TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #4

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I was just posting a possibility that might explain the strange 911 call.

I tend to agree with you. I've spent so much time trying to figure this out and what he was saying on that call but this is where I always come back to. He was able to move fast (in a panic probably) and got himself stuck somewhere, maybe injured but moving in a way/direction that was illogical & therefore hard to retrace. Just my opinion & im not 100% sold on anything at all. Drug use doesn't matter to me either way, for the record. He deserves to be found and his kids deserve to know what happened to their daddy.
Of course no matter the circumstance it is a tragedy and he deserves to be found.
Maybe he was just hallucinating on drugs.
1-it doesn't make sense that he is running from someone in a field with nowhere to hide and he's on the phone letting them hear where he is
2-he didn't mentioned being in danger when talking to others after his 911 call
3-his last call to LL was 5 min before the 911 call. Was he in trouble at this time? If so why call her and not 911? If he wasn't in trouble yet did it happen in 5 min?
4-maybe those closest to the case knows it was drug related and that is why they haven't said much
5-why would there have been no sign of a car or anyone else in the area when his brother and the police showed up?
6-why would he have decided to go so far from his car?

I don't think he was hallucinating on drugs, mainly because if that was the case, I am pretty confident he would have been found by now. Also, the call itself doesn't sound like he is hallucinating anything; he seems truly upset and for the most part, gives pretty straight forward responses.

Where else was there for him to run BUT to the field? I also do not think he was "letting them hear him." In fact, especially toward the ends of the call, it definitely seems like he is trying NOT to let someone hear him, as evidences by the fact that he quites talking!. Also, if someone was after him or chasing him, that easily explains why he went of so far away from his car.

Lastly, it doesn't take very long at all for a person or persons to put someone in their vehicle and drive away.
I don't think he was hallucinating on drugs, mainly because if that was the case, I am pretty confident he would have been found by now. Also, the call itself doesn't sound like he is hallucinating anything; he seems truly upset and for the most part, gives pretty straight forward responses.

Where else was there for him to run BUT to the field? I also do not think he was "letting them hear him." In fact, especially toward the ends of the call, it definitely seems like he is trying NOT to let someone hear him, as evidences by the fact that he quites talking!. Also, if someone was after him or chasing him, that easily explains why he went of so far away from his car.

Lastly, it doesn't take very long at all for a person or persons to put someone in their vehicle and drive away.

BBM This is exactly what I think happened. One or more people were after him...."I've got one here".....he had one of them pinned down....hence the other voice that I am 99% sure is NOT Brandon on the 911 call who answers "YES" to the ambulance while Brandon answers no simultaneously. Then the other person/s catches up to them both.....they all do harm to BL and they carry him away with all his stuff as to not leave any evidence behind. I am wondering if someone else was driving a vehicle around and when the "people in the field" found BL, the car came back around somewhere and picked them all up. That is why Kyle and the sheriff deputy never saw them. There are plenty of back roads around there they could have gone down...lights off....quietly and never were seen. JMO
BBM This is exactly what I think happened. One or more people were after him...."I've got one here".....he had one of them pinned down....hence the other voice that I am 99% sure is NOT Brandon on the 911 call who answers "YES" to the ambulance while Brandon answers no simultaneously. Then the other person/s catches up to them both.....they all do harm to BL and they carry him away with all his stuff as to not leave any evidence behind. I am wondering if someone else was driving a vehicle around and when the "people in the field" found BL, the car came back around somewhere and picked them all up. That is why Kyle and the sheriff deputy never saw them. There are plenty of back roads around there they could have gone down...lights off....quietly and never were seen. JMO

I could totally see this happening but my only thing here is IF Brandon had somebody who was after him pinned down, why would the guy say anything at all? I'd think the guy he had pinned down would stay quiet knowing his partner would be right there to help, especially since Brandon goes silent immediately after as if somebody had come up on him. Maybe the other person said yes instinctually but it seems weird to me. jmo but I do hear what you hear on the 911 call so I have no idea.

I could see him THINKING somebody was there, got quiet then ended the call, and just taking off. some drugs can make you go, go, go without realizing it. I did too many shrooms once and was convinced there were cops AND monsters coming out of the forest at me so let's just say if he were hallucinating and there were actually cops there I could see somebody totally freaking and just running until they literally couldn't anymore. And like I mentioned, is his movements were illogical it's hard to know how to retrace them.
I don't think he was hallucinating on drugs, mainly because if that was the case, I am pretty confident he would have been found by now. Also, the call itself doesn't sound like he is hallucinating anything; he seems truly upset and for the most part, gives pretty straight forward responses.

When I listen to it again it does sounds genuine.
When I listen to it again it does sounds genuine.

Have you listened to the 911 call from the couple that were stranded in a snow storm? They were high & thought "Mexicans were after them" & it turned out that the "Mexicans" were actually cows.
Have you listened to the 911 call from the couple that were stranded in a snow storm? They were high & thought "Mexicans were after them" & it turned out that the "Mexicans" were actually cows.

I just listened to it. If the crazy things they were saying were replaced with something more believable it would have been completely believable that they were in real danger.
That couple was also found pretty easily. Brandon still has not been found; my thought (beside the 911 call being a real, true call for help) is that if this was just some drug induced hallucination incident that he would have been found by now.
I have just a shoot from the hip opinion having read all 4 threads. Maybe the reason he never told told brother or brothers gf any of this is bc they were involved. I think The tape has been snipped bc he didn't say his name first when 9 times out of 10 you do then proceed with what the emergency is followed by the Location. I think the mistakes made will eventually bring to light the events of that night and the outcome of Brandon Lawson. it doesn't surprise me when alibies and timelines change I think that is unavoidable in a case when the lies cannot be maintained. I feel certain that this is SETUP and or Hit so to speak bc of the lack to solve. the best thing one can do when commiting murder is a diversion, red herring, anything to wASTE time. but karma says all comes cleanin the wash. it will take the right person to see through the falses to solve this.
Where can I hear the latest "show" that people are talking about that recently aired about Brandon? I've followed this from the start and spoke with LL often in the first year but not lately. I'd love to know what really happened that night. My gut feeling is that thone close to him know much more than they've ever told anyone.
Hey everyone!
I just found out about this case last night. I must have listened to the 911 call at least 100 times by now! I'm also going back to read from the beginning. What a sad and scary situation :( Hoping he is located soon.

One question I have (my apologies if it has been asked and answered already!) is whether or not the 911 call has been looked at and cleaned up/analyzed "professionally". By that I mean using professional software and listened to by someone who does forensic audio analysis? (google tells me there are people who do that!)

Have any of us sleuthers cleaned up and edited the audio using a professional program?
Can we possibly try to reach out to a forensic expert if that hasn't been done so already and see if they can help?

I'm not sure how much more if anything else can be done with the 911 call in regard to editing etc. so my whole post may be way off base...just thought I would check and see either way.

I have listened to it many times. In my professional career we work with 911 recordings often. I do not think that this is the call in its entirety. I think it's been edited before it was given to a family member of Brandon's to verify it was his voice. It was then shared with LL who posted it. I think it's impossible to understand the recording as its incomplete.
As for his truck being picked up which others have brought up, it wasn't legally titled to Brandon. The truck still belonged to his grandfather (I'm pretty sure that's who ownded it. I know it wasn't Brandon, making it legally able to be claimed from the tow co.).
I wish for the four children that answers would be found but I'm afraid until the ones closest to Brandon decide to be honest it's not going to happen.
I have just a shoot from the hip opinion having read all 4 threads. Maybe the reason he never told told brother or brothers gf any of this is bc they were involved. I think The tape has been snipped bc he didn't say his name first when 9 times out of 10 you do then proceed with what the emergency is followed by the Location. I think the mistakes made will eventually bring to light the events of that night and the outcome of Brandon Lawson. it doesn't surprise me when alibies and timelines change I think that is unavoidable in a case when the lies cannot be maintained. I feel certain that this is SETUP and or Hit so to speak bc of the lack to solve. the best thing one can do when commiting murder is a diversion, red herring, anything to wASTE time. but karma says all comes cleanin the wash. it will take the right person to see through the falses to solve this.

I have followed from the start and could NOT agree more! From his brother showing up so quickly to "check on LL" to him changing his story, his gf never officially talking about all her conversations with Brandon while his brother is with the cop at his truck, the altered stories about gas being put in his truck, how the 911 call was released, which I'm pretty sure is incomplete and was snipped before given to Brandon's parents to verify his voice, to LL changing her storis and freaking out on people who have questions or ask about the changes in the stories. From Brandon being employed and his buddies he worked with looking for him who have yet to come fwd, to the reports of a fight at walmart before he left town... it's all too crazy! I think drugs play a big role as does money. I don't think anyone thought his 401k check would be Un able to be cashed or his account frozen so quickly. I have wondered what it will take for someone to crack. It's impossible for so many people to keep a secret like this. Does anyone know if Brandon's brother & his gf are still together?
It's never been a secret that Brandon was a drug user and had a record. From the start LL told me their fight was over him using again. To me it doesn't matter if he used drugs or didn't. It wouldn't alter my thoughts about him needing to be found, about deserving to be found, if he had never used drugs a day in his life or if he had gone on bender, or was out on drug run looking for drugs or if he was dealing them. He is still someone's son, a father of four, and a human being! I believe he is dead and not of his own doing. I hope that there are answers sooner than later. Does anyone know if the sheriff's wife is still being as vocal to everyone and anyone about her "opinions" on the case? In my opinion, she damaged the case from the start, shared privileged information she had no right to and should be held accountable... but that's just my opinion. No matter what, I can't believe another summer is about to begin, which then means yet another anniversary of him "missing" is right around the corner. It's been too long! Time for truths to be told!
I agree, but I also think the initial PI did more harm than good when she was telling things going on behind the scenes. I'm not sure the family was aware what she was doing, and were caught off guard when people knew info they shouldn't have

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As for his truck being picked up which others have brought up, it wasn't legally titled to Brandon. The truck still belonged to his grandfather (I'm pretty sure that's who ownded it. I know it wasn't Brandon, making it legally able to be claimed from the tow co.).
I wish for the four children that answers would be found but I'm afraid until the ones closest to Brandon decide to be honest it's not going to happen.

The truck was NOT registered to grandpa. It was not registered to anyone with the last name of Lawson. I know this as fact. And I have proof, but I am not able to post it as it would violate TOS.
The truck was NOT registered to grandpa. It was not registered to anyone with the last name of Lawson. I know this as fact. And I have proof, but I am not able to post it as it would violate TOS.

Brandon's maternal grandfather maybe?
The truck was NOT registered to grandpa. It was not registered to anyone with the last name of Lawson. I know this as fact. And I have proof, but I am not able to post it as it would violate TOS.

I was told by LL that the truck belonged to his grandfather and that's why it was able to be picked up and returned to its legal owner . Maybe the confusion was saying it was registered to his grandfather when I don't know for fact who it was registered to... (I said titled to) I was told who the owner was. Youre stating it wasn't registered to any Lawson only further makes my point, the truck wasnt Brandons. Bottom line being the truck did not legally belong to BL or LL and that's why it was released by the PD. (Which was the question asked, how was it released to anyone other than Brandon?).
Agreed! The paper says it all. Not being mean, just another half truth.

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