GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #31 *Arrest*

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Just a late night thought to add to the timeframe of when we think EA could have taken Christina out of his trunk.

He states he had to be at work at 8am IIRC. Well Sprint in Wylie does not open until 10 am on Saturdays. So why would he have been considered 3 hours late to work and not just 1 if he arrived at approx 11am? Why would a manager have to be 2 hours early to work? Unless they were getting a delivery of phones? what else bothers me is do we know if all employees have a key to the store to unlock the door, turn off the alarm, set up registers for the day? Is that something only a manager would do? If thats the case he would have had to get to work and at least unlock the door to let the employees in.
I never considered the possibility he had her in his trunk and drove to the Sprint store then back home to clean up if need be, change into work clothes, get gas at Krogers and clean his vehicle up a little and head back to work. I would like to hear more from the questioning of employees that day.
Some retail shops have "keyholders" who rotate opening and closing the store so it doesn't always fall on the manager. They are trusted employees who earned the position because it requires handling the money. I don't know if Sprint has them or not, but you do ask some good questions.
Just a late night thought to add to the timeframe of when we think EA could have taken Christina out of his trunk.

He states he had to be at work at 8am IIRC. Well Sprint in Wylie does not open until 10 am on Saturdays. So why would he have been considered 3 hours late to work and not just 1 if he arrived at approx 11am? Why would a manager have to be 2 hours early to work? Unless they were getting a delivery of phones? what else bothers me is do we know if all employees have a key to the store to unlock the door, turn off the alarm, set up registers for the day? Is that something only a manager would do? If thats the case he would have had to get to work and at least unlock the door to let the employees in.
I never considered the possibility he had her in his trunk and drove to the Sprint store then back home to clean up if need be, change into work clothes, get gas at Krogers and clean his vehicle up a little and head back to work. I would like to hear more from the questioning of employees that day.

When we speculated "timeline scenarios" before, for him to get CM out of her trunk somewhere, the idea was that he pretended to leave for work to be there by 8, and then went elsewhere. If instead we include an actual stop at work, which let's say lasted from 10 minutes before 8 until 10 minutes after, we've only shaved 20 minutes out of his available window to get CM out of his trunk and then be back at the places and times we know he did. Still quite doable, though it narrows the distance he could have driven by a bit.

I would guess that it can be (and has been) checked as to whether he ever walked in that door before 11, so we're guessing at something that LE already knows the answer to.

One other item would be worth cross-checking, though, if LE was playing with this scenario. Say he did pop in the door around 8, and then left. Presumably, he then went and got CM out of his trunk, and about 2 hours later he's on video getting gas. The question would be: what shirt is he wearing at that 10:15 gas stop? If he showed up for work, he no doubt wore a Sprint-logoed work shirt. Did he then take it off and slip into non-logoed attire for the next 2 hours, including the gas stop?

if you have him at Sprint at 8 for a few minutes, and then at the gas station at 10:15 without a Sprint shirt, he's probably moving CM and doing a quick wash on his car in that 2 hour window.
To add to my reply above:

I can see a manager having to be at work well before everyone else. Maybe Sat morn is the weekly schedule when managers do reports, scheduling etc? It would be easy enough for LE to check out if 8 is the norm, since that was his chosen alibi on camera in trying to prove he couldn't have had anything to do with CM's disappearance ("hey, I was up and at work at 8").

Of course, no question he wasn't at work from 8 and on, continuously, as he claimed for his alibi for the morning. Don't need logs, don't need to ask Sprint or other employees. He was in Allen getting gas at 10:15.

I'd guess he was never there until 11, but if he stopped in briefly around 8 ...

Then we can revise our speculated Saturday scenario, for him getting CM out of his trunk, and it might look like this...
1 leaves home at 7:30 and tells the fam he has to be at work at 8
2 an actual stop-by at work, getting there about 7:50 and staying til about 8:10
3 a 40-45 minute drive to find and stop at Place X, getting there by 8:50 or so
4 at Place X he slips off his work clothes and into something he can get dirty, then gets CM out of his trunk, and is away from there by 9:05 ...maybe it takes a bit more time here (which means we cut down on drive times a bit), if this is where CM hit, kicked, bit, and bruised the crap out of him as he took her out of his car trunk
5 next comes the drive back, which takes less time to drive going back because he's not driving slowly looking for a place ...added into the drive is a stop at a self-service car-wash vacuum ...all together, maybe 1:10 or less (allowing 15 minutes of rushed cleaning, and 55 minutes to drive past the Sprint store and on to Allen)
6 at 10:15 he's getting gas on video, and wiping off some spots he missed in his quick clean job
7 home around the corner by 10:20-25
8 at home, quick shower and change back into his Sprint logo outfit, out the door by about 10:40-45
9 walks in the door at Sprint around 11, looking like crap

There's definitely enough time there to do all that and be to Sprint by 11, and still a huge footprint around the Sprint store (including lots of shoreline area for 2 lakes) where she could have been left.
Ok, QF, I understand what you mean. You are wanting everyone to realize that no one (on WS site) has personally seen him commit any crime. I agree, personally no I have not. However we are here to figure out what happened to her and find her...aren't we? So we are looking and reading through all the affidavits, warrants, MSM, SM and we've all come up with our own theories as to what happened and no ones theory seems to be exactly like anyone else's, so we are just talking in circles.

Your main point is to get (this forum) to agree that we have not seen him commit a crime of AK? Is that it?
I'm confused why you keep saying LE is going to have a hard time convincing 12 jurors, but you don't know what evidence they even have.

Perhaps they have him on camera assaulting her and placing her in his trunk. Has that ever crossed your mind? If that's what evidence they won't be very hard to get an AK conviction.

Perhaps they have his entire phone history and they know exactly what his "intent" was, which was to abduct/kidnap her and inflict bodily harm on her..... it won't be very hard to get an AK conviction.

Many many scenarios to look at that we just can't bc no one knows what they have on him. Your guessing they have nothing and I'm guessing they do. Neither of us know for sure, obviously.

Much love for you baemomma(and others too) ...
But I totally get where QF is coming from.... since I share the majority of the same thoughts. I am not speaking for QF at all, but just wanted to say this:
I see there are many obstacles in this case to prove up in court. Possibly not here on WS (where we can agree to disagree and be yielding at times and strongly opinionated at other times and with all the twist & turns a case has)
Rule of Law and Criminal Courtroom Procedures is a world that we do not take part in. I am only saying this since there is a reality of rulings & judgements that we have no control over nor the final outcome all based on case law presentations,motions,interrogatories,depositions,discovery,meetings and so on.
With all that said ... QF is (like myself at times) trying to provide insight as to what to expect on the courtroom DA & Defense side; How & What we collectively think it should go and be... rarely it is the reality on the bench. JMO~
To add to my reply above:

I can see a manager having to be at work well before everyone else. Maybe Sat morn is the weekly schedule when managers do reports, scheduling etc? It would be easy enough for LE to check out if 8 is the norm, since that was his chosen alibi on camera in trying to prove he couldn't have had anything to do with CM's disappearance ("hey, I was up and at work at 8").

Of course, no question he wasn't at work from 8 and on, continuously, as he claimed for his alibi for the morning. Don't need logs, don't need to ask Sprint or other employees. He was in Allen getting gas at 10:15.

I'd guess he was never there until 11, but if he stopped in briefly around 8 ...

Then we can revise our speculated Saturday scenario, for him getting CM out of his trunk, and it might look like this...
1 leaves home at 7:30 and tells the fam he has to be at work at 8
2 an actual stop-by at work, getting there about 7:50 and staying til about 8:10
3 a 40-45 minute drive to find and stop at Place X, getting there by 8:50 or so
4 at Place X he slips off his work clothes and into something he can get dirty, then gets CM out of his trunk, and is away from there by 9:05 ...maybe it takes a bit more time here (which means we cut down on drive times a bit), if this is where CM hit, kicked, bit, and bruised the crap out of him as he took her out of his car trunk
5 next comes the drive back, which takes less time to drive going back because he's not driving slowly looking for a place ...added into the drive is a stop at a self-service car-wash vacuum ...all together, maybe 1:10 or less (allowing 15 minutes of rushed cleaning, and 55 minutes to drive past the Sprint store and on to Allen)
6 at 10:15 he's getting gas on video, and wiping off some spots he missed in his quick clean job
7 home around the corner by 10:20-25
8 at home, quick shower and change back into his Sprint logo outfit, out the door by about 10:40-45
9 walks in the door at Sprint around 11, looking like crap

There's definitely enough time there to do all that and be to Sprint by 11, and still a huge footprint around the Sprint store (including lots of shoreline area for 2 lakes) where she could have been left.
Agree that 8 isn't an unusual time for a manager. We have a business that doesn't open until 10, and often go in well before 8. Lots to do to set up for the day, clean etc.
I have had a thought that may explain some things. What if Christina was planning on going somewhere with EA but didn't tell anyone else. Nothing wrong with not wanting everyone in your business. They could have even discussed it on the way to the garage. I can see EA saying well, you better call SN now so he's not calling later to make sure you got home. Maybe she wanted him to take her to someone, somewhere, get high who knows. What if the 2nd ping near the SOL was when he was returning her to her car Or even back to the apartment and something happened at that time rather than right after they left the garage. There's still plenty of time before the Kroger video for lots to have transpired.
Someone whose reflex is to blame (and blaming the disruption caused by her disappearance for his termination demonstrates this, IMO) might try to hide her in a place where the blame could be shifted to someone else.

If he hides her in a place familiar to him and she is discovered, there's not much room for him to wiggle out of it.

If he hides her in a place that is closer/more familiar to other parties, I can picture him creating a mental scenario that LE could just as easily believe it was the other person who did it.

Improving his odds of escaping blame, in his mind. If he's the type to gamble on such things...
Thinking about intent, I would guess that for AK to stick his intent from the get-go would have to be to harm or SA her. But what if, as someone else said, that for whatever reason she went willingly in his car (and there is really no reason to question why she would -- I mean I could sit here all day questioning why she would be in a relationship with HF and actually live with that guy, but she did, so who knows?)
So what if she goes willingly with him and in that 40 minute time span they stop, maybe they were supposed to meet up with someone and while waiting, the decide to smoke a joint, which is possible if she's been all freaked out and upset -- he might think: geez calm this chick down.
Then while they are high, he makes a move on her. Maybe he truly hadn't been planning to earlier but the opportunity presents itself. In this scenario he didn't intend to harm her when she got in the car, he didn't intend to SA her. But now they are high and he makes a move and what if things get out if hand and he kills her? He'd probably freak out, put her in the trunk, maybe think about dropping her back at her car and hope it looks like a random killing. But when he approaches the garage area, cars are leaving so he changes his mind and heads back to Allen.
Obviously in this scenario hd would bd guilty of murder, but what I'm saying is that, as others have said, her or her DNA being in the trunk really does not prove his intent to kidnap and SA her. It could have happened in a different way.
I'm not disputing he had a hand in this, and these are my opinions, but if I were a juror I would need to see more evidence to explain how her DNA was found where it was and what led up to that. I personally think there is more to this story.
I have had a thought that may explain some things. What if Christina was planning on going somewhere with EA but didn't tell anyone else. Nothing wrong with not wanting everyone in your business. They could have even discussed it on the way to the garage. I can see EA saying well, you better call SN now so he's not calling later to make sure you got home. Maybe she wanted him to take her to someone, somewhere, get high who knows. What if the 2nd ping near the SOL was when he was returning her to her car Or even back to the apartment and something happened at that time rather than right after they left the garage. There's still plenty of time before the Kroger video for lots to have transpired.

"Going somewhere" can include lots of varying options (going to get coffee, going to get drugs, going to some place or to see someone, or who knows what) and I agree (and have been saying for quite some time now) that the planned go-and-return scenario fits so well.

Following that, I can see them getting back to the Shops area to return her to her car (as planned all along), and then things go awry as they get close. To me, the fact they there was a return, that wasn't detoured until the last minute, hints that things were still going okay until then.

Maybe it's at this point, after a ride, that EA decides it's time to make his "move," and it's his last chance of the night - - and then he gets rebuffed. Shot down for a 2nd time in the same evening, things get ugly from there as he explodes? I can see that.

We do know that at some point, she ended up IN HIS TRUNK according to LE, so there's no way they went somewhere and back without - at some point - him going wacko on her. It's just a question of where/when imo. (Not saying I know the why, but LE thinks they have figured it out, and I'll go with that.)
To add to my reply above:

I can see a manager having to be at work well before everyone else. Maybe Sat morn is the weekly schedule when managers do reports, scheduling etc? It would be easy enough for LE to check out if 8 is the norm, since that was his chosen alibi on camera in trying to prove he couldn't have had anything to do with CM's disappearance ("hey, I was up and at work at 8").

Of course, no question he wasn't at work from 8 and on, continuously, as he claimed for his alibi for the morning. Don't need logs, don't need to ask Sprint or other employees. He was in Allen getting gas at 10:15.

I'd guess he was never there until 11, but if he stopped in briefly around 8 ...

Then we can revise our speculated Saturday scenario, for him getting CM out of his trunk, and it might look like this...
1 leaves home at 7:30 and tells the fam he has to be at work at 8
2 an actual stop-by at work, getting there about 7:50 and staying til about 8:10
3 a 40-45 minute drive to find and stop at Place X, getting there by 8:50 or so
4 at Place X he slips off his work clothes and into something he can get dirty, then gets CM out of his trunk, and is away from there by 9:05 ...maybe it takes a bit more time here (which means we cut down on drive times a bit), if this is where CM hit, kicked, bit, and bruised the crap out of him as he took her out of his car trunk
5 next comes the drive back, which takes less time to drive going back because he's not driving slowly looking for a place ...added into the drive is a stop at a self-service car-wash vacuum ...all together, maybe 1:10 or less (allowing 15 minutes of rushed cleaning, and 55 minutes to drive past the Sprint store and on to Allen)
6 at 10:15 he's getting gas on video, and wiping off some spots he missed in his quick clean job
7 home around the corner by 10:20-25
8 at home, quick shower and change back into his Sprint logo outfit, out the door by about 10:40-45
9 walks in the door at Sprint around 11, looking like crap

There's definitely enough time there to do all that and be to Sprint by 11, and still a huge footprint around the Sprint store (including lots of shoreline area for 2 lakes) where she could have been left.

How does this line up with any known cell phone pings? Did EA have one of his cell phones with him on that Saturday morning? If so, have any of those pings been made public?
"Going somewhere" can include lots of varying options (going to get coffee, going to get drugs, going to some place or to see someone, or who knows what) and I agree (and have been saying for quite some time now) that the planned go-and-return scenario fits so well.

Following that, I can see them getting back to the Shops area to return her to her car (as planned all along), and then things go awry as they get close. To me, the fact they there was a return, that wasn't detoured until the last minute, hints that things were still going okay until then.

Maybe it's at this point, after a ride, that EA decides it's time to make his "move," and it's his last chance of the night - - and then he gets rebuffed. Shot down for a 2nd time in the same evening, things get ugly from there as he explodes? I can see that.

We do know that at some point, she ended up IN HIS TRUNK according to LE, so there's no way they went somewhere and back without - at some point - him going wacko on her. It's just a question of where/when imo. (Not saying I know the why, but LE thinks they have figured it out, and I'll go with that.)
I know you posted a possible timeline of events many threads back that made sense to me. As far As going somewhere, he doesn't strike me as the hey lets grab a coffee type. More hey, your boyfriend sucks. Let's go (fill in the blank).
Someone whose reflex is to blame (and blaming the disruption caused by her disappearance for his termination demonstrates this, IMO) might try to hide her in a place where the blame could be shifted to someone else.

If he hides her in a place familiar to him and she is discovered, there's not much room for him to wiggle out of it.

If he hides her in a place that is closer/more familiar to other parties, I can picture him creating a mental scenario that LE could just as easily believe it was the other person who did it.

Improving his odds of escaping blame, in his mind. If he's the type to gamble on such things...

Absolutely agree that EA was likely to have avoided any place readily associated with himself.

But don't see him trying to link her to someone else, and here's why.

I think to a great extent he was working in rushed, panic mode. The luxury of time would have allowed him to think of others and build a strategy, but I don't think he had that luxury. Instead, I think his mind was spinning wildly through mental lists of "good hiding places I have seen and can think of" or "good roads to drive down, to look for a hiding place, that I've been down the road before" rather than trying to get cutesy and finesse her into someone else's domain.

To me, time was his biggie. He had some, but not a lot, as work was "calling" and the chance was growing by the minute (as far as he knew) that people would come looking for her. He had to get her out of his trunk, pronto, and he needed to think of where he could go. IMO that puts him in his memory bank, not thinking of others' orbits.
I was merely responding to the posted link to a website compiling crime reports, and questions about it. The address given for that supposed 9/1 missing person report was 5700 Legacy, which is the block of the garage where CM was last seen.

My belief is that they were a duplicate of the same report. In any event, LE knows, so there's not really a mystery, just a curiosity perhaps.

I am very curious as to why you think this is a duplicate of the same report, you have stated NUMEROUS times that you feel that way but have provided nothing to support it. Promise not trying to be snarky or demanding links, just want to know why you feel it would be a duplicate report, when nothing about it seems duplicated to me.
Absolutely agree that EA was likely to have avoided any place readily associated with himself.

But don't see him trying to link her to someone else, and here's why.

I think to a great extent he was working in rushed, panic mode. The luxury of time would have allowed him to think of others and build a strategy, but I don't think he had that luxury. Instead, I think his mind was spinning wildly through mental lists of "good hiding places I have seen and can think of" or "good roads to drive down, to look for a hiding place, that I've been down the road before" rather than trying to get cutesy and finesse her into someone else's domain.

To me, time was his biggie. He had some, but not a lot, as work was "calling" and the chance was growing by the minute (as far as he knew) that people would come looking for her. He had to get her out of his trunk, pronto, and he needed to think of where he could go. IMO that puts him in his memory bank, not thinking of others' orbits.

But the foundation of my scenario was the reflexive component-- that the impulse to blame was immediate and wouldn't require as much time and thought.

If he's a serial-blamer (with the sociopathic tendencies so many have mentioned so often) couldn't that mitigate aimless panic, if even to a minor degree? Particularly if there was an element of anger or rejection present?

I'm having a hard time seeing self-preservation and blame-deflection as cutesy or requiring finesse.
I know you posted a possible timeline of events many threads back that made sense to me. As far As going somewhere, he doesn't strike me as the hey lets grab a coffee type. More hey, your boyfriend sucks. Let's go (fill in the blank).

I can see that ("hey, your boyfriend sucks, let's...") if you think that's something that would have put her in his car willingly. Otherwise, not so much imo.

If it's a go-and-return plan, she's a passenger. And to get her in that car, to me that requires a reason that she has agreed to, even if he has a different (and ulterior) motive in mind all along. Of those that we think "yeah, she might have said yes to this" and that include both going away and then returning to her car in about 45 mins, then I could buy any of them as possible. I offered "coffee" because I can see how that makes some sense with her wanting to drive to FW that night, but I'm not especially committed to it over other possibilities.
How does this line up with any known cell phone pings? Did EA have one of his cell phones with him on that Saturday morning? If so, have any of those pings been made public?

No conflicts, but that's because the last ping we know of was at 5:32 am near his house. (I'd guess that LE has lots more ping info than we've heard, but you don't know what you don't know.)

I've limited my scenario guesses to the limits of what is known, mostly affidavits. As we learn more - and I'm sure at some point we will - then revise if needed.
I've also been wondering what type of evidence LE may have found that led them to the AK charge. Based on LE referring to him as "sexually frustrated" and also mentioning that he had multiple data storage items in his car, I can't help but wonder if they found pornographic photos and/or videos of kidnapping, rape, etc. and that LE possibly believes this was his motive, whether in was planned or not. If LE found something like that, would it be enough for intent? Whether or not this type of evidence was found, I do believe that the DNA found in the trunk was, at the very least, a substantial amount of CM's blood, otherwise, how else could they make the AK charge stick without evidence of SA?

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But the foundation of my scenario was the reflexive component-- that the impulse to blame was immediate and wouldn't require as much time and thought.

If he's a serial-blamer (with the sociopathic tendencies so many have mentioned so often) couldn't that mitigate aimless panic, if even to a minor degree? Particularly if there was an element of anger or rejection present?

I'm having a hard time seeing self-preservation and blame-deflection as cutesy or requiring finesse.

Yes, cunning is obviously quite possible. Which one would have won, panic or cold cunning? Fear (ie panic) can override thinking, but he would have to have felt fear for that to matter. I'm guessing panic if I have to choose here, but I really dunno.

Your guess?
If they had video of her being assaulted in the garage, they wouldn't of said it "just a missing persons case" until the DNA came back.

It's possible they have video of her getting in his car willingly, then disappearing, that would mean missing person still. If she was being assaulted it would of been a bigger charge based on that footage. So my common sense would tell me whatever cops have on video is not her being assaulted.

I don't care why she was not dressed up and was wearing PP shirt. Doesn't seem important to me. Too many reasons we could go round and round the mulberry bush on why she changed.
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