GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #28 *Arrest*

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The "reserved" spots were not on the street (which would have almost no space anywhere) nor were they near the apartment. They were in a parking garage (which would have had multiple parking levels of space to park in) which was about a half-dozen long blocks away.

If you envision a clock face, with Scruffy Duffies (where they drank) in the center
- the place they had their cars parked (Henry's garage) was at about 1
- the apartment was at about 5, and
- the B M garage (that was not used by anyone, but mentioned by EA), was at about 12.

The Whataburger was a drive of 5-10 minutes away.
The "reserved" spots were not on the street (which would have almost no space anywhere) nor were they near the apartment. They were in a parking garage (which would have had multiple parking levels of space to park in).
IMO, the four spots in the Henry's Tavern were saved and parked in when they arrived at 11:30ish (I'm still not sure how they did that if the spots were all next to each other, it would be VERY unusual for four adjacent spots to be open at that time). CM and EA's cars were still there at 3:30ish. The driver(s) to Whataburger would have found spots elsewhere, like the garage behind Sambuca, IMO.
IMO, the four spots in the Henry's Tavern were saved and parked in when they arrived at 11:30ish (I'm still not sure how they did that if the spots were all next to each other, it would be VERY unusual for four adjacent spots to be open at that time). CM and EA's cars were still there at 3:30ish. The driver(s) to Whataburger would have found spots elsewhere, like the garage behind Sambuca, IMO.

It's very possible - maybe even likely - that there was only ONE driver to Whataburger (PP). We do know SB drove her car to W, but don't know where she parked on her return. They may have made the "food run" for everyone who wanted something.
The car that went to whataburger would have parked off scruggs near PPs apartment after the whaterburger trip. I would assume.
So how do you know no one wanted to include her in their plans? They could have been calling her or texting her, but as we now know, she could not answer.
Also, she had a boyfriend that she was going home too. I don't think it's unusual that her friends did not call to check up on her. My girlfriends and I have often said "call me when you get home" and no call comes. We were all drinking, so who is worried, and who really thinks their girlfriend is not going to make it home ok?? No one knew EA was a killer or kidnapper. Give these girls a break...[modsnip].

But she wasn't reported missing for FOUR days by ANYone!? Until her BOSS called a friend?!
The car that went to whataburger would have parked off scruggs near PPs apartment after the whaterburger trip. I would assume.
I'm not entirely sure if I have caught on yet to the relevance of where the Whataburger driver parked except that SB wouldn't have been parked back at the same 'Henry's Tavern' lot, therefore not noticing that Christina's car was still there. But with that said, parking off of Scruggs Way would have likely been difficult because the spots would already have been taken.
BBM. OMG. I'm dieing. :laughing:
Sorry. No disrespect intended. Sometimes a little levity can release the tension build up & help refocus.

On a serious note, I doubt this was possible with the summer heat. It's crossed my mind several times as an option, but I have to remind myself that it was the heat of summer. Aug 31 - Sept 3 in Dallas area had temps in the high 90's with about 80%
you guys think SN has some magic parking pass so he can park where no one else can park where no one else can there is ZERO reason to believe SN had any way to get her to her car other than walk with her. I think it's highly likely he offered to walk with her since he was clearly at least mildly concerned for her, but she likely said no. I know maybe some posters are from a different generation but today if you offer to walk a girl somewhere (or something similar) and she says no, insisting and doing it anyway is no long seen as chivalrous, it's now seen as harassment.

And as to someone else asking why SN wasn't in the warrant after some point .... the warrant is not a timeline of SN or SB or PP or anyone's evening it's a document explaining why they have cause to arrest EA for kidnapping and to search his families home. These people are mentioned because something they said or did was relevant at some point in time that night to what EA did to CM. If people are no longer mentioned in the affidavit after a certain point it just means LE felt nothing involving them after that point was relevant to the purpose of getting the arrest and search warrants.

Bumping. Esp the last paragraph. Le Singe you were enfuego today....good stuff!
But she wasn't reported missing for FOUR days by ANYone!? Until her BOSS called a friend?!

The person(s) who should have been alarmed were those who she would see in her normal routine and notice her absence. But no one else in the world would have any way to know she wasn't where she should be, and thus missing, until one of those in her "life routine" circle noticed.

Who would those be?
- Her BF should have been one, living in the same residence, but they say he was out of town. And if he was a horse's rear who lived in his own self-focused world (being a drug dealer, I can envision that being the case), then why would he ever wonder or care where she was, if she wasn't with him? Layer that with a turbulent relationship, and he's an awful support net.
- Her boss would have been another, but only when she was expected at work, and apparently "missing a day without notice" didn't set off any alarms until it happened twice in a row.
- Neighbors? Probably not, in this day and age of myob living.
- Her family? As far as they knew, she was in FW living her life. No reason to think otherwise.
- The ones from 8/29? Same thing. She didn't see any of them on a daily basis. Once she left that apt, they shut the mental door and assumed she was back to her FW routine.

I don't think I'm unusual. And ....

If I fell down a well tomorrow, and no one saw it happen, there's only one person in the entire world that would notice I was missing anytime soon. A few others might notice after a few days or maybe up to a week, but if for some reason that one person didn't take notice, it might take that week for the rest of the world to start looking.

She probably wasn't much different.
The person(s) who should have been alarmed were those who she would see in her normal routine and notice her absence. But no one else in the world would have any way to know she wasn't where she should be, and thus missing, until one of those in her "life routine" circle noticed.

Who would those be?
- Her BF should have been one, living in the same residence, but they say he was out of town. And if he was a horse's rear who lived in his own self-focused world (being a drug dealer, I can envision that being the case), then why would he ever wonder or care where she was, if she wasn't with him? Layer that with a turbulent relationship, and he's an awful support net.
- Her boss would have been another, but only when she was expected at work, and apparently "missing a day without notice" didn't set off any alarms until it happened twice in a row.
- Neighbors? Probably not, in this day and age of myob living.
- Her family? As far as they knew, she was in FW living her life. No reason to think otherwise.
- The ones from 8/29? Same thing. She didn't see any of them on a daily basis. Once she left that apt, they shut the mental door and assumed she was back to her FW routine.

I don't think I'm unusual. And ....

If I fell down a well tomorrow, and no one saw it happen, there's only one person in the entire world that would notice I was missing anytime soon. A few others might notice after a few days or maybe up to a week, but if for some reason that one person didn't take notice, it might take that week for the rest of the world to start looking.

She probably wasn't much different.

Good post. Also if I missed a day of work unannounced (it's happened once or twice, i've worked at the same place for along time) they've called me being like yo whats up if I didn't answer they might call me a bunch of times, but I don't think they would take it any father than that after one day ... after two they would probably hit up my emergency contacts or someone they knew knew me. Which is what happened to her.

I think four day seems like a crazy amount of time because we know how the story ends but if you can't contact someone for a few days there are a million more likely things that could (and usually do) explain it then them being kidnapped and likely murdered. Like you say the only person that should have noticed before they did is HF and frankly I don't think he really cared and to be blunt about it was probably glad she wasn't around busting his balls about his drug use and cheating on her and etc. etc.
Who says that SN and EA hooked up while everyone else went to W? An hour ago we're thinking maybe they went to W, but now that we know otherwise, now it's assumed they are definitely doing something romantic instead? I'm skeptical.

But, why does it even have to be that explanation? If you don't like that one, of the possible explanations that I noted, pick another. Or I am sure there are many other perfectly benign explanations of how SN didn't happen to realize CN's car was still there, if you don't like any of mine. Reality is reality, so it doesn't have to be the explanation we would pick as "best."

Do we know if they parked in the same 2 spots next to cm and ea cars when they got back from whataburger?
Fair enough. Do the TOS prohibit us from transcribing the radio interview? If not, I will transcribe common controversies and post it as my own autosig...

Some of us have signatures blocked from showing on pages. The reason is to reduce info overload (distractions).
Please, if you transcribe the radio interview (with controversies), will you make a regular post as well? Thank you.
Do we know if they parked in the same 2 spots next to cm and ea cars when they got back from whataburger?

Nope. Nor do we know that they necessarily parked together before then, either. And in all of that are more benign explanations as to how SN (or others) had no clue that CM was missing for days.
No apology needed. I have wondered since day 1 why park soooooooo far from PP's apt, especially if planning to stay the night & even more so if, by 1 account at least, she planned to leave for work in the morning. I just figured I have never been there, or I'd understand. Anyone know???

As I understand it (I know the area and its character, very busy high-density area, have double-checked on google, but haven't driven to the street to verify my sense of things) ...

1 There was no street parking near the apt. Lots of towaway zones if you don't get one of the extremely few spots on the streets. Probably "no parking at any time" the entire length of Scruggs Way and perhaps all the perimeter of the apts as well. (The streets, by design, are built only with room for driving not parking, as the land is super expensive.)
2 I'm guessing that the apt complex has an owners-only parking lot, with "permit only" access, and with aggressive enforcement (towing for offenders) that provides extra revenue to the complex.
3 So, they selected the garage pkg that was undoubtedly the closest/easiest option available. No mystery to it.
As I understand it (I know the area and its character, very busy high-density area, have double-checked on google, but haven't driven to the street to verify my sense of things) ...

1 There was no street parking near the apt. Lots of towaway zones if you don't get one of the extremely few spots on the streets. Probably "no parking at any time" the entire length of Scruggs Way and perhaps all the perimeter of the apts as well. (The streets, by design, are built only with room for driving not parking, as the land is super expensive.)
2 I'm guessing that the apt complex has an owners-only parking lot, with "permit only" access, and with aggressive enforcement (towing for offenders) that provides extra revenue to the complex.
3 So, they selected the garage pkg that was undoubtedly the closest/easiest option available. No mystery to it.
Got it. Not sure why the bolding & snark was necessary. Guess that's why I hadn't asked before.

It seemed odd to me to not have guest parking any closer than a 20 min walk. I've never heard of such a thing.
The person(s) who should have been alarmed were those who she would see in her normal routine and notice her absence. But no one else in the world would have any way to know she wasn't where she should be, and thus missing, until one of those in her "life routine" circle noticed.

Who would those be?
- Her BF should have been one, living in the same residence, but they say he was out of town. And if he was a horse's rear who lived in his own self-focused world (being a drug dealer, I can envision that being the case), then why would he ever wonder or care where she was, if she wasn't with him? Layer that with a turbulent relationship, and he's an awful support net.
- Her boss would have been another, but only when she was expected at work, and apparently "missing a day without notice" didn't set off any alarms until it happened twice in a row.
- Neighbors? Probably not, in this day and age of myob living.
- Her family? As far as they knew, she was in FW living her life. No reason to think otherwise.
- The ones from 8/29? Same thing. She didn't see any of them on a daily basis. Once she left that apt, they shut the mental door and assumed she was back to her FW routine.

I don't think I'm unusual. And ....

If I fell down a well tomorrow, and no one saw it happen, there's only one person in the entire world that would notice I was missing anytime soon. A few others might notice after a few days or maybe up to a week, but if for some reason that one person didn't take notice, it might take that week for the rest of the world to start looking.

She probably wasn't much different.

I agree. I had to go back through all the posts to make myself a cast of characters to sort it all out.
I live in 2 ridiculously strict HOAs. And I can't imagine anyone objecting to a missing person's poster. Not putting them up will more negatively effect home values than doing so.

Not in my community you cant even put anything in a mail box!
NO posters not flyers nada.
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