GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #21 *Arrest*

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I was not trying to discuss the picket, per say. I was pointing out that that particular method of calling out someone could backfire, especially when LE has not named him POI. Remember, a defense attorney doesn't have to prove his client innocent, just not guilty. If there's a single reasonable doubt, then the perp walks. This is why I think LE is holding a lot of info. There are so many questions. IF EA is guilty, I hope like hell LE has answers to all those questions. That's all I'm saying. I have not once said I felt he was innocent. Only tha I didn't have tthe information to jump on the guilty bandwagon. MOO
I agree with you. Don't think it was pre-meditated. And if some of the people there that night have indeed hired attorneys, that's very odd.

I'm still struggling with the timeline. Let's say EA did something to Christina and got rid of evidence in pre-dawn hours. That's before 7, probably closer to 6. What did he do for next 4.5 hours before squeeging his passenger side door and trunk at Kroger at 10:15 a.m?

Thanks! He passed the toll gantry at 4:08am. If he completed placing Christina somewhere by, let's say 6:30am, that is about 2hours give or take. Pretty tight time frame.
"And I get frustrated with the going around and around and linking back to old information that has been updated as the investigation progressed."

Boy howdy! Ain't that the truth. My biggest pet peeve is linking back to outdated information and I often suspect it's intentional.
It's the old news articles that came out before the warrant. There was a lot of incorrect info at the beginning. And EA's interviews....those are a waste of time IMO. He tells so many lies it's hard to believe anything he says. MOO
Yes...I would agree....
I was looking around trying to find out places kids hung out in allen, and stumbled on some FB post about tunnels over by a retirement home, and wyndsor ? which I am assuming is wyndsor court. Looking at the map I think this place is between CM's dads home, and his home. There was talk on facebook that there was a couch down in these tunnels? Do any locals know which tunnels I am talking about, and how to enter? Now that they have dogs that could be checked out pretty quickly.
Please do not tell others how or what to post, don't tell others to move on. If you want to move on that's fine but don't tell others to move on.

Bumping and clarifying...

1. Do Not tell others how to post
2. If you want to explain to a poster that a past article no longer applies, do it in a courteous manner. If you can't do that then scroll on by.
3. Do not question moderation on the board, its against TOS, if you have a question about why a Mod has made a decision to do something or to allow something you can pm any of us. We are all happy to answer your questions.
4. We all have a right to our opinion on this case as well as about EA. We will all have disagreements on this, and that's fine. We DO NOT have to agree with each other on EA. We do have to respect each other's opinion and attacking anyone for this is against our terms and its common courtesy to let others have their opinion without being attacked for it. EA is discussable as a person of interest/suspect.
5. Rumor of course is not allowed, if you state something as fact then link to it. If someone asks for a link then its courteous to do so.
6. Alert if you feel a post is against TOS, a Mod will decide if it needs to be removed and if you have a question about our decision on that then again please pm one of us and don't tie up the thread with questions about it. Lets keep the thread for Christina.

I don't know why we have to keep going over this. You all know how to treat each other. Knock it off!


You know I am not really sure. The location of the "bite mark" is in such a place that I think that happened outside the vehicle. That is JMO. I think some of his injuries most definitely could have started in the car but some could have happened outside the vehicle. I feel as if maybe they were struggling in the vehicle which could have caused him to hit something and cause the damage to his car and then maybe she got away and the bite could have happened when he caught up to her. That is just me thinking out loud tho.

If he didn't have those injuries Friday night but showed up to work with them Saturday morning at work, then I would have to assume they are tied to Christina's disappearance. Plus going on Anna's and Jonni's interview yesterday, both said they think she fought like a cat. So JMOM from what you know about his injuries, do you think they occurred in the car, out of the car or both?
I believe I saw the comment about the scream on the fb page. If I remember correctly, a scream was reported to PPD about the time of the disturbance call, but it was around 2ish. I think one of the new stations reported the hit from the dogs was on a concrete pillar in the garage. I will try to find the link. I've binge-watched Dateline today, so my brain is a little fried at the moment.

Here is the PPD Blotter for the date of 8-30-14.
I do not see any thing called in and reported at or near the Henry's Parking Garage for the 4am time frame.
But yes there is a Disturbance call at the Scruggs Location at 2:19am
I saw this article as well about Cadaver Dogs
Cadaver dogs join search for missing woman, 23, last seen walking into a garage with a friend after a party three months ago

Team of cadaver dogs will search lakes and ponds for Christina Morris
The 23-year-old went missing after party on August 30 in Plano, Texas
CCTV footage showed her walking into a garage with a friend at 4am
Police don't believe the male friend is a suspect in her disappearance
Morris lives with her boyfriend, who didn't report her missing for four days

A team of cadaver dogs will search Plano, Texas, for the body of a 23-year-old woman who was last seen leaving a party three months ago.

Christina Morris walked into a shopping mall garage with a male friend on August 30 but she never drove out, surveillance footage showed.

Despite searching ponds, lakes, fields, and buildings, and combing through Morris's texts, police and a private investigator have failed to uncover any new information.
Thanks, Txyorkiemom, for all the time you put into the links and LE docs. They're always interesting and helpful.
That's pretty normal behavior. I always start punching stuff when something doesn't go my way....not.

Ea admitted to the arm & hand injuries in one of the videos.. Said he got pi$$ed at his car, when the tire/rim fell on his arm... so he beat up the car...
Heck, I had my CAT taken away for a week, a couple of years ago (he bit the vet).. It was during Christmas & my wife & I never had such a miserable holiday... We both cried when they took him away.. I CANNOT imagine what Jonni & family are going through!! This is unbelievable....

Oh wow! That is sad. We have two four legged babies and they are our world. I panic if they get out of my sight on road trips or company in and out fearing they got out. I know they wouldn't survive the wild. My one baby is so scared I would just hate to think of them alone on the holidays. Your poor cat!! I hope you had s happy ending and I hope we have one for sweet Christina.

On topic just adding thoughts about why I always say sweet Christina

I saw a few posters on news postings saying they initially were going to help until they heard drugs were involved and to me it didn't and doesn't mean Christina used drugs. She may apparently associate with a few who do, no proof shown that I can see yet, but in my opinion everyone at some point can have a family member exposed who becomes involved and it doesn't mean because of it they deserve what happens to them and/or they should know better.
No. Just bruising on the right forearm and abrasions on the hand. Bite mark could have healed at that point. One of the VIs hinted there might be a picture of the bite mark, another VI hinted there might be more than one. But as for what's in the warrant that LE observed, it's the bruising and abrasions.

One of the VI's also hinted that they knew exactly where the bite mark was, but couldn't disclose that...
We dont know what EA said to HF....he could of sent a text or phone call pretending that Christina wanted to be left alone for a few days...something like that...

Sorry, just catching up reading after a day away -- I thought it was established that the two texts and one call reported in the warrant to have been made from EA's phone were made by Christina?? Didn't JMom say that they were certain of that? We had this whole conversation before when we tried to discover if HF and EA were in communication with each other and we were told that it was Christina and not EA who called Hunter and there were voice mails to prove it. Did something new come out about that? If so, that would be a big development, for sure!
Yes Cookie you are right. They were and we did. :)

Sorry, just catching up reading after a day away -- I thought it was established that the two texts and one call reported in the warrant to have been made from EA's phone were made by Christina?? Didn't JMom say that they were certain of that? We had this whole conversation before when we tried to discover if HF and EA were in communication with each other and we were told that it was Christina and not EA who called Hunter and there were voice mails to prove it. Did something new come out about that? If so, that would be a big development, for sure!
I'm not sure where the info came from, but from what I've read LE took mats, (including trunk liner I am presuming) and passenger seatbelt from EA's vehicle. It seems to me (and I hope they did it) that they'd take all the carpet from the car....all of it, as well as to cut up, dissemble the seat.... every inch of it. If Christina was in EA's car they will know it. If it's not blood (and I'm not saying that I believe that blood is there and have read nothing to that effect) if CM were in Ea's car, then there should be a trace of her... a hair or a fiber of CM's that no amount of shop vacc-ing or squeegeeing can remove. I include fingerprints in that list too, but that is a given.

And if no trace of her is in the car..... well...I'd be looking elsewhere.

I cannot say this enough. LE is awesome mysterious ways. Time will tell. Slow and steady.. nothing wrong with that at all imo.

Justice for Christina.
I'm not sure where the info came from, but from what I've read LE took mats, (including trunk liner I am presuming) and passenger seatbelt from EA's vehicle. It seems to me (and I hope they did it) that they'd take all the carpet from the car....all of it, as well as to cut up, dissemble the seat.... every inch of it. If Christina was in EA's car they will know it. If it's not blood (and I'm not saying that I believe that blood is there and have read nothing to that effect) if CM were in Ea's car, then there should be a trace of her... a hair or a fiber of CM's that no amount of shop vacc-ing or squeegeeing can remove. I include fingerprints in that list too, but that is a given.

And if no trace of her is in the car..... well...I'd be looking elsewhere.

I cannot say this enough. LE is awesome mysterious ways. Time will tell. Slow and steady.. nothing wrong with that at all imo.

Justice for Christina.

BBM. Hmm, that made me think. What if they were able to find fibers, but they cannot match them to anything until they find Christina and can compare them to her clothing?
Why Are The Witness's Now Not Wanting To Talk and Causing "The PI Paula" Frustration?? Why Are They Afraid Now??
EA seems to be the focus(jmo)

I can only assume this is referring to all CM's friends,associations and members of group on Scruggs and Henry's Tavern that evening/morning.

According to the family's private investigator Paula Boudreaux, the search team is struggling to find witnesses willing to offer information.
'It is very frustrating, because you have people with information who don't want to talk,' Boudreaux told NBC. 'Everybody is afraid.'
BBM. Hmm, that made me think. What if they were able to find fibers, but they cannot match them to anything until they find Christina and can compare them to her clothing?

Also, once they find Christina, there should be signs of a struggle. Skin under her fingernails, hair she pulled off of her attacker, etc.

This is why finding her is so crucial. She will be the missing link to the perp.
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