GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #17 *Arrest*

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I see what you are saying, but if he traveled via 121 and exited let's say Alma, he'd still be hit driving down a road that is 40mph and frequented by cops. If he went 121 all the way to 75, that's a bit out of the way to then go south and exit Bethany. I'm not saying a person wouldn't travel that way, but for a 23 year old who doesn't seem to use a lot of analytical thinking (judging by the info on the warrant) I really don't think he thought much about his route.

As far as covering up his possible intoxication: I don;t think so based on him telling LE he drank 10 shots in like an hour. That tells me he wasn't too concerned about revealing his alcohol intake.

I think he was going somewhere other than Allen, but wanted to steer LE in the opposite direction, and that's why he lied about his route.

I also think he went somewhere that wasn't Allen. But I don't think he cared about telling LE how much he drank bc it will benefit him somewhere down the line to say he "doesn't remember" due to the alcohol and such annnnnd why would he care? Not like the police are going to arrest him for a DUI based on him saying he was drinking and driving in the past. He told them that crap to benefit himself.
IMO .. I do not know why he would even want to keep that car IF it had been used or been a part of something sinister.. I sure would not want it. but that is just me..JMO and all that

Might look a little strange to be selling it or getting rid of it at a time like this though..
I do the drive down Sam Rayburn daily from NTTA and head the same way he would have been driving. I don't exit until Stacy. I do this daily and I see all the places with so many trees between the Custer Exit and Stacy as well as off Stacy going towards McKinney ... I keep wondering if all those heavy treed areas have been searched... then all the news about Cayotes and even seeing them in the fields before. She is in my thoughts daily, where is she??? I can only assume that there is an idea of where she is based on what has been found (not released) at least that is my hope. This family deserves to have Christina found!
Yeah I was wondering this too..... because if LE got something that moved their search to the area they are looking now, would he go back at night to make sure they didn't find her? I also read in another thread (different missing person) that a dead iphone still pings? This doesn't seem possible... but if it does, maybe her phone is with her and pinging?
IF he is responsible or involved or knows where she is and IF she has passed away (I say this only because I pray she is still with us), it would be good if they are for a couple of reasons. One that I will share is that I heard (not sure if even true) people go back to check on where they put the deceased. Don't know if that is even true.
Might look a little strange to be selling it or getting rid of it at a time like this though..

Yes, but he also cleaned his car after the police had searched it once and everyone thought that was strange too. What's one more strange thing gonna do for him? Not being snarky, just saying - maybe he's a strange bird.
@FindChristinaM @lpphillips The Grand Jury is not hearing any case related to this investigation.

Could the tweet above simply mean that the Grand Jury in question (the one convening on Dec 4th) is not hearing a case related to this investigation? That's not the same as saying there will never be a Grand Jury hearing regarding this case.

The Grand Jury meets every month, so there's always next month.
Yes, but he also cleaned his car after the police had searched it once and everyone thought that was strange too. What's one more strange thing gonna do for him? Not being snarky, just saying - maybe he's a strange bird.

I don't put it past him. I just think it would make him more suspicious. And quit being so snarky boots.:giggle:
JMO because this information hasn't been released. But I would think LE has more CCTV footage than we know. When EA told them he didn't go in the garage with her and they showed him the still shot of Christina and he walking in the garage......that is why I think that. However this is JMO only.

Snipped by me.

JMOM, if you can answer, is this correct? Not sure why this never dawned on me.

For anyone else in case of not being able to answer, what are your thoughts?
It is civil over there. There most certainly has been a lot of scrubbing, which speaks to my point. posters are going to disagree all the time, there is no need to make it personal or be rude. If this is happening between us, and many of us don't know the parties involved, could you imagine, if a friend of EA came on! I would jump off for sure. I did previously. I don't stick around for nasty comments. We should speak to each other with kindness. None of it helps find Christina. I was talking about everyone. Not singling anyone out.

When every waking second of your day is Christina it is very personal. If a vi came on here for ea that would be great to give ppd more evidence of his lies.
JMO because this information hasn't been released. But I would think LE has more CCTV footage than we know. When EA told them he didn't go in the garage with her and they showed him the still shot of Christina and he walking in the garage......that is why I think that. However this is JMO only.

Thanks. Can you clarify this?

My apologies, I'm on my phone so this is going to be short, hopefully my thoughts are fully conveyed.

The seat belt: a while back (please don't make me go back for the quote), someone asked if Mark had to move the seat to get in and the response was if he did, it would have been caught on camera. It's also been stated that CM & EA cars were close by. If CM's car would be in camera range so would EA, thus, camera caught CM getting into the passenger side of EA car. [emoji16]

I remember you answering the question about how the seat most likely not having to be moved because of his height. I think that was you. I do not remember the rest being said. Was that you? If or if not, is it so, that the same camera would have caught both of their cars? I can't remember how close the cars were to one another. If you can't answer that, can you tell us again, how close there cars were.
When every waking second of your day is Christina it is very personal. If a vi came on here for ea that would be great to give ppd more evidence of his lies.

Regardless, that VI would expect and be granted the same respect as anyone else on the board. JMO.
When every waking second of your day is Christina it is very personal. If a vi came on here for ea that would be great to give ppd more evidence of his lies.

That is not the definition of personal I am referring to.
I appreciate your comment, thank you. Please know that if I for one minute thought that something I said would be offensive to my friend you can bet I would never say it. Jonni still laughs. She has to so that she can stay sane in all of this craziness. And I am sure she will see the posts with my LOL in it and would hug me and tell me she loves me like she did 30 minutes ago. Please don't ever feel that I would disrespect her or Christina because I would never do that. I really do appreciate you explaining why you posted that. I think that we have to remember that we are still human and I thought Boots question warranted a light hearted moment. I'm sorry I thought it was a little funny. It wasn't meant to be mean or disrespectful at all. :)

Thank you for this. I saw that CM's mom (in the article, not in person) said that comment about a proper burial and it was so heartbreaking, I just totally lost it. Maybe that's what prompted my earlier post about the LOLing. It was not intended to offend. The case has gripped me and I don't even know CM.
When every waking second of your day is Christina it is very personal. If a vi came on here for ea that would be great to give ppd more evidence of his lies.

Why would a verified insider be giving evidence of lies?
Regardless, that VI would expect and be granted the same respect as anyone else on the board. JMO.

Exactly. On the Beverly case she has provided insight into the type of person she is, mother, and stated many facts, that have actually been supported later in MSM, drug test, court documents, etc. not everyone that supports a defendant spews lies.
What bothers me super duper bad is the damage to his vehicle. I do not think he hit Christina with his car though. But what did he hit? Where did he hit it at? When did he hit something. I sure hope his crash computer thing leads LE to info on that.

thats exactly what i was going to say.. i have a feeling LE has video of her getting in the car, evidence that she was in the car (seatbelt, etc), but whatever happened i think happened outside of the car.. so not enough evidence for an arrest.....YET
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