TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #3

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Just my opinion. You cannot tell one story for 7 months then change the it because, someone says to. But the whole story has changed daily anyways what is the difference now.
I agree no 2 stories are the same you cannot compare them.
I guess I just have a different view of this case than a lot of people.
Yes Brandon Lawson is a man that has 4 children that need some kind of closure in there lives of to where their dad is.

I agree, changing the story , changing the facts? , any of it is a very bad sign.

I can not imagine what the little ones are going through. How old is BL's oldest child?
Ugh! More comments about filing a lawsuit on HFBL. I'm starting to wonder what the true purpose was of releasing the 911 tape? Was it really to help find B? (I have not seen LL make these comments. Just want to make that clear) I'm just so sick and tired of sue happy low lifers in our world. (this is not directed towards LL or anyone else specific) Did you all read about the man who drove his car into flood waters in Colorado who is now suing the rescuers for not blocking the road and taking too long to rescue him? AND to think first responders risked their lives [modsnip]?

If LL and company were to file a lawsuit they better remember that everything they've ever said from the beginning would all come out in the courtroom.

I was threatened once with a lawsuit for cutting the clothing off a patient . ( shirt ) Which we needed to due to apply the pads before shocking the patient. At the hospital, where we found out the family wanted to sue us, they had told the police officer that the shirt had been a xmas gift for granny and since she ultimately died, they had wanted to return the shirt to walmart and they had the clothing tags and recipt to prove it.

My one and only comment to them, go ahead and sue me, I am a public servant and I have four kids. No money here! Plus added that they sure would not want me to be on duty if they called again. :facepalm:
I was threatened once with a lawsuit for cutting the clothing off a patient . ( shirt ) Which we needed to due to apply the pads before shocking the patient. At the hospital, where we found out the family wanted to sue us, they had told the police officer that the shirt had been a xmas gift for granny and since she ultimately died, they had wanted to return the shirt to walmart and they had the clothing tags and recipt to prove it.

My one and only comment to them, go ahead and sue me, I am a public servant and I have four kids. No money here! Plus added that they sure would not want me to be on duty if they called again. :facepalm:


Trust me, with my daughter being a Paramedic I've seen and heard it all. She got attacked by a Psych patient once in the ER and SHOULD HAVE SUED HER! But did she? No...

While working in NYC the medics have to get the patient inside the ambulance before working on them for fear of lawsuits and people video taping everything they did with their cell phones. Residents near the station she worked at were trying to sue the city due to noise from sirens and the smell of ambulance exhaust! LOL And they were always complaining about the employees taking up all the parking spaces on the streets. BUT those same people would be the first to sue if they had to call 911 and the ambulance couldn't get there fast enough. :banghead:

Trust me, with my daughter being a Paramedic I've seen and heard it all. She got attacked by a Psych patient once in the ER and SHOULD HAVE SUED HER! But did she? No...

While working in NYC the medics have to get the patient inside the ambulance before working on them for fear of lawsuits and people video taping everything they did with their cell phones. Residents near the station she worked at were trying to sue the city due to noise from sirens and the smell of ambulance exhaust! LOL And they were always complaining about the employees taking up all the parking spaces on the streets. BUT those same people would be the first to sue if they had to call 911 and the ambulance couldn't get there fast enough. :banghead:

Oh you are not kidding there!! I have heard that it gets so bad there, it is insane! The stories we could all tell if we could..lol When you work for a public agency, we are expected to take the abuse and not say anything because it is our job. Most of us do take it and more. And we glad do it because we love our job and honestly want to help people. After a while though, when all anyone does is to file lawsuits, or threaten them, nobody wants to help. Kinda sorta like the boy who cried wolf, when it was true and serious no one would believe. Something people should think about.

There is no way I would work NYC...lol No way! :scared:
I find it interesting that there are people who give bad advice to family members of missing or murdered people, and that these people in their grief are to upset to know that they are being led down the primrose path. It is so sad and pathetic at the same time that, these types of people exist. Don't get me wrong, there are really great people out there, but as with anything , there are some really rotten apples out there. MOO

Food for thought. ;) Reading over several cases and it just got me thinking. Also , this is not directed at anyone in particular, it is just observations I have made looking over many, many cases. Just a generalization , so there is no reason for anyone to take offense unless they are doing such types of activities. :)

In this article it says the fight between LL and BL was the night of August 9. Am I reading this wrong?

Also, I'm curious and I know it's rumor, but when BL first went missing, does anyone else recall seeing a post on the HFBL page that says BL went missing on his way home from work? I could swear when he first went missing there was a lot of comments regarding this between oilfield workers FB page and HFBL page and LL was actively commenting and made no correction to this statement. As I recall a mutual FB friend of mine was upset, due to the long hours these guys work and then are expected to drive home, she made a big deal about BL being tired and possibly got into this situation due to exhaustion. I have only been able to find a couple of comments on HFBL FB questioning this, but no answers.

Just wondering if anyone remembers this? I'm not trying to start rumors or anything.
I read it as between 11pm Aug 8th and 12am Aug 9th is when they got in a fight and he left.

And I never read about him going missing while driving home from work, but the story has changed so much who knows? I know you've been following this story since the beginning so I don't doubt that was said. Now whether it's true or something LL said in the beginning is anyone's guess.
:banghead: Accuracy in the Sanangelolive reporting concerns me. Especially since the reporter can't even spell SHERIFF correctly!
:banghead: Accuracy in the Sanangelolive reporting concerns me. Especially since the reporter can't even spell SHERIFF correctly!

The , missing BL website has changed a lot on information since it has a new site manager. Quite a bit conflicts with what we know in my opinion. I could be wrong though. But I do disagree with what has been done there and it has detracted from BL.
I was threatened once with a lawsuit for cutting the clothing off a patient . ( shirt ) Which we needed to due to apply the pads before shocking the patient. At the hospital, where we found out the family wanted to sue us, they had told the police officer that the shirt had been a xmas gift for granny and since she ultimately died, they had wanted to return the shirt to walmart and they had the clothing tags and recipt to prove it.

My one and only comment to them, go ahead and sue me, I am a public servant and I have four kids. No money here! Plus added that they sure would not want me to be on duty if they called again. :facepalm:

Was taught from an early age to never, ever piss off first responders, law enforcement or medical personnel. You never know when your life may end up in that person's hands. ;)

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *
In this article it says the fight between LL and BL was the night of August 9. Am I reading this wrong?

Also, I'm curious and I know it's rumor, but when BL first went missing, does anyone else recall seeing a post on the HFBL page that says BL went missing on his way home from work? I could swear when he first went missing there was a lot of comments regarding this between oilfield workers FB page and HFBL page and LL was actively commenting and made no correction to this statement. As I recall a mutual FB friend of mine was upset, due to the long hours these guys work and then are expected to drive home, she made a big deal about BL being tired and possibly got into this situation due to exhaustion. I have only been able to find a couple of comments on HFBL FB questioning this, but no answers.

Just wondering if anyone remembers this? I'm not trying to start rumors or anything.

Stella, now that you bring this up, I very vaguely remember something about this. When I first heard of this case, shortly after he went missing, the info relayed to me about it was that he didn't come home from work. Only after starting to seriously follow it in November of last year, did I see that the alleged official version is that he left home and disappeared.

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *
Stella, now that you bring this up, I very vaguely remember something about this. When I first heard of this case, shortly after he went missing, the info relayed to me about it was that he didn't come home from work. Only after starting to seriously follow it in November of last year, did I see that the alleged official version is that he left home and disappeared.

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *

Ahhhhh. Thank you! I'm like you, I vaguely remember, but after a few months, the story changed. IMO.
I don't know what the true story is about the events of that night but I suspect we aren't getting the full story. And I don't believe that he was headed to Ft Worth either. I suspect the events of the night involved getting or selling drugs. Of course I have nothing really to back that up but I am suspect. When people are doing illegal things those around them tend to lie and cover up for them and that could be why the story has changed. Just MOO

Of course if we knew that the timeline had changed as to when he supposedly left the house then him being 3 miles from the vehicle could be more logical. Again, we are not getting the entire truth I don't think. Why does LL think he could have possibly made it that far? Logic says it's not possible in that amount of time.
Was taught from an early age to never, ever piss off first responders, law enforcement or medical personnel. You never know when your life may end up in that person's hands. ;)

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *

I had to learn that lesson too..:) My dad drilled it into our heads from a young age. He was the town fire chief so all the LE knew him and us kids were scared to death to do anything wrong and it would get back to dad. But of course I ended up playing that almost same card with my kids :floorlaugh: My grandmother also told us all to wear clean underwear at all times...:floorlaugh:
I don't know what the true story is about the events of that night but I suspect we aren't getting the full story. And I don't believe that he was headed to Ft Worth either. I suspect the events of the night involved getting or selling drugs. Of course I have nothing really to back that up but I am suspect. When people are doing illegal things those around them tend to lie and cover up for them and that could be why the story has changed. Just MOO

Of course if we knew that the timeline had changed as to when he supposedly left the house then him being 3 miles from the vehicle could be more logical. Again, we are not getting the entire truth I don't think. Why does LL think he could have possibly made it that far? Logic says it's not possible in that amount of time.

I seriously doubt he could have made it that far. I just can not wrap my brain around that. It is too bad that in trying to cover up things, not giving the correct information, they are doing harm, not good. I haven't taken a poll, but I do not think anyone cares if he was doing or did drugs. What we do care about if being able to find him and the way to do that would to be having the correct information and not the constant attacking of LE. That will not get anyone very far. :facepalm: my brain hurts:banghead:
I would love for LL, K and A to go on Dr Phil and take a lie detector test! When the story keeps changing, it's been my experience that it is usually because untruths have been told. When you tell the truth it tends to come out the same way each and every time because you don't have to work so hard to remember the facts. It's just there in your memory and easily comes out. Lying is tough and it's hard to get it straight all the time.
I would love for LL, K and A to go on Dr Phil and take a lie detector test! When the story keeps changing, it's been my experience that it is usually because untruths have been told. When you tell the truth it tends to come out the same way each and every time because you don't have to work so hard to remember the facts. It's just there in your memory and easily comes out. Lying is tough and it's hard to get it straight all the time.

I would love to see that show. Dr Phil would come down hard on them! That is exactly right, truth comes naturally, lies you have to keep straight and people will forget which lies they have , told because they have told so many!
I would love for LL, K and A to go on Dr Phil and take a lie detector test! When the story keeps changing, it's been my experience that it is usually because untruths have been told. When you tell the truth it tends to come out the same way each and every time because you don't have to work so hard to remember the facts. It's just there in your memory and easily comes out. Lying is tough and it's hard to get it straight all the time.

IMO, I could see them going on and agreeing to take a lie detector test then last minute changing their mind. I hope they prove me wrong though :)
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