GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #21 *Arrest*

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Cadaver dogs can get 'death' scent immediately. It does not take a completely decomposing body.
Ah ha!

Brittany Feagans @BF_StarNews · 3m 3 minutes ago
Cadaver dogs detect bodily fluids, NOT just indication of decomposition #ChristinaMorris

Interesting. Actually I guess fascinating is a better word. Hoping the dogs bring lots more information and insight today!!
Hi Guys. I've been lurking here from the beginning off and on. If the cadaver dogs picked up her scent in Legacy parking lot, I am assuming that this is the crime scene. Could someone refresh my memory as to how many other cars left the lot after the time Christina was seen there in the early morning hours? We obviously know EA's was one of them. Someone transported her out of that lot, IMO, a lot of things already point to EA, but I was wondering if anyone heard if LE had identified the owners of other cars leaving the garage during the hours after Christina entered the garage. Ruling them out would strengthen a case against EA, MOO. Those bite marks speak volumes to me, but all avenues must be pursued.

I believe they were security cars, but regardless I'm pretty sure the VI's stated the cars were not considered suspicious to LE.
Wait, so is that just CM's scent they are picking up. Or the scent of decomposition ....sorry for the possibly dumb question.

Next tweet fro BF:

Cadaver dogs detect bodily fluids, NOT just indication of decomposition #ChristinaMorris
Ah ha!

Brittany Feagans @BF_StarNews · 3m 3 minutes ago
Cadaver dogs detect bodily fluids, NOT just indication of decomposition #ChristinaMorris

I wonder what bodily fluids could have been in the garage. What all would that consist of? He only had 11 minutes to make it to Custer/121 so I doubt it was SA in the garage. Could that be throw up?

Is it "anyone's" bodily fluids the dogs picked up, or do we know it is specifically CM's?
If you have some time, this is a good read: dog warrant&f=false

Page 87 gets interesting. From my understanding, they couldn't take the dog to EA's private property without a warrant, but they could search the surrounding public areas (sidewalks, streets, etc). If the dog picked up Christina at the garage from 3 months ago, it could probably get a hit standing on the street outside of someone's house where they park their car.

Do you know why they haven't gotten a warrant for his house?
I wonder what bodily fluids could have been in the garage. What all would that consist of? He only had 11 minutes to make it to Custer/121 so I doubt it was SA in the garage. Could that be throw up?

Wondering the same thing....blood, vomit, urine, saliva. The vomit idea is interesting since we have heard she wasn't feeling well that night.
Do you know why they haven't gotten a warrant for his house?

No clue. Not enough probable cause I am guessing. They got the warrant for his car because (as stated in the warrant) they don't believe that Christina was not in his car. They believe that's how she left the garage. I don't know if they have any probable cause to believe she was at his house, so they can't take it there. (Just speculating)
Please know that I am not accusing you of anything. I just feel by reading your posts, you are so sure he is not involved it seems to me that you could have info that would prove that. That's all. I really don't care who is involved. I know Paula and PPD will take care of them. I, just like you and everyone else, want to bring Christina home. So my plea is not to just you but to anyone reading Christina's thread to please go tell someone if you have info. Even if it doesn't seem all that important. It could be the piece we need to find her. I welcome your ideas. I welcome everyone's ideas. I do not at all shut out anything just because someone doesn't necessarily agree with me. I get frustrated because I feel as if I am being picked fun at sometimes and it's not necessary. I am not a professional sleuther, I am just a person that is trying to help find my friends child.

Well and poignantly said, JMOM.
I believe that posters react to what I call the "tone" of the message. The manner in which a belief is expressed can carry a similar amount of weight as the message itself. It's not always the idea/belief that is "unpopular" but the way it was delivered. In those cases the message and the messenger become tangled. I am not accusing anyone in is just an observation.
So, I'm definitely no expert on the matter, but I can speak from my own experience... I was drugged with either ghb or rohypnol (roofies) by my step-father when I was 13 (so quite close to CM'S height and weight at the time.) The order of the reaction you described above was different for me. I first had a drunk feeling, then passed out cold. I woke up probably about an hour+ later (I base this on the fact that I was watching a movie when this happened and the credits were rolling when I was woken up.) I had vomited on myself in my sleep, and my step-father woke me up. I couldn't stand or walk, collapsed when I tried. It was a very frightening experience to be so suddenly incapacitated. I would not have had the strength to defend myself if necessary, but I was coherent enough to forcefully say NO when my step-father asked if I wanted him to help me change out of my soiled shirt. If she was drugged, I'd say it would have had to have been as she was leaving the party. It hit me within about 20 min, and there is no way she would have been able to walk so straight. I could see her having a similar bad reaction to it and getting sick, which would explain EA cleaning the passenger side door. Ugh, I feel sick after writing this all out. :(

Hugs to you!

Thanks for sharing. That must be hard to put into words.

Many of us here on WS shared our own experiences about being roofied in Terrilynn Monette's threads. I was shocked how many members here had been roofied!

(I made a well received post about personal safety a while back in another thread...will see if I can find touches on the roofie aspect some).
Ah ha!

Brittany Feagans @BF_StarNews · 3m 3 minutes ago
Cadaver dogs detect bodily fluids, NOT just indication of decomposition #ChristinaMorris

Thanks for the clarification, wonder what this means to PPD?
Maybe she got sick in the garage? Is that considered a bodily fluid?
Alternative Theory

At first I was strongly of the opinion Christina ran away. I have since decided that is probably not the case. For a long while I was sure the boyfriend had something to do with it, still not convinced he didn't have anything to do with it.

Here is my latest theory as to what happened and why,

I feel like the whole thing was a set up. Christina was prettier than all of the girls, she got out of her high school town (a big deal at least where I am from) , and had a good job, a boyfriend, etc.. lots of things that would make less attractive females jealous. I feel there is one very jealous female, and I feel that this female from Christina's past planned something bad happening to Christina. I'm just not sure what she planned my mind goes back and forth between drugs or revenge for something we don't yet know about.
I strongly feel EA is an idiot drug dealer. I just can't see him killing her, I see him being a little errand boy for one of the girls. I feel like he is the drug supplier, and rather than disappointing his parents by letting them know what he was into he just made up stupid lies. I really think he is digging a hole with all these lies for the sole purpose of not disappointing his parents.
With that being said, do I think it's possible EA put Christina in his car and delivered her back to the apartment, very much so!!!

MOO, Please punch holes in my theory, will not be mad! Look forward to it, I see a lot of people who say they have different theories but no one will share, so I tried.
Well and poignantly said, JMOM.
I believe that posters react to what I call the "tone" of the message. The manner in which a belief is expressed can carry a similar amount of weight as the message itself. It's not always the idea/belief that is "unpopular" but the way it was delivered. In those cases the message and the messenger become tangled. I am not accusing anyone in is just an observation.

THIS ^^^^
I could not agree more with the "tone" comment and "the way it is delivered." So very, very true.
We have tried for 3 months with no luck.

Let the Shops know you won't be spending $$$$ there, esp. at Christmas since they haven't been supportive. It's just about the only form of meaningful protest we have left. Tell every store you pass by there.
Brittany just posted it could be anyone's bodily fluids, they can't differentiate who's who. Doubt it's Christina's then. I'm sure tons of people have spit gum, threw up, or peed in that garage at some point or another.
Let the Shops know you won't be spending $$$$ there, esp. at Christmas since they haven't been supportive. It's just about the only form of meaningful protest we have left. Tell every store you pass by there.

I understand your frustration with the Shops at Legacy management if they are not putting info on their fb page, but to hurt the business owners who are trying to make a living running their businesses and have no control over what the management does is hurting the wrong people, in my opinion. It's one thing if a particular SHOP refuses to help out, but that's kindof like refusing to tip your waiter because you think the valet was rude. (Sorry if that's a lame analogy, but the only one I could think of on the fly.)

Not an attack on your frustration, but just trying to give another viewpoint.
Yes, vomit is a bodily fluid. I believe the VI's did say she wasn't feeling well that night.

Did someone, maybe a VI, say she threw up earlier in the evening, that's why she changed shirts? TIA
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