GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #31 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
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Anymore posts that include innuendo that EA's family is involved, those posters will receive a TO.
I know it was mentioned in interviews about going to church. Does anyone know what church he might have been talking about? The reason I ask is I have noticed that catholic seems to be the most common religion in Mexico, and upon googling, I have only found about 2 catholic churches within a reasonable distance with a spanish speaking service? Maybe I am incorrect? One of the catholic churches St. Francis which looks like a very large church, seems to have a very rural wooded area behind it, so it makes me wonder if it's a place he could be familiar with?

My first thought would be a place he is somewhat familiar with, but then again he might want to distance himself from anything he is associated with.. who knows though... Yikes.. If he used a wooded area behind a church, of all things, I wouldn't wanna be near him during a lightning storm... just sayin'...
Can someone refresh me on his route again - not the particular streets, but he left the garage, went home, back to SOL area, then back home? Home for how long before going to work?

3:58 - left the garage
3:58 to 4:08 - must be traveling from garage, onto 121 going E/NE
at 4:08 - he is recorded on 121 just past Custer by toll device, going to "somewhere" E/NE up 121 (not necessarily home, but home can't be ruled out)
4:08 until no later than 4:47 - he's gone to somewhere and then started making his way back towards the Shops area but (by inference) not using 121
by 4:47 and at least until 4:56 - he's in the general Shops area (based on pings we know of)
sometime at or after 4:56 - he leaves the Shops area
sometime at or before 5:32 - he gets to the area near his home
at 5:32 - pings near his home

If (using my personal scenario) he pretended to go to "work as usual at 8," then what came next may look like this:
5:30 woke brother for alibi that he's home [we are told he did this at sometime, don't know when]
5:30 - 7:00 or so - quick sleep? round up some "stuff" he needs in his car?
7:00 - 7:30 - wake up, shower, breakfast, dress
7:30 - [guess, but not in evidence] leaves home, saying he's going to work and perhaps dressed accordingly
7:30-10:15 ???????????? [could have stopped by work for show, or maybe he didn't go anywhere near work at all][and ultimately, to who knows where]
10:15 - on video, getting gas near his home
about 11:00 - shows up at work, looking like crap, limping, bruised, and with bite marks from where a tire fell on him (maybe it was a tire shark - dangerous critters)
Did they ever say how they tracked him or found out he was at the gas station?
3:58 - left the garage
3:58 to 4:08 - must be traveling from garage, onto 121 going E/NE
at 4:08 - he is recorded on 121 just past Custer by toll device, going to "somewhere" E/NE up 121 (not necessarily home, but home can't be ruled out)
4:08 until no later than 4:47 - he's gone to somewhere and then started making his way back towards the Shops area but (by inference) not using 121
by 4:47 and at least until 4:56 - he's in the general Shops area (based on pings we know of)
sometime at or after 4:56 - he leaves the Shops area
sometime at or before 5:32 - he gets to the area near his home
at 5:32 - pings near his home

If (using my personal scenario) he pretended to go to "work as usual at 8," then what came next may look like this:
5:30 woke brother for alibi that he's home [we are told he did this at sometime, don't know when]
5:30 - 7:00 or so - quick sleep? round up some "stuff" he needs in his car?
7:00 - 7:30 - wake up, shower, breakfast, dress
7:30 - [guess, but not in evidence] leaves home, saying he's going to work and perhaps dressed accordingly
7:30-10:15 ???????????? [could have stopped by work for show, or maybe he didn't go anywhere near work at all][and ultimately, to who knows where]
10:15 - on video, getting gas near his home
about 11:00 - shows up at work, looking like crap, limping, bruised, and with bite marks from where a tire fell on him (maybe it was a tire shark - dangerous critters)

Yes, a key point would be if he did indeed show up at work around 8:00.. that's about a two hour difference in drive time to hide CM...
Did they ever say how they tracked him or found out he was at the gas station?

I believe it was credit card records...

ETA: Sorry, no link for this.. seems like it was from a VI?
IMO it's easier to wrap your head around if you think of 2 very powerful emotions. Fear or love.

Fear: I'm sure everyone's heard of a story in which someone helps to cover up a crime because of guilt by association. Think of people at a party for example, one person od's and instead of calling for help they will get together to hide the body, dump the person outside of a hospital etc etc. It makes no sense but it happens. It makes more sense to call for help, say we were doing this drug and this is what happened. But that implicates them doing drugs. So instead they basically kill someone with neglect. People react to fear in strange ways. Its possible even a witness to a murder could involve themselves in a cover up out of sheer panic IMO

Love: While I can't say I would do it for someone, some people might help someone they loved cover up even a horrible crime.

Then there's the possibility of a third party all along. That theory gets messy but not impossible. All this is JMO and I'd still also like to hear QF's take on it.

O/T- my ADD runs rampant on here too, in case no one noticed. :)

Excellent outline of that variable.

One thing to add, that I think is worth keeping in kind: if we theorize a 2nd person of any sort, all roads to finding that person lead through EA.

EA was the last person to be seen with her, and DNA says he put her IN HIS TRUNK. So for anyone else to have interacted with CM or the outcome, they could not have done so without EA knowing who it is.

If you want to know what happened to CM, the person that knows is EA because he knows where-when-why-how she was removed from his TRUNK. If you think there was someone else involved as well, the person that knows who that is is EA, because he had her last. All answers can be found via EA, if you can get him to talk.

He's in prison facing 99 years, or maybe (later on) the death penalty. If someone else was the main player, or a major co-conspirator, there will come a point where he might want to blame them and try to get his possible sentence reduced. Of course, maybe there's no one else - and hey, I say give EA the 99 years or worse and be done with it, if he never tells what he did with her. (I want to see Christina found, but all you can do is all you can do.)
Anymore posts that include innuendo that EA's family is involved, those posters will receive a TO.

What is a TO? Is it a Time Out from Websleuths? I apologize as my post alluded to that. Sorry sorry sorry !!!!!
Did they ever say how they tracked him or found out he was at the gas station?

The warrants did not say. They just stated that they "obtained surveillance video" from the Kroger but did not say what led up to that. (Unless someone else can find it in the warrant -- I couldn't see it documented anywhere.)
3:58 - left the garage
3:58 to 4:08 - must be traveling from garage, onto 121 going E/NE
at 4:08 - he is recorded on 121 just past Custer by toll device, going to "somewhere" E/NE up 121 (not necessarily home, but home can't be ruled out)
4:08 until no later than 4:47 - he's gone to somewhere and then started making his way back towards the Shops area but (by inference) not using 121
by 4:47 and at least until 4:56 - he's in the general Shops area (based on pings we know of)
sometime at or after 4:56 - he leaves the Shops area
sometime at or before 5:32 - he gets to the area near his home
at 5:32 - pings near his home

If (using my personal scenario) he pretended to go to "work as usual at 8," then what came next may look like this:
5:30 woke brother for alibi that he's home [we are told he did this at sometime, don't know when]
5:30 - 7:00 or so - quick sleep? round up some "stuff" he needs in his car?
7:00 - 7:30 - wake up, shower, breakfast, dress
7:30 - [guess, but not in evidence] leaves home, saying he's going to work and perhaps dressed accordingly
7:30-10:15 ???????????? [could have stopped by work for show, or maybe he didn't go anywhere near work at all][and ultimately, to who knows where]
10:15 - on video, getting gas near his home
about 11:00 - shows up at work, looking like crap, limping, bruised, and with bite marks from where a tire fell on him (maybe it was a tire shark - dangerous critters)

Would you agree that more than likely whatever happened to Christina happened between 4:08 and around or just after 4:46 (def before 5:32)?
Whoa, good one! I've also thought how we know sooo much (not all) about CM's phone log that morning, there's no mention of EA's except that his phone was used to contact HF 3x minutes before he left the garage. Wonder if he was texting or calling someone about his motive. Idk.. but wouldn't that be a gold mine.

EA wiped "his" phone and destroyed his cell bill so that no one could uncover his contacts that night, remember? (Of course, I bet LE has found lots more than he wanted them to.)
I'm curious why his phone wouldn't ping at the same time as hers did at 4:47 a.m. I can see hers not pinging at 4:56 if the battery finally went dead, but how does his ping at 4:56 but not at 4:47?

JMO~ Perhaps she was already there with someone else and then he arrived later... IDK?? JMO~
Thinking out loud here.... in a jury trial... is the evidence against EA enough? Without Christina. I know that her DNA was found in his trunk. But lets be real... a good Defense Lawyer can have some compelling answers for that. One time, in a murder case, DNA was found in the bed... but somehow it was brought about that so and so had brought over their blanket for the person to use or something... and they called it the transferring of DNA... so perhaps the DL can somehow be so convincing that her DNA was transferred into the trunk... they can say EA was to fearful to be honest about being with her that night... to fearful to tell those things and that somehow the DNA was transferred... we all have probably watched enough reality crime programs to know that without the person.... its really difficult to convict and being afraid to tell the truth, getting caught lying just isn't enough. DNA is very good evidence but, it can be disputed by a good Defender and the jury can't just say they think he is guilty because it sure seems like it. They have to have to that 100% proof that is beyond a shadow of doubt. Just curious as to what you guys think as to if you feel the evidence is enough?
What is a TO? Is it a Time Out from Websleuths? I apologize as my post alluded to that. Sorry sorry sorry !!!!!

Your good and no need to apologize,let me clarify.

Victim Friendly

Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior, good or bad is fine, but do so in a civil and constructive way and ONLY IF IT IS RELEVANT TO THE CASE. Additionally, sleuthing family members or others that are not suspect is not allowed. Don't make random accusations or post personal information (even if it is public) like parking tickets, address, or first and last names of all their relatives and their neighbors. Also, never "bash" or attack them, or accuse them of involvement. However that does not mean that family members or others cannot come into discussion as the facts and issues of the case are discussed.

A TO is a loss of posting privileges.
Thinking out loud here.... in a jury trial... is the evidence against EA enough? Without Christina. I know that her DNA was found in his trunk. But lets be real... a good Defense Lawyer can have some compelling answers for that. One time, in a murder case, DNA was found in the bed... but somehow it was brought about that so and so had brought over their blanket for the person to use or something... and they called it the transferring of DNA... so perhaps the DL can somehow be so convincing that her DNA was transferred into the trunk... they can say EA was to fearful to be honest about being with her that night... to fearful to tell those things and that somehow the DNA was transferred... we all have probably watched enough reality crime programs to know that without the person.... its really difficult to convict and being afraid to tell the truth, getting caught lying just isn't enough. DNA is very good evidence but, it can be disputed by a good Defender and the jury can't just say they think he is guilty because it sure seems like it. They have to have to that 100% proof that is beyond a shadow of doubt. Just curious as to what you guys think as to if you feel the evidence is enough?

Good points, but we must remember Tilley's statement:

"The DNA evidence and the details that surround that... if we were able to release that, you would understand it more," said Plano police spokesman David Tilley. "Unfortunately, we're unable to release that."
Thinking out loud here.... in a jury trial... is the evidence against EA enough? Without Christina. I know that her DNA was found in his trunk. But lets be real... a good Defense Lawyer can have some compelling answers for that. One time, in a murder case, DNA was found in the bed... but somehow it was brought about that so and so had brought over their blanket for the person to use or something... and they called it the transferring of DNA... so perhaps the DL can somehow be so convincing that her DNA was transferred into the trunk... they can say EA was to fearful to be honest about being with her that night... to fearful to tell those things and that somehow the DNA was transferred... we all have probably watched enough reality crime programs to know that without the person.... its really difficult to convict and being afraid to tell the truth, getting caught lying just isn't enough. DNA is very good evidence but, it can be disputed by a good Defender and the jury can't just say they think he is guilty because it sure seems like it. They have to have to that 100% proof that is beyond a shadow of doubt. Just curious as to what you guys think as to if you feel the evidence is enough?

Put together, yes. There's too much against him, including his own voice on video spewing outright lies. However, I am 99.99% sure we don't know half of what LE has on him, but in answer to your question yes.
Thinking out loud here.... in a jury trial... is the evidence against EA enough? Without Christina. I know that her DNA was found in his trunk. But lets be real... a good Defense Lawyer can have some compelling answers for that. One time, in a murder case, DNA was found in the bed... but somehow it was brought about that so and so had brought over their blanket for the person to use or something... and they called it the transferring of DNA... so perhaps the DL can somehow be so convincing that her DNA was transferred into the trunk... they can say EA was to fearful to be honest about being with her that night... to fearful to tell those things and that somehow the DNA was transferred... we all have probably watched enough reality crime programs to know that without the person.... its really difficult to convict and being afraid to tell the truth, getting caught lying just isn't enough. DNA is very good evidence but, it can be disputed by a good Defender and the jury can't just say they think he is guilty because it sure seems like it. They have to have to that 100% proof that is beyond a shadow of doubt. Just curious as to what you guys think as to if you feel the evidence is enough?
Well, as others have pointed out, we don't really know about all of the evidence that LE has in this case, so it's almost impossible to say at this point, IMO.
Yes, a key point would be if he did indeed show up at work around 8:00.. that's about a two hour difference in drive time to hide CM...

You assume he was driving/hiding beginning at 5:30. While possible, I do prefer the theory that he "went to work as usual" at about 7:30, with a hiding window from 7:30 to 10 or so. (FWIW, my MASSIVE area I noted awhile earlier of over 2,000,000 acres to search was based on that 7:30-10 limiter ...add another 60 miles outward to that perimeter, and we're looking at an area perhaps as big as Maine or SC, literally impossible to search it all.)
You assume he was driving/hiding beginning at 5:30. While possible, I do prefer the theory that he "went to work as usual" at about 7:30, with a hiding window from 7:30 to 10 or so. (FWIW, my MASSIVE area I noted awhile earlier of over 2,000,000 acres to search was based on that 7:30-10 limiter ...add another 60 miles outward to that perimeter, and we're looking at an area perhaps as big as Maine or SC, literally impossible to search it all.)

Oh yeah, I much prefer your theory too! I'm just hoping he really did show up at work around 8:00, as he stated..
Ea destroyed his cell bill? How do we know that ? Tia.
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