GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #17 *Arrest*

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The bite location and severity was done in a fighting manor, the exact location of the bite cant be discussed


First, wasn't it stated by the co-workers that bite mark was on his arm?
Second, "fighting manor" mean violent? How else would it be? TIA

First, wasn't it stated by the co-workers that bite mark was on his arm?
Second, "fighting manor" mean violent? How else would it be? TIA

It clearly states in the warrant that it was on his arm, As far as the exact location it cant be released right now
I think as the morning progressed and he became more sober, he would start thinking of things he has to do to cover his tracks. Same reason he vacuumed his car at his work after showing up late.

I thought the consensus was that he was lying about being intoxicated, so no need to sober up in that case. He was one or the other. Cannot be both.
I think "fighting manor" is deep and in a certain location.... if I was playfully biting someone or if it was in a moment of passion.... it may look differently... lol.
I have to agree with you on this. Christina would not walk into that parking garage with someone she didn't 1/2 way trust. That is what makes me so mad!!! She trusted him to see her safely to her car or whatever. In his interviews it infuriates me how he acts as if she wasn't his "friend" so he didn't feel like it was his duty. IMO a man with that sort of character is creepy!

But I do agree she wouldn't have if she wasn't somewhat comfortable that he was ok to walk with.

But honestly, when I hear him say that he wasn't her "friend" and he didn't feel the need to walk her to her car, I really don't make a judgement about his chivalry because I don't believe it to begin with!! LE feels that the way Christina left the garage was in his vehicle. I feel the same way. I think she did feel comfortable with him and went willingly. he is just saying that they weren't friends because he was trying to distance himself from the situation.
I thought the consensus was that he was lying about being intoxicated, so no need to sober up in that case. He was one or the other. Cannot be both.

Well, that is a theory tossed around by many here that hasn't been proven.
I think "fighting manor" is deep and in a certain location.... if I was playfully biting someone or if it was in a moment of passion.... it may look differently... lol.

Reading my mind....
Well, that is a theory tossed around by many here that hasn't been proven.

But the point is for me, EA says he is drunk, people believe it and say, that's why he was cleaning his car in the morning because he had sobered up. I thought he lied about everything? Not my words. I don't know what the truth is, which is why I don't say he lies about everything. None of us do. Then we have the party people. It is clear we can't trust them because we were told they haven't been helpful, supporting, etc.
Apologies if this question has been asked before, but if Christina really did lose her house and (possibly) car keys, where are they?

Was a search done at the apartment where she was planning on staying? Were the bars/restaurants she frequented that night called to check if she had left them there? Were they locked in her car? Were they located in any other vehicle she travelled in that night? They would have to be somewhere, and the places would be limited to only a few locations.
I do the drive down Sam Rayburn daily from NTTA and head the same way he would have been driving. I don't exit until Stacy. I do this daily and I see all the places with so many trees between the Custer Exit and Stacy as well as off Stacy going towards McKinney ... I keep wondering if all those heavy treed areas have been searched... then all the news about Cayotes and even seeing them in the fields before. She is in my thoughts daily, where is she??? I can only assume that there is an idea of where she is based on what has been found (not released) at least that is my hope. This family deserves to have Christina found!

I was just thinking about coyotes earlier. I used to live on the opposite side of 121 from Shops and drove to McKinney for work and there are so many heavily wooded areas along SRT. I mentioned the Arbor Hills nature preserve in a previous thread and I'm pretty sure there are others scattered around the area. In the event that she is dead I can't imagine wanting to drive around with a dead body for very long. If I didn't have a newborn I'd be out there helping!
But the point is for me, EA says he is drunk, people believe it and say, that's why he was cleaning his car in the morning because he had sobered up. I thought he lied about everything? Not my words. I don't know what the truth is, which is why I don't say he lies about everything. None of us do. Then we have the party people. It is clear we can't trust them because we were told they haven't been helpful, supporting, etc.

Respectfully, we know so very little about this case factually that I can't put stock in any theories floating around here. Lots of opinions, speculations, theories; few facts. And then there are the lies.......
I thought the consensus was that he was lying about being intoxicated, so no need to sober up in that case. He was one or the other. Cannot be both.

I believe people have said he could be using the excuse of a blackout. You can, in fact, be drunk and remember everything. When you start sobering up, stuff gets real pretty fast. So therefore, IMO it can be both. LOL!
Well, that is a theory tossed around by many here that hasn't been proven.

Whether he was intoxicated or not, can't ever be proven. We just have his word for it, and his word means nothing. I tend to take the opposite of what he says as being the truth, so that means that in some way, he was planning on using the intoxication as an excuse (ie, can't remember anything because he was so drunk).

I don't think Christina would have got into a car with someone who had recently consumed about 15 drinks. Chances are, he would be staggering all over the place, and he seemed to be walking normally to me.

Does anyone know of the lighting conditions in TSOL garage area interior parking ground level prior to Aug 31st 2014 from 2am - 7am ??

Its your typical parking garage lighting. Bright enough so you could see someone coming at you but dim enough you'd hurry.
But the point is for me, EA says he is drunk, people believe it and say, that's why he was cleaning his car in the morning because he had sobered up. I thought he lied about everything? Not my words. I don't know what the truth is, which is why I don't say he lies about everything. None of us do. Then we have the party people. It is clear we can't trust them because we were told they haven't been helpful, supporting, etc.


In the warrant he said he did 10 shots of rum at around 10:30 and then had 3-5 beers at two bars (one being Henry's we can assume, the other we haven't been told.) He didn't actually say he was drunk. I think people are guessing he was impaired. But again: how much did he actually have, and at what time?? And I'm sorry, but if we are believing recounts of the evening's activities by what the people at the apartment have relayed..... hmmmm, they couldn't even tell us what Christina was wearing, for goodness sake. So if they are backing up his story, I can't say I would value that information too much.
I have to agree with you on this. Christina would not walk into that parking garage with someone she didn't 1/2 way trust. That is what makes me so mad!!! She trusted him to see her safely to her car or whatever. In his interviews it infuriates me how he acts as if she wasn't his "friend" so he didn't feel like it was his duty. IMO a man with that sort of character is creepy!

But I do agree she wouldn't have if she wasn't somewhat comfortable that he was ok to walk with.
It bothers me about the friends and I can't reconcile why they seem to be in cahoots with each other. We discussed it upthread that they may feel like they couldn't do anything to more to help CM, so they might as well try to keep their own careers and lives together. Have you seen/heard/had a feeling that these 'friends' have this attitude? I'm trying to reconcile why a small group of people would have a somewhat united attitude like they do. Wouldn't at least one of them have a conscience and awareness of the effect on JM, AC and MM enough to come clean?
IMO that is exactly how they have been. One of them in particular for sure. I guess maybe they are very self centered or have something to hide? I am not sure what would make a person act like that. People that have never met the family have deep sorrow and concern for them. You would think people that knew all involved would at least help????

It bothers me about the friends and I can't reconcile why they seem to be in cahoots with each other. We discussed it upthread that they may feel like they couldn't do anything to more to help CM, so they might as well try to keep their own careers and lives together. Have you seen/heard/had a feeling that these 'friends' have this attitude? I'm trying to reconcile why a small group of people would have a somewhat united attitude like they do. Wouldn't at least one of them have a conscience and awareness of the effect on JM, AC and MM enough to come clean?
HHUUMMMM.... Wonder how so said "friend" is doing with work life...I imagine it must be stressful trying to maintain a professional image with so many business associates in the Plano/Allen/McKinney area.. just saying ... how can you focus??? I would not be able to..
VI's you are keeping tabs on this developing situation correct??
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