GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #29 *Arrest*

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Here's what I think happened:

EA decides to leave party after getting "rejected". CM decides to go with him because the party is dying down/things are getting awkward/she wants to go home/who knows. Her phone dies, or is low so she asks EA to use his to call/text HF to leave the door open because she couldn't find her keys. She asks EA for a ride home, and he agrees. They get into his car and leave.

Now, instead of driving to Ft. Worth, he decides to drive towards his place... I can imagine him saying something like "Ft. Worth is far, you can crash at my place lets just go there." Probably with the intentions of trying to hook up with her. She says no I don't want to go to your place, they start bickering, which leads her to possibly biting him, punching him maybe? Which causes him to lose control of his car and crash into something (hence the car damage) This sends him over the edge, and he attacks her. When he was interviewed about the bite marks and bruises he says he got into a fight. Probably not far from the truth. And then he says it was from doing car maintenance. He sure did seem to talk about his car a lot... So combine EA's love of his car with drugs, alcohol, a short temper, and getting "rejected" and I bet he just lost it and punched her or choked her out. Probably didn't mean to kill her. He looks like a bigger guy and she's very tiny... So after that, he panics and puts her in the trunk instead of calling 911. He is totally screwed no matter what and I'm sure he knows it.

As far as what he did with her afterwards, I haven't a clue. I wish there was more details of his whereabouts the next 4 days. Other than him meticulously cleaning his car of course, and acting weird at work.

I just want to clarify that I am in no way saying that it was her fault, this is just my speculation. I don't think there was anything trafficking, cartel, or carefully devised plan. I think it was just someone who lost their temper and took it too far, and then panicked.

My other speculation is that he just straight up tried to make a move on her at some point and she retaliated, things got bad, and basically the same thing happens.

My deepest condolences to her family and friends, I hope she is found and I hope I'm wrong about my speculation. JMO IMO MOO
I think that this line of thinking is most likely. When you start thinking about more elaborate conspiracies, as someone mentioned upthread, if he had his way he would have been laying on the couch with SB. So, a well timed, planned handoff doesn't seem likely. He was probably a horny hothead who was drunk enough and frustrated enough to snap.
Plans to go somewhere for a bit could explain the text to leave the door unlocked. It's bothered me that she would text her sleeping bf to leave the door unlocked. But, if she knew she'd be home after or around sunrise and knew (if) he had plans to leave the house early that morning maybe the text means when he leaves she wants him to leave the door unlocked. Just my own speculation on the theory, IMO.
Could EA have left the text in order to gain access to HF or his stash (drugs and money)?
Has anyone considered that the hoax or photo might be a clue about Christina? EA did mention another garage that he supposedly parked in.
I think it is very strange. Was that photo ever published anywhere?
EA did mention another garage that he supposedly parked in.

I think it is very strange.

ES lies ...and lies...and lies...and lies ...and lies.

And he lied and lied on this, of course. I wouldn't expect that the other garage means anything.
Has anyone heard if other traffic cameras in the area picked up on his car around SOL or the surrounding areas? Or do traffic cams only take a picture/record if someone runs a red light or something?
Just a dumb question but if her phone pinged it couldn't have been that dead could it? Could it be her phone was temporarily shut off due to nonpayment? That's why she users EAs phone? Forgive me if this has been covered. I'm trying to logically figure out why she used his phone if hers pinged a short time later. I know I don't use anyone's phone unless mine is dead and won't turn on. Back to Ghosting it

CM's phone is on her Dad's plan, so I believe it was fully paid, or the whole family would have been shut down. Plus, her Dad would have mentioned that happening.

Also, I think the phone experts on this forum have determined that as your phone dies, it sends out one last ping.

Has anyone heard if other traffic cameras in the area picked up on his car around SOL or the surrounding areas? Or do traffic cams only take a picture/record if someone runs a red light or something?

I read about this once before and the cameras are activated by motion once a car continues into an intersection after the light has turned red..they don't continually take photos. I know, wouldn't that be great!

IMO I find it hard to believe LE doesn't have additonal video/pics from various businesses through out Plano & Allen. Especially since they can possibly track his route (more or less) from his cell phone pings. Besides, not much happening at the hours in question here so it wouldn't be hard to point out a Camero driving by.
BBM - this is true of other pieces of information and it can be confusing if we rely on the earlier interviews. It's totally understandable that over a period of 4 months more and better information will be released by LE.

I'm sorry that I can't remember who said it above but I'm tending to the view that we can only totally rely on what's in the warrants.


Possibly, the new calls details put out by LE cancel out any older 'leaked' information about CM's phone calls/texts.
I'm willing to consider the older call details false, especially since we know now, all Christina's final calls weren't made to HF.

Jonni claimed the original information came from Christina's phone records that Mr. Morris had access to though.
So, until we're privy to all of Christina's phone activity from her own phone until its last ping (4:4? a.m.), we can't be sure the newest info cancels out the older call info. Both reports may be true. LE's purpose for stating the times of the call and two texts Christina made to HF using EA's phone was to obtain a search warrant. LE may not have had reason to include further details from CM's phone to substantiate the warrant. Later, if another text WAS sent to HF using CM's phone, Christina may not have been the one who sent it.

If the text "please leave the door unlocked" was sent using CM's phone, anyone (EA) could have sent it. I'm curious though because, it was my understanding, Jonni was able to look at HF's phone. Did she assume the message was sent from CM's phone when it was really sent from EA's? I'm not one who texts so I'm unable to visualize how clearly the sender phone info shows up (if one is scrolling through texts on a foreign phone). Maybe Jonni didn't notice the text was sent from EA's phone because she was focused on the message (HF may have said, this is the final text I received from Christina but didn't mention it came from EA's number).

The point being, the message of what is thought to be CM's final text, whether sent from EA or CM's phone, is one of the reasons people are seriously suspicious about the reason why HF couldn't bother to report Christina missing. After all, HF was the recipient of a message from Christina asking him to leave the door unlocked.
Yet, after four days, Christina never walked through that door. The door to the house in which she was living. The door to the house where she kept her clothing, the camera she used for work, her makeup, accessories and shoes, and, most importantly, her DOG. No one can convince me a young woman would choose to stay away without making a trip "home" to collect some possessions (and maybe to finish the fight). No way.

People who are sticking up for HF, have at it. One time I didn't get into an elevator because the guy standing next to me gave me the creeps. I muttered something about having to return to my car and left the scene almost running. It was that same feeling I had while watching HF trying to explain himself during his "cooperative" interview. bs. imo. He wasn't/isn't telling the truth either.
Such a good point! Wow that's a weird thing, too because from the first reports of her missing her dad was interviewed and said that he had access to her phone records since she is still on his phone plan and that the last 15 calls/texts from her phone records were made to HF. Does this mean she made 15 attempts to contact her bf AFTER that call to SN in the garage?? Wowzers! If so, that's a lot of attempts in such a short amount of time! What would that mean??

Thank you for bringing this point up. I had the same thought but didn't have the energy to debate a whole new can of worms! We don't know for certain if communications continued beyond 3:55 a.m., do we?

From the beginning, it made me uncomfortable to consider info given out by the family as fact. No disrespect intended whatsoever. Without also having the surrounding details to go along with the fifteen calls (times, text vs. call, duration, whether or not they were answered/responded to), we wouldn't learn much anyway.

The truth is, VI's posted repeatedly, "Jonni said". After a short time, I felt awful about doubting anything. By expressing any doubt, I felt as if it would be perceived as criticism. Actually, I tend to be a lot like Steve is here sometimes.
When taking any kind of a strong stance (opposing guilt or going against the accepted climate that develops in every case, every case being different) it can feel very lonely posting at times!
Nothing in the affidavit(s) ever suggest or indicate when exactly CM or EA last/final communication was. The only thing I have seen in each of them (3) states that CM & EA final communication with the one tower at 5800 Granite Pkwy was at 4:47am (CM) & 4:56am (EA).

We don't know if, when or where any other tower communication(s) pings are made regarding the FINAL or last cell phone records for either of them. We also don't know (per LE) how many calls, what time(s), who they were made to, what message were exchanged except the very few mentioned in those same 3 affidavits that we've all read.
The one from CM to HF (the pic of the 2 keys),
one made from CM to SN (exactly what was said=?)
and the 3 to HF from EA phone (exactly what was exchanged=?).

I know others have said more about these calls but I've yet to see/read anything factual about them.

As far as 100% verifiable, idk, I'll just stick with what's in the affidavits. Hear-say and interviews with ppl are making these theories questionable.
People who are sticking up for HF, have at it.

I understand the question marks about some of HFs actions, but he didn't take CM (she was in EA's TRUNK!!) and he wouldn't know where she is (EA had her IN HIS TRUNK). If you want someone to criticize for bad behavior, the world is full of them, but if you want to find CM, the person to ask is EA because he knows where it occurred that she was removed from HIS TRUNK.

EA lied about virtually everything, hid stuff that had info on his actions and communications in the time at and after CM's disappearance, tried to mislead the investigation, and more. And LE has discovered that CM was IN HIS TRUNK. If you're focusing on HF's missteps to try to find CM, you're looking in the wrong place.
We don't know what information they are using, but a ping indicates the phone is communicating with the network tower to locate it. I believe they could get this info from an actual text or call to the phone, too.

From what I've heard discussed over many cases, there are levels of phone research. Are peeps familiar with the term triangulation? This is where an experienced technician can use phone pings to locate a precise area. The triangulation study takes more than just a call to the provider.

What's puzzling about EA, considering he worked for a phone service provider, is that he'd let Christina's phone stay active for any time after they left the garage (if he had bad intentions from the get-go). If her phone was allowed to ping for over an hour, it makes me question if what happened was deliberate. Why not remove the battery immediately? Makes no sense.
What's puzzling about EA, considering he worked for a phone service provider, is ...

I disagree that a person who sells cell phones would be expected to be an expert on the technical workings of cell towers.

If he was a technician who dealt with towers, reception, and coverage, sure - but he wasn't. He was a salesman whose product happened to be phones. His job was to explain the features of iPhones and cell plans and get people to sign a contract. (In that job, he might be familiar with things customers would ask, but how many ask about how phones ping off of towers? Outside of WS discussions, it's just not something people know or think about.)

I'm not saying it's not something he could have had some knowledge about, but if he did, it had nothing to do with his job. (If he did, I'd guess it came from being a predator who wanted to know how to hide his tracks.)
The problem with determining locations with pings is they are triangulated. It gives an area, but not an exact coordinate. They are not like using GPS tracking. However, the use by LE is very common and they can track a phone quite successfully. This tactic has been used to solve many cases where it put the perp in the area of the crime or with the victim.

Oops, of course you do - lol! Ms. 34,000+++ posts! :D:):tyou:
I understand the question marks about some of HFs actions, but he didn't take CM (she was in EA's TRUNK!!) and he wouldn't know where she is (EA had her IN HIS TRUNK). If you want someone to criticize for bad behavior, the world is full of them, but if you want to find CM, the person to ask is EA because he knows where it occurred that she was removed from HIS TRUNK.

EA lied about virtually everything, hid stuff that had info on his actions and communications in the time at and after CM's disappearance, tried to mislead the investigation, and more. And LE has discovered that CM was IN HIS TRUNK. If you're focusing on HF's missteps to try to find CM, you're looking in the wrong place.

I understand where you're coming from. EA is in jail for AK. However, until everything comes out in regards to this case, I personally (IMO) cannot discount some kind of connection with HF's shenanigans. I don't think he (HF) was directly involved, but again it could be his connections and lifestyle. I don't know. None of us KNOW anything other than what LE wants us to know. I feel in my heart PPD has a lot and are just waiting on that final piece of the puzzle. Until that time, we are here to speculate and toss ideas around.

I know JMOM has not been here for a while (and I hope she's ok) but from my understanding, she listens to what we are saying and brings thoughtts and ideas back to Jonni and Paula.
Nothing in the affidavit(s) ever suggest or indicate when exactly CM or EA last/final communication was. The only thing I have seen in each of them (3) states that CM & EA final communication with the one tower at 5800 Granite Pkwy was at 4:47am (CM) & 4:56am (EA).
We don't know if, when or where any other tower communication(s) pings are made regarding the FINAL or last cell phone records for either of them. We also don't know (per LE) how many calls, what time(s), who they were made to, what message were exchanged except the very few mentioned in those same 3 affidavits that we've all read.
The one from CM to HF (the pic of the 2 keys),
one made from CM to SN (exactly what was said=?)
and the 3 to HF from EA phone (exactly what was exchanged=?).

I know others have said more about these calls but I've yet to see/read anything factual about them.

As far as 100% verifiable, idk, I'll just stick with what's in the affidavits. Hear-say and interviews with ppl are making these theories questionable.

Do you think that EA was parked for the (at least) 9 minutes where his and Christina's phones pinged at 5800 Granite Parkway? At first I thought he had driven past and then back again, but the affidavit made a point of saying it pinged on the same tower and the same side. This is now making me think that possibly he did park there for a while.
Do you think that EA was parked for the (at least) 9 minutes where his and Christina's phones pinged at 5800 Granite Parkway? At first I thought he had driven past and then back again, but the affidavit made a point of saying it pinged on the same tower and the same side. This is now making me think that possibly he did park there for a while.

Yes, I do think that he was stopped. Especially since (like you mentioned) the last pings were same side of the same tower and in "close proximity" to one another. We don't know if this was the last pings of the night from CM phone, all we know is that's the last ping from that one tower.

They went on to mention EA ping later close to his house but nothing indicates her phone wasn't pinging there also (they mention she was in his trunk when he drove home) <-why would they assume that??? Yes, I know her DNA was in his trunk but what makes them believe she was in the trunk "when he drove home"? Cameras, videos, pings, GPS....we don't know why.

And they didn't indicate how long he was pinging from his house...could be until 10am or for just 1 minute.
I understand where you're coming from. EA is in jail for AK. However, until everything comes out in regards to this case, I personally (IMO) cannot discount some kind of connection with HF's shenanigans. I don't think he (HF) was directly involved, but again it could be his connections and lifestyle. I don't know. None of us KNOW anything other than what LE wants us to know. I feel in my heart PPD has a lot and are just waiting on that final piece of the puzzle. Until that time, we are here to speculate and toss ideas around.

I know JMOM has not been here for a while (and I hope she's ok) but from my understanding, she listens to what we are saying and brings thoughtts and ideas back to Jonni and Paula.

No I am not saying that EA knows where CM is because he happens to be in jail. The fact is, they found a match for CMs DNA in EA's trunk, which means that the the likelihood that CM was IN HIS TRUNK (and not someone else) is 68,999,999,999,999,999 in 69,000,000,000,000,000.

There's no question that she was IN HIS TRUNK.

What does it take for CM to not have been IN HIS TRUNK? It would mean that someone else has the very same DNA as CM (which is only a 1 in 69,000,000,000,000,000 chance) ...and it also means that that impossibly rare duplicate also had to have crossed paths with EA on or about the early part of September 2014 and leave their DNA in his trunk ...and then, CM also happens to go completely missing from life at the same time, having last been seen in his company before she completely disappeared.

That would be the most stunning coincidence that could ever happen, to have two impossibly-identical DNA people, who not only exist but also somehow happen to cross EAs path at the very same time so that it looks like CM was in his trunk leaving DNA. Let's be honest here, there's simply no way that happened.

So that means he put her IN HIS TRUNK, and if we want to know where she is, EA knows where CM was when she was taken out of his TRUNK. It's as simple as that. And since AK carries a range of up to 99 years, I'd press that he gets the full 99, where he never sees freedom again for the rest of his sorry lying existence, if he doesn't tell where she is.
Yes, I do think that he was stopped. Especially since (like you mentioned) the last pings were same side of the same tower and in "close proximity" to one another. We don't know if this was the last pings of the night from CM phone, all we know is that's the last ping from that one tower. They went on to mention EA ping later close to his house but nothing indicates her phone wasn't pinging there also (they mention she was in his trunk when he drove home)
<- why would they assume that???
And they didn't indicate how long he was pinging from his house...could be until 10am or for just 1 minute.

LE believe that he returned to his house with Christina in his trunk, so they must have good reason to believe this, and I think it probably has to do with phone pings and possibly the GPS on his vehicle, giving them a good idea of where he went that night.

If they were able to figure out where he parked and have already thoroughly searched those places and turned up nothing, they would likely assume that when he returned home, she was still in his vehicle.
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