GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #23 *Arrest*

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I was just asking for a link....that is what was asked of me when I wasn't verified. From a pic we aren't sure it was his? And if the page it private I thought it was off limits? Am I incorrect? Still learning. :)

The Scion was on HF Instagram page which is now dark. I saw it in a picture - parked in front of a painted graffiti wall - it was white or silver, sorry cannot remember which color

Is this the only RX for migraine sufferers?
I am not familiar with treatment for migraines. (Though a friend of mine gets Botox injections).
Could CM, possibly, have felt a migraine coming on and EA gave her Adderall?

There are many migraine meds. I take topamax daily to help it. Upon onset, I take imitrex (sumatriptan) and/or excedrin migraine. There are also meds such as anti depressants. I have had migraines for years and have been on many meds. I do know that people do take adderall for migraines and have heard it works. I have never heard of a dr prescribing it though.
I am not sure that the type of RX Christina takes for her migranes was mentioned in MSM. The only thing that I see is the statement Jonni made that I posted above. Not sure we are really allowed to discuss Christina's medical treatments?


Is this the only RX for migraine sufferers?
I am not familiar with treatment for migraines. (Though a friend of mine gets Botox injections).
Could CM, possibly, have felt a migraine coming on and EA gave her Adderall?

Is this the only RX for migraine sufferers?
I am not familiar with treatment for migraines. (Though a friend of mine gets Botox injections).
Could CM, possibly, have felt a migraine coming on and EA gave her Adderall?

Adderall is for ADD/ADHD ... is a psycho-stimulant..not for pain at all
LOL ..This granny has thought about the Botox route too..a 2 for 1 helper

Sometimes the Dr's have to adjust the various RX's around to see what works best
from tabs,nasal sprays and injections
The "triptans" are for both pain and blood vessel constriction
common ones are :
I don't see where they said it wasn't relevant......

Thank you that was me. I didnt say it was irrelevant. I asked JMOM if this was previously discussed with the family and if they thought there was anything relevent to the current case. (The original post was about the crazy guy that called Christina Nick and stole her purse)
No, SN spoke out

I remember that. He didn't know it would be the last day he saw her, etc. Do you (or anyone) have a link to his MSM stuff?

Can you please provide a link to Hunter having the Scion? Jonni stated when I specifically asked her about the photo in the Scion that she doesn't know who's vehicle that is because Hunter has an off white colored FJ Cruiser.

You have so many helpful details, and if I remember from past links, you were there that night? I think you should could verified. It isn't hard at all. That way your word would hold much more weight. JMO

This would be great!!! Getting verified also allows you to post things that Mods may normally strike. Details that we can't post because of no MSM link are allowed to be posted by VIs.
I am even newer to this than you! Sorry for not having the link, you need a log in :( whoops!

I was just asking for a link....that is what was asked of me when I wasn't verified. From a pic we aren't sure it was his? And if the page it private I thought it was off limits? Am I incorrect? Still learning. :)
I am even newer to this than you! Sorry for not having the link, you need a log in :( whoops!

I believe a local saw the car in the drive. Unfortunately, you can only see the interior at the Poshmark site.
Finally 1st Dallas Gas Station price is $1.99 that place is busy today
OT -

It's always busy for the awesome tacos and corn. Would love to go there to fill up but on a Friday night that place is a party anyway, with a guy singing karoke style. Quite the festive place. Will be insane today!!

Okay...back on topic. Wonder if any of the arrestees have had any interesting visitors since their recent (recent because this isn't the first lock up for most!!) arrest.
I remember that. He didn't know it would be the last day he saw her, etc. Do you (or anyone) have a link to his MSM stuff?

Steven Nickerson was with Morris before she went missing and said she seemed a little upset that night, but he didn't know what was wrong. He said she insisted on driving back home to Fort Worth, but he never realized it would be the last time he saw her before she was reported missing.

WS also has a Media Link Section as well ...some links are always up and posted and contained in all the now dozens of threads..
(I am waiting for the day the threads get moved to Found and Located section)
It's always busy for the awesome tacos and corn. Would love to go there to fill up but on a Friday night that place is a party anyway, with a guy singing karoke style. Quite the festive place. Will be insane today!!

Okay...back on topic. Wonder if any of the arrestees have had any interesting visitors since their recent (recent because this isn't the first lock up for most!!) arrest.

That would be a place to put flyers at since there will be a variety of people from all areas
Not sure who's driveway or who saw it but Hunter has an FJ Cruiser.

I believe a local saw the car in the drive. Unfortunately, you can only see the interior at the Poshmark site.
I was just asking for a link....that is what was asked of me when I wasn't verified. From a pic we aren't sure it was his? And if the page it private I thought it was off limits? Am I incorrect? Still learning. :)

JMOM it was not private until about 3-4 weeks ago. It was HF instragram page. He had a lot of pictures of himself only for a while and inanimate objects. Then at one point he posted pics of him and CM. In his pic album, he had a real pic of the scion parked in front of the grafitti wall. I do not know who the car belonged too. I assumed it was his, as it was the same scion in the handbag pics as seen on poshmark.
I am even newer to this than you! Sorry for not having the link, you need a log in :( whoops!

I think if you are say, In the insurance business, you would have access to that (dmv info) but not just general public. :thinking:
Not sure who's driveway or who saw it but Hunter has an FJ Cruiser.
I'm so hung up on this Scion but this is confusing. HF has an FJ Cruiser. Someone above stated he had a Scion before the FJ but someone earlier on said they saw a white Scion in HF driveway when they drove by, recently.

I would really want this looked into. Because if someone is basing that HF used to have a Scion based on IG photos, it doesn't necessarily mean its his. But he definitely sat in the driver seat of A Scion and took a photo of a purse supposedly belonging to Christina to post on a site supposedly run by Christina. IMO seems a little odd. I'm not savvy enough I guess to find the public record of who's this is so maybe it's a non issue.
I have access to HF's IG account, I just went through and looked at every single pic and did not see a Scion, although there were several of his cream colored Toyota FJ Cruiser.
I will be more than happy to post the entire report from the PD Officer if the Mods give approval ... I just can not make this stuff up
I'm curious to see this. I assume you're still waiting on or not granted approval. I guess it's not public record? Not sure how police reports work..
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