GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #28 *Arrest*

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I wouldn be surprised if he didnt drive around for days with her in the trunk.
I think we would know if this were the case because surely having balls that huge would make him walk funny ....
BBM. OMG. I'm dieing. :laughing:
Sorry. No disrespect intended. Sometimes a little levity can release the tension build up & help refocus.

On a serious note, I doubt this was possible with the summer heat. It's crossed my mind several times as an option, but I have to remind myself that it was the heat of summer. Aug 31 - Sept 3 in Dallas area had temps in the high 90's with about 80% humidity.
The friend was willing to drive Christina all the way to Fort Worth but couldn't give her a lift to the garage?
Of course we're not privy to where SN's car was parked at the time. Iirc he wasn't mentioned as one who went to the hamburger place. Leaving us to wonder where SN and CM were during that time. If CM's car never left its spot until her dad picked it up, it is possible CM rode in SN's car earlier and he ended up parking closer to PP's place. Maybe they went directly to PP's apartment together? In SN's car? For some reason, LE doesn't explain the gap in accounting for CM's whereabouts - only that PP, SB, EA and who went to get hamburgers.

Anyway, SB drove her car, with PP and EA as passengers, to get hamburgers. No mention what SN and CM were doing. Am I missing someone?

you're IMO being pretty accusatory of someone based of no information. We have no idea where he parked but I think it's safe to say that all the rest of the people didn't park a 20 minute walk away if there was closer parking was readily available.
Agreed. Also, wasn't it said early on she had learned of his cheating ways while at work that day before even going out that night? Makes me wonder why she would send him texts (regarding the damn keys) as if nothing was amiss (on the homefront.) MOOOO

this is a misrepresentation of the information we have CM and HF had 15 or more contacts (either text or phone) that night the issue of the keys is the only content WE KNOW about, but her mother and possibly others have stated in the media that CM and HF were fighting that night. So it is inaccurate to see she was pretending nothing was amiss. As to why the keys even came up is because they live together these type of practical considerations do not disappear just because people are fighting.
You make a really good point. It makes a lot of sense....what was expected.....another thought where I might tend to think about coverup from the family was after I listened to the radio interview with Jonnie....this is what makes me believe there were ones who might help him cover up based on coverup in their past.[modsnip]

Here is the quote in the media:
"Speaking in Spanish, Arochi’s mother, Elizabeth Gutierrez, said she understands what Christina’s family is going through, but the way they are handling it is not fair to her son.
“Enrique has cooperated and has communicated with the family from the very first day that Christina’s stepmother contacted [him],” she said, translated by Quintanilla. “We have always been willing to communicate with the Morris family and continue to pray for her safe return. We find it unfortunate that this has happened. It’s very strange that someone has just disappeared without a trace, but we also find it unacceptable and regretful that they have targeted my son, Enrique. If [Christina’s mother] is trying to tar and feather and ruin the name of a young man, she’s been very successful. That’s not fair.”

It appears that having a good reputation is very important here....
The "other arrests are possible" is more-or-less standard verbiage, and shouldn't read much into it.

My take is that if there were other MAJOR players, they would already be in jail too, and imo they'll probably use the "we might arrest other people" angle to try to squeeze testimony out of reluctant bystanders who know more than they would prefer to tell (such as family).
I would have to disagree. It isn't standard for LE to claim other arrests are being considered/possible/coming. They will be first to say the perp acted alone and no other people are being pursued. I can only count on one hand the times I am aware of after years of watching cases where LE stated more arrests were in the works.

I think we will see it happen, but when is the real question. What evidence are they waiting on before the additional arrests?
I would have to disagree. It isn't standard for LE to claim other arrests are being considered/possible/coming. They will be first to say the perp acted alone and no other people are being pursued. I can only count on one hand the times I am aware of after years of watching cases where LE stated more arrests were in the works.

I think we will see it happen, but when is the real question. What evidence are they waiting on before the additional arrests?

Perhaps the DNA match from the unidentified male's DNA in the car?
Brittany Feagans @BF_StarNews · 3m 3 minutes ago
Several neighbors of #EnriqueArochi complained to Allen PD about #ChristinaMorris flyers; can get $150 fine if posted on public property
I dont understand what those flyers are hurting anyone in that neighborhood except maybe the Arochi's? Personally if something happened in my neighborhood I would want to know. Why turn a blind eye to it for the sake of keeping up an appearance that nothing bad like that happens where I live IMO. LE believe he went home with her in the trunk of his car so of course I would post flyers in case someone seen or heard something that morning. I guess they will not be too happy about the vigil being held tomorrow near the neighborhood either. Its really sad.
ACK, there are so many aspects to this case. I have set in my mind one thing and then reminded of tthis with SN. May be innocentt or her calling him because she was uncomfortable with the walk with EA. Someone said earlier, if he offered a ride to Ft. Worth, why no take her to her car since it was such a long walk and EA was being super perv with someone else. I'm wondering if they others besides SB knew EA was being pervy? My mind seriously goes into 50 directions with his case.

you guys think SN has some magic parking pass so he can park where no one else can park where no one else can there is ZERO reason to believe SN had any way to get her to her car other than walk with her. I think it's highly likely he offered to walk with her since he was clearly at least mildly concerned for her, but she likely said no. I know maybe some posters are from a different generation but today if you offer to walk a girl somewhere (or something similar) and she says no, insisting and doing it anyway is no long seen as chivalrous, it's now seen as harassment.

And as to someone else asking why SN wasn't in the warrant after some point .... the warrant is not a timeline of SN or SB or PP or anyone's evening it's a document explaining why they have cause to arrest EA for kidnapping and to search his families home. These people are mentioned because something they said or did was relevant at some point in time that night to what EA did to CM. If people are no longer mentioned in the affidavit after a certain point it just means LE felt nothing involving them after that point was relevant to the purpose of getting the arrest and search warrants.
Here is the quote in the media:
"Speaking in Spanish, Arochi’s mother, Elizabeth Gutierrez, said she understands what Christina’s family is going through, but the way they are handling it is not fair to her son.
“Enrique has cooperated and has communicated with the family from the very first day that Christina’s stepmother contacted [him],” she said, translated by Quintanilla. “We have always been willing to communicate with the Morris family and continue to pray for her safe return. We find it unfortunate that this has happened. It’s very strange that someone has just disappeared without a trace, but we also find it unacceptable and regretful that they have targeted my son, Enrique. If [Christina’s mother] is trying to tar and feather and ruin the name of a young man, she’s been very successful. That’s not fair.”

It appears that having a good reputation is very important here....
Well I wonder if they will retract that statement that Jonni was trying to ruin the reputation of a young man. Seems evidence shows he ruined his own reputation. Of course he shouldnt be held responsible for his own actions, involvement, and lies right? Poor guy.
whats off is this account of the information. Per the warrants last contact between CM and HF as 03:55 and EA is scene leaving the garage at 03:58.

Good catch that there was a 3 minute gap. IMO still way too narrow a window of time to have a struggle with a bite, put her in the trunk, EA get in the Camaro, and exit the garage by 3:58 ...which makes me think she must have exited the garage as his passenger.

I can't buy the idea that he had time to do all that in just 3 mins. Nor, that there was an accomplice waiting, and an abduction planned for the wee hours that was so precise it took 3 minutes.
- Her plans were fluid, and his had been as well (his preference had been to be back in the apt with the other girl), making any "plot" to grab her unplannable,
- There's a total lack of any evidence in that direction, and
- What we know of EA's subsequent actions screams "spur of the moment" and making it up as you go along, to me.
There was the part in the warrant where SN says Christina called him while walking with EA to let him know she was ok to drive.

As far as the other parts, throughout the last 28 threads, there have been things that were believed from the friends, ie: Christina didn't feel well and things not believed, ie: everything else.

the affidavit only says she call him ... miss understanding or missassumption further on are where fiction gets inserted.
So, when LE asked for verification of his direction of travel when leaving the Shops at Legacy on 08/30/2014, which he said was East on Legacy Drive to Central Expressway and then exit Bethany Road to his home in Allen, Texas, EA printed out his toll tag records which showed he used Sam Rayburn Tollway and passed the Custer Road gantry northbound on 08/30/2014 at 0408 hours ? ? ?

i don't think they ask him for verification and he printed out his toll info. i think he told them a story and they said O'Rly let us see your toll record (possibly at the time they said that they already knew the answer).
Brittany Feagans @BF_StarNews · 3m 3 minutes ago
Several neighbors of #EnriqueArochi complained to Allen PD about #ChristinaMorris flyers; can get $150 fine if posted on public property

That should be public record. Anyone can file an Open Records Request with the City of Allen to find out who made the complaints. I don't know what's wrong with people these days...there is a girl missing for God's sake.
ITA. I know it was a long weekend but as someone said upthread, so many people obviously didn't want to include her in their holiday plans. So sad. So very sad. And afer reading about EA's sexual frusration and anger, WHY THE HELL was Christina allowed to leave with him without beiing checked on later? I get the young selfish people that exist but I can't get past the person who knew she was heading home to get her dog and never showed up or even called.

So how do you know no one wanted to include her in their plans? They could have been calling her or texting her, but as we now know, she could not answer.
Also, she had a boyfriend that she was going home too. I don't think it's unusual that her friends did not call to check up on her. My girlfriends and I have often said "call me when you get home" and no call comes. We were all drinking, so who is worried, and who really thinks their girlfriend is not going to make it home ok?? No one knew EA was a killer or kidnapper. Give these girls a break...[modsnip].
I would have to disagree. It isn't standard for LE to claim other arrests are being considered/possible/coming. They will be first to say the perp acted alone and no other people are being pursued. I can only count on one hand the times I am aware of after years of watching cases where LE stated more arrests were in the works.

I think we will see it happen, but when is the real question. What evidence are they waiting on before the additional arrests?

Your response is to something that they did NOT say. They only noted that maybe other arrests are "possible." They did NOT say that any are coming, or that any are expected. They are simply leaving the door open, in case they find some reason to arrest someone else.

Tilley said that as the investigation unfolds, it is possible that other arrests may be made and additional charges may be filed.

"We still believe somebody out there has some information and they’re just not coming out with it," Tilley said. "The thing we want to stress more than anything else, is this is one step further in the process of this investigation. The biggest piece of the puzzle that needs to be solved for this family is finding ... Morris."
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