GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #28 *Arrest*

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25 texts and calls that night say she was not ready to move on from HF and she was very much still into her relationship. I don't know where it is coming from that Christina felt like leaving him and didn't approve of what he was doing on the drug front. Her actions did not indicate this in any way.
That's a good point. I believe I saw her mother say that she was planning on breaking up with HF. Can anyone help with the source. I believe I read that after HF WAS ARRESTED.
Someone used Christina's phone at the same time EA's car exited the garage.

If reports on text times and messages sent are accurate, this text was sent to HF asking him to leave the door unlocked (more lost keys!).

[1] Consider this, if Christina typed the text, I doubt she was in the trunk of EA's car already.

If EA typed the text using Christina's phone, how did he do so while driving at the same time?

So, could a third person have been in EA's car prior to exiting the garage?

[2] If the route EA took matched this idea, someone else could have sent the text to HF, while the two of them planned to drive to Fort Worth to leave an injured Christina in her own house. The reason/motive being to hurt HF.

[3] Did Christina believe she was getting a ride to Fort Worth?

Someone told LE that SN had offered to drive her all the way to Fort Worth himself. CM decided she was able to drive herself and left with EA walking. While in route, CM phoned SN to inform him she was still walking.
Where was SN at this time? Back at the apartment CM just left?
Why the need to keep SN informed after making the decision to drive herself home?

Imo, the story doesn't make sense. Something is off.

[1] You make an interesting point, that actually would support what some of us have thought. The text at 3:58 is a strong indicator that CM was a passenger and not in the trunk, when they exited the garage.

[2] The route EA took never went towards FW. Factually, and without doubt, he went the opposite direction from FW, when he left the garage at 3:58 or so.

[3] It's extremely (!) unlikely CM was promised a ride to FW. Beyond the fact that there was no travel in that direction, it was just way too far for such a gesture to make any sense. She probably had keys to her car (given the fact she walked to it), but even if for some reason she didn't, or if she was too wasted to drive, her parents' house (10-15 mins away?) makes more sense as a place she'd get a ride to.
Good catch. Sounds like they are trying to mess with our heads with these different names - notice, that it's now all in caps "LARVO"
Well I guess the mods can go back and delete all the posts about priests and confessions, because I don't see that there's a clergyman around North Texas named Larvo. Still looking, though, just in case. LOL

Maybe the friend has a nickname of "Larvo", but you don't put nicknames on IDs, which are required to visit.
Regarding last names in Spanish-speaking families from other countries: children's names are given as First Name, Middle Name, Dad's Surname, Mom's Surname. So, in EA's situation, this is why at first he may have been referred to by his mom's surname, Gutierrez.

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Well I guess the mods can go back and delete all the posts about priests and confessions, because I don't see that there's a clergyman around North Texas named Larvo. Still looking, though, just in case. LOL

Maybe the friend has a nickname of "Larvo", but you don't put nicknames on IDs, which are required to visit.

It doesn't sound like a real name. Maybe we will see a third correction!
It isn't unusual Christina hasn't been found even after almost four months.
What I mean is, the fact she hasn't been found, doesn't mean she isn't somewhere within range (whatever that means).
I hate to point out the missing people, both women and men, who haven't been found even when people continue to look for them. Some have been missing for a long, long time. Not trying to be negative - just pointing out reality based on other cases I'm aware of.
That said, it is early in Christina's case. Keep hoping and praying for answers.

What can we base the belief Christina is alive on though? We can only hope until evidence proves otherwise.
Even so, how would it be possible to stop searching for her? If she is in hiding (if a possibility), couldn't she find a way to let her mom know somehow, some way? It doesn't seem possible because CM would be aware of the suffering she is causing her loved ones.
If she's being held captive, that's another story. But why? And why would EA be at the helm of a captive situation?

Firefox (poster on WS) believes a missing person will find a way to communicate their whereabouts.
Many have been on WS, when a person who goes missing is searched for covering large areas for a long time.
At some point, it seems impossible they'll ever be found. The day comes when they are found. It happens.
Oh, the bait.
How did they communicate this to HF then?
Is that evidence EA wanted to hide from LE (per note, all texts from the 29th, etc.).???
What communication is EA concerned about LE reading?
Whatever it is, I sure hope LE was able to retract the messages.

The list recovered from the garbage, is sort of a game changer imo. Premeditation comes to mind.
If EA acted upon sexually charged impulses thus causing harm to Christina, why would he be concerned about texts or emails exchanged at an earlier time?

What would texts exchanged on Friday have to do with a drug induced sex scorned rape and murder?

I think the list in the garbage is a good indicator that EA had help (at least in the cover-up/clean-up), and I'm thinking this list was written during the week he was in jail on the phone charge. Whether written by him or someone else, I don't know, but I do feel strongly it was while he was incarcerated and it was in regards to cover-up/clean-up.
Just curious, do we know for a fact that EA was in jail for a week? Has that been confirmed anywhere and/or is there a link? I probably missed it somewhere along the line.
Regarding the note and the items listed, IMO it just seems like someone very naive would write that and think those things could be destroyed and never found electronically (the bank statement and cell phone bills.) I'm not sure what to think of this note or who wrote it.
25 texts and calls that night say she was not ready to move on from HF and she was very much still into her relationship. I don't know where it is coming from that Christina felt like leaving him and didn't approve of what he was doing on the drug front. Her actions did not indicate this in any way.

Her mom has hinted Christina shared some concerns with her.
From what I've seen, Christina's light appears brighter than some of the people she was surrounded by.
It is difficult to imagine her as an active player (although, I admit, anything is possible).

We're not allowed to discuss background hearsay. One mention is of concern imo.
Agreed. Also, wasn't it said early on she had learned of his cheating ways while at work that day before even going out that night? Makes me wonder why she would send him texts (regarding the damn keys) as if nothing was amiss (on the homefront.) MOOOO

It is this kind of stuff that bugs me on WS. We hear things and then we're expected to ignore the information.
To me, finding out your live-in boyfriend is cheating on you, is huge.
Today, months later, never an explanation or additional information revealed as to what led to the report of Christina crying at work over HF's cheating ways.
On top of that, HF is treated like the dutiful, helpful bf because he shows up to search or is willing to drive to OK (which is probably the norm for him).
Please, insiders, fill us in on the reconciliation of these parallel factors.
Any mention of this "friend" EA claims he has who also lives in SOL closer to the other parking garage he (always) parks in while visiting them? I know he was trying to deny ever being parked or walking into the same garage as CM as a way of distancing himself from her but when he returned to SOL the 2nd time this night, did he park in this other garage, did he go to his other "friends" apartment, did he avoid the apartment area and drive North towards the business offices on 5800 Granite Parkway?

Good post, BaeMomma! And while reading it, it just gave me an idea - maybe EA was in the other parking garage on his possible second trip back to SOL area? Maybe a little truth in what he tells, he may have slipped up and didn't realize it. So, with that in mind, I hope the other parking garage has been thoroughly checked too, including camera footage/surveillance!
Good post, BaeMomma! And while reading it, it just gave me an idea - maybe EA was in the other parking garage on his possible second trip back to SOL area? Maybe a little truth in what he tells, he may have slipped up and didn't realize it. So, with that in mind, I hope the other parking garage has been thoroughly checked too, including camera footage/surveillance!

My thoughts exactly! I said before that his "lie" about how he went home, in my opinion, was true... I think he DID go home via Legacy --- when he finally DID go home. So let's look at his other apparent "lies" and see if they hold clues to the truth!

DID he go back to the garage by Blue Martini?? Was there someone he knows or met up with over there? It could explain his return to the area.
I don't seriously color CM as problematic personally, but I do see reason to wonder. (In my wondering, she and her family still didn't deserve any of this, that's for sure. But still....)

At least by appearances, she willingly put herself in really bad situations. That raises a huge red flag.

(From what I think we know) Her bf HF apparently was a drug dealer, and has now been arrested. And she landed him, by (if I understand correctly) cheating with him on a different bf. Was the prior one a drug-related guy too?

Those are activities we know about, and could be giving the wrong picture, but on the other hand they could be just the tip of the iceberg. Maybe they show bad judgment/immaturity, maybe it was emotion or neediness clouding good sense, or maybe it indicates there was a darker side. It's really hard to tell the difference.

So I'm cautious in assessing what she might or might not have been doing, and willingly, that night, because it's really hard to know.

I'm certainly not trying to bash on CM in any way, that's for sure, but just relating how we have to open that maybe SHE made some choices that we're overlooking. If (and only if) there are facts that point in directions we wouldn't expect ...
I don't seriously color CM as problematic personally, but I do see reason to wonder. (In my wondering, she and her family still didn't deserve any of this, that's for sure. But still....)

At least by appearances, she willingly put herself in really bad situations. That raises a huge red flag.

(From what I think we know) Her bf HF apparently was a drug dealer, and has now been arrested. And she landed him, by (if I understand correctly) cheating with him on a different bf. Was the prior one a drug-related guy too?

Those are activities we know about, and could be giving the wrong picture, but on the other hand they could be just the tip of the iceberg. Maybe they show bad judgment/immaturity, maybe it was emotion or neediness clouding good sense, or maybe it indicates there was a darker side. It's really hard to tell the difference.

So I'm cautious in assessing what she might or might not have been doing, and willingly, that night, because it's really hard to know.

I'm certainly not trying to bash on CM in any way, that's for sure, but just relating how we have to open that maybe SHE made some choices that we're overlooking. If (and only if) there are facts that point in directions we wouldn't expect ...

Agreed. By no means am I saying Christina (or anyone who chooses a questionable lifestyle) deserves this, but is is there and needs to be addressed to understand what could have possibly contributed to the circumstances. I'm 80% sure EA acted alone but there's still that 20% that pokes in my head.
[1] You make an interesting point, that actually would support what some of us have thought. The text at 3:58 is a strong indicator that CM was a passenger and not in the trunk, when they exited the garage.

[2] The route EA took never went towards FW. Factually, and without doubt, he went the opposite direction from FW, when he left the garage at 3:58 or so.

[3] It's extremely (!) unlikely CM was promised a ride to FW. Beyond the fact that there was no travel in that direction, it was just way too far for such a gesture to make any sense. She probably had keys to her car (given the fact she walked to it), but even if for some reason she didn't, or if she was too wasted to drive, her parents' house (10-15 mins away?) makes more sense as a place she'd get a ride to.

If Christina was headed for her dad's house, she wouldn't text HF to leave the door unlocked.

See?, see how the texts and times don't line up well with any of the logical theories?

As soon as you think there's a logical explanation as to why Christina made choices she did that morning,
a reminder of something else that happened or reported by party goers cancels out the idea.

Remember CM's dog? Her dog wasn't at her father's house. Remember she planned to stay over in Plano even though she had to work the next day? Yet, someone claims she decided to return home for that same reason.
She knew about her dog and work prior to arriving in Plano.

When someone is explaining something (party goers to Jonni), the info should make sense or explain CM's decisions at least. All they do is contradict or confuse - do nothing to add understanding about the evening.

Even the SB wanting the couch for herself and then retreating to the bed story makes little sense.
If EA wanted SB on the couch, why would he say "no" when asked to move (or move over?).
The story continues when EA goes into the bedroom where SB is, to tell her angrily, if she's not going to sleep on the couch, he's going home.
Why didn't he make room for her on the couch in the first place? The story makes no sense people!
If Christina was headed for her dad's house, she wouldn't text HF to leave the door unlocked.

See?, see how the texts and times don't line up well with any of the logical theories?

As soon as you think there's a logical explanation as to why Christina made choices she did that morning,
a reminder of something else that happened or reported by party goers cancels out the idea.

Remember CM's dog? Her dog wasn't at her father's house. Remember she planned to stay over in Plano even though she had to work the next day? Yet, someone claims she decided to return home for that same reason.
She knew about her dog and work prior to arriving in Plano.

When someone is explaining something (party goers to Jonni), the info should make sense or explain CM's decisions at least. All they do is contradict or confuse - do nothing to add understanding about the evening.

Even the SB wanting the couch for herself and then retreating to the bed story makes little sense.
If EA wanted SB on the couch, why would he say "no" when asked to move (or move over?).
The story continues when EA goes into the bedroom where SB is, to tell her angrily, if she's not going to sleep on the couch, he's going home.
Why didn't he make room for her on the couch in the first place? The story makes no sense people!

The dog and the fact that Christina texted HF to leave the door unlocked are two things that make me go hmmmm and make me wonder why it took 4 days to report her missing. I get the boyfriend/girlfriend fight, silent treatment blah blah, but dog owners not checking on their dog when they were specifically heading home to get said dog, well that's just enough to give me that 20% doubt. And remember it only takes one person to be doubtful for EA to walk.
It is this kind of stuff that bugs me on WS. We hear things and then we're expected to ignore the information.
To me, finding out your live-in boyfriend is cheating on you, is huge.
Today, months later, never an explanation or additional information revealed as to what led to the report of Christina crying at work over HF's cheating ways.
On top of that, HF is treated like the dutiful, helpful bf because he shows up to search or is willing to drive to OK (which is probably the norm for him).
Please, insiders, fill us in on the reconciliation of these parallel factors.

You're right. Finding out your live-in boyfriend was cheating on you is huge. Which is exactly why she was probably obsessing on getting home to him. Completely normal female behavior IMO, regardless of the direction their relationship was headed. I've broken up with guys but been madly jealous when they start dating another person. Human nature IMO.

I think the reason we haven't heard anything about his cheating ways months later is either (a) because it wasn't true or (b) it is irrelevant to the case. I'm leaning more in favor of b.

I respectfully disagree with your comment on Hunter treated like the dutiful BF. Maybe in the beginning, but if you watch the more recent interviews with Jonni and Anna, that certainly isn't the case. And he's been crucified on here since day one.

LE hasn't said much about HF other than his drug arrest is a completely separate case. Yes, LE has issued a lot of false statements, but at this point, I'm not seeing much to dispute that right now other than the fact HF has spent a good deal in county jails since Christina went missing. May (or may not) just be a sad coincidence. MOO.

O/T - JMOM...if you buy that I'll throw the Golden Gate in, too.;)
Good post, BaeMomma! And while reading it, it just gave me an idea - maybe EA was in the other parking garage on his possible second trip back to SOL area? Maybe a little truth in what he tells, he may have slipped up and didn't realize it. So, with that in mind, I hope the other parking garage has been thoroughly checked too, including camera footage/surveillance!

And if the two garages are positioned like I'm thinking they are, there is a large area with industrial garbage containers. The position of the area is sort of in front of but adjoining the two sections of garage. Like an outside corner of where the two garage sections come together. If you approached the area from behind, it would be possible to stay pretty well hidden.
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