GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #27 *Arrest*

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Ok, Gotta go night night. Hopeing you all continue the true fight. We need to find Christina no matter the circumstanses. She's out there waiting...
IMO: Angry, inebriated, sexually frustrated, substance abusers make dumb, careless mistakes.

Somehow you inserted the same sentence as your reply into the middle of my post. Looks as if I posted the comment first. Since the post is several hours old, it can't be changed.

Anyway, your comment may apply to some drug users. Back in the seventies, I knew people who used drugs but afaik violence toward another person never took place. So, until we know more, I don't think we can draw the conclusion drugs are to blame. Actually there are some very intelligent people who have fallen into the hole of using drugs. Sometimes they have a genetic predisposition to addiction. Therefore, I don't think we can automatically blame drugs and drinking for whatever happened yet.

Additionally, we are assuming he was sexually frustrated. Why would he attack his supposedly good friend's ex sexually anyway? First, HF takes his good friend's ex away from his friend(AP) and, now, another man kidnaps and harms the ex's ex? On top of being unusually boundary insensitive, isn't it downright uncanny?
Someone posted about the love triangle and Tilley referred to a former circumstance LE was looking into to determine if it could have to do with Christina's disappearance.
Someone made it a point to post that EA became the ex's good friend after HF lost the title.

Even if being under the influence led EA to attack Christina, the way EA lied in front of the media by using verifiable facts, indicates he's missing a few brain cells imo. He lied to LE about his actions when, it is obvious to most people, there are ways to verify if what he said is true or not.
Agreed, the coworker told LE he noticed what looked like a bite mark on EA's arm.
Was it determined what clothing Sprint employees wear at work?
Are they required to wear short sleeved polo type shirts?
Because, why would EA be so brazen about showing off his wounds if one of them was a bite mark from a woman who he knew would surely be reported missing sooner rather than later.

The employee would have observed the bite mark on Saturday, August 30. The bite mark would be fresh on that day (if really a bite mark from Christina). LE went to the Sprint location on Wednesday, September 3, or later.
Would evidence of a bite mark still be visible after so many days?
When it comes to trial, they'll need to present more evidence than "I think I noticed a bite mark" testimony.

The problem I'm having is accepting just how dumb or careless EA's actions were if he is solely responsible for Christina's disappearance and demise.

IMO: Angry, inebriated, sexually frustrated, substance abusers make dumb, careless mistakes.

bumping to show what I mean about inserting your comment into my post.
Your post #643, on the previous page, if my quote within your post doesn't carry over.
Don't know why it didn't carry over the first time.

No, my post you quoted isn't appearing in the quoted posts.
Don't you think that the rags have already been tested for dna? I think they were discovered in trash pull on 9/24???

Are you angry with me?

To answer your question, I haven't a clue if the rags were tested already or not.
If LE tests rags automatically, I've never heard of it before but wouldn't be surprised.
My comment to the poster wasn't meant to take anything away from LE, just that I've never thought about testing the rags. The fact there were lots of rags was evidence in and of itself. Of course, if LE is able to connect the rags to a crime involving Christina directly, the evidence would be golden in court considering the rags were found in the trash outside the house EA lives in.

It takes time for the lab to run the tests and to turn results over to LE.
Maybe LE was able to get the lab to give the trash pull items priority since they are trying to nail/prove a person may have been murdered.
I noticed it too! My computer is acting crazy. I promise I didn't do it on purpose, and did not mean for my comment to sound judgmental. :)

Somehow you inserted the same sentence as your reply into the middle of my post. Looks as if I posted the comment first. Since the post is several hours old, it can't be changed.

Anyway, your comment may apply to some drug users. Back in the seventies, I knew people who used drugs but afaik violence toward another person never took place. So, until we know more, I don't think we can draw the conclusion drugs are to blame. Actually there are some very intelligent people who have fallen into the hole of using drugs. Sometimes they have a genetic predisposition to addiction. Therefore, I don't think we can automatically blame drugs and drinking for whatever happened yet.

Additionally, we are assuming he was sexually frustrated. Why would he attack his supposedly good friend's ex sexually anyway? First, HF takes his good friend's ex away from his friend(AP) and, now, another man kidnaps and harms the ex's ex? On top of being unusually boundary insensitive, isn't it downright uncanny?
Someone posted about the love triangle and Tilley referred to a former circumstance LE was looking into to determine if it could have to do with Christina's disappearance.
Someone made it a point to post that EA became the ex's good friend after HF lost the title.

Even if being under the influence led EA to attack Christina, the way EA lied in front of the media by using verifiable facts, indicates he's missing a few brain cells imo. He lied to LE about his actions when, it is obvious to most people, there are ways to verify if what he said is true or not.
Not offended at all. Just giving my thoughts. Anyone who is easily offended should probably not be posting on a forum like this!

Or, one can decide they're going to toughen up!
Sometimes peeps get into moods, misunderstand posts, or feel picked on for having a non majority opinion.
Also, as I've been told, we don't always come across in writing as the amicable people we are in person. :blushing:

Just commenting so as not to scare anybody off.

On another note, what's the deal with dragging former quotes along, after they've been posted, to the next post?
This has been happening lately - have to go back in to delete them. ugh!
Just a few of my recent thoughts,
I would definitely notice if my son cleaned anything, and because of the cleaner smell it would be very noticeable, and I would be surprised he took it upon himself to clean anything.
I was thinking about mattresses, and if one was important in this case, could he have just swapped it out with another mattress in the house?

If she was put in the trunk immediately, I would think she would have to be knocked out cold, handcuffed behind her back, or she could have just pulled the emergency trunk release, and escaped. Even if she was somehow quickly restrained I would think she could still use parts of her body to do things to the inside of the trunk. The timing doesn't seem to allow for anything more than a quick restraint, or knocking her out cold.

I think I expect the phone and her to be in two different places, and not together, because there is probably evidence with her, and you wouldn't want the phone leading LE to her. I think the apple has a built in battery, so he would have to take it apart to actually remove the battery. If it was up to me I would have submerged it in water, because I have heard that will do a very good job at destroying a phone, and then I would have thrown it in the sewer, so it might end up far far away.

After reading the warrant my impression, is that it pushes buttons, if I was a girlfriend there is enough said on that warrant to really make me mad, and maybe mad enough to help LE, if I knew anything. If I was the mother, I would have to be confronted with the reality of the situation that she was in the trunk of my sons car, and there was many cleaning products in the garbage, and denial time is over because their is evidence proving that.
Cm probably thought ea was harmless. Just a guy out looking for fun. I think his actions totally took her by surprise. Something like this happened to me once,and in an instant I was terrified of the guy I was dining with. Wow, I am lucky I made it home that night.

I agree with you. This is all my opinion only, but I strongly feel EA has little respect for women, I feel he felt disrespected that night and was mad, I think CM if it's true CM was very upset on their walk and/or angry, it just fueled his anger even more. I think he just decided to take that opportunity to do what he did. I think he came back because he wanted to make sure she didn't drop anything. I really feel she was forced to get into his vehicle. It seems her main goal at the time was to get home and see what HF was doing and to talk to him. If SN offered her a ride and they are much better friends than her and EA, I would think if for some reason she still needed a ride when she got to the garage she would just call him and say she changed her mind and wanted a ride after all. I just don't see ant conspiracy in a of this. I think her friends acted selfishly by not following up and finding out if she made it home ok or if she was still upset. Same for HF, very selfish. Maybe he did try to get a hold of her & when she didn't answer or call back, he was just like, whatever, I'll just do what I want until she shows up. Maybe one or more of the friends do have some more information that could help. I just think if there were any other arrests, they would come from within his house.
I was just looking at pictures of the size of the 2010 camaro trunk, and I would say you would have to pick a tiny tiny small girl to fit in that one, an average sized girl would be difficult because the opening is so small.
OK, well, if that's the reasoning behind that line of questioning, then I'll just ignore and scroll on, since we were instructed by WS mods not to discuss HF as being a suspect in the case at this time.

One other quick note: I believe someone mentioned (yesterday? not sure) that Jonni loved buying gifts like the purses and stylish clothing for Christina. Surely no one would begrudge her accepting gifts from her mother...

We do NOT know if her mother gave her all these purses.
At one point she had 2 of the same.
Were they payment to HF for drugs?
did they fall off the back of a truck as we say in New Jersey!

Im not sure if the purses has anything at all to do with what has happened here but when someone goes missing u need to look at the BIG picture.
And in christinas case there is a lot to see in this picture.
Have there been searches outside the immediate area? Like on the way to someone's college for instance?

Does anyone here think all this testing is taking way to long?
The outpour of support is awesome. Thank y'all. All of y'all (not the just the one's I "quoted" in this post) have definitely got my mind back on track. Thank you to everyone :) I appreciate it.

(BBM) Good! because we need your rationale and your thoughts. I'm a very literal person (too literal I've been told) so therefore think a lot like you, analyzing things that just don't make sense to me. I have been here since Thread One and if someone asked me today about the keys, I honestly could not tell them the status. We can't send to get a definitive answer to many things so it becomes a very gray area rather than black and white which becomes hard for me to process. JMO
Oh lord. Well good for them for trying. I just don't think a jury gives a crap if someone who saw a bite mark is a dentist. Plain and simple.

First off....
they have to confirm its a bite mark.
Next they have to confirm it was from Christina...

I would think they have already done this.
LE has not said it was a bite mark as of yet!
so like with everything in this case we wait and see.
I tend to think she got in willingly also.. just can't figure out why..

same and same. Now if we knew the key situation it might shed some light. SN asks if she is okay to drive, meaning he thought she had her keys, right? CM walks 20 minutes supposedly headed to her car, so I assume she thought she had her keys. Did she get to her car and notice she did NOT have them again? Was EA supposed to drive her back to the apartment so she could check? I'm sure she would not want to walk back another 20 minutes. JMO

Even if being under the influence led EA to attack Christina, the way EA lied in front of the media by using verifiable facts, indicates he's missing a few brain cells imo. He lied to LE about his actions when, it is obvious to most people, there are ways to verify if what he said is true or not.

It baffles me how his response to CM's family turning up the heat was not to speak to them, but instead go do TV interviews with numerous media outlets, spewing lies, that at a minimum PPD knew were lies at that point even if the general public didn't.

He's either led a very sheltered life where he could always convince people his lies were true, or he's a sociopath.
What if they were gifts from her Mother or Father? Just because they may or may not have had money issues at one time or another doesn't mean she didn't receive the handbags as a gift. I got gifts I couldn't personally afford from my Dad and Mom all the time.

My point is, why were they living without utilities if they had enough money for even knockoff designer items? Ultimately it's just another thing on the long list of discrepancies.
same and same. Now if we knew the key situation it might shed some light. SN asks if she is okay to drive, meaning he thought she had her keys, right? CM walks 20 minutes supposedly headed to her car, so I assume she thought she had her keys. Did she get to her car and notice she did NOT have them again? Was EA supposed to drive her back to the apartment so she could check? I'm sure she would not want to walk back another 20 minutes. JMO

Now do we take SN at his word?
Was this really the topic of conversation?

To me this phone call is strange!
Flip flops not sandals. And the heel of my foot to your ribs would probably hurt? JMO

In trying to match AE injuries to what may have caused them. It's said that he was limping, and I don't think it has been confirmed whether Christina was wearing flip flops or sandals, and that might make a difference.

I'm wondering if she was wearing sandals, what kind they were, and if they were hard with a heel. If, for example, AE had Christina in a headlock, she would not have many options to fight back. She would probably try and pull at his fingers and bite his arm, and try kicking at his legs and stomping on his feet. If she was wearing flip flops and he was wearing shoes, I don't think that would be very effective at all. However, if she was wearing hard sandals, she could probably have sustained some damage, which caused him to limp.
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