TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #3

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I tend to make people mad with my pro-death row stance. But for me its more personal. I do want there to be no doubt that the inmate is guilty.

Lol...it is pretty fast, here in Ohio they are holding the executions up because the drugs. The protesters say its an inhumane combo of drugs.:facepalm:

One guy that was trying to hold is up because it would cause him to suffer. Yeah okay, his victim was a young pregnant woman he beat, raped and murdered. Makes me sick.

I'm with you. Don't waste my tax $. If they are guilty give the same thing they gave the victim. Put them on the express way. So I stand with you!!!
My understanding of what was said about the new ping data received from Verizon is that BP the PI was able to get more accurate information. So as far as I know this is where it came from. I'm a bit perplexed as to what they have though. GPS data? A ping off a single cell tower? Triangulation off 3 or more towers?

It does make a difference from what I understand.

I was looking at maps last night and still wonder if maybe he was taken by vehicle 10 minutes up or down the road. I think to be fair and really find the truth we have to look at ALL possibilities.

10 minutes up the road by vehicle would have put him somewhere near where the 70/277 split is. Of course that would mean the cell phone ping data is totally inaccurate. I say up for north and down for south but I've known people that say up the road meaning south LOL. So I think 10 minutes south on Hwy 277 is possible too. The problem with this possible theory is where would you search? B just said 10 minutes up the road which could mean anything. You can't just search a 20 mile radius of the truck location. That is impossible.

I wonder if it is possible that BL could have been referring to "on both sides" as to split at 70/277? Is there an area at the split he could have ran into?
I wonder if it is possible that BL could have been referring to "on both sides" as to split at 70/277? Is there an area at the split he could have ran into?

There are fields/woods everywhere out there. From San Angelo to Abilene. Where would one narrow a search area down to? Ping/gps data from his phone is probably one of the best tools to use. IF the ping data is correct then it's unlikely he was 10 minutes by car in any direction. I haven't looked but I would assume there are more towers out there that the signal would have pinged. The cell phone data really is important. I just don't know how accurate it is or how well LL understands it.
It's also possible that he went by vehicle either east or west on hwy 158. Again, cell phone ping data is crucial. Sometimes they just can't provide it with any accuracy though. If it only pinged a single tower they would most likely not be able to guesstimate a precise area with any accuracy. Placement of all towers in the area is important because cell phone carriers do use each others towers. Are there any other towers east west north or south that Verizon uses? Did the phone signal ping off any of those during the night?
My understanding of what was said about the new ping data received from Verizon is that BP the PI was able to get more accurate information. So as far as I know this is where it came from. I'm a bit perplexed as to what they have though. GPS data? A ping off a single cell tower? Triangulation off 3 or more towers?

It does make a difference from what I understand.

I was looking at maps last night and still wonder if maybe he was taken by vehicle 10 minutes up or down the road. I think to be fair and really find the truth we have to look at ALL possibilities.

10 minutes up the road by vehicle would have put him somewhere near where the 70/277 split is. Of course that would mean the cell phone ping data is totally inaccurate. I say up for north and down for south but I've known people that say up the road meaning south LOL. So I think 10 minutes south on Hwy 277 is possible too. The problem with this possible theory is where would you search? B just said 10 minutes up the road which could mean anything. You can't just search a 20 mile radius of the truck location. That is impossible.

And honestly & IMO, BL telling KL he was 10 minutes up the road, may or may not be true. IMO the only person that supposedly heard BL is also the same person, KL, that withheld information from LE, so how are we supposed to take anything KL says as factual? I take everything KL & A says with a grain of salt, until it is proven to be true & factual. Just MY POV & MHO.
I wonder if it is possible that BL could have been referring to "on both sides" as to split at 70/277? Is there an area at the split he could have ran into?

By looking at the map, where this split is, it is almost like a triangle where 277 & another highway, also coming out of San Angelo & goes into Bronte intersect. Idk why but I've always been drawn to that area every time I look at a map in regards to BL,
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RW said the new ping area could be reached by vehicle in about 45 minutes IIRC. Is that possible in the time frame? IMO yes it is possible. B left the house at 11:53 and it would be about a 25 minute drive to the truck location putting the earliest he could have arrived at about 12:20 or so. The ping was approx 1:19 so that is just about an hour. If B was picked up immediately and driven somewhere and someone did him harm it is possible IMO.

RW is the new ping area accessible to the public?
I wonder if it is possible that BL could have been referring to "on both sides" as to split at 70/277? Is there an area at the split he could have ran into?

Do both roads of the split lead to Abilene? ".....Abilene on both sides....."

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *
Respectfully snipped;
10 minutes up the road by vehicle would have put him somewhere near where the 70/277 split is. Of course that would mean the cell phone ping data is totally inaccurate. I say up for north and down for south but I've known people that say up the road meaning south LOL. So I think 10 minutes south on Hwy 277 is possible too. The problem with this possible theory is where would you search? B just said 10 minutes up the road which could mean anything. You can't just search a 20 mile radius of the truck location. That is impossible.

Up north, down south, over east, and out west is a general directional rule of thumb for most Southerners. But, you're right. Could be anywhere.

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *
Do both roads of the split lead to Abilene? ".....Abilene on both sides....."

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *
at the split, NE to Abilene, N to Sweetwater, then W on 158 to Robert Lee, SE on 158 to Ballinger, dont know if this helps
RW said the new ping area could be reached by vehicle in about 45 minutes IIRC. Is that possible in the time frame? IMO yes it is possible. B left the house at 11:53 and it would be about a 25 minute drive to the truck location putting the earliest he could have arrived at about 12:20 or so. The ping was approx 1:19 so that is just about an hour. If B was picked up immediately and driven somewhere and someone did him harm it is possible IMO.

RW is the new ping area accessible to the public?

IIRC, we're dealing with one tower with just under a 3 mile radius. The truck fell at the edge of that. The new ping (wasn't really new I don't think, because I heard the location in the first week) was ruled out at first because of its isolated location. By vehicle, you would have to use:
1. 1 highway, 3 edge of town streets, 5 county roads; or
2. 2 highways and minimum of 2 county roads.

To reach it from BL's vehicle on foot as the crow flies would take minimum of a couple or three hours or more in the daylight.
IIRC, we're dealing with one tower with just under a 3 mile radius. The truck fell at the edge of that. The new ping (wasn't really new I don't think, because I heard the location in the first week) was ruled out at first because of its isolated location. By vehicle, you would have to use:
1. 1 highway, 3 edge of town streets, 5 county roads; or
2. 2 highways and minimum of 2 county roads.

To reach it from BL's vehicle on foot as the crow flies would take minimum of a couple or three hours or more in the daylight.

Thank you! So it would be impossible for him to reach in the time frame by foot. But vehicle is not impossible and accessible to the public. I think it's something to consider at least. I'm trying to look at ALL possibilities and not get tunnel vision and only focus on one possible outcome.

This area would still be in Coke County and any 911 calls from this area would be routed to the Nursing Home?
Thank you! So it would be impossible for him to reach in the time frame by foot. But vehicle is not impossible and accessible to the public. I think it's something to consider at least. I'm trying to look at ALL possibilities and not get tunnel vision and only focus on one possible outcome.

This area would still be in Coke County and any 911 calls from this area would be routed to the Nursing Home?

It is in Coke County and calls would go to RL. To travel by vehicle, you would have to know the way, be driving like a bat out of h..., or have unbelievable luck. But remember, we are dealing with 1 tower.
I think LE or the Ranger did give her the Verizon statement. Remember, this is how SHE found out BL had made the 911 call, many days after he had gone missing.

I also recall, that LE informed her of the 911 call after reviewing the 911 calls, but the dispatcher said it was inaudible.

Not sure which is fact. There are so many inconsistencies.


You can not get detail off a statement you can see approx times and it all depends on what type of phone they have. Iphone to iphone will not show up on the text details
Karmin, Thank you for explaining everything. I think I am understanding it much better!! :loveyou:

There is so much more to it, but getting into details will just get just as confusing as this case is. That is why I am sitting back and watching what they say about phone pings and GPS- I have a pretty good idea what went down.

IMO by looking at the tower she posted there should really not be bad service there if there is another tower 3 miles away. There is nothing blocking the tower. But hey lets see how it plays out.
I wish the family and loved ones were able to have an answer to where Brandon is. If he is deceased, they deserve the right to bury him properly. While some people do disappear on their own, there's usually something to indicate that. Either something that was said or done in the past that suddenly makes it seem more possible or probably. With Brandon, we've seen nothing to indicate that. If he was running from the warrant, why now? Why not when he was first arrested or first out on bond? Why continue paying bills, and working? Sure he could have worked to make money to leave, but at the same time, risky if you're a wanted person. IMO, whichever LE was looking for him wasn't looking very hard. He had an address and job. Not hard to find him.
IF Brandon's goal was to leave...why the 911 call? The last thing you want is to call attention to yourself. He would have just left. Just walked out the door, got in his vehicle, got gas and left. None of his actions reflect that theory.
If posters believe he is voluntarily missing, then why are you here? Why keep posting on his thread? If he is voluntarily missing, what's the end goal? What is being contributed to the case? What is your agenda? I don't understand.
Brandon is listed as a missing person. Missing. There's nothing to indicate he is living anywhere! No social media contact, no use of SS#, no use of cell phone, no use to bank accounts...nothing to indicate he is living anywhere. No indications he was planning on being missing. We've seen nothing to indicate he was saving money to leave, nothing indicating he would CHOOSE to be away from his wife and kids.
Brandon is the victim on this victim friendly site. Does it mean he was perfect? Of course not, not a single person posting on this site, nor anyone but the small children that never had a chance to make a wrong choice are perfect! Brandon's past doesn't define who is today, nor who he could become.
As for the post a few pages back stating they had never seen as many searches for a missing person...all I can say is follow a few more cases then. There's many missing people. Many of the cases have dozens of searches. Many people are found in areas that have previously been searched. A search doesn't automatically mean the area is cleared and there's no doubt the person couldn't still be there. Quite the contrary there are cases and facts that evidence as well as the person can and have been overlooked.

Why are we here? Please ponder this for one second, are we 100% sure that was Brandon's voice on the 911 call? And do people let other they plan on leaving when wanted by law? Um NO....Do we know the bills were listed in his name? Does the LE search job records to find him? Doubtful.... Voluntary missing is posted because he is an adult. Why continue to pay bills? To keep attention off yourself. You say with Brandon we see none of this? Where did you get this info from? He missed SEVERAL court dates, thats not a simple slap on the hand its PRISON time especially after prior convictions.

But my question now to you is how do you know his SSN isnt being used? If you live with a friend you wouldn't have anything saying you lived there. All this is MOO [modsnip]. Crap the cell phone is null and void- get a prepaid phone, problem solved- I'm in no way trying to be rude but you have to look at all angles. Everything said here is MOO
We don't lease our land to hunters, but we still stay pretty much inside on opening day and weekends during the season. There are some awesome hunters who come to our county to hunt and then there are others. Unfortunately, the bullets travel just as far for the "others" as they do the good hunters. A couple of years ago on a weekday, WM rode a colt down to our well. He got off and was checking to make sure everything was okay with the equipment when a bullet ricoqueted off the cement tank beside him. Here in a minute, some "good old boys" rode up on a 4-wheeler. They were quite surprised to find an angry cowboy explaining how they were fixing to meet one of his deputies. Not only were they unsafe hunters, they were poachers!

I know in other states there is a lot of public land that ranchers can lease and the public still has access to for hiking, etc. It's not like that in Texas. The vast majority of our land is privately owned and off limits to anyone to whom the owners don't grant access. There won't be joggers or people walking their dogs in the areas BL went missing.

I know our area and way of life must be difficult to comprehend for anyone living in large cities, especially those out of state.

I hear you RW. I have lived in rural Texas all my life and what you are saying is hard for city people to comprehend. No disrespect intended, it is just different in the country. You never know who or what you might encounter. Thank you so much for your input on this thread. It is greatly appreciated.
Nope because it all goes thru the internet and apple, cell phone companies do not hit our towers because it is server to server.

I had a situation recently. A friend trying to get text messages sent from a phone which was on her account. She paid the bill, it was in her name, but belonged to her husband. She called to see what it took to get copies of text messages. (This was AT&T BTW). She was told it was not available. When she questioned them about how does LE get them then? She was told LE can get them under subpoena in extreme cases such as a murder, but they are not readily available for the asking. I doubt very seriously they were retrieved from BL's phone account. I would think she may have copies that were gotten from the people he texted who volunteered to give them to her. I think this is another misinformation from LL.
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