TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #2

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More questions for MM :)

True or false? Dep Neal saw Brandon's cell phone light in the bushes near the truck?

Did Dep Neal run B's license plates when he was there? Did he know about the warrant then or was that discovered later?

What time did Dep Neal clear the scene of the truck?

I am not sure what B's "condition" was at the time but someone on meth or a stimulant might actually travel further and faster than the average person, if I'm not mistaken. While someone under the influence of alcohol (a depressant) would probably not be able to get as far. Just a thought.

Is it true that they found the likely location that B was hiding out while the Dep was there? Was it 10 minutes up the road?

Did B make two 911 calls or just the one that we've heard?

Isn't it possible that there was someone after B and their vehicle was not parked on Hwy 277 but down a dirt road or driveway where it couldn't be seen from the Hwy?

Sorry, I just have so many questions and this is the first time I feel like we are getting somewhere!

"True or false? Dep Neal saw Brandon's cell phone light in the bushes near the truck?" False

"Did Dep Neal run B's license plates when he was there? Did he know about the warrant then or was that discovered later?" He had no reason to run the plates. At that time, there was no probable cause. He knew a stranded motorist had called in needing assistance because they were out of gas. That doesn't give him probable cause to run the plate. The warrant came out later.

"What time did Dep Neal clear the scene of the truck?" I did not ask him this specifically, but I got the impression he was only at the vehicle for 10-15 minutes at most.

"I am not sure what B's "condition" was at the time but someone on meth or a stimulant might actually travel further and faster than the average person, if I'm not mistaken. While someone under the influence of alcohol (a depressant) would probably not be able to get as far. Just a thought."
I answered this question and then erased it because I don't want LL to have to read the statement I was given about this. If you private message me, I will give you the exact quote. Let's just say publicly, I was told he couldn't have gone more than 100 yards in his condition.

"Did B make two 911 calls or just the one that we've heard?" I believe he made one and the trucker made one. I will check on that.

"Isn't it possible that there was someone after B and their vehicle was not parked on Hwy 277 but down a dirt road or driveway where it couldn't be seen from the Hwy?" The three dirt roads in that area or each more than a mile from the location of BL's vehicle. All of the other entrances close by have gates.

I will try to answer all questions that won't impede the investigation. However, the Ranch Wife title is more than just a title. We have already started spring cattle works and I will be extremely tied up until Sunday (I hope, it may be later than that!). In addition, I have to help one daughter move in the next couple of weeks and the other daughter is getting married next month. Not asking for pity, just understanding if I don't reply as quickly as I would like.
MM can you please explain how the County Trapper's kill hogs out of helicopters? Do they ever work at night? I'm assuming they shoot them?

It was brought to my attention that TRAPPER sounds similar to the word he may have been saying on the 911 call and according to your statement they kill hogs on BOTH SIDES of the river this way.

I'm not insinuating anything but it is an interesting thought IMO.

They don't fly at night. You have a chopper pilot in the pilot's seat and a man with a rifle in the other seat. I doubt with BL's background he would know anything about a Trapper's Association. Just my opinion on that.
RanchWife thank you for coming here to answer the questions you are able and point us in the right direction!

You have mentioned Brandon's "condition" based on information from LL--are you able to elaborate on that?

Also the 911 call from Brandon. Some have suggested hallucination, but I can clearly hear at least one other person in the background of that call. Any idea what to think of that?

What are your thought as a human being (as opposed to being the "sheriff's wife" or the "journalist") as to what I consider to be the "information run-around" by LL and her camp?

Finally, is there an open investigation regarding the whereabouts of Brandon Lawson? If so, is it strictly a missing persons investigation or is there another angle?

Again, thank you so much. Life cannot be easy in Coke County right now. **hugs**

I've answered most of these questions. Some questions are not being answered because it might harm the investigation. I also don't want want to give my thoughts. They might be taken and reported on other sites as fact.

This is an open investigation and LE is looking at all angles of this case.
Interesting in the blog talk interview LL said Brandon did not use drugs or alcohol that night.
Interesting in the blog talk interview LL said Brandon did not use drugs or alcohol that night.

IIRC she was asked if he had been drinking and replied "ut uh..no" or something like that.

It seems that MM does not want to get into specifics about B's "condition" so I would hope we would all respect that.

The one thing I've learned about following missing person cases is pay very close attention to detail. Details matter. This is why I keep correcting some things. It makes a big difference. This isn't directed at anyone here, I'm just talking in general. It's easy to remember back that LL was asked if B were under the influence and her response being no, but the exact question and response is very important. I remember this because I went back and checked a few times to make sure the question was not asked if he was under the influence. Nope I specifically remember that it was asked if he had been drinking as in alcohol.

Threads get derailed in a hurry if we don't pay real close attention to facts and details.

Just an fyi and not directed at anyone in particular. Just something I've learned over the years.

Had I not re-read that question a while back just to be sure, I probably would have assumed the same. I can find the question and bring it forward if anyone would like. Thread#1 page#2.
I've answered most of these questions. Some questions are not being answered because it might harm the investigation. I also don't want want to give my thoughts. They might be taken and reported on other sites as fact.

This is an open investigation and LE is looking at all angles of this case.

Thank you MM for coming here and answering questions. We appreciate it very much.
And is it possible that B had been drinking and LL lied on blogtalk? IMO yes, given what I've read, but I guess everyone will have to make their own judgement calls on her honesty.
Blogtalk radio interview

Caller: <snip> Had Brandon or you been drinking at all that night?

LL: No, uh-uh.

Caller: Okay. Because I know that can be a factor and I just wanted to clear that part up too, in case there was any question.

LL: Brandon does have a, Brandon's been to prison a couple of times but they were like, not really big charges but when he was younger. It took Brandon a little bit to grow up but he was a good person. He would do anything for anybody and he was a good dad and he worked hard for his kids and for me and to support us. We were fortunate enough that I got to stay at home for a little bit with the kids and he worked and made all the money. I mean, he was good to us. He would do anything for his family, so I don't understand why this has happened, you know?
MM do you think you could possibly go to the link above and become verified as an insider? That would be very helpful.
I've answered most of these questions. Some questions are not being answered because it might harm the investigation.
This is an open investigation and LE is looking at all angles of this case.
Just want to thank you for clarifying some of the many puzzles of this case. I worked at a small town newspaper for many years and I appreciate the effort and time it takes to get the paper out each week. As soon as one deadline passes you're on to the next one. It's the local papers that hold small communities together.

Thanks, also, for elaborating on the stories/headlines that were either not complete or altered. I made some assumptions based on those postings and as a result came to conclusions that were unfair to you and your work. I apologize for that and appreciate your participation in this forum.

Interesting about the depth of the Colorado river. I was curious about the depth of the river as to whether it could be waded across or not. Sounds like it would not necessarily be a barrier to someone on foot, though at night I'm not sure anyone would try it.
Has anyone's thoughts changed about what happened to B? My #1 thought is he is deceased but #2 choice is in hiding and running from the warrant AND it's a close second IMO. I can't see any logical way that this was pre-planned to disappear. He would have cleaned out his bank account and waited for the 401K check if that were the case IMO. I also think that if he is alive and hiding I don't think LL is aware or involved. If he were hiding with her knowledge would she be trying to get his face all over the media? No, it makes no sense. I don't think LL has been completely honest but I also believe that she believes B is deceased.

I really appreciate MM coming here and clearing up so much that was unclear or simply not true.
Has anyone's thoughts changed about what happened to B? My #1 thought is he is deceased but #2 choice is in hiding and running from the warrant AND it's a close second IMO. I can't see any logical way that this was pre-planned to disappear. He would have cleaned out his bank account and waited for the 401K check if that were the case IMO. I also think that if he is alive and hiding I don't think LL is aware or involved. If he were hiding with her knowledge would she be trying to get his face all over the media? No, it makes no sense. I don't think LL has been completely honest but I also believe that she believes B is deceased.

I really appreciate MM coming here and clearing up so much that was unclear or simply not true.

I don't know what to think anymore. If he was in a certain "condition" that could explain a few things such as leaving the house with hardly any gas.
Has anyone's thoughts changed about what happened to B? My #1 thought is he is deceased but #2 choice is in hiding and running from the warrant AND it's a close second IMO. I can't see any logical way that this was pre-planned to disappear. He would have cleaned out his bank account and waited for the 401K check if that were the case IMO. I also think that if he is alive and hiding I don't think LL is aware or involved. If he were hiding with her knowledge would she be trying to get his face all over the media? No, it makes no sense. I don't think LL has been completely honest but I also believe that she believes B is deceased.

I really appreciate MM coming here and clearing up so much that was unclear or simply not true.

My opinion is BL is on the run. If he hadn't placed the 911 call, then LE would just assume he jumped bail and then bondsman would be hot on him. This way, if he lays low, in seven years he could be declared legally dead. Therefore LL will be able to draw Social Security on the kiddos and he just assumes another identity working construction or for cash only. Off the grid. LL posted on Dateline he was starting a new job on the following Monday. This would incline me to think this is how the 401k came in to play. I'm wondering if LE froze the account, which triggered the whole act and the timing was off by a few days or at least BL was in hopes to have cashed the 401k sooner. He missed his pre-trial in July 25. 2013, that would give LE in Johnson County ample time to place a hold on the account or even the bondsman may have done it. I would much rather imagine BL is alive and well on the run than the thought of him lying dead in a field and no one did anything to save him or help him.

This is just my opinion. I pray we find him soon, so that everyone involved can just be at peace with one another. So much drama around this case.
I don't know what to think anymore. If he was in a certain "condition" that could explain a few things such as leaving the house with hardly any gas.

On the Dateline comments yesterday, either LL or a close friend of hers, can't remember which, commented that BL had no money to get gas. What I don't understand is, LL commented to Josh that he had $2700 in the bank. This set off a flag for me as a contradiction. He had money in the bank, but it wasn't available. He may have tried to access the account earlier and realized it had been frozen and drank or whatever out of stress. Got a little more loaded than expected, got in a fight with LL because she wanted to hire an attorney and do a walk through for the warrant. He got in his truck under the influence and while waiting on KL to bring him gas went into a state of paranoia. KL might have taken him to a friends over the weekend, in order to make a plan. Because by now LE , as far as they know, now knows who BL is and could easily serve the warrant. Therefore BL runs. KL did not assist in the search for BL on Sunday.

This is just my opinion.
Has anyone's thoughts changed about what happened to B? My #1 thought is he is deceased but #2 choice is in hiding and running from the warrant AND it's a close second IMO. I can't see any logical way that this was pre-planned to disappear. He would have cleaned out his bank account and waited for the 401K check if that were the case IMO. I also think that if he is alive and hiding I don't think LL is aware or involved. If he were hiding with her knowledge would she be trying to get his face all over the media? No, it makes no sense. I don't think LL has been completely honest but I also believe that she believes B is deceased.

I really appreciate MM coming here and clearing up so much that was unclear or simply not true.
My thoughts have changed many times. It was such a dark night. I don't think Brandon could have made it 3 miles in the time allowed considering the circumstances. Moonlight was almost zero. I don't think the conditions were right for him to text due to his condition, injury, etc. Although the texts allegedly came from his phone, I am suspicious whether he sent them or not.

I think it's very possible he went into hiding with help, but it wasn't pre-planned or at least pre-planned very well. It's possible the last phone ping came while he was being driven somewhere by someone and perhaps finally thought about shutting off the phone. Standby times of digital phones are quite long and I think it unlikely that the battery just went dead. Even if he had a smart phone with a flashlight app the power consumption by the LED isn't so much as to drain a battery in minutes. If he went into hiding it was with help, even if his "helpers" didn't know of the plan until that night. As for the 401K he may have thought he didn't have time to wait for it to arrive.

On the other hand the facts are starting to add up to completely irrational behavior. Taking off late at night, not noticing the low gas until he runs out, abandoning his vehicle, hiding out from help even though injured, and the puzzling 911 call. Unfortunately this scenario would almost certainly mean he is deceased.

The third possibility, less likely, is that he was attacked after he ran out off gas by a person or persons for some reason. Someone may have taken advantage of the situation and he ran for safety. But doesn't make as much sense as he doesn't come forward when his brother and LE arrive.

And fourth: perhaps he was abducted by aliens and he shut off his cell phone to avoid roaming charges.
And fourth: perhaps he was abducted by aliens and he shut off his cell phone to avoid roaming charges.


I can't even imagine what those fees would be!!!

Good thoughts everyone and I agree with them all.
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