weeks ago, “Kyle went down the road and waited for the Sherriff’s Deputies to leave, and went back and was calling out to Brandon.”

Lofton added that Kyle had driven up and down the highway looking for Brandon until 4:30 a.m., and claimed that a few of his co-workers had assisted in the search, however was unable to say whether or not anyone stepped out of the vehicle to search in the brush where Brandon had reported he was hiding.
I agree that the tape is edited and to keep listening is not bringing anything new IMO. Don't get me wrong, if it were my relative, I'd listen until the cows came home and I'd appreciate y'all listening repeatedly too. But with the edits (many here have surmised that it was edited) we are just going in circles.

There has to be a break soon and I think you are onto something with some of these other thoughts. Your sleuthing skills are amazing!
I'm just unsure if all the contradictions are due to poor reporting, dirty cops or a dishonest family or ALL of the above?
I'm just unsure if all the contradictions are due to poor reporting, dirty cops or a dishonest family or ALL of the above?


There is so many contradictions , and no way to tell who is being truthful. The FB page disturbs me , because unless people say what the admin wants to hear, they get deleted and banned. Why? People ask questions because they want to help find him . I am voting for all of the above . Its just a :rollercoaster: ride !
I'm not sure why, but I just can't stop thinking about this case. And it's so frustrating because everything is so confusing and no one seems to want to answer any questions. I really wish I could sit down with Kyle, Audrey and Ladessa and go over the night and calls/texts, step by step. Where are you, Brandon?
Maybe we all should take one sentence at a time from the recording until we can unanimously agree, word for word and build it from that point? Seems we all have many the same but very broad differences on the pertinent sections? We can copy and continue adding on like the "whisper in my ear" game. Let's start here:

050 and 38 seconds

Dispatch: 911 Emergency?
BL: Yes, I'm in the middle of the field

I know no one will agree with me, but this is plain as day to me! I just don't think I can hear it any way but!
BL:In fact, we just pushed some guys over (takes a deep breath) right here going towards Abilene on both sides.
I am finding the 30% slowed down version of techpuppy's the best to listen to and get clarity.

Actually, after listening to this a little bit closer, I think BL has been fighting with "the first guy" who has "chased him into the woods". I think he possible knocked him out or down or something. He could be sitting on him. But "the first guy" sounds as out of breath as BL does when he says "yes" to the ambulance. I am thinking BL has given him a run for his money...JMO
:loveyou: And to be exact....I think he says Yes, I'm in the middle of a field. not the field. I'm not being picky really, but if you really want word for word.
I am finding the 30% slowed down version of techpuppy's the best to listen to and get clarity.

Actually, after listening to this a little bit closer, I think BL has been fighting with "the first guy" who has "chased him into the woods". I think he possible knocked him out or down or something. He could be sitting on him. But "the first guy" sounds as out of breath as BL does when he says "yes" to the ambulance. I am thinking BL has given him a run for his money...JMO

wow. wow wow wow. that's good thinking and listening. Makes sense.
I am finding the 30% slowed down version of techpuppy's the best to listen to and get clarity.

Actually, after listening to this a little bit closer, I think BL has been fighting with "the first guy" who has "chased him into the woods". I think he possible knocked him out or down or something. He could be sitting on him. But "the first guy" sounds as out of breath as BL does when he says "yes" to the ambulance. I am thinking BL has given him a run for his money...JMO

I thought when I listened to it I could hear two people breathing, but I wasn't sure. Techpuppy's is the best. I still think that was an edited recording though. It just doesn't add up. I think something bad went down. You can hear the fear in his voice.
The official fb page. Hmmm...not sure what it's purpose is? What was the purpose of releasing the 911 tape? I've seen people offer to help in ways from posting flyers to helping with a search, contacting landowners etc etc and none seems welcome or appreciated. The monetary donations seem appreciated but that's about all I can see. People are interested and ask questions that don't get answered or they get removed. Why? What is LL looking for help with?
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