GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #31 *Arrest*

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I'm curious from others: I'm trying to put myself in EA situation that night and the theory I believe happened, which is the majority. I just can't see myself coming home (at 5:30am) with a body in the tunk.

if this happened, I'd be immediately looking/thinking of somewhere to dump ASAP and gtfo of there then home, turn out the lights, pull the covers over my head and pretend I was asleep...I'd wouldn't sleep, I'd be obsessively repeating wft, wtf, wtf, wtf, wtf.....

Is this what yall would do? Or am I just a chicken? There is NO WAY I'd go anywhere close to my house with a body in my car much less leave the car unoccupied (I mean, what if they were still alive) and go inside my house. Nope, I just couldn't do it.

Yeah, I've thought about similar things.. It would ba a MAJOR OMG in my passive world.. I don't think you're chicken.. you're normal.. EA isn't
No, with the evidence that we (WS/the public) know, there is no way he'd be convicted of AK.

BUT per PPD & the nature of the legal system, we won't know what they have until trial. They would be foolish to reveal the evidence to us, to EA and to the defense. I think that's the suspense and anxiety we have to live with until then :tantrum:

Yes, I agree 100%! If only we knew everything already, but we have to wait and see what comes out next. I really hope we know something more on Thursday!
Yes, I agree 100%! If only we knew everything already, but we have to wait and see what comes out next. I really hope we know something more on Thursday!
Along that line, I have had a thought in my mind that I could probably take a few hours away to go to the proceeding on Thursday. I assume that it is open to the public. Does anyone know if I could take video?
Along that line, I have had a thought in my mind that I could probably take a few hours away to go to the proceeding on Thursday. I assume that it is open to the public. Does anyone know if I could take video?

Can I send you my phone to use?!
Oh. He threw out a list that included the words "cellular bill" on it. Well that's not the same as destroying his cell bill. Yikes. Recently my family was coming to visit DFW and I made a list of site to take them. You know: like Reunion Tower, the DMA, the Ft Worth Stockyards.... hopefully when I threw the list away people wont think I planned to destroy those! :doh: LOL

LOL, well as long as you're not the last seen with a missing person, I think your ok however if you are...please don't write stuff like that down bc I am SURE those places will be looked into.
I'm curious from others: I'm trying to put myself in EA situation that night and the theory I believe happened, which is the majority. I just can't see myself coming home (at 5:30am) with a body in the tunk.

if this happened, I'd be immediately looking/thinking of somewhere to dump ASAP and gtfo of there then home, turn out the lights, pull the covers over my head and pretend I was asleep...I'd wouldn't sleep, I'd be obsessively repeating wft, wtf, wtf, wtf, wtf.....

Is this what yall would do? Or am I just a chicken? There is NO WAY I'd go anywhere close to my house with a body in my car much less leave the car unoccupied (I mean, what if they were still alive) and go inside my house. Nope, I just couldn't do it.

Same here! I'd be driving off toward Lake Lavon to some abandoned looking shack and dumping the body and then going home and freaking out. No WAY would I be taking a nap or getting ready for work like "normal." I'd probably want to call in sick to work, but would have to show up anyway. And you are right, I wouldn't pull into my driveway with a body in the trunk and leave it in there while I went inside -- no way! I'd be too paranoid that my dad would decide he needed to check something on my car and open the trunk or something.
Am I allowed to ask if EA was known to carry a weapon? If the dna is blood, what could he have used? I had in my mind that he got a chokehold on her and wasn't thinking a weapon was involved at all. So what could the dna have been - if not saliva, then bodily fluids? Sorry for the gory thoughts, I'm watching a Liam Neeson movie with hubby and it's awful.

Could he have woken up someone (anyone) and told them he hit a deer? Sorry if I'm reaching too far, totally not interested in this movie. I just couldn't help but thinking what if he had some help but not the way we've been thinking. Could he have given the instructions that were written on the note to someone (anyone) who came to see him while he was in jail for the theft thing? Or called those instructions home while he was there? Anybody want to join on the bandwagon, I'm all over the place.

Happyshoes some of your posts make me smile! I'm going to wager that you are not local in relation to this case. The deer population in North Texas is about the same size as our giraffe population.

As for bodily fluids my first thought is blood but you bring up a good point ... Where does blood come from if strangled?
No, with the evidence that we (WS/the public) know, there is no way he'd be convicted of AK.

BUT per PPD & the nature of the legal system, we won't know what they have until trial. They would be foolish to reveal the evidence to us, to EA and to the defense. I think that's the suspense and anxiety we have to live with until then :tantrum:

thank you Bae, Libby, LatestForever, and Saint Girl and others - that's ok, we will live with it until we know what happened to precious Christina. We'll know soon. This amount of caring is staggering and am grateful I can throw out any and all ideas, just keeping it real. No, I'm not a 23 years old skater, into Molly/raves, and all that jazz but surely we know how it was, especially with her wanting HF to straighten up. That breaks my heart. I wish she'd gone home to Daddy or Mommy.
Based on what LE has released, am I right in concluding that they think CM was in EA's trunk when his phone last pinged at 5:32(?) a.m. near his house?
thank you Bae, Libby, LatestForever, and Saint Girl and others - that's ok, we will live with it until we know what happened to precious Christina. We'll know soon. This amount of caring is staggering and am grateful I can throw out any and all ideas, just keeping it real. No, I'm not a 23 years old skater, into Molly/raves, and all that jazz but surely we know how it was, especially with her wanting HF to straighten up. That breaks my heart. I wish she'd gone home to Daddy or Mommy.

So true Happy.....
Along that line, I have had a thought in my mind that I could probably take a few hours away to go to the proceeding on Thursday. I assume that it is open to the public. Does anyone know if I could take video?
I hope you can go and report back to us, Doj. I'm in coastal Georgia but my heart is with Christina; actually, she's probably in good hands, my sympathies are with Jonni, Anna and her family. This is just wrong to take this young beauty who had such a good spirit. I'll never forget the first bf I lost to disease (diabetes) at 37 and I just couldn't believe who would take this beautiful girl, friend of mine in high school, when there are so many others who don't deserve to be here? It's still tough at times.
Interesting how differently individual minds work.
I watched the same show.
The aspect of the case that impressed me the most was how close they came to arresting the wrong man (Pete was actually accused and tried by public opinion and was LE's main suspect. Through divine intervention, the case took a new direction after a long time had passed).

Oh, I absolutely agree with you, and that was part of the point. The guy who "looks guilty" and seems to be a "bad guy" may not be guilty at all, so true. Have to follow the evidence, not appearances.

With no evidence beyond appearances, and without the evidence LE located, HF certainly looks to me like the guy to suspect here, with EA simply a bystander who walked her to her car. No question.

Of course when we hear from LE that you have one person in this case - Enrique Arochi - who was (ALL OF) the last to see her, lied repeatedly to them about what he did in relation to CM that night, who oddly missed work the next morning while lying about his whereabouts, had himself and his car damaged out of the blue during that night with lying "explanation", and compound that with the fact that he had her IN HIS TRUNK after she went missing per the DNA evidence affidavit, then it's a great reminder not to look at appearances.
I'm curious from others: I'm trying to put myself in EA situation that night and the theory I believe happened. I just can't see myself coming home (at 5:30am) with a body in the tunk.

if this happened, I'd be immediately looking/thinking of somewhere to dump ASAP and gtfo of there then home, turn out the lights, pull the covers over my head and pretend I was asleep...I'd wouldn't sleep, I'd be obsessively repeating wft, wtf, wtf, wtf, wtf.....

Is this what yall would do? Or am I just a chicken? There is NO WAY I'd go anywhere close to my house with a body in my car much less leave the car unoccupied (I mean, what if they were still alive) and go inside my house. Nope, I just couldn't do it.
I tried to put myself in his shoes, but I realized it was an exercise in futility. I cannot begin to understand how anyone could kidnap someone, put her in his trunk, do god-knows-what-else with her, and then refuse to tell where she is.
Based on what LE has released, am I right in concluding that they think CM was in EA's trunk when his phone last pinged at 5:32(?) a.m. near his house?

Yes. No question about it, said it in affidavit.
thank you Bae, Libby, LatestForever, and Saint Girl and others - that's ok, we will live with it until we know what happened to precious Christina. We'll know soon. This amount of caring is staggering and am grateful I can throw out any and all ideas, just keeping it real. No, I'm not a 23 years old skater, into Molly/raves, and all that jazz but surely we know how it was, especially with her wanting HF to straighten up. That breaks my heart. I wish she'd gone home to Daddy or Mommy.

Breaks my heart, too. I think about that video of Christina walking with EA to the garage and knowing what we know right now....that could have been within the last hour of her life.

Why would PPD release that video? They already knew who he was....does anyone recall if a public request for information was released with the video?
Yes. No question about it, said it in affidavit.
Hmmm...wasn't that a theory to get the SW? Just because it is mentioned in the affidavit does not mean it is the way it happened, but the way they believe it to have happened. Correct?
I'm glad Miss SaintGirl , we see deer a lot here, and your answer was funny, too. I'm just on a roll tonight. Hope I don't get booted off before the nights over. Need to go back and look at SteveS' timeline so I can go over it with my hubby tomorrow. Are there any of you who think he went bonkers right after walking her to the garage? 3 minutes can be a long time if there's no noise. She was calling every guy she knew (HF, ALP to get HF"s new buddys' number?) but paying no attention to EA.
CM could have been very aware of EA getting the sexual stiff-arm from SB, without having any awareness that he would then be looking for an alternative victim. It's easy to see after the fact, but in the moment his mindset may have been taken by CM as an interest in SB specifically, and not an interest in "sex from anyone he can get it from."

just jumping off your post i'd also like to add it could have been sex from whoever, but it also could have been "I hate women, and right now I especially hate women and I'm going to restore my power and dominance over them by violently sexually attacking this target of opportunity"
EA wiped "his" phone and destroyed his cell bill so that no one could uncover his contacts that night, remember? (Of course, I bet LE has found lots more than he wanted them to.)

Your statement above BBM comes off as as fact, but I have yet to read it stated as such as fact. Is this your opinion as to what may have happened? If it is a fact, can you please tell me where I can find this fact, thanks?
Do you think any of the people involved had the Cyber Dust app? This app completely deletes text messages withing a short amount of time....information could of been passed between each other and then gone within a minute. Something for PPD to think about with some of the younger people nowadays. How would PPD recover information like it even possible through this app?

unless the phone is completely wiped with specially software that wipes out everything then the information is not really gone usually.
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