GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #15 *Arrest*

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I go with someone waiting in the garage too! It's a scary place and since it seems EA left rather quickly. . . someone tracking Christina's movements all night could have popped up right away. I hope he wasn't wearing one of those scary clown masks that have been popping up all over the country. They're really creepy!

EA stole the phone prior to Christina's disappearance. Perhaps he was feeling a little guilty about the theft of the phone and
that started the whole ball of lies and deception.

my thoughts EXACTLY. I think the "lying" was actually alcohol causing missing pieces of EA's memory. instead of telling the cops that he drove drunk... he winged it. one of the lies outlined in the warrant, for example was that he didn't talk to Christina during the walk to the garage. I think he couldn't remember the conversation.

he voluntarily consented to a search of his Camaro sept 4th. I don't think EA had anything to do with Christina's disappearance
my thoughts EXACTLY. I think the "lying" was actually alcohol causing missing pieces of EA's memory. instead of telling the cops that he drove drunk... he winged it. one of the lies outlined in the warrant, for example was that he didn't talk to Christina during the walk to the garage. I think he couldn't remember the conversation.

he voluntarily consented to a search of his Camaro sept 4th. I don't think EA had anything to do with Christina's disappearance

I might agree, accept for the bruises, hurt ribs, supposed bite mark, wrecked car & sober lies... The cops already figured he had been driving drunk, once he told them he had all those shots & beer.. I have a hard time believing someone was stalking CM & appeared the second EA drove off.. JMO
They have bagels in Texas? I thought it would be biscuits & grits!
Not from Texas, but OT, we Southerners like biscuits and gravy and cheese grits. And sweettea (one word-like coldbeer is).
Not from Texas, but OT, we Southerners like biscuits and gravy and cheese grits. And sweettea (one word-like coldbeer is).

I'm not from Texas either, but I grew up in the South and I ate many a meal of biscuits, grits and eggs. Never saw a bagel till I was in the military.
I have a feeling that EA wanted to get physical with CM and she resisted him. This led to a physical altercation where the victim resisted as hard as she could for as long as she could before her attacker gained the advantage and murdered her. From the injuries described by his coworkers...CM put up one hell of a fight.

Hi, new here, but I've been following all of these threads from nearly day one and following the case closely. The scenario above makes the most sense to me also. I think he was drunk, made a move, things got way out of hand and he did something terrible. I wish with all my heart she would be found alive but at this point, that doesn't feel like much of a possibility. I find it hard to believe that he's covering for anyone or that an accidental OD took place. I would think he would've fessed up quickly if that were the case, once it looked like he may soon be accused of murder. I also agree that a tiny girl can inflict that much bodily damage if she is fighting for her life. My 19-yr-old daughter is Christina-sized and she can bruise you just playing around. As weird as it is to say, trafficking would be preferable just because she could be found alive but that also seems like a huge stretch to me. All just my opinion of course.
I can't see anyone but EA being involved. This wouldn't be the first time a drugged and drunked up person made moves on someone, got rejected, got angry and things spiralled from there. I don't see this group of people in their early 20's any more abnormal or more dramatic than the rest. People have exes in groups of friends all the time, people fight with their partners, they just don't all disappear and have everything examined!!! My mum would have gone crazy at what I was doing at that age. I just don't feel like there is anything more sinister here except for a lying little brat trying to talk his way out of what he did. If your the last known person to be with someone that has disappeared and you lie about it then there's something wrong! EA does not seem like someone who would cover for anyone. If he could point the finger at someone else I think he would. All just my opinion.

I do wonder if LE has video of him and CM leaving the garage.
It's very possible.
If she left willingly with him they still need to prove a crime has been committed.
The way LE is talking though it seems they know more regarding EA and are keeping it close to the vest. I bet they probably do know she left with him! It does explain their full court press against EA and no one else.
Hi, new here, but I've been following all of these threads from nearly day one and following the case closely. The scenario above makes the most sense to me also. I think he was drunk, made a move, things got way out of hand and he did something terrible. I wish with all my heart she would be found alive but at this point, that doesn't feel like much of a possibility. I find it hard to believe that he's covering for anyone or that an accidental OD took place. I would think he would've fessed up quickly if that were the case, once it looked like he may soon be accused of murder. I also agree that a tiny girl can inflict that much bodily damage if she is fighting for her life. My 19-yr-old daughter is Christina-sized and she can bruise you just playing around. As weird as it is to say, trafficking would be preferable just because she could be found alive but that also seems like a huge stretch to me. All just my opinion of course.

Hi Nicole! Thanks for your input. I tend to agree with you. I thought trafficking at first because I had heard rumors around town a few years ago that it was going on, but I can't imagine someone waiting at a parking garage at 4:00 am for that purpose. I think they prey on girls younger, different situations. My thinking is that something happened at EA's hands, not premeditated, just a situation that he thought he could control and she fought hard. JMO
Hi Nicole! Thanks for your input. I tend to agree with you. I thought trafficking at first because I had heard rumors around town a few years ago that it was going on, but I can't imagine someone waiting at a parking garage at 4:00 am for that purpose. I think they prey on girls younger, different situations. My thinking is that something happened at EA's hands, not premeditated, just a situation that he thought he could control and she fought hard. JMO

I don't believe it is trafficking either. Christina doesn't fit the profile of what a trafficker is looking for. He wants someone who is less likely to be missed and reported in the media. A run away. A foreigner who has a family far away. In short, someone whose disappearance would not attract attention.

I believe EA is one right now. One is he did something to her and she is no longer with us. The other is there was a fight or a conflict and he kicked her out of the car somewhere early in the morning away from Plano, Allen or Ft. Worth and left her there. Basically, he is either the culprit or he was a witness to her in a place where LE has not yet searched.
He did an interview on Dallas telemundo in Spanish. I don't know the rules on translating it for you guys without doing the entire thing. Anyway it's the first one I've seen hes given since he got a lawyer.
He did an interview on Dallas telemundo in Spanish. I don't know the rules on translating it for you guys without doing the entire thing. Anyway it's the first one he's given since he got a lawyer.

Maybe paraphrase. Give basic info and give link. TKS.

I wouldn't say there's anything really new. The only things I thought interesting were that he says he walked to his car and she walked to hers and the reporter asked what proof he has and he says his brother and his toll tag. He said CM asked him to walk her. He says the family caused him to lose his job and some friends. He says Jonni thinks he's guilty basically. He also says that he is afraid for his life. Nothing regarding his car damage or cell phone or arrest. He says he already told the police all he knows and that CM family is trying to make him say more and he doesn't know anything else.

I wouldn't say there's anything really new. The only things I thought interesting were that he says he walked to his car and she walked to hers and the reporter asked what proof he has and he says his brother and his toll tag. He said CM asked him to walk her. He says the family caused him to lose his job and some friends. He says Jonni thinks he's guilty basically. He also says that he is afraid for his life. Nothing regarding his car damage or cell phone or arrest. He says he already told the police all he knows and that CM family is trying to make him say more and he doesn't know anything else.

Thank you. Him saying his brother is "proof" is interesting and explains why he was questioned numerous times. IMO
I still say someone else was in that garage!

I could be totally wrong but its just a feeling for me that there is another horse in this race!
The fact that the guy who was seen walking with her through the garage was reported to have been limping, complaining of rib pain, and had scratches on his face and bite marks on his arm.. and he keeps changing his story.... Well that's very telling.
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