TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #4

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Hey guys, I am from England (UK) . I have followed all threads on BL.

From the 911 call I hear something different to everyone else. This would be the "Brandon Lawson Missing - 911 Call VERSION IV" on YOUTUBE

"Yes, I'm in the middle of a field and these guys were just freaking me out" I can clearly hear the words "Freaking me out"


brandon said "I"VE RUN OUT OF GAS" maybe someone pulled him over so they could SYPHON the gas from his car.

Syphoning gas = gas theft. I used to do it all the time as a teen in the UK. (Sorry bit too honest there lol)


I am from the area and it is so clear to me. I don't think anyone else agrees with me, but I just cannot make myself hear anything but the following:

"Yes, I'm in the middle of a field. In fact, we just pushed some guys over right here going towards Abilene on both sides. My truck ran out of gas. There's one car here, a guy chased me into the woods."

This tells me someone stopped to help or came to make a drug deal and it went bad. Maybe they stopped to help and tried to rob him. "We" indicates to me there was more than one guy who helped push and possibly 2 cars since he says one cars here. I definitely hear another person answer "yes" at the very end when asked if he needs an ambulance.

I have tried to hear what ya'll hear and I just can't hear it. Sorry!
Well rats! Nannymo, I was hoping you could answer my question and now I am back to square one. I have also researched many of the other 20-30ish nice looking young men with a "troubled" past (most that drive a truck) that disappear into thin air in and around your area and it scares me how many there are! Is the cartel rampant in the drug world around there and just really not spoken of unless something big happens? This was my other thought is that perhaps that mystery word is slang for some type of gang, cartel, or drug dealer in the San Angelo/bronte area? Thoughts????
I am always lurking on lots of Texas/oklahoma threads and now that missing teen paigelynn was found less than 15 miles from me SAFE AND ALIVE I definitely see the importance of us all sharing any and every thought and lead. Fingers crossed Brandon 's babies get some closure this year. :)

The cartel is not rampant here, but drugs are prevalent everywhere nowadays. Bronte is further South and rural which makes for a great place to cook meth in the rural areas. Not a ton of LE and lots of land to hide around. The drug cartels as in Mexican cartels operate mostly around the border towns. Not so much up into the Bronte area. I am sure there is lots of drug activity I am totally unaware of, but I have a tendency to believe the cartel activity stays closer to Mexico.

I am not naive enough to believe it doesn't reach up into this area tho. I still lean toward a drug deal gone bad. I have a couple of theories about what happened and can only speculate like everyone else.

Like some, I don't think he is alive. Whoever chased him into the woods, caught him and did him harm.

My problem is calling that area "woods"! It's more like pasture and scrub brush.
Nannymo, I agree with all you said, but one thing that stands out and always has, where are his belongings? No phone, no keys, if you were struggling and you didn't have a pocket you would drop something

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Nannymo, I agree with all you said, but one thing that stands out and always has, where are his belongings? No phone, no keys, if you were struggling and you didn't have a pocket you would drop something

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I agree. It hasn't been found. It's "in the field" somewhere I think. Whoever was chasing him could have seen it and they picked it up. Jmo
So glad to see this thread. I actually came across the case some time ago but got names confused and lost it. I have been wondering if it was resolved, I can see it's not.
I am not crazy or delusional, I know I read about this case soon after it happened and I read about the police officer walking out in the field and seeing a glow from the cell phone. This stuck out in mind and is what made me remember the case. I have been catching up on reading and I haven't seen where this was discussed at all but there are quite a few mod snips on this thread.
Basically what I know I read was that the officer walked in the field to investigate and saw the glow from a cell in the bushes and he thought someone was hiding. 1 officer alone didn't push a bad situation and he left. Does anyone else remember this? I believe this happened after meeting at the gas station when both went back to the truck.
There have been conflicting stories but I believe that the officer did not ever see the glow of a cell phone. Brandon's brother went to the gas station for gas after he couldn't locate Brandon. Brandon called brothers phone and told him he was hiding in the brush. I'm don't think it's actually clear if Brandon was hiding from the officer or someone else. The sheriffs wife runs the local paper and did report that he was hiding from the officer but I'm not sure it's been proven that is who he was hiding from. Brandon did have a warrant and this could leave one to believe this. I on the other hand believe Brandon was hiding from someone else who was chasing him. I believe this due to the 911 call Brandon made. If you haven't heard it, you should listen and see what you hear. You can find it on YouTube or probably in the thread somewhere.... Welcome to the discussion!

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Can you confirm his brother got gas? There is conflicting stories that the gas cans were empty and they didn't have the money to get gas.

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Can you confirm his brother got gas? There is conflicting stories that the gas cans were empty and they didn't have the money to get gas.

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I am pretty sure it was reported the brother was actually on camera getting gas around 7AM the following morning. IIRC he waited until he could confirm his check had been deposited into his bank account. He went back and put the gas in the truck. I can't remember is he took the gas can/s with him or put them in the back of Brandon's truck. I will see if I can find the article.
"At 12:58 a.m. the Coke County Sheriff’s office received a call that a vehicle was parked haphazard on the side of the road out on highway 277, thus posing a risk to oncoming traffic. Deputies responded to the call and arrived on the scene, where Lawson’s truck stood abandoned. At the same time, Kyle Lawson, Brandon’s brother, appeared with a gas can and filled his brother’s truck. According to Lori Norris, Lawson and Lofton’s neighbor, the Sheriff’s deputies asked Kyle Lawson if he was the one who had made the call, and Kyle stated that the vehicle was his brother’s and that he must have stepped away. Kyle Lawson would gas it up and his brother would return to retrieve it. After this, the deputies left the scene. This part of the story has been confirmed by Coke County Sherriff Wayne McCutchen, Lawson’s girlfriend Ladessa Lofton, and Lori Norris. What happened thereafter, however is where the story gets murky.

Read more: http://sanangelolive.com/news/county/2013-09-24/missing-dead-or-run-where-brandon-lawson
Copyright © Hyde Interactive, Inc.
Ohhh.... I didn't know who Lori was until this article. That clarifies a few things

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Kyle at this point supposedly did not know Brandon had made the 911 call asking for help and assumed Brandon was not at the truck because LE was there and he had a warrant. Kyle supposedly thought Brandon would return to the truck so he put the gas in the truck.

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"At 12:58 a.m. the Coke County Sheriff’s office received a call that a vehicle was parked haphazard on the side of the road out on highway 277, thus posing a risk to oncoming traffic. Deputies responded to the call and arrived on the scene, where Lawson’s truck stood abandoned. At the same time, Kyle Lawson, Brandon’s brother, appeared with a gas can and filled his brother’s truck. According to Lori Norris, Lawson and Lofton’s neighbor, the Sheriff’s deputies asked Kyle Lawson if he was the one who had made the call, and Kyle stated that the vehicle was his brother’s and that he must have stepped away. Kyle Lawson would gas it up and his brother would return to retrieve it. After this, the deputies left the scene. This part of the story has been confirmed by Coke County Sherriff Wayne McCutchen, Lawson’s girlfriend Ladessa Lofton, and Lori Norris. What happened thereafter, however is where the story gets murky.

Read more: http://sanangelolive.com/news/county/2013-09-24/missing-dead-or-run-where-brandon-lawson
Copyright © Hyde Interactive, Inc.

The account of the events on this link paint a different story for me. (IF they are accurate) So the Brandon was on the phone when the police were there? This makes foul play and the 911 call seem out of place. If he called asking for police, why hide from them when they arrive?
This account completely takes foul play off the table for me, if I believe it. I don't think I believe it. IMO, someone is trying (successfully) to steer away from foul play suspicions. The 911 call is believable, the theory that wild hogs got him is not, I could buy the snake story but no body?? The story does not make sense at all.
Also, if Brandon was hiding until the deputies left and he was on the phone with the girlfriend at that time, would it not make sense to walk in the direction the brother left in? (Knowing that brother would be stopping shortly to turn around.) Did brother pull off in same direction as last ping?
I'm still not straight on it. Lori is KL's girlfriend?

I thought KL had to wait for his pay to be deposited (around 7 am) before he could purchase gas for Brandon's truck. This article is saying KL put gas in the truck when the deputies were there. Did the deputies not get to the truck until 7 am? Did KL get gas twice?

I've said it from the beginning and I'll say it again. - I do not trust the words of KL and his girlfriend.
I personally don't think Brandon was hiding from the deputies, I think he was already away from that area hiding from someone else. Brandon made a 911 call begging for help, it doesn't make sense that he would then hide. The phone service was bad and he disconnected from the call to KL's girlfriend before he could tell them what was going on or where he was. KL assumed Brandon was hiding because of the warrant, but did not know at this point that Brandon called 911 asking for help.

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