GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #30 *Arrest*

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Okay I can see that. But 3 phones? Why did he keep switching out 3 phones?

On Nov. 1, Arochi said he was on a leave of absence from Sprint due to the Morris investigation, but according to coworkers, Arochi was fired after his arrest for theft.

“He had three phones and would switch them out,” said a coworker, who asked to remain anonymous. “It was always the same number, but he would switch them out. I was there the day [he was caught]. We got a shipment of a few phones that were not in our inventory, and he had them hidden on his desk.”
He wanted to match his outfit? He appears to be quite into presenting a certain image and using different phones feeds his ego, imo.
Unless she shows up or they find her, you are correct: it will be up to a jury to decide.

Again, police had to say something in the affidavit in order to get the warrants. Affidavits are full or theories and beliefs, not proof. That's why affiants have to say the "believe" or "believe based on."

I've spoken of this many times, the AK charge. It seems ramped up, in my opinion, because it has to be based on the intent to do one of six things stated in the law. Only one of those six could possibly fit - the harm or sexual assault one.

They have no proof that he did either of those things, and so they simply rely on "she said" testimony of a different girl who was at the apartment that night in the affidavit for the arrest. Without the stretching, in my opinion, of this other girl's testimony, there is no basis for the arrest warrant.

If there were stronger evidence that he did something, they would have arrested him sooner. Right now, because of the charge they've chosen, it's all circumstantial and based on trying to prove a mindset that may not have even existed except in another girl's mind.

I could be wrong, but weren't they waiting for the test results on the car to come back?? I doubt they sat on that for a long time, then just up and decided to arrest.
Here is an explanation
And even though Arochi was arrested for taking a phone from the Sprint store where he worked, Quintanilla described it as a misunderstanding.
“He was a manager. He thought he had the authority to take the phone. His wasn’t working,” he said. “But they have a strict standard at Sprint, and they had to file charges. I think he was fired as a result of that.”

Wow, I sincerely hope no one fell for that facile PR by Quintanilla!
Unless she shows up or they find her, you are correct: it will be up to a jury to decide.

Again, police had to say something in the affidavit in order to get the warrants. Affidavits are full or theories and beliefs, not proof. That's why affiants have to say the "believe" or "believe based on."

I've spoken of this many times, the AK charge. It seems ramped up, in my opinion, because it has to be based on the intent to do one of six things stated in the law. Only one of those six could possibly fit - the harm or sexual assault one.

They have no proof that he did either of those things, and so they simply rely on "she said" testimony of a different girl who was at the apartment that night in the affidavit for the arrest. Without the stretching, in my opinion, of this other girl's testimony, there is no basis for the arrest warrant.

If there were stronger evidence that he did something, they would have arrested him sooner. Right now, because of the charge they've chosen, it's all circumstantial and based on trying to prove a mindset that may not have even existed except in another girl's mind.

Thank You Quailfoot,
This is not to say he is going to absolutely walk away; but unless she shows up or is found it is only a belief or speculation.
Sure thing he has some shady actions and statements that have proven to be inaccurate; but legally jury convicted for a horrible crime he is not.

ETA: The AK Charge - yes it does seem a bit ramped up.
I do think IF CM left that garage at 3:58a- she left as a willing passenger.
The intent to abduct was not there at the time.
No abduction =no kidnapping =no aggravation
IMO, that would be an HR nightmare. I'd bet the official reason for his termination is listed as theft.

Oh absolutely that is the official reason.. just wondering how many other managers "use" phones & it is overlooked..
I'm curious as to what makes you think that? Wasnt he arrested in Sept for the phone stealing? His name wasn't made public until Oct with the picketing (except here on WS). Do you think LE went to management with their suspicions? I'm sure LE was interviewing EA and employees, but I would doubt that they would say they suspected him. Do you think it was just because of all the interviewing? TIA

i think they knew something was up beyond the pale when they wanted to interview co-workers who were obviously not there that night and they want all kind of records for EA from that next morning. Then they pull the records and find out he was late to work that morning, and they talk to their other employees like hey whats going on the and they are like he was all busied up and had a bite mark, they would have been able to put two and two together and known there was likely a problem. So unless sprints regional manager was Mr Magoo I'm sure they knew. Also per the affidavit sprints regional manager SA called PPD to let them know about the stolen phone and charges being filed etc. which to me sounds like something you would do if you knew someone was a suspect.

I think as soon as the above started coming out they were looking for the best way to cut ties with him quickly but also not get sued.

As and aside I think EA is guiltier that hell and neck deep in whatever happened, but I don't necessary think the phone theft or w/e necessarily had anything to do with it (with the exception of him "wiping" the phone). I think you have to look at this thing two ways:

1. It happened for the reasons LE (and I) think and it was not specifically premeditated, or

2. It was specifically premeditated and the motive was one of the various conspiracies that have been discussed.

I don't know that it can be part one and part the other.
Jmo, the longer she is missing, the more likely that she is deceased. LE could go ahead and charge him with murder, based on the circumstances of their last encounter, his numerous lies, the evidence in his trunk, his actions including the extreme cleaning of his car to the point where he was hours late to work, his physical injuries, and probably more that we don't know about. There have been convictions with less evidence. Defense would display HF as an alternate suspect, but I think a jury would see through that, and that LE would be able to show what was done to establish his whereabouts and alibi.

Thank You Quailfoot,
This is not to say he is going to absolutely walk away; but unless she shows up or is found it is only a belief or speculation.
Sure thing he has some shady actions and statements that have proven to be inaccurate; but legally jury convicted for a horrible crime he is not.

ETA: The AK Charge - yes it does seem a bit ramped up.
I do think IF CM left that garage at 3:58a- she left as a willing passenger.
The intent to abduct was not there at the time.
No abduction =no kidnapping =no aggravation

and she was tired so she was thinking it would be more comfortable to lay down in the trunk.
and she was tired so she was thinking it would be more comfortable to lay down in the trunk.

JMO~ Thanks Le Singe
I am not convinced she (her physical body) was ever in the trunk space.
Sorry,but that is how I feel and how I see it at this point.
I already posted my reasoning why. I am not on board with the trunk thing at all at this juncture.
I was just thinking of reasons to have 3 cell phones and to rotate them. Maybe he sold cell phones to his friends and pocketed the cash instead of running them thru Sprint. Maybe people would see his phone and say "hey I like your phone!" And he says, well I can get you a deal on a used one. Just a thought. Also, if someone were reviewing his cell records, it would be very easy to know each time he switched phones. Each phone has a unique serial number that is attached to a phone number (kind of like a license plate). Even though they could have been identical phones, electronically the carrier knows when the phone is switched.
and she was tired so she was thinking it would be more comfortable to lay down in the trunk.
I find this highly unlikely. It would never enter my mind to ride in the trunk. I probably would ask if I could recline my seat or even sit in the backseat, but never the trunk.
Also, keep in mind that everything used or described as evidence in the affidavit will not necessarily be used in an eventual trial. The defense attorney will, obviously, ask the judge to keep some evidence out of trial. He will do so to get it on record that it may not have been gathered properly or legally.

And, again, defense attorneys do this not just for the trial at hand, but for the possibility of appeal, where justices higher up the line simply look at whether the correct law was chosen and followed, whether the procedures were followed correctly along the way, and whether evidence was properly admitted or kept out.

In short, as stated before, without CM showing up or being found, this could be a long, long process.
I have not followed the Heather Elvis case but it appears from what I read two people were arrested and charges changed to murder within days of their house being searched. There is no body and Heather Elvis has not been found either.

So we all know it is possible for those charges to be brought against EA in the future if they find any evidence. I believe since they searched his house weeks ago we should have heard something by now if anything was found. It is considered a criminal case now and not just a missing person. JMO
I do not see why Christina would have gotten into EA's car, at this point. Once upon a time, I thought that maybe he was going to give her a ride home, but I don't believe that anymore.

IMO, she just wanted someone to walk her to her car so she could leave in her car. Why wouldn't she just drive her own car to her father's house?

I don't remember a statement saying that when CM left SN's apartment that she had asked EA for a ride. IIRC, EA volunteered to walk CM to her car. Isn't that right?

IMO, CM didn't leave that garage willingly in EA's car.

That is JMO. :moo:
Having been a retail manager for many years(once upon a time, a long time ago, in a land far far away), I have a serious problem with the statement that EA, working in a management capacity, didn't know the company's stand point on whether or not phones could just be taken and used by members of the staff. IMO, this would disrupt the store's inventory as well as make it impossible to determine whether the phone was being "used" or if it had been stolen. IMO, if this was common practice, there would be some type of tracking system in place to ensure that the inventory was being controlled.

Wasn't this a phone worth over $500?

I have not followed the Heather Elvis case but it appears from what I read two people were arrested and charges changed to murder within days of their house being searched. There is no body and Heather Elvis has not been found either.

So we all know it is possible for those charges to be brought against EA in the future if they find any evidence. I believe since they searched his house weeks ago we should have heard something by now if anything was found. It is considered a criminal case now and not just a missing person. JMO

I have followed the HE case closely since the start. W
The specific DNA evidence was never disclosed and there is a gag order in place, so, no info at all.
The two perps were initially charged with AK, as well, and then murder charges were added with no body or confession.
If you think CM's case is some of the HE forum threads.
I find this highly unlikely. It would never enter my mind to ride in the trunk. I probably would ask if I could recline my seat or even sit in the backseat, but never the trunk.

I believe Le Singe's comment was said in jest.
I have not followed the Heather Elvis case but it appears from what I read two people were arrested and charges changed to murder within days of their house being searched. There is no body and Heather Elvis has not been found either.

So we all know it is possible for those charges to be brought against EA in the future if they find any evidence. I believe since they searched his house weeks ago we should have heard something by now if anything was found. It is considered a criminal case now and not just a missing person. JMO

I have followed that case. they suspect that Heather left in the Moorer's car. They searched their house as well. IMO, I believe or at least hope, as they are taking those two to trial, with no body, that they have evidence that she was deceased in the car or something of that nature. They were arrested two months after she dissappeared. In this case, IMO, I don't think they have the evidence in his car or his house that she is deceased. I just don't. They would have arrested hoping that the arrest would lead to a body to take off the DP. I think the more time that passes, the harder it is to find her, assuming she has passed. It has been over a year for Heather Elvis.
I have followed that case. they suspect that Heather left in the Moorer's car. They searched their house as well. IMO, I believe or at least hope, as they are taking those two to trial, with no body, that they have evidence that she was deceased in the car or something of that nature. They were arrested two months after she dissappeared. In this case, IMO, I don't think they have the evidence in his car or his house that she is deceased. I just don't. They would have arrested hoping that the arrest would lead to a body to take off the DP. I think the more time that passes, the harder it is to find her, assuming she has passed. It has been over a year for Heather Elvis.
HockeyMom, are you saying that when EA was arrested in December, he would have been charged with murder in addition to AK, if they had more evidence? I'm having a bit of a blurry brain day, so thanks in advance for your patience with me! [emoji5]
I find this highly unlikely. It would never enter my mind to ride in the trunk. I probably would ask if I could recline my seat or even sit in the backseat, but never the trunk.

Pretty sure Le Singe was being sarcastic (I hope).. The only time I ever rode in a trunk was to sneak into a drive-in movie theatre, when I was very young (many many moons ago)...
HockeyMom, are you saying that when EA was arrested in December, he would have been charged with murder in addition to AK, if they had more evidence? I'm having a bit of a blurry brain day, so thanks in advance for your patience with me! [emoji5]

No worries. I am saying at any point, if they had more evidence, yes, I think could charged him with murder. But, yes, they could have done so in December, I suppose, or even the days that have followed. In Heathers case, they were charged initially with AK, and on that day the house was searched and vehicles taken. Then three days later they were charged with murder. So, I think that if they found something substantial in the search they could have charged him. That doesn't mean that they still can't do it. I just have my doubts in the case for many reasons.
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