TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #5

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Hi everybody, I'm new to this website. After hearing True Crime Garage's podcast episode on BL, I've become kind of obsessed with the case and knew this website would have some great insights. I've seen a map of the search area, and read somewhere that the area around the Colorado River was searched, but does anyone know if the river itself was searched? I hate to say that, but I don't think it's out of the realm of possibilty that someone, or several people, disposed of his body in the river if he in fact did meet an ill fate. I've also thought perhaps whoever he ran into took his phone and it wasn't even on him when it last pinged.

I know everbody has slightly different interpretations of the 911 call. I've lost count of how many times I've listened to it and some words still frustrate me to no end! Still can't decipher who/what "perched (pushed) some guys over". But, like many people, I do hear a second person with Brandon, and I hear a gunshot. Maybe when he says "we're (or they're?) out here goin' towards Abilene on both sides", he's referring to all parties heading North on both sides of the road, like in the fields on both sides. Right after Brandon says he "ran into 'em" and the dispatcher is talking, I can hear a second voice. It sounds like he's asking Brandon a question but I can't make it out. Brandon is answering this question when he says "just the first guy". It's during this exchange that I hear a gun shot. Then I hear Brandon ask this other person, "that gunshot(s)?" The other person says "yeah" in response to Brandon, right after the dispatcher asks if he needs an ambulance. Then Brandon responds to the dispatcher, "No, I need the cops". I hear the " yeah" as an answer to Brandon after he asked the second individual if the sound they heard was a gunshot. The second guy sounds out of breath, like he was just running towards Brandon.

I had hoped the search they conducted in Abilene the other day was for Brandon, but sadly I don't think it was. I can't understand why there hasn't been more LE effort to find him. It baffles me.

Great questions. As to the river tho it isnt deep enough to hide a body. Welcome.
This is very possible, I spotted this article just now on a similar case. The body of a man, Tim Wolfe, missing for nearly a year has just been found and identified. It was about 1500 yards/1300 metres from his wrecked car. The car was found at the time he went missing.

There was a case solved the other day that I saw on the news. I can't remember the exact details but it was in North Texas around Paris or Greenville area, I believe. The woman had a car accident and by the time help arrived, she was gone. Searches ensued, etc. No body. That was a couple of years ago. Recently, a body was found near the accident scene. It was hers. Speculation is that she wandered off from her vehicle. I'm guessing she had been overlooked in previous searches.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
There was a case solved the other day that I saw on the news. I can't remember the exact details but it was in North Texas around Paris or Greenville area, I believe. The woman had a car accident and by the time help arrived, she was gone. Searches ensued, etc. No body. That was a couple of years ago. Recently, a body was found near the accident scene. It was hers. Speculation is that she wandered off from her vehicle. I'm guessing she had been overlooked in previous searches.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*

This happened to Joseph Garcia, also in Texas. His truck was found on the side of the road but his body wasn't found until 2 and a half months later. He was only 130 yards from his truck.
There is always the possibility ... In all something scandalous did occur .. I think we all know that

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I still find it odd, that she knew Brandon was out of gas and they were fighting and she took her phone outside to charge in her car....
I still find it odd, that she knew Brandon was out of gas and they were fighting and she took her phone outside to charge in her car....

I still find it odd that she supposedly sent more than one gas can with KL. And that KL supposedly left them in the back of the truck until a later time.

The Stripes wasn't far back down the road, so with gas, it wouldn't have been far to travel to fill up the tank. And if Brandon came back to the truck, what was he supposed to do with empty gas cans, and a closed gas station in the middle of the night?

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
Thought the Stripes in Bronte was a 24 hour gas station. Recall neither had money to even get gas any way ... It is odd for (2) gas cans instead of one

Queen my memory is not as sharp as it use to be ...

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Thought the Stripes in Bronte was a 24 hour gas station. Recall neither had money to even get gas any way ... It is odd for (2) gas cans instead of one

Queen my memory is not as sharp as it use to be ...

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For some reason, I thought it closed at night. Let me check.

Also, for some reason, I was thinking that there were a total of three gas cans. I may be incorrect on that, though.

The other thing is that supposedly neither KL or BL had any money. The girlfriend claimed that their paychecks hit later in the morning. I've never had that happen. I have always gotten scheduled direct deposits anywhere from a couple of days early to 0400 the morning of, depending on the bank. Have always thought that was odd.

Another thing, how many people can't scrape up a couple of bucks out of the couch, laundry, or kids' piggy bank for a gallon of gas? Your brother/baby daddy is stranded in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, and you can't beg or borrow $5 at the gas station somewhere to get a gallon of gas???

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
Thought the Stripes in Bronte was a 24 hour gas station. Recall neither had money to even get gas any way ... It is odd for (2) gas cans instead of one

Queen my memory is not as sharp as it use to be ...

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The website does say 24 hours. Hmmmmm...

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
He had already passed the picnic area. I speculate he ran out of gas before the picnic area and coasted down the road to his stopping point which was at the bottom of a small hill. I think he was being chased from San Angelo. He either knew they were behind him or he got out when they pulled up behind him and started chasing him into the woods. No other reason to get out. I also think Kyle knows more but isn't talking.

I agree and from his current state, his recent troubles and physical appearance Id wager a guess it weighs heavy on him.
And if neither BL or KL had any money, why even bother with gas cans?? Just go out there help him push the truck off the road more so no one hits it & bring him back home or to the brothers house, then worry about going back for the truck the next day after work, when they would've had money. Doesn't seem logical to me.

And there is no way in H E double hockey sticks I'm gonna go leave my phone to charge out in my car knowing that my "husband" is out in the middle of no where, in the middle of the flippin night, no gas, no money & I just sent his brother out there, who also has no money, with empty gas can(S).
Now if my phone was about to die, I might go out to the car to plug it in, if that was my only charger, but I'd stay out there, maybe call & vent to a friend like "hey girl let me just tell you what just happened!!" Once it had a little charge, I'd take my phone back in the house with me. It wouldn't need to be 100% if I'm going to sleep, it's not like I was gonna need it to be on Facebook posting statuses about my missing husband all night right?!?

And iirc the very 1st blogtalk radio interview LL did, she says "I told Kyle to go get the gas cans & BRING them to Brandon & then TAKE him back home or to your house for the night." Now she could've just said it like that because that's the way she speaks, but my 1st gut reaction was: what does she mean go get the gas cans & bring them, like she was with BL, then take him back home, where was she? With the truck? What was she gonna do at the truck with gas cans while KL was taking BL back home or to his house? Idk like I said I may be reading way too much in to it, but others noticed it too & once it was mentioned multiple times, the transcript of interview was reworded to make it sound differently.

Just my opinions & random thoughts.

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I just listened to a podcast about Brandon. What a tragic case. I live in Texas and hadn't heard about this one. I am getting myself up to date. Has anyone seen anything from the GF/Family on what they think the 911 tape says? I listened and True Crime Garage podcast dissected each line but I was curious what the family thinks he is saying and what is going on. They obviously would know him and know his accent, etc. I would love to hear what the brother thinks he is saying.

I think its important to remember that the gf recorded with her cell phone, an edited version of the 911 tape that was sent the BLs father for the sole purpose of voice recognition. Who knows what else may have been picked up in the background while she was using her cell phone to make the recoding of that CD. Without the orginal recording of the 911 call I dont think its possible to figure out what it says. LE didnt guve it to them to decipher, I think they already know what he is saying. Imo...of course!
The website does say 24 hours. Hmmmmm...

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*

Iirc it is a 24 hour c-store because it was mentioned that the only 2 businesses in Coke County that are 24/7 is the nursing home & Stripes, & 911 chose the nursing home over Stripes to answer calls. Could you imagine Stripes clerks answering 911 calls????

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Those are great questions that have been asked by many but have never been answered unfortunately.
Welcome to the party by the way.

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Ive only talked to LL about it. She said the parts we all stumble on she doesnt understand either. I think its because LE has omitted somethings as it was only released to his dad for voice recognition, something she also has not been very forthcoming about!
Ive followed this case from the start and find so much so frustrating. As for the timeline of phone calls, please remind me who released that time line? How do we know for sure that the 911 call was placed BEFORE the call to his brother for gas and the text messages to his brother's gf? How long after the 911 call did he call his brother for gas? How long after that call were what number of text messages exchanged? Has anyone actually ever SEEN a call log from BL's phone? I wonder how many calls and to who were made from the time he was seen at walmart until 911 was called? Do we know what time BL 1st called his brother for gas and when Kyle called LL about getting cans? I hope that LE has looked at phone logs!!
Iirc it is a 24 hour c-store because it was mentioned that the only 2 businesses in Coke County that are 24/7 is the nursing home & Stripes, & 911 chose the nursing home over Stripes to answer calls. Could you imagine Stripes clerks answering 911 calls????

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Oh good lawrdy ..... Lol. Stripes or Nursing Home

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The Rangers said no in this particular case. They're (law enforcement) the ones who told the family about the call.

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Thats NOT what LL said. She said that they were told nothing of the 911 call until she saw it on his cell phone bill and called LE to unquire about it. (Sorry for so many quotes! I keep responding as I read things!)
Yes, I would like to know his call log from either in the day say afternoon all the way to the end. Do recall their was mention of possible text messages between BL/LL sometime that late evening

My monthly bill comes with a complete log ...

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Ive followed this case from the start and find so much so frustrating. As for the timeline of phone calls, please remind me who released that time line? How do we know for sure that the 911 call was placed BEFORE the call to his brother for gas and the text messages to his brother's gf? How long after the 911 call did he call his brother for gas? How long after that call were what number of text messages exchanged? Has anyone actually ever SEEN a call log from BL's phone? I wonder how many calls and to who were made from the time he was seen at walmart until 911 was called? Do we know what time BL 1st called his brother for gas and when Kyle called LL about getting cans? I hope that LE has looked at phone logs!!

Which timeline? There is more than one. The first PI, the second PI, etc. I don't really know that anyone with any true credibility has released one. The ones that the LL folks have released are only pieced together by her information I'm sure. Really the only thing that I would personally be certain of is the time of the 911 call.

Has anyone seen a call log from the phones? Yes. But not anyone who posts here. Or would post here. That's probably something that the public won't be privy to until an maybe never.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
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