GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #31 *Arrest*

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Would you agree that more than likely whatever happened to Christina happened between 4:08 and around or just after 4:46 (def before 5:32)?

"whatever happened to Christina"

If you're asking when she ended up being put IN HIS TRUNK, my preference is a window when they returned to the Shops area. The limits on when they would have arrived there would be a requirement for time to drive back from "somewhere" not using a highway, and the limit on the other end is for time for driving to his home area to be there by 5:32. Also, I would think that "whatever happened" transpired over perhaps many minutes, definitely not at one precise point, her landing in his trunk wasn't necessarily the very last thing he did before he drove away, but that whenever he began to drive he went straight home.

So my "at the Shops again window" to include prelude, argument, things going awry, her being put in the trunk, him doing a few things after, would be 4:40-5:10 more or less.

Don't need all that time, but could have taken that long being in the area, and there's room for the start to be maybe 10 minutes earlier or the end/driveaway being 5 minutes later, if we push to the extremes.

If you're asking when she was removed OUT OF HIS TRUNK, I think that was much later, my guess being in the 7:30-10 window.
Good points, but we must remember Tilley's statement:

"The DNA evidence and the details that surround that... if we were able to release that, you would understand it more," said Plano police spokesman David Tilley. "Unfortunately, we're unable to release that."

I totally agree with this, love it zippixx! That was a message along with "significant amounts". I so appreciate all you guys with the timeline, quotes, opinions. I'm going to ask my more analytical husband a few things about what was possible/probable in the timeframe SteveS sent, I tend to get emotional about it all.
Am I allowed to ask if EA was known to carry a weapon? If the dna is blood, what could he have used? I had in my mind that he got a chokehold on her and wasn't thinking a weapon was involved at all. So what could the dna have been - if not saliva, then bodily fluids? Sorry for the gory thoughts, I'm watching a Liam Neeson movie with hubby and it's awful.
I havent caught up on thread yet, but the thought just occurred to me. Could it have been SB using SN phone? Maybe she could have called Christina to say, hey, its me. I didnt call from my phone so he doesnt know its me. Is everything ok? And Christina could have answered, I am still walking back to my car. Just a thought! IMO
Yeah, who wrote that?

Dunno.. below is the whole statement from the warrant:

"Additional items located in this trash were empty boxes for cellular
phones and a handwritten note on a yellow piece of paper. The note was written in Spanish.
Affiant spoke with Detective D. Caballero #1708 who is the designated Spanish speaking
detective for Affiant's Unit. Detective Caballero Spanish language skills were vetted through
testing to establish his fluency prior to his selection to his current position. Detective
Caballero translated this note for Affiant. According to Detective Caballero the note listed the
following items: black shirt, texts from the 29th through today's date, bank bills, and cellular bills.
Affiant believes these items to be evidentiary items in this case."
"whatever happened to Christina"

If you're asking when she ended up being put IN HIS TRUNK, my preference is a window when they returned to the Shops area. The limits on when they would have arrived there would be a requirement for time to drive back from "somewhere" not using a highway, and the limit on the other end is for time for driving to his home area to be there by 5:32. Also, I would think that "whatever happened" transpired over perhaps many minutes, definitely not at one precise point, her landing in his trunk wasn't necessarily the very last thing he did before he drove away, but that whenever he began to drive he went straight home.

So my "at the Shops again window" to include prelude, argument, things going awry, her being put in the trunk, him doing a few things after, would be 4:40-5:10 more or less.

Don't need all that time, but could have taken that long being in the area, and there's room for the start to be maybe 10 minutes earlier or the end/driveaway being 5 minutes later, if we push to the extremes.

If you're asking when she was removed OUT OF HIS TRUNK, I think that was much later, my guess being in the 7:30-10 window.

Yes I was referring to the time when she got hurt. I've grown very fond of her and can't bring myself to saying more than "when she got hurt." But I agree with your timeline, both when placed in the trunk and when she came out. Although on the latter I think it could have been earlier, right at dawn or just prior. All Moo.
I havent caught up on thread yet, but the thought just occurred to me. Could it have been SB using SN phone? Maybe she could have called Christina to say, hey, its me. I didnt call from my phone so he doesnt know its me. Is everything ok? And Christina could have answered, I am still walking back to my car. Just a thought! IMO

Interesting thought!
The "cellular bill" is on the handwritten list found in the trash, that is considered an evidentiary item...

Oh. He threw out a list that included the words "cellular bill" on it. Well that's not the same as destroying his cell bill. Yikes. Recently my family was coming to visit DFW and I made a list of site to take them. You know: like Reunion Tower, the DMA, the Ft Worth Stockyards.... hopefully when I threw the list away people wont think I planned to destroy those! :doh: LOL
Oh. He threw out a list that included the words "cellular bill" on it. Well that's not the same as destroying his cell bill. Yikes. Recently my family was coming to visit DFW and I made a list of site to take them. You know: like Reunion Tower, the DMA, the Ft Worth Stockyards.... hopefully when I threw the list away people wont think I planned to destroy those! :doh: LOL

To me the "list" appears to be things to "get rid of".... and apparently LE is thinking the same thing, otherwise they wouldn't list it as an evidentiary item.. JMO
Am I allowed to ask if EA was known to carry a weapon? If the dna is blood, what could he have used? I had in my mind that he got a chokehold on her and wasn't thinking a weapon was involved at all. So what could the dna have been - if not saliva, then bodily fluids? Sorry for the gory thoughts, I'm watching a Liam Neeson movie with hubby and it's awful.

He could of hit her in the head with something...
Oh. He threw out a list that included the words "cellular bill" on it. Well that's not the same as destroying his cell bill. Yikes. Recently my family was coming to visit DFW and I made a list of site to take them. You know: like Reunion Tower, the DMA, the Ft Worth Stockyards.... hopefully when I threw the list away people wont think I planned to destroy those! :doh: LOL

Hahaha, maybe not, unless you were on a watch list for terrorists. EA's every move has been gone over and over - that's how I took it. I think he was either telling somebody what he needed done, or making a note to himself of stuff he wanted to be sure he didn't overlook. I do my best (or most creative/disturbing) thinking at night and I apologize for that. I may have adult ADD - not joking or being snarky, my older brother finally got a doctor who diagnosed him and it has been wonderful.
Did they ever say how they tracked him or found out he was at the gas station?

No, not to my knowledge. That's why I think they pulled his financial records and saw he purchased gas that day, at that location so they went and collected video. I have a feeling they did that with the cleaning supplies too, (remeber the wording in SW "appeared to be recently purchased") along with them physically watching him scrub his car in his driveway. I can't imagine they wouldn't have surveilance on his house from waaay early on, esp since they're doung trash pulls.
Am I allowed to ask if EA was known to carry a weapon? If the dna is blood, what could he have used? I had in my mind that he got a chokehold on her and wasn't thinking a weapon was involved at all. So what could the dna have been - if not saliva, then bodily fluids? Sorry for the gory thoughts, I'm watching a Liam Neeson movie with hubby and it's awful.
I have wondered about a weapon as well...
It is possible to cough up blood from a choke hold. It takes only a few seconds (less than 30 seconds IMO) to lose conscienseness from choking but normally several minutes to kill someone with that method. So it's possible that she was choked unconscious then put in trunk. Awoke coughing up blood?

Here's a blog article I find interesting (I know not MSM or anything but think that's ok here) and a quote from it regarding loss of counscienceness, loss of life.



Am I allowed to ask if EA was known to carry a weapon? If the dna is blood, what could he have used? I had in my mind that he got a chokehold on her and wasn't thinking a weapon was involved at all. So what could the dna have been - if not saliva, then bodily fluids? Sorry for the gory thoughts, I'm watching a Liam Neeson movie with hubby and it's awful.
Hahaha, maybe not, unless you were on a watch list for terrorists. EA's every move has been gone over and over - that's how I took it. I think he was either telling somebody what he needed done, or making a note to himself of stuff he wanted to be sure he didn't overlook. I do my best (or most creative/disturbing) thinking at night and I apologize for that. I may have adult ADD - not joking or being snarky, my older brother finally got a doctor who diagnosed him and it has been wonderful.
That's how I took it, too. Either him telling someone or someone else helping to go over the situation. My sister is a list maker. I tell her she makes lists about the lists she needs to make. Not the smartest move in this case, but imo some people just need to write stuff down.
Thinking out loud here.... in a jury trial... is the evidence against EA enough? Without Christina. I know that her DNA was found in his trunk. But lets be real... a good Defense Lawyer can have some compelling answers for that. One time, in a murder case, DNA was found in the bed... but somehow it was brought about that so and so had brought over their blanket for the person to use or something... and they called it the transferring of DNA... so perhaps the DL can somehow be so convincing that her DNA was transferred into the trunk... they can say EA was to fearful to be honest about being with her that night... to fearful to tell those things and that somehow the DNA was transferred... we all have probably watched enough reality crime programs to know that without the person.... its really difficult to convict and being afraid to tell the truth, getting caught lying just isn't enough. DNA is very good evidence but, it can be disputed by a good Defender and the jury can't just say they think he is guilty because it sure seems like it. They have to have to that 100% proof that is beyond a shadow of doubt. Just curious as to what you guys think as to if you feel the evidence is enough?

No, with the evidence that we (WS/the public) know, there is no way he'd be convicted of AK.

BUT per PPD & the nature of the legal system, we won't know what they have until trial. They would be foolish to reveal the evidence to us, to EA and to the defense. I think that's the suspense and anxiety we have to live with until then :tantrum:
It's interesting and admirable you say that. I saw an NBC Dateline murder case documentary on Saturday, and it was amazing as it showed how hard it is for people who become "invested" in one particular suspect, early in a case when not much is known. When that turns out not to be the person who did it, there are many who simply refuse to accept what the evidence turns out to be saying.

In the TV documentary, it was about a trusted Hispanic farm hand Robert who was killed by a rigged bomb out in the fields where he worked. Early on, it was believed that Pete, a hot-headed son-nephew of the owner, who had had run-ins with Robert, had done it. But, he didn't really fit the profile as to the ability to having the skill to create the intricate bomb. Soon thereafter, LE began to get some taunting mail from the killer about the bomb and about killing the deceased's brother who also worked on the farm, and from it they were able to (a) find proof that the letters must have come from Paul, a cousin of Pete who also lived on the farm but had a history of major violence that had been buried legally (Pete had no criminal record and no history of violence), and (b) found DNA on the mailing that, while they couldn't get enough DNA to prove it was Paul, it was enough that definitively eliminated Pete and left Paul as the only who was a "possible" match. All the evidence pointed to the cousin, and lots of it eliminated the first guy from being possible.

The DNA evidence was not allowed at trial, since it wasn't enough to say it had to be Paul and the judge wouldn't even allow the suggestion. He also barred the testimony about his violent past, since it was a different case. Despite that, Paul was convicted, and the evidence was so compelling that the jury didn't have to deliberate very long.

But, the documentary noted, a large number of people in the small town still - without any proof, and with a conviction and a mountain of proof to the contrary - to this day believe that Pete did it and Paul was wrongfully accused, or still try to contrive convoluted ways that Pete must have been involved too (a possibility that LE examined, and found didn't fit the facts at all). It's so hard to let go, when we focus on one suspect, to adjust the focus elsewhere when the evidence goes there.

Interesting how differently individual minds work.
I watched the same show.
The aspect of the case that impressed me the most was how close they came to arresting the wrong man (Pete was actually accused and tried by public opinion and was LE's main suspect. Through divine intervention, the case took a new direction after a long time had passed).

In the meantime, Pete suffered tremendously knowing he was innocent of murder but had no way to prove it.
He could hardly function.
And, as pointed out, some people still refuse to accept Pete is innocent.
His personality is more caustic or difficult than Paul's.
Yet Pete doesn't have a criminal record while Paul is a felon who has been in prison.
Paul is a sheep in wolves clothing while Pete was just himself tending to voice his disagreements and opinions.
The best trait Pete had going for him was that he wasn't considered brainy enough to dream up the clues someone was feeding LE.
Paul thought he was smarter than LE and was having fun toying with them.
Too big for his britches, he screwed up. Psychopathy at play.

The moral of the case imo, is how close LE came to pinning a murder on an innocent man based on his personality and public opinion.
The guilty party seems as if he would have lived happily despite knowing he setup and ruined his cousin's life.
In a way, Paul killed two men.
Hopefully, Pete will find a way to release the fear he felt, anger, hurt and ideation of plots for retaliation
(I imagine one would fantasize anyway) so he doesn't remain a prisoner of Paul.

The case didn't fall under Occam's Razor theory.
In most cases, I prefer to look at the case from several angles.
Especially when a victim seems to be surrounded by iffy people and circumstances.
After LE is satisfied there is still the trial.

In CM's case, it seems LE has not closed the doors.
Officer Tilley stated EA's arrest is Phase 1.
Now LE is investigating Phase 2. Good.
The jury is still out as far as I'm concerned.

As far as EA is concerned, yes, he's been arrested and is a primary suspect.
LE isn't finished investigating Christina's case. Tilley said so himself.
I'm curious from others: I'm trying to put myself in EA situation that night and the theory I believe happened. I just can't see myself coming home (at 5:30am) with a body in the tunk.

if this happened, I'd be immediately looking/thinking of somewhere to dump ASAP and gtfo of there then home, turn out the lights, pull the covers over my head and pretend I was asleep...I'd wouldn't sleep, I'd be obsessively repeating wft, wtf, wtf, wtf, wtf.....

Is this what yall would do? Or am I just a chicken? There is NO WAY I'd go anywhere close to my house with a body in my car much less leave the car unoccupied (I mean, what if they were still alive) and go inside my house. Nope, I just couldn't do it.
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