TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #2

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In one of LL's post on Dateline she reported to Josh that BL left $2700 in his bank account untouched, but in a latter post her friend tells Josh BL didn't have enough money to get gas before leaving the house? Is the new information? You know when you have a bond set and you fail to appear in a drug case as such, LE can and may freeze YOUR bank account. Hmmmm

Oh wow, I don't know, can they really freeze accounts? That is kinda scary. Not that I would do anything to where that would happen.

I had read about the 2700 that was froze in the account and they won't let LL access it. The account must not have her name on it.
I wonder if LE was able to track the calls to and from K and A's phones to Brandons or see the texts supposedly sent and received...Can someone tell me, he was approx '10' mins up the road from his truck on south of Bronte but the new phone ping is 3 miles to the ?NE?, does anyone know what time this ping is? Could Brandon have walked/ran the 3 miles in whatever time? Sorry I'm sure this has already been pointed out...
Very sad to beg for help..get the help and slam the door in the helps face....I did not see any of those mentioned shenanigans, but how very sad... for her babies...Brandon's family and for her to be like that...people will get very leery of helping for fear of being treated like crap...Really makes one wonder if Brandon did run..makes one wonder did Kyle and A FIND Brandon along the road and give him a ride on into Abilene? I do not understand why Brandon's family has 'stepped' back, as it has been stated...that is their son, and I don't see them advocating for him, what am I missing?

I have wondered briefly if maybe the fight, was the breaking point for him. Maybe he wanted out. I know LL says he would never leave his kids, but we all have seen the stories of people who no one thought would leave their kids and they have. I am in no way saying he did this, but it could be a possibility. Maybe LE knows, and they won't say because he doesn't want anyone to know. I don't know. I have no idea. I am so confused and stumped.
I have wondered briefly if maybe the fight, was the breaking point for him. Maybe he wanted out. I know LL says he would never leave his kids, but we all have seen the stories of people who no one thought would leave their kids and they have. I am in no way saying he did this, but it could be a possibility. Maybe LE knows, and they won't say because he doesn't want anyone to know. I don't know. I have no idea. I am so confused and stumped.

Those babies are so precious. Everyone seems so happy in the pictures she post. My opinion only, but running can take a toll and very difficult with internet and media postings, but I guess it could be done.
I have wondered briefly if maybe the fight, was the breaking point for him. Maybe he wanted out. I know LL says he would never leave his kids, but we all have seen the stories of people who no one thought would leave their kids and they have. I am in no way saying he did this, but it could be a possibility. Maybe LE knows, and they won't say because he doesn't want anyone to know. I don't know. I have no idea. I am so confused and stumped.

If LE knew where B was he'd be in jail.

I believe the new ping was from the 1:18 text.
I don't know if that's rumor or fact. According to reports, Deputy Fox and Deputy Neal both responded to the stranded motorist call. One heading on 277 to the North of Bronte and one heading to the South. We heard that Deputy Neal reached B's truck at the same time K and A did. In MM's reporting (shown on the missingbrandonlawson page) she comments several times about deputies (with an s) arriving at the truck but in all other accounts we were only told that ONE Deputy arrived at the truck and that would be Deputy Neal.

She also reports that they were responding to a stranded motorist call by a passing trucker about a vehicle running out of gas. How would a passing trucker know B's vehicle was out of gas? And why wouldn't the trucker give the EXACT location of the truck? Why the need for TWO Deputies to be dispatched?

This is all basically outlining the discrepancies in MM (the Sheriff's wife reporting). Visit missingbrandonlawson.com for the full details. I am just paraphrasing here, but these are some valid questions IMO. And for me it has caused some confusion. As I've always said, the discrepancies seem to be coming from both sides. Not just LL's side.

I have finally registered and am now able to respond to your comments. Let me begin by introducing myself. I am MM. As to my owning the newspaper and my husband being the sheriff, he began as a deputy in 1988 and I went to work as a typesetter at the local newspaper in 1989. With God's blessings, we have been successful. We have also had a lot of practice in not crossing lines.

The missingbrandonlawson site which supposedly quotes my articles had many, many discrepancies. One of which is the headline of an article. My headline was "Law Enforcement Concludes Man No Longer in Coke County". I wrote that headline for the story about the TexSAR (cadaver dog) search. After interviewing the TexSAR commander and the Texas Ranger in charge, the headline was written from their responses. TexSAR put together the search area with information they obtained from LL about Brandon's condition the night he went missing. TexSAR determined it would be physically impossible for BL to have moved, under his own power, out of the search area. Due to the fact that nothing was found within this search area, they stated their conclusions. BL's condition is why law enforcement have told me they don't have trouble believing he called 911 and then told his brother he was hiding in the brush until the cop left.

CC drops the "Law Enforcement Concludes" part of the above headline on her site. Also, she has articles on that page which I did not write. Those are the articles talking about deputies. If you would like to read the articles printed in The Observer/Enterprise, please feel free to visit our fb page.

Also, I'm very familiar with sheriff's office policies. I dispatched for them at night and on weekends for years when my husband was a deputy. I will try to answer some of the questions I've seen here. Before I do, let me state that I interviewed both deputies dispatched to find the stranded motorist. I interviewed the sheriff's office dispatcher who took the call from the 911 dispatcher. I have interviewed LL. I will not interview the nurse or cna or whoever took the 911 call that night.

The SO dispatcher did not receive any information from 911 except that a stranded motorist had called in because they ran out of gas possibly on Hwy 277. After hearing the call, I can understand why the 911 dispatcher was unclear on the location.

The four deputies in Coke County work 24/7 for several days and then have a couple of days off. There were two deputies on duty that night, both of whom lived in Bronte and were home when the SO dispatcher called them. One went north on 277 and one with south on 277. In the meantime, a trucker called 911 and reported a vehicle parted partially in the roadway. Fortunately, he had better directions and the deputy who went north on 277 returned home. The deputy who went south found the truck and the brother and his girlfriend. Cell phone records received by law enforcement (interview with deputy) from Verizon showed KL was on the phone with BL (17 minutes after the 911 call) when the deputy arrived. Later that weekend, KL told the deputy that BL had told him in this conversation that he was hiding until the cop left.

Several Rangers, accompanied by one deputy, searched the "new" ping site on January 28, 2014. Searches were also done last week under the bridges in that area of the county. This is an ongoing investigation and law enforcement is continuing to interview people with regard to this case.

My husband and I both pray every day BL is found.
Those babies are so precious. Everyone seems so happy in the pictures she post. My opinion only, but running can take a toll and very difficult with internet and media postings, but I guess it could be done.

I guess life has jaded me. I am never surprised at what people do, and as my hubby tells me, I have to high of expectations for people. And I do. I don't understand the deprived things people do. BL's has beautiful children, but we really have no idea of what their family dynamic was/is. What was the stress level like? What was the fight about? What happened in such a short period of time? Did he have enemies?
Someone posted on HFBL that LL is trying to raise money to rent a helicopter. They are charging $350 an hour. They want to fly over the land that the landowners refused to let her search on.

Where is the nearest airport? Maybe they will find him.[/

Some lady from from Bronte was on the dateline thread and made some comments also about previous comments that were made about land owners not letting them searcher, and said it was untrue.
Don't ask me what I did. I answered wrong one I think. Lol. Nearest airport is San Angelo and they have a helicopter there for rent I already checked awhile back.
Someone posted on HFBL that LL is trying to raise money to rent a helicopter. They are charging $350 an hour. They want to fly over the land that the landowners refused to let her search on.

Where is the nearest airport? Maybe they will find him.[/

Some lady from from Bronte was on the dateline thread and made some comments also about previous comments that were made about land owners not letting them searcher, and said it was untrue.

See that bugs the S... Out of me!! We have seen on news sites they allowed them, then the hearsay that they didn't. Argggggggggggg

If they hire a helicopter I hope they have someone spotting who knows what they are doing.
Don't ask me what I did. I answered wrong one I think. Lol. Nearest airport is San Angelo and they have a helicopter there for rent I already checked awhile back.

Lol...Thats cool. Ty That is close.
Thank you so much for joining us MM! There is so much mis-information out there that's it's nice to have some clarification. I'm assuming when you are referring to B's "condition" you are implying that he was not sober (I suspected he was slurring in the 911 tape).

Thanks for clearing up how the call came in and how the deputies responded.

I do understand your explanation of your article about Missing man no longer in Coke County but TEXSAR and others did not search every inch of the county. Is it not possible that he was taken somewhere else within the county by vehicle and dumped?

I have seen some of B's arrest records as they are public record. I realize he is no saint and had an outstanding warrant but in my opinion he still deserves to be found. Of course there is the slight possibility that he is on the run, but in my opinion from what I know at this point it seems unlikely.

I was not aware that there had been new searches based on the new ping. That is interesting.
See that bugs the S... Out of me!! We have seen on news sites they allowed them, then the hearsay that they didn't. Argggggggggggg

If they hire a helicopter I hope they have someone spotting who knows what they are doing.

Not being rude I'm scared to donate. For my own personal reasons. I would rather donate to a reward fund to get it large enough to see if we could get someone to talk.
Not being rude I'm scared to donate. For my own personal reasons. I would rather donate to a reward fund to get it large enough to see if we could get someone to talk.

I don't blame you. Of course it's your choice but I would be cautious.
Thank you! Are you able to tell us based on this information where did the phone ping? And why was Brandon hiding after calling 911 needing help? Has anyone at the SO been able to descern what Brandon was saying at the beginning of the 911 tape?
Besides the Deputy, the brother and the girlfriend was ANYONE else there? Like another motorist stopped or someone else pulled off to the side..How about anyone 'parked' right down the road at the roadside area? Were cameras at the gas station ever checked?
LOL Welcome Aboard

I know approximately where the ping was. I was raised in Bronte and have been over most of it. Because of the high river banks between the vehicle and the ping and all the rough country in between, MMO it would have been impossible for a champion athlete to have made it in the timeline law enforcement has. If would have been hard to drive it in the time for someone really familiar with the back roads of our county in the time frame.

I was told there was another person with the brother and his girlfriend - a friend of KL. The deputy (from interview) saw no other parked or abandoned vehicles on the roadway between Bronte and the Coke County/Tom Green county line.

The Stripes cameras were checked. That's how they knew when Kyle put gas in the can.
I see RanchWife's posting answered some of my questions had I only paid closer attention...sigh....old eyes

I could have sworn there was a map done by Psychic Slueth? but I can't see that either...sighhhh again.....

Perhaps the 'new ping' is where he was taken? And then the phone went dead? turned off?
And MM just to clarify what K told the deputy. You are saying that after LE found out that K had been on the phone with B while the deputy was there, he came forward and told LE that B said he was hiding due to the cops being there? K did not say that's what he thought was going on?

How does that make sense? Why would B hide from the cops after calling 911 and asking for the cops?

Is it possible in your OPINION that B was intoxicated and the whole 911 call was a hallucination of sorts? My daughter is a Paramedic who deals with this type of thing and I had her listen to the 911 call and that's what she thought. She's knows nothing more about the case. She said it sounded like he was on something and trippin. She said they get those kinds of calls all the time. I thought that was interesting.

And I would like to know about any other vehicles in the area that night. We've heard rumor but that's about it.
So, if I am following correctly...there was another person there...never mentioned before and the ping, is virtually impossible to be Brandon, with his phone, moving on his own, based on his condition and the terrain, not to mention pitch dark?
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