GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #28 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I was wondering if this person could be a family friend from their home town in mexico....anyone tried to google Lauro from their home town?
Wonder if their is a match?
Been too busy to keep up on reading so forgive me if I am just repeating..but did see the new friend on list...i am pretty positive that would be the priest from St. Marks in Plano oldest Catholic church here that I remember nowdays it has a large Hispanic population. All I can say about ea having a priest to speak with is it a blessing & hopefully a good sign. I know it is a process for his family also to accept the shock of what ea did Praying they do the right thing and I bet they brought him in to help ea sort through this...lets all pray
Earlier this year, I left a little serving spatula in an oblong pan containing leftovers in the frig.
A few days later, I was looking for the little spatula but could not find it anywhere.
All of a sudden, a light bulb went off when I saw the glass dish in the kitchen sink.
Then, I remembered covering the dish and putting it into the frig.
Then, I remembered it was garbage day. My husband does the garbage - yikes!

I ran outside and saw the huge green can with garbage was still there.
I lifted the huge lid that is attached to the can with hinges.
I tried to hold the lid up with my left hand while I pulled the first couple of bags out of the can.
To do this I pulled the can towards me (it has wheels in the back) so I could dig deeper into the can.
By now, the lid was hanging down the back of the can. I had to flip it over as it was too heavy.

By a stroke of luck, I recovered my favorite little spatula in one of the first bags (on top).
Ladies, remember Pampered Chef? Still around?
Anyway, I put the bags back into the can. Then I had to close the lid. Somehow I managed to cause the lid to flop over and practically land on my head. I must have leaned back just in time so the lid came down upon my upper arm.
As I pulled my arm out, after my right arm was clobbered and scraped, further injury occurred going down the length of my arm.
This really, really hurt. It took me awhile to recover and catch my breath.
It felt like maybe my arm was broken.
The lid, a heavy green plastic, felt like a sledge hammer hit me. Because, I guess, it fell onto my arm from above with momentum.

My husband couldn't believe it when he saw my arm. Since it was summer, I was wearing short sleeves. He mentioned people are going to think he beat me or something.
Really bad looking bruises caused by a garbage can lid.

Also, my husband couldn't believe I cared so much about a little spatula. I told him never to throw out food again before looking into the container first. Your fault for throwing it out; no, your fault for leaving the thing in the pan! lol!

Anyway, when reading the affidavit again combined with an earlier post, my thought flashed to the idea of EA using a garbage container to (I won't type this) rid himself of evidence.
That's when I remembered the severe looking injury I caused myself while trying to juggle a large lidded can.

That led to thinking about EA's claim he dropped his car on his arm.
What if he struggled with a public container lid while, at the same time, trying to lift something heavy into it?
He may have had the dilemma on Saturday morning. Monday being a holiday made garbage pickups go off schedule causing delays.

Somewhere I read that restaurant receptacles are emptied everyday. Anybody know if this is true or not?

Most concerning, September 3 or 4 (depending on if delayed by holiday schedule or not) was the garbage day before the 10th (the first time LE had EA's garbage pulled).
What if the most important evidence was already gone by the 10th of September?

LE should have dogs check the landfill utilized for his area.
The delay of reporting Christina missing could mean LE missed an opportunity especially since LE believes CM was in EA's trunk when he drove to his house.

Why would EA need all the odor eliminating stuff if an odor had not developed somewhere.
Why couldn't that be in the garbage can?
That is, if those huge cans come with the garbage service companies in Texas.
It has been so quiet here. We need to keep talking about Christina so her case doesnt fade into the background. Anyone have some new info to toss around?

Its time she is returned to her family.

A big search group is going out tomorrow morning at 8am. Saturday. Pray for them.
1 If the DNA came from anywhere on the trunk "lid" it would have been described using the word "lid." It was not, so IMO that rules out 1-2-3.
2 The idea that it described the surface as the "edge" of something almost goes without saying, in that there is almost no way the DNA could have been found in the middle of the trunk cavity, which is a sizable cavity of air.
3 From the illustration, I'm thinking they refer to the inside where it says 4-5 in the illus. ...and clearly that is an interior area, inside the trunk, as they say repeatedly.

At the trial, the Prosecutor will use a pointer and slides to point out the exact location of the trunk area where the DNA was located. The jurors won't be confused as to the location. Thank goodness for visuals!
Is there any way to have two phones active with the same phone number at one time? Or for one phone to be assigned two numbers at one time?
Do cell phones (internal storage) carry any record of what numbers have been assigned to it or, on the flip side, do service providers have record of which devices have been assigned to a number?

We need an expert to answer your questions especially since technology changes all the time.

Here's what I think - For an individual's phone, two numbers cannot be assigned to one phone (cell phone).
For that, there is the call waiting feature.

I believe, yes, when a phone number is assigned to a person, it is also assigned to a specific phone. When a person buys a new phone, they can keep the same number which can be re-assigned to the new phone by the provider.
This may be a more recent change that allows people to keep the same number when buying a new phone. Not sure it was always possible to do so.

When buying a throw away phone, it comes with a number. Since the person who buys the phone doesn't register with the provider, the phone and number is difficult to trace. Especially if bought using cash.

Over and out. :eek:fftobed:
Last night, I had the vivid dream of three again. Since I rarely remember my dreams, but I always go over Christina's case in my head while trying to fall asleep, I can't help but relate the two.
Probably my subconscious is trying to make sense of the more complex possibilities of what may have happened.
Is there any way to have two phones active with the same phone number at one time? Or for one phone to be assigned two numbers at one time?
Do cell phones (internal storage) carry any record of what numbers have been assigned to it or, on the flip side, do service providers have record of which devices have been assigned to a number?

Option 1 requires a data connection, and usually an app like spare phone, or groove ip, You get a google voice phone number which will ring your phone through the app, or Option 2 is you can forward incoming calls from your google voice number to your cell number. So yes you can have two or more numbers on a cell phone depending on how many google voice numbers you decide to have. It was meant to be a forwarding service, so you can give out your google voice number to just anyone, and only your personal cell number to close friends. The apps have a way of using google voice to make free voip calls over the internet.
Public Search today 12/27 - Meet Allen High School, @ 8:30am

Please dress in long sleeves, long pants, you may want to bring a walking stick if you have one, and your ID.

(I would suggest a bottle of water and a back pack if you have anything else you need to carry with you.) Everyone welcome. If you can please join and help us #FINDCHRISTINA
Priest being on the visitors list isn't interesting to me unless it makes him speak up.
IMO - a bite mark and limp shows a headlock and attempt at strangulation. A limp shows a lot of leg kicks, which all would happen if EA grabbed CM from behind. This theory would also have he least amount of blood but would have some sort of DNA from CM. I'm sorry to type this but I'm trying to throw out theories since we now know CM was in EA's trunk.

I believe this is the likely scenario. I just can't see whether it occurred in the garage or later (return to the Shops?). That return trip baffles me. Why return? And probably not even go to the garage, just the general area.
It is equally as baffling to me! Was he bringing her back to her car or the apartment for some reason? I imagine we may never know the full truth of the events that evening. I pray and pray that Enrique has a change of heart, and helps us accomplish bringing Christina home.

I believe this is the likely scenario. I just can't see whether it occurred in the garage or later (return to the Shops?). That return trip baffles me. Why return? And probably not even go to the garage, just the general area.
The rule a Priest must remain silent when a person confesses a crime (especially one that ends a life), goes against my instincts.
A Priest is commanded to "cover" for criminals?
Seems like the policy serves criminals, not victims of crime. Crazy imo.

The standard of secrecy protecting a confession outweighs any form of professional confidentiality or secrecy. When a person unburdens his soul and confesses his sins to a priest in the Sacrament of Penance, a very sacred trust is formed. The priest must maintain absolute secrecy about anything that a person confesses. For this reason, confessionals were developed with screens to protect the anonymity of the penitent. This secrecy is called "the sacramental seal," "the seal of the confessional," or "the seal of confession."

The sacramental seal is inviolable. Quoting Canon 983.1 of the Code of Canon Law, the Catechism states, "...It is a crime for a confessor in any way to betray a penitent by word or in any other manner or for any reason" (No. 2490). A priest, therefore, cannot break the seal to save his own life, to protect his good name, to refute a false accusation, to save the life of another, to aid the course of justice (like reporting a crime), or to avert a public calamity. He cannot be compelled by law to disclose a person's confession or be bound by any oath he takes, e.g. as a witness in a court trial. A priest cannot reveal the contents of a confession either directly, by repeating the substance of what has been said, or indirectly, by some sign, suggestion, or action. A Decree from the Holy Office (Nov. 18, 1682) mandated that confessors are forbidden, even where there would be no revelation direct or indirect, to make any use of the knowledge obtained in the confession that would "displease" the penitent or reveal his identity.
When are they going to make more arrests? And what charges could there be? I have always thought he did jump at the chance to walk Christina to her car, and I think he did make a move on her and she fought him. I don't see where others could be involved unless it's just not telling what they knew. On the other hand, knowing HF was being watched for a month prior to this and all that has happened to him since does make you wonder if they somehow got caught up in this net. I just don't think PPD would put SA if that wasn't the true feeling. I'm surprised EA hasn't cracked yet. I think he will. He can't get around that 1 in 69 quadrillion stat. Am staying hopeful and praying.
I believe this is the likely scenario. I just can't see whether it occurred in the garage or later (return to the Shops?). That return trip baffles me. Why return? And probably not even go to the garage, just the general area.
Perhaps he returned to place her in a dumpster near the SOL in order to distance himself and infer she was not taken far if she was found.
Perhaps he returned to place her in a dumpster near the SOL in order to distance himself and infer she was not taken far if she was found.

My opinion as well. Especially with his interview comment 'I just really want her to be found.' Or something like that. moo
Perhaps he returned to place her in a dumpster near the SOL in order to distance himself and infer she was not taken far if she was found.

Seems like LE would have the dogs search local landfills.. if nothing is found, at least they would be "cleared".
Earlier this year, I left a little serving spatula in an oblong pan containing leftovers in the frig.
A few days later, I was looking for the little spatula but could not find it anywhere.
All of a sudden, a light bulb went off when I saw the glass dish in the kitchen sink.
Then, I remembered covering the dish and putting it into the frig.
Then, I remembered it was garbage day. My husband does the garbage - yikes!

I ran outside and saw the huge green can with garbage was still there.
I lifted the huge lid that is attached to the can with hinges.
I tried to hold the lid up with my left hand while I pulled the first couple of bags out of the can.
To do this I pulled the can towards me (it has wheels in the back) so I could dig deeper into the can.
By now, the lid was hanging down the back of the can. I had to flip it over as it was too heavy.

By a stroke of luck, I recovered my favorite little spatula in one of the first bags (on top).
Ladies, remember Pampered Chef? Still around?
Anyway, I put the bags back into the can. Then I had to close the lid. Somehow I managed to cause the lid to flop over and practically land on my head. I must have leaned back just in time so the lid came down upon my upper arm.
As I pulled my arm out, after my right arm was clobbered and scraped, further injury occurred going down the length of my arm.
This really, really hurt. It took me awhile to recover and catch my breath.
It felt like maybe my arm was broken.
The lid, a heavy green plastic, felt like a sledge hammer hit me. Because, I guess, it fell onto my arm from above with momentum.

My husband couldn't believe it when he saw my arm. Since it was summer, I was wearing short sleeves. He mentioned people are going to think he beat me or something.
Really bad looking bruises caused by a garbage can lid.

Also, my husband couldn't believe I cared so much about a little spatula. I told him never to throw out food again before looking into the container first. Your fault for throwing it out; no, your fault for leaving the thing in the pan! lol!

Anyway, when reading the affidavit again combined with an earlier post, my thought flashed to the idea of EA using a garbage container to (I won't type this) rid himself of evidence.
That's when I remembered the severe looking injury I caused myself while trying to juggle a large lidded can.

That led to thinking about EA's claim he dropped his car on his arm.
What if he struggled with a public container lid while, at the same time, trying to lift something heavy into it?
He may have had the dilemma on Saturday morning. Monday being a holiday made garbage pickups go off schedule causing delays.

Somewhere I read that restaurant receptacles are emptied everyday. Anybody know if this is true or not?

Most concerning, September 3 or 4 (depending on if delayed by holiday schedule or not) was the garbage day before the 10th (the first time LE had EA's garbage pulled).
What if the most important evidence was already gone by the 10th of September?

LE should have dogs check the landfill utilized for his area.
The delay of reporting Christina missing could mean LE missed an opportunity especially since LE believes CM was in EA's trunk when he drove to his house.

Why would EA need all the odor eliminating stuff if an odor had not developed somewhere.
Why couldn't that be in the garbage can?
That is, if those huge cans come with the garbage service companies in Texas.

Jumping off this...
Ya know, this could be either garbage lid or car trunk lid. Was he trying to quickly slam the trunk closed while pulling his arm out? Lies are usually somewhat connected to the truth. Maybe he did somehow injure himself with the car, or in it.
In any cas, I sure hope investigators collected DNA swabs from the trash can. Or what about a large commercial can like what was behind Sprint? They can have very heavy lids as well. I hope they inspected that receptacle as well.
Seems like LE would have the dogs search local landfills.. if nothing is found, at least they would be "cleared".
Wish we knew for certain they did search the landfill and locate the exact area where the trash was dumped during the first week of September. I don't think it is a given, however. Some LE departments view the risk to the dogs and the other factors as too high to use them.
Wish we knew for certain they did search the landfill and locate the exact area where the trash was dumped during the first week of September. I don't think it is a given, however. Some LE departments view the risk to the dogs and the other factors as too high to use them.

Noticed there is a landfill off 121, when I Googled "landfills near Plano"... Just curious, what risk to the dogs?
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