GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #21 *Arrest*

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Appreciate this and I understand you theory entirely. You could be correct. Very interesting. Hmmmmm

Very odd indeed, maybe 10 people throughout the evening per EA in his interview, now we have only 4 left at close to 4am. So we probably have apartment occupant PP, EA, and Christina. Wonder who that other person is? Lady or gentleman?

SN. Per his interview. Didn't he say she insisted on leaving?
I want this to be known to everyone that visits this thread:

I want to find Christina....If either EA, ALP, HF, PP or XYZ did something to prevent her from being able to contact family or God forbid she is deceased, I want all of them to pay for what they have done. Period!!!!! The main objective now is to find her. IMO none of these people are her "friends" if they are withholding information to "save their own *advertiser censored**" and preventing LE and/or her family from finding her. Whatever shape she is in.

That being said, tell me what you think. I will tell you what I think. I think EA may not be smart enough to mastermind some elaborate sex trade sale. I think it is much more likely that maybe someone was jealous of her. Maybe someone that is used to having things handed to them, the spotlight always being on them, and they didn't like her to take that spotlight off of them. Very likely. Now, if Christina wasn't close to EA, and the so called jealous person invited him, I can't put together what the plan was, but I think it went terribly wrong. Can someone help me fill in the gaps? Or throw ideas of the gaps?

With what info I have on the dogs and what is going on with that, and I am not releasing any of it, I am sorry but I can't. I am interested if you think she was in the trunk in the parking garage or does LE have them on CCTV leaving there both in the front seat or was she incapacitated in the back seat? I honestly believe she left that garage in his vehicle. JMO
I believe you are correct but that would make 5 not 4 so who was left at 4am? CM, EA, PP and who?

weren't SB (female) and SN (male) at the apartment, as well??
Very interested in this!

Is it possible any of my thoughts/ideas in post #210 up above could play a role somehow? Just trying anything I can to help - no matter how simple or unlikely it may be...
To maybe add to your theory: What if the play was for EA to walk CM to their cars (walk takes about 20 minutes from the apartment to parking garage based on previous posts). Other people within the apartment drive around and wait to confront her in the parking garage. Maybe EA isn't the only one in his car with CM.

Interesting theory you have though.

I totally agree and have said so several times. I felt the others at the party didn't want to walk her, so he would or she would go alone, leaving one of them to be able to do something. I have thought they drove a car out as they left on foot and then met him somewhere along his driving path. I suggested the drive him off the road, where he crashed into something. Now also, I think he either struggled with her to pass her off because he was in on it OR he struggled with the person(s) because he wasn't in on it. Both scenarios to ME would explain the lying, cleaning of the car, bite mark, turning off the phone, etc. This does not justify the behavior. One possibility outside of the party goers was that a VI mentioned he had a girlfriend. I did mention that it was possible this could have been with her and she blew up and did something to CM and he is protecting her. EA and CM leave, party goers call her, knowing it takes 20 mins, maybe she is close by and tell her they left and we're making out. Lying about it. She comes pissed off. he protects her. She protects him. Party goers keep zip.
I believe she left in his car (what state I don't know) and you are right about "not be smart enough" you could just end it there..... So there may be two people.... was his girlfriend out there? does he even have a girlfriend? Was she upset when she saw them walking together and it went out of control, so he blames himself and covers for this other person. Oh wait.... he has injuries. He is limping the next day and has marks to show he got into a fight with something other than a tire. Ugh! It always goes back to that. what happened b/w the camera shot we have seen and he isn't limping, to the next day at work (late) limping? So frustrating.... I want to fast forward to the resolve like reading the last page of a book to know if it's going to be a happy or sad ending before you have even read the first chapter. I hate this for this family, NO ONE should have to ever go through this:(
I want this to be known to everyone that visits this thread:

I want to find Christina....If either EA, ALP, HF, PP or XYZ did something to prevent her from being able to contact family or God forbid she is deceased, I want all of them to pay for what they have done. Period!!!!! The main objective now is to find her. IMO none of these people are her "friends" if they are withholding information to "save their own *advertiser censored**" and preventing LE and/or her family from finding her. Whatever shape she is in.

That being said, tell me what you think. I will tell you what I think. I think EA may not be smart enough to mastermind some elaborate sex trade sale. I think it is much more likely that maybe someone was jealous of her. Maybe someone that is used to having things handed to them, the spotlight always being on them, and they didn't like her to take that spotlight off of them. Very likely. Now, if Christina wasn't close to EA, and the so called jealous person invited him, I can't put together what the plan was, but I think it went terribly wrong. Can someone help me fill in the gaps? Or throw ideas of the gaps?

With what info I have on the dogs and what is going on with that, and I am not releasing any of it, I am sorry but I can't. I am interested if you think she was in the trunk in the parking garage or does LE have them on CCTV leaving there both in the front seat or was she incapacitated in the back seat? I honestly believe she left that garage in his vehicle. JMO
I don't think some of it is very unlikely JMO. Looking back at what I have seen from some that were there, and not heard, it interests me enough to keep this convo going. And of course, what was found recently in the garage with the pups.

If in fact the "scent" the dogs picked up on was Christina's blood, that would seem like evidence that a crime had been committed? Am I correct in my thinking? Any legal people here that can answer that for me? I have no clue just asking.

Is it possible any of my thoughts/ideas in post #210 up above could play a role somehow? Just trying anything I can to help - no matter how simple or unlikely it may be...
I got to a certain part in your post and had to make sure I wasn't reading the post I just posted. We all know how crazy girlfriends can get! Crazy women would only date this one....
I totally agree and have said so several times. I felt the others at the party didn't want to walk her, so he would or she would go alone, leaving one of them to be able to do something. I have thought they drove a car out as they left on foot and then met him somewhere along his driving path. I suggested the drive him off the road, where he crashed into something. Now also, I think he either struggled with her to pass her off because he was in on it OR he struggled with the person(s) because he wasn't in on it. Both scenarios to ME would explain the lying, cleaning of the car, bite mark, turning off the phone, etc. This does not justify the behavior. One possibility outside of the party goers was that a VI mentioned he had a girlfriend. I did mention that it was possible this could have been with her and she blew up and did something to CM and he is protecting her. EA and CM leave, party goers call her, knowing it takes 20 mins, maybe she is close by and tell her they left and we're making out. Lying about it. She comes pissed off. he protects her. She protects him. Party goers keep zip.
I'm not legal, but I would think... if there was blood by where HE was parked, and it was hers.... then heck yes. He did something to her there (as she didn't go the other direction as he stated or her "bodily fluids" would be no where close to his car) JMO
I don't think some of it is very unlikely JMO. Looking back at what I have seen from some that were there, and not heard, it interests me enough to keep this convo going. And of course, what was found recently in the garage with the pups.

If in fact the "scent" the dogs picked up on was Christina's blood, that would seem like evidence that a crime had been committed? Am I correct in my thinking? Any legal people here that can answer that for me? I have no clue just asking.
If they couldn't determine if the dogs were picking up Christina's scent versus that of any random person, it seems like this would be an exercise in futility. Surely, SURELY, the dogs can differentiate? *hope*

There is a difference between search dogs that follow a SPECIFIC persons scent and cadaver dogs. Cadaver dogs only hit on the smell of decomp, which can happen in a minute after a person is deceased. Cadaver dogs are not searching for a persons scent they are searching for decomp scent.
I think the other person might have been the one listed in the search warrant that gave the location to the cars, jmo.

Appreciate this and I understand you theory entirely. You could be correct. Very interesting. Hmmmmm

Very odd indeed, maybe 10 people throughout the evening per EA in his interview, now we have only 4 left at close to 4am. So we probably have apartment occupant PP, EA, and Christina. Wonder who that other person is? Lady or gentleman?
I agree 100% no one should ever have to go through this. I do feel, that we are super close though. The PI will get to the bottom of this mess. And that is just what it is IMO a big unnecessary mess. I also think just like you. My mind goes 1000 MPH with what if's, and who said what's, and where could she be's? It's the most horrible, frustrating thing I have ever been through in my life. I can't imagine how Jonni, the rest of Christina's family, and her true friends feel. How horrible that people would hinder her being found out of selfishness. It's disgusting really if you think about it.

I believe she left in his car (what state I don't know) and you are right about "not be smart enough" you could just end it there..... So there may be two people.... was his girlfriend out there? does he even have a girlfriend? Was she upset when she saw them walking together and it went out of control, so he blames himself and covers for this other person. Oh wait.... he has injuries. He is limping the next day and has marks to show he got into a fight with something other than a tire. Ugh! It always goes back to that. what happened b/w the camera shot we have seen and he isn't limping, to the next day at work (late) limping? So frustrating.... I want to fast forward to the resolve like reading the last page of a book to know if it's going to be a happy or sad ending before you have even read the first chapter. I hate this for this family, NO ONE should have to ever go through this:(
Is the current search with the dogs under LE's supervision? Are they LE dogs?
Ohhhhh I see.....thanks!

I think the other person might have been the one listed in the search warrant that gave the location go the cars, jmo.

UOTE=JMOM;11274071]Appreciate this and I understand you theory entirely. You could be correct. Very interesting. Hmmmmm

Very odd indeed, maybe 10 people throughout the evening per EA in his interview, now we have only 4 left at close to 4am. So we probably have apartment occupant PP, EA, and Christina. Wonder who that other person is? Lady or gentleman?
I want this to be known to everyone that visits this thread:

I want to find Christina....If either EA, ALP, HF, PP or XYZ did something to prevent her from being able to contact family or God forbid she is deceased, I want all of them to pay for what they have done. Period!!!!! The main objective now is to find her. IMO none of these people are her "friends" if they are withholding information to "save their own *advertiser censored**" and preventing LE and/or her family from finding her. Whatever shape she is in.

That being said, tell me what you think. I will tell you what I think. I think EA may not be smart enough to mastermind some elaborate sex trade sale. I think it is much more likely that maybe someone was jealous of her. Maybe someone that is used to having things handed to them, the spotlight always being on them, and they didn't like her to take that spotlight off of them. Very likely. Now, if Christina wasn't close to EA, and the so called jealous person invited him, I can't put together what the plan was, but I think it went terribly wrong. Can someone help me fill in the gaps? Or throw ideas of the gaps?

With what info I have on the dogs and what is going on with that, and I am not releasing any of it, I am sorry but I can't. I am interested if you think she was in the trunk in the parking garage or does LE have them on CCTV leaving there both in the front seat or was she incapacitated in the back seat? I honestly believe she left that garage in his vehicle. JMO

Here is my thoughts, IF there was a crime scene, LE would not say there was not and they would not let someone drive the car home. Although, in another case, they did just that, which was SO stupid IMO and I feel will bite them in the behind. Anyway. But, I really don't get the vibe that there was a crime scene, as they have cameras and the car was released. So, no crime scene, IMO. Then go to with what the dogs found. I have no doubt the scent is hers. These dogs are very knowledgable. IF she left in EA's car, I believe she was conscience and alive and in the front seat. I say this because, they took the front passanger seatbelt and mats. Based on no crime scene and the time he took to get to toll, IF she went in his car, I believe she did go in conscience.

IF they had him on film or anyone on film and her unconscience in the trunk or back seat, that person would be arrest for the least kidnapping. Personally, I dont believe there are cameras showing her getting in to the car for a couple reasons. One, they state we believe she got in his car. Two, if they knew she went in the car because very thing is on film, there is no reason to bring the dogs to the garage.

Oh, and I don't think this has anything to do with the sext trade. Jealousy is the root of evil as my mom would say.
Is it possible that the video/surveillance cameras showed more than what we have been told? Possibly LE has only shown us the bare minimums and that there is more footage than we are aware of? Which IF this is the case, I do completely understand the reasons why (for example - as to not release anything that only the suspect knows etc). But this does bring a thought to mind as I type it; could someone else have been waiting in the parking garage and hurt Christina (out of jealousy, rage, ?) and then that person and/or EA panicked and placed her in the trunk of a car to take her out of the parking garage? And possibly a car other than EA's?
So, do we know, that the video from the camera is THE only video there is OR is it possible there is more to it and we just don't know?
I am not trying to doubt anyone, but rather just some other thoughts that crossed my mind.

I don't have answers about cameras, just my own opinion. For a while I did hope that PPD had footage of Christina leaving in EA's car, but then I figured they would use that as leverage with him. The more I think, the more my brain hurts as I come up with more questions than answers. I do have faith in the strength and determination of Christina's Army!!
If PPD does not return to that parking garage after this, just to check and see if they can find anything, then ... :gaah:
I got to a certain part in your post and had to make sure I wasn't reading the post I just posted. We all know how crazy girlfriends can get! Crazy women would only date this one....

Too funny! I was reading yours, thinking I was reading mine.
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