GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #21 *Arrest*

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I just found it contradictory that in your reply to my message about finding a fiber you suggested that LE would not need to find Christina to make a forensic match to the fiber, they could just say that the "fiber is consistent with". But then in another post you suggest that LE should take it slow and steady to gather information to build a rock solid case for a conviction.

Sorry you read it that way. My intent was not to be contradictory. I was thinking of another case. I cant recall the name and I don't have the link handy so I was trying to mention it without having a case name. But that was what I was thinking of regarding clothing and fibers. In the other case/s the actual clothing that the victim/missing person was wearing was not found, but LE./FBI tracked down the manufacturer, where that lot of merchandise was made, the stock number, the store, fabric, weave, pertinent information, etc. Anyway, it was helpful in another case and since others here had mentioned analogies of other cases (that may be applicable here perhaps) in which helpful tactics were proven useful, I was just trying to participate. I'm hopeful that Christina will be found as soon as possible; but if she is not found, I still want the perp caught and convicted.
What if he took Christina back to his house, with her consent. They were hanging out and another person or people were there or came over. Invited or not invited. Something happen to her there and someone else took his car to put her somewhere.or he went with too in the car.

So many possibilities! :alien3:
That's an interesting theory. I would think that if that happened he would have told LE that or called LE when someone came to his house and stole his car?

And if that were the case, since he woke his brother when he got home wouldn't he have told LE that? I would think we would know if that was the case. JMO though. That is an interesting idea.

What if he took Christina back to his house, with her consent. They were hanging out and another person or people were there or came over. Invited or not invited. Something happen to her there and someone else took his car to put her somewhere.or he went with too in the car.
What if he took Christina back to his house, with her consent. They were hanging out and another person or people were there or came over. Invited or not invited. Something happen to her there and someone else took his car to put her somewhere.or he went with too in the car.

I wonder if they have brought any of the dogs out to his house. I hadn't seen that in the news anywhere, but I hope they have or are going to! If he brought her back there, those dogs would have to pick up on something. Do they need a warrant to bring dogs onto someone's property? Does anyone know?
I wonder if they have brought any of the dogs out to his house. I hadn't seen that in the news anywhere, but I hope they have or are going to! If he brought her back there, those dogs would have to pick up on something. Do they need a warrant to bring dogs onto someone's property? Does anyone know?

I'm sure they do to get past the sidewalk. Or they need his family to consent to that.
About warrants - would it be possible additional warrants have been issued that we aren't privy to? I know their content can be sealed, but can their existence be sealed as well? Hope that makes sense....
That's an interesting theory. I would think that if that happened he would have told LE that or called LE when someone came to his house and stole his car?

And if that were the case, since he woke his brother when he got home wouldn't he have told LE that? I would think we would know if that was the case. JMO though. That is an interesting idea.

If someone else had the dudes car with her in it, it would save him a lot of drama to tell someone.
I wonder if they have brought any of the dogs out to his house. I hadn't seen that in the news anywhere, but I hope they have or are going to! If he brought her back there, those dogs would have to pick up on something. Do they need a warrant to bring dogs onto someone's property? Does anyone know?

Agreed. I think that's a great idea.
What if he took Christina back to his house, with her consent. They were hanging out and another person or people were there or came over. Invited or not invited. Something happen to her there and someone else took his car to put her somewhere.or he went with too in the car.

Or what if the first part of your scenario happened, but they left with her in ANOTHER vehicle. That could explain why we've heard nothing about the forensics on his car. I would think if they found evidence of her in his car they would name him as a suspect in her disappearance, considering all the weird lies.
So according to the affidavit based on the Affiant
and the LE interview of JP on Sept 10th, the Sprint employee that stated " bite mark"
And the MSM interview of JT on Nov 5th that said bruise.

LE- No Bite Mark
Employee 1-Bite Mark
Employee 2- No Bite Mark

33.333% chance of Bite Mark.

LE does not have that listed as a component of the affidavit,which I think that is and would be crucial. ~JMO

Another opinion I have is this: IF EA CAUSED HARM DIRECTLY TO CM and (as mentioned here countless times) CM "fought him " his injuries IMO would not match with what was noticed.
Only his right forearm and right hand bruising/ the rest of his entire body was entirely protected and not injured at all
in this "fight of her life" scenario?

This is why there IMO would be more than 1 involved if this were or is the case.
Yes they would have to have a warrant unless they were given permission by whomever to search. Maybe SRX would be best to answer that, I think I am correct tho.

I was with them all day yesterday, and all areas being searched, permission was granted ahead of time to search the property, it is in fact private property.

I wonder if they have brought any of the dogs out to his house. I hadn't seen that in the news anywhere, but I hope they have or are going to! If he brought her back there, those dogs would have to pick up on something. Do they need a warrant to bring dogs onto someone's property? Does anyone know?
Yes they would have to have a warrant unless they were given permission by whomever to search. Maybe SRX would be best to answer that, I think I am correct tho.

I was with them all day yesterday, and all areas being searched, permission was granted ahead of time to search the property, it is in fact private property.

So they did take the dogs to his house? Is that what you mean?
Yes they would have to have a warrant unless they were given permission by whomever to search. Maybe SRX would be best to answer that, I think I am correct tho.

I was with them all day yesterday, and all areas being searched, permission was granted ahead of time to search the property, it is in fact private property.

That must have been fascinating. Seeing those dogs works. I saw there were no "hits". :(
JMOM have they requested to use the dogs for EAs car or house?
I can tell you these dogs are amazing and this team is great! They know what they are doing for sure.

That must have been fascinating. Seeing those dogs works. I saw there were no "hits". :(
I wonder if they have brought any of the dogs out to his house. I hadn't seen that in the news anywhere, but I hope they have or are going to! If he brought her back there, those dogs would have to pick up on something. Do they need a warrant to bring dogs onto someone's property? Does anyone know?

Didn't one of the news articles state that the dogs were taken to an Allen residential area?... or did I dream that....
I think you are talking about Friday and that was off 121 I believe. It would have been in Brittany's article I believe or one of her tweets. Is that what you are talking about? There was zero press present at any search locations yesterday.

Didn't one of the news articles state that the dogs were taken to an Allen residential area?... or did I dream that....
Where did I say anything like that in my comment?

Oh sorry. When you said "the property" I thought you meant the property I was talking about -- his house. ( When you said this: I was with them all day yesterday, and all areas being searched, permission was granted ahead of time to search the property, it is in fact private property.)

I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth! I thought that is what you meant.
I would think that bruising and bite marks on the right forearm and/or hand would be consistent with an attacker having victim in a headlock type hold. Is EA right-handed.....anyone know?
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