Found Alive TX - Brett Detamore, 38, Houston / Bear Creek Park, truck found torched, 21 June 2023

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very happy he was found alive. Prayers for his kids, they will love him no matter what. Very sad situation but glad he’s getting help. Hopefully this is enough of a rock bottom event that he changes things in his life moving forward.
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I have to say, I have had a really cruddy day and I didn't know how much I really needed "Found Alive" at the top of a post, any post. Best wishes to him and his family- he's alive and that's always a place to start from.
Yes I agree, no matter how hard life gets there’s always a way out it. I don’t care how bad you think it is, there is nothing that can’t be fixed.
Question for the Chief (not Constable) why this was made a high profile case and so many resources given to it? They (LE) didn't make it high profile, it was social media that made it high profile and got more media in it.
I call b.s.
I call b.s.
There was no media initially.

The Woodlands Online thing I used to start this initial post is hardly "media" and the case was getting zero traction, even on here, until the lawsuits were discovered.

It started from his wife's influencer accounts and FB.

Even with TES involvement, which I posted immediately on here, and a burned truck, which I included in the starting post - things that normally get people involved in a thread - and there was very minimal interaction on this thread at the start.

The Find Brett Detamore FB group and some others that can't be mentioned (but are widely known in Houston and used in MP cases) got a lot of traffic talking about it - and Clear Channel gave billboards just like they did after family requested in a MP case last week that was also posted on here (and had maybe 15 posts on here, but by comparison, significantly more media than Brett's case at the start)

The LE resources were involved at the start - thus all most of my posts (which were the initial ones in this thread) were virtually all LE FB posts of multiple agencies (TES, WUPD, Constable, etc.) b/c there was no media interest until the lawsuits came out and things exploded here...and then the Find Brett FB group and other sites when the thread here was locked.

This was a VERY atypical case as far as things on WS go with it being SO LE heavy and VERY media light for the early goings of it.

If the lawsuits hadn't come up, I think there'd still be very minimal media coverage - but the agencies were all involved from the start.
I call b.s.
In the press conference the officer stated he got involved because he knew the family, then said it was because it was high profile and in the state of Texas that’s how things are done. The media attention was non-existent, sure there were lots of social media posts from individuals but is that make a case high profile, just because people are Sharing it on Facebook?
Yes I agree, no matter how hard life gets there’s always a way out it. I don’t care how bad you think it is, there is nothing that can’t be fixed.
When you are in the very dire moment, and the dire moment can last for days, when fear and panic strike, it is most difficult to remain positive. It helps if someone like my dear mom who said, "This too shall pass" so when things get hard, these words of wisdom may help one get past the most trying moments.

It is my fervent hope that Brett can receive the assistance he needs. Along with love, understanding and a large dose of forgiveness, he'll conquer this seemingly formidable trial.

Being found in a San Antonio bus station 6 days after going missing doesn't sound like someone in a hurry to skip the state and get out of Dodge. It appears from this vantage, that he had no real plans on what to do or where to go. That somewhat surprises me.
When you are in the very dire moment, and the dire moment can last for days, when fear and panic strike, it is most difficult to remain positive. It helps if someone like my dear mom who said, "This too shall pass" so when things get hard, these words of wisdom may help one get past the most trying moments.

It is my fervent hope that Brett can receive the assistance he needs. Along with love, understanding and a large dose of forgiveness, he'll conquer this seemingly formidable trial.

Being found in a San Antonio bus station 6 days after going missing doesn't sound like someone in a hurry to skip the state and get out of Dodge. It appears from this vantage, that he had no real plans on what to do or where to go. That somewhat surprises me.
The fact he emailed his wife letting her know he was alive sounded like how the police figured out his location. The entire ordeal almost seemed like a cry for help, and I’m so thankful he didn’t commit suicide because I was worried that would be the ending, and his kids would really have a hard time recovering from that. To be honest, this too shall pass and BD will be able to live a normal life one day, granted this will always haunt him but people do far worse things and are still able to bounce back. He is at that age where men tend to go off the rails (A la mid life crisis) and perhaps that’s part of all of this too, but it sounds like he is going to get some professional help dealing with all of this and I really hope he uses this to be a better person and maybe help someone else in the future who is suffering from whatever was going on in his mind.
The fact he emailed his wife letting her know he was alive sounded like how the police figured out his location. The entire ordeal almost seemed like a cry for help, and I’m so thankful he didn’t commit suicide because I was worried that would be the ending, and his kids would really have a hard time recovering from that. To be honest, this too shall pass and BD will be able to live a normal life one day, granted this will always haunt him but people do far worse things and are still able to bounce back. He is at that age where men tend to go off the rails (A la mid life crisis) and perhaps that’s part of all of this too, but it sounds like he is going to get some professional help dealing with all of this and I really hope he uses this to be a better person and maybe help someone else in the future who is suffering from whatever was going on in his mind.
I never got the vibe that he did something to himself. With the truck being arson'd and then the financial things that came out I suspected it was money problems closing in on him. Not sure what his end game was because creditors aren't going to let things go. Glad he is okay and his kids still have their Dad. That's really all that matter more than living beyond your means.
Any updates on this case? Curious if he will face arson or other charges?
There were reports that an unnamed FED agency was working with HPD so was waiting for some news to drop soon.

It's a bit uncanny the way the media links dried up ten days ago. Once he landed himself in the hospital or rehab or wherever, there haven't been any updates. I wonder if either of the families possess power or influence over media in the Houston area. I mention that only bc Clear Channel Outdoor billboards donated billboards when Brett went missing. His wife posted about them when he was gone. I wonder if he saw himself on one of them?

The weekend passed without developments, but efforts by friends at getting the public involved received a big boost with Detamore’s image and description being beamed on 10 digital billboards provided by Clear Channel Outdoors, along with contact information.
This man, a well respected member of the community is missing. This message is currently being broadcast on 10 digital billboards which could be expanded to more of the 44 units...

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There were reports that an unnamed FED agency was working with HPD so was waiting for some news to drop soon.

It's a bit uncanny the way the media links dried up ten days ago. Once he landed himself in the hospital or rehab or wherever, there haven't been any updates. I wonder if either of the families possess power or influence over media in the Houston area. I mention that only bc Clear Channel Outdoor billboards donated billboards when Brett went missing. His wife posted about them when he was gone. I wonder if he saw himself on one of them?

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My thoughts are similar to yours. His wife had been labled as an "influencer" at one point in msm.... my guess is that she could push both ways---for heavy assistance, and now heavy silence.

IMO. I did notice that family facebook pages were taken down, and/or depleted of years of posts.... so I think there was a strong and heavy program to silence everything.

My guess is that we will hear very little at all going forward. Maybe something will posted on a public LE document eventually!
As I posted when this came up earlier, CC seems to be pretty willing to donate billboards in the Houston area

(I'm guessing the connection may be Dizzy - who was also discussed in the current Rudy case - as it's a VERY popular Houston area source of info and kind of groundswell support it seems.

There were several other cases just prior to Brett where the public support and family/friend (or Dizzy) contact seemed to get Clear Channel to post them.

I specifically had posted about them doing the same during the Jennifer R case mentioned at the link (the thread is removed since she was located) b/c previously those were hard to get, at least in many states, and yet it was another Houston area one in very recent time.

Brett's disappearance came just as JR was found, and both cases had a lot of talk on the Dizzy FB group and there was talk about the billboards at the time. I suspect they basically got "transferred" over from JR to BD.

I think it had little to do with anything special in this case. JR had some but not a lot of publicity, doesn't fit any of the stats that people normally think get "favors" or "attention" or public response, and couldn't be more different in terms of the BD situation, IMO.

WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, Texas (KTRK) -- A West University Place developer and father of three, who was the subject of a massive missing persons search back in June might not have disappeared, according to a recent civil lawsuit filed in Harris County.

The lawsuit explains his disappearance was part of an elaborate fraud scheme to defraud investors.

A West University Police Department spokesperson confirmed there is an active investigation into Detamore's alleged fraudulent activities.

When ABC13 repeatedly asked the spokesperson if there were any active investigations into the possibility of Detamore faking his disappearance, they said they were not looking into those accusations.

A family attorney for Detamore sent the following statement, explaining they're still reviewing the allegations.

"These lawsuits have just been filed, and we are reviewing the allegations. The events of the last few months have been tragic and, unfortunately, the subject of much public speculation and rumor; many false allegations have been made, and the Detamore family, including their young children, have suffered as a result. Mr. Detamore is getting the help he needs, and the entire Detamore family requests privacy at this time."

WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, Texas (KTRK) -- A West University Place developer and father of three, who was the subject of a massive missing persons search back in June might not have disappeared, according to a recent civil lawsuit filed in Harris County.

The lawsuit explains his disappearance was part of an elaborate fraud scheme to defraud investors.

A West University Police Department spokesperson confirmed there is an active investigation into Detamore's alleged fraudulent activities.

When ABC13 repeatedly asked the spokesperson if there were any active investigations into the possibility of Detamore faking his disappearance, they said they were not looking into those accusations.

A family attorney for Detamore sent the following statement, explaining they're still reviewing the allegations.

"These lawsuits have just been filed, and we are reviewing the allegations. The events of the last few months have been tragic and, unfortunately, the subject of much public speculation and rumor; many false allegations have been made, and the Detamore family, including their young children, have suffered as a result. Mr. Detamore is getting the help he needs, and the entire Detamore family requests privacy at this time."
"Lawyers representing a defrauded victim explained in the court documents that Brett Detamore would forge documents to take cash draws from his home construction business to fund his lavish lifestyle."

Brett was making money, stealing, from investors by forging documents. He made investors sign nondisclosure agreements? I think that's what the reporter in the video said. The home building business was a hoax. It collapsed because he stole money from his own company and the investors are angry. IMHOO

West U man accused of faking disappearance spent money on Super Bowl, Galveston mansion, suit says

As the construction money disappeared, Detamore stayed in high-end hotels, bought expensive vehicles and bought a $1 million second home in Galveston, the lawsuit alleges. The suit seeks more than $1 million in damages.
"Lawyers representing a defrauded victim explained in the court documents that Brett Detamore would forge documents to take cash draws from his home construction business to fund his lavish lifestyle."

Brett was making money, stealing, from investors by forging documents. He made investors sign nondisclosure agreements? I think that's what the reporter in the video said. The home building business was a hoax. It collapsed because he stole money from his own company and the investors are angry. IMHOO

West U man accused of faking disappearance spent money on Super Bowl, Galveston mansion, suit says

As the construction money disappeared, Detamore stayed in high-end hotels, bought expensive vehicles and bought a $1 million second home in Galveston, the lawsuit alleges. The suit seeks more than $1 million in damages.

Greed bleeds.
Certainly not as vile as Murdaugh...but still on the same path
"Lawyers representing a defrauded victim explained in the court documents that Brett Detamore would forge documents to take cash draws from his home construction business to fund his lavish lifestyle."

As the construction money disappeared, Detamore stayed in high-end hotels, bought expensive vehicles and bought a $1 million second home in Galveston, the lawsuit alleges.

There was a similar case in Austin awhile back.
Ostentatious/lavish lifestyle, amazing house, Lamborginis in the garage, big social life, all flash, all about appearances until the house of cards came crashing down. The wife and teen-aged kids did not know about the total financial implosion until he took his own life and they found out they were essentially destitute.

Brett Detamore betrayed the trust of many and may very well end up doing some hard time in prison, but this is a much better outcome than suicide.

And what will happen to his employees? This business will almost certainly go bankrupt as well. What were his accountants doing while this was going on?
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Lawyers representing a defrauded victim explained in the court documents that Brett Detamore would forge documents to take cash draws from his home construction business to fund his lavish lifestyle.

The lawyers accuse him of attending high-profile sporting events such as the Super Bowl and even buying a million-dollar home in Galveston.

Detamore left his home early in the morning on June 21, and then seemingly disappeared. His wife filed a missing person report, and soon, a high-profile search was underway.

Shortly after he was reported missing, Houston police located his burned-out truck at Bear Creek Park.

The suit alleges Detamore set the six-figure truck on fire before faking his disappearance.

Houston Fire Department officials confirmed the fire was deliberately set, and arson investigators shared the investigative findings with the Harris County District Attorney's Office.

An HFD fire official said the prosecutors declined to file charges, citing a lack of complainant, meaning nobody ever wanted to press charges, and that the truck had been fully paid off.
ORIGINAL REPORT: Investigation continues after West U dad found 'disheveled,' but safe, in San Antonio, officials say


Brett Detamore’s truck was found burning hours after he went missing, Texas authorities say. His disappearance is alleged to have been faked. Harris County District Court
A home builder is accused of faking his own disappearance in an elaborate plot to steal money from clients, a Texas lawsuit says.

The lawsuit, filed Wednesday, Oct. 4, in Harris County District Court, accuses Brett Detamore of abandoning home construction builds when he executed a plot to go into hiding.

Detamore, 38, was said to have gone missing June 21 from West University Place, a suburb of Houston. His burning truck was discovered the same day.

He was found alive at a San Antonio bus stop five days later, when his “scheme was ‘burned down’ and exposed,” according to the lawsuit filed by his clients.

Police said Detamore’s disappearance was pre-planned, and there were no indications of foul play.
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The suit alleges Detamore set the six-figure truck on fire before faking his disappearance.
SRSLY, Brett? Over $100,000 for a truck? Even by Texas standards, that's a lot of pecans and brisket. I did experience Houston traffic in July, this truck might make that a bearable experience...maybe.

Car and Driver: 2023 Ram 1500 TRX, starting price for base model: $87,090
"it's the quickest gas-powered truck we've ever tested: The 702-hp monster flew to 60 mph in just 3.7 seconds. That means that despite its 6800-pound heft, it can beat a Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 to the next streetlight..."

Brett upgraded to the Havoc: "...The 2023 TRX does get a limited-production Havoc Edition with exclusive Baja Yellow paint and Prowler Yellow interior stitching..."

(Photo of truck in this article: 2 lawsuits charge missing West U man with defaulting on cash advances)
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