GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #30 *Arrest*

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EA is friends with ALP. Take a look at his fb page. The closeness of their relationship we can only speculate.

True.. I have FB "friends" that I have NEVER met & some that I don't even have a clue who they are...
Do you think LE has phone pings for all of EA's time that night into day? Or did he turn off his phone at some point? Because if they can track all his movements to some degree, I believe Christina will be found.
EA is friends with ALP. Take a look at his fb page. The closeness of their relationship we can only speculate.

Also, was CM facebook friends with ALP? and was ALP facebook friends with anyone else who was there that night? TIA
Okay, okay -- we got it! Her DNA was IN THE TRUNK. The question we want to know is how did it end up IN THE TRUNK? What led up to it being IN THE TRUNK?

It is not stupid to look at the happenings of the evening leading up to whatever happened IN THE TRUNK to see if other people can give us a clue. It is also not unreasonable to look at the relationship dynamics of her circle of friends especially given the drama of all involved. The quote was from an interview that someone involved gave. Do we now eliminate testimony from a certain date back? If her DNA being IN THE TRUNK is all that is needed, then this case would be closed by now. Last I checked it's not.

She was IN HIS TRUNK, so if you want to find CM, then figure out where EA took her out of his trunk. And if you want to know where she was before that, she was walking with EA, and before that she was in an apt with a lot of people.

If you want to know where CM is and what happened, the answer lies with EA.
This is the first time that I've ever seen/heard of her calling ALP and him calling her in the wee hours. That's just very strange IMO. If HF and him "couldn't stand ea other" and HF said he wanted to "kick his *advertiser censored**" I don't think HF would be thrilled to learn they were communicatin at 3:00 & 3:40am while he was "sleeping".
So she was talking to ALP while she was walking with EA. Per EA he didnt talk to her because she seemed upset and was talking loudly on the phone. We know it wasnt HF because he never answered. The only 2 people she spoke with on the phone was ALP and SN it seems. Hmmmm :thinking:
We have also brought up the message left on CM facebook page by one of ALP'S friend around the time of the breakup with ALP.

CM post on her fb 10/14/13 Karma must really exist

Look at the comment from NS

yes I would imagine around the time of a break up, friends will take sides sometime regrettably on facebook. Which I do believe this NS said on facebook around the time she went missing. (that he regrets he said that and that he was only taking sides)
I wish I knew.... his house? I don't really see him cleaning up a crime scene and then taking the cleaning bottles home to throw them away....

ETA: To clarify, I mean cleaning up a crime at his house, not just helping out with the chores

if I was really concerned about what might be found somewhere I think I would likely clean it repeatedly, but that's just me.
Do you think LE has phone pings for all of EA's time that night into day? Or did he turn off his phone at some point? Because if they can track all his movements to some degree, I believe Christina will be found.

I believe they have many more pings than they have mentioned. Many many many more. How could they not?

But, if they could follow them to where CM is, obviously they would have done that months ago. Unfortunately, they don't have enough, and we have to look and hope we find her.
I find it very interesting ALP is in thar phone log
This is the first time that I've ever seen/heard of her calling ALP and him calling her in the wee hours. That's just very strange IMO. If HF and him "couldn't stand ea other" and HF said he wanted to "kick his *advertiser censored**" I don't think HF would be thrilled to learn they were communicatin at 3:00 & 3:40am while he was "sleeping".

^^This is the post I responded to ^^

Only speculation - looking at a real long time brewing *possible* motive
The bitterness of betrayal between the CM,HF & ALP trio is very real.
CM & HF did in fact betray ALP. CM & ALP were long time partners/BF/GF and Living together when the betrayal
occurred in Oct 2013 per ALP - here is the link

<snipped for space>
Anna Morris said she has helped raise her stepdaughter since she was 3.
&#8220;She&#8217;s unforgettable,&#8221; she said. &#8220;She&#8217;s a tiny little thing, but she has a huge presence. She&#8217;s lively. She&#8217;s loved.&#8221;
Anna Morris lives with her husband in Allen, where Christina went to Allen High School with her ex-boyfriend Aaron Logan Prendergast.
&#8216;Everyone wants her home&#8217;
Prendergast and Morris moved in together in August 2013 after dating for a year, Prendergast said. But they broke up in October when Morris started dating his best friend, who is her current boyfriend.
&#8220;They started dating while we were still living together,&#8221; Prendergast said.
Plano police have said the current boyfriend is not a suspect.
Prendergast said he has communicated with criminal investigators twice since Morris disappeared and believes that she must have left the parking garage with someone else because her Toyota Celica coupe was still there.

Direct link to article:

So, how you do think this links back to EA? I'm curious as I have no idea. After all, seems like the most damaging evidence (i.e. not circumstantial) points to him. If there is a conspiracy, I'd like to know why PPD only has evidence on EA. I am sure by now, they have looked at everything they can find...

That is who PPD has arrested in connection with her disappearance at this time.

All this is old old old old info and beliefs. Story written Sep 9th!!

They have ARRESTED someone, not thrashing around trying to to figure out how she left anymore. They found DNA that shows she was IN THE TRUNK of EA's vehicle and arrested EA for the Aggravated Kidnapping of CM.

The age of the report and the facts of the relationship is why it is posted. I responded only to remind everyone of the actual relationship triangle.
My post is not at all talking about anyone else.
yes I would imagine around the time of a break up, friends will take sides sometime regrettably on facebook. Which I do believe this NS said on facebook around the time she went missing. (that he regrets he said that and that he was only taking sides)
Thats good to know. I never seen him post that but I have seen him and PP's comments saying HF was not involved and pointing blame at EA
I said awhile back it possible ea took her to his place
And alp took EA's car and he and Christina went off together leaving ea at his place.
Per EA he didnt talk to her because she seemed upset and was talking loudly on the phone.

Don't forget that
(1) "I didn't talk to her" was part of a lie told by EA,
(2) he has a record of lots and lots and lots and lots and lotttttttttttsssss of lies,
(3) we only have his allegation that she was upset, that she was talking loudly, and that they didn't talk, and
(4) while he characterizes that as her situation throughout, the phone record proves she was NOT on her phone for the entire 20 minute walk - far from it. So there's that.

I'm not sure I believe anything he said.
I agree 100%!

So if we try to think of locations, we have several options:
*One being the area around the Shops IF law enforcement is not certain she was still in his trunk when his phone pinged at the Bethany tower at around 5:30.
If that's the case, then there is a very limited area due to the time he could have spent there before heading home toward Allen.

*Second, LE may actually have further pings from her phone letting them know that she was indeed travelling in the same direction as he was, even back to the Bethany tower. If that is the case, he could have either: taken her somewhere between 5:30ish (sorry, I forget the exact time) and when he was seen on the Kroger video at around 10:30ish (if he did this, then we are looking at a pretty big window of time! Did he drive a long way and just dump her somewhere? Or did he stay in closer proximity and actually take time to bury or hide her body?)

OR he could have actually put her in a "holding place" until later. If that is the case, she could be verry far from Allen.

Do we know if he worked the following day? I mean after the day he went to work looking like $hit, the day after she was last seen? Do we have any accounting of his whereabouts that following day? He was at work at 11am on the 30th, but when did he get off of work that day and did he return to work the next day or did he have a day off? I don't remember if we heard anything or read anything about that in the affidavits, but it's something to think about. You would think he wouldn't have wanted to hide her for any period of time before disposing of her completely, but you never know.

Maybe he contacted someone else to help him dispose of her later, or he had to gather things, like (sorry) a metal drum, or a different vehicle, or other chemicals.

IMO she is going to be some place that he is comfortable with probably in relatively close proximity to his home, his work, his school, places he use to hang out, places he went camping etc. I think if would be best for investigators to focus on finding these things out and prioritizing searching those areas.
From the OdoBan website:

Fire restoration? What's that mean?

you ever smelled your clothes after spending a night around a camp fire? now extrapolate that to how a building and everything in it would smell after there was a fire in it.
She was IN HIS TRUNK, so if you want to find CM, then figure out where EA took her out of his trunk. And if you want to know where she was before that, she was walking with EA, and before that she was in an apt with a lot of people.

If you want to know where CM is and what happened, the answer lies with EA.

I think this is the case in a nutshell, and the other things are just diversions from the core problem, which is finding Christina. I will be surprised if anyone else is directly involved with her disappearance.
She was IN HIS TRUNK, so if you want to find CM, then figure out where EA took her out of his trunk. And if you want to know where she was before that, she was walking with EA, and before that she was in an apt with a lot of people.

If you want to know where CM is and what happened, the answer lies with EA.

Yep... 1+1=2
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