GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #35 *Arrest*

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CM's moms knew some of her friends, but I find it meaningless that they hadn't heard of EA. He was clearly invited. Others there obviously knew him well enough. CM may have, as well, and she obviously had no qualms about walking with him to her car.

To me, respectfully, this is mountains and molehills. Again, she clearly knew him well enough where she obviously had no qualms about walking with him to her car at 4 am.

I know her moms assume they know everyone she knew. They may truly think that (or they may know it's an exaggeration), but either way I don't buy it. One mom lived 5 hours away. The other was not a house where CM lived. Neither went along when CM went out to drink and play. If we want to know more about EA and CM and how well they were acquainted, imo the ones who might really have a clue would be the ones there that night, not the moms.

I agree about the moms. What about her BFF who went to HS with them? She had never heard EAs name before. Even when Christina talked to her on her way to Plano that night.

I think it is important to know that EA and her did not have a previous relationship. Yes, I'm sure she was ok with walking with him to her car. Obviously, bc she did. But, without a previous friendship, it changes his reasons and motives to commit this type of crime.
And I guess I think understanding all of this COULD lead us to her. And that's what I want most of all. Understanding and getting to the heart of the matter will open some doors, I hope.
EA was at the minimum, a friend on Christina's FB, when this first happened at least. So it really does not seem completely accurate to say they were "strangers". Not everyone linked via FB is a close friend, but at some point, she had to have accepted a friend request anyway. They were linked by other friends, at the very least and she must have felt safe enough to walk a pretty fair distance with him. Surely, no one imagined such an outcome. Jmo
All the posts today made me think about what I would do if I were in in EA's shoes. I dont believe he has been involved in a murder before. I think whatever happened was sudden and now in a drug/alcohol fueled state, he has to rid himself of evidence. He couldn't leave Christina in the garage since everyone at the party knew he walked her to the car. So the quickest place to put her out of site is in his trunk. (I still cant wrap my head around it happening in the garage within 3 minutes of their seemingly casual walk and him pulling out of the garage). He needs to find a dump place quick. Maybe considers running home for a shovel or something...I dont know. Changes his mind. Driving aimlessly. Finds the spot and rushes home to clean the car and himself before work. After cleaning the best he can, I cant imagine falling asleep but maybe?! Maybe return to the dump spot and make sure his tracks are covered.

Now his head is clearing and he needs an alibi. Starts concocting one in his head. Hides his clothes at home. Shows up to work late......

A few days go by and he has more time to plan. Feels confident. Then comes the calls from friends and the police. Maybe during questioning they mention getting a search warrant for the house...damn, still have clothes hidden there. Throws them in the trash. I would never think of LE taking the trash from in front of my house (now I will!).

He knew when he was in front of the camera that he said he punched into work at 8 am with his thumbprint. He knew the police already knew this was a lie. Why do it?! I think he was trying to keep his families support. See mom, I can say all this stuff to the camera, you must believe I am not lying. Why is everybody always picking on me?!

Just some random thoughts. All my opinion. But if I murdered someone today, I would have no idea how to cover it up. I would have cracked the first time the police came to my door. It is easy to look back and see the mistakes he made.

Good post, CNY...
Why else did they say there could be more arrests?

Fairly standard proclamation. And fairly meaningless, in the total scheme of things. "Attention one and all. We could find (or may have found) evidence that implicates others, or maybe not. We'll let you know." Very noncommittal, and kinda threatening to any who may have knowledge, to volunteer what you know and clear yourself so you don't get arrested too.
Fairly standard proclamation. And fairly meaningless, in the total scheme of things. "Attention one and all. We could find (or may have found) evidence that implicates others, or maybe not. We'll let you know." Very noncommittal, and kinda threatening to any who may have knowledge, to volunteer what you know and clear yourself so you don't get arrested too.
I very much disagree. It is definitely not a "fairly standard proclamation" from any LE department. Please show me cases where they have thrown this out as a threat. Not buying this one at all.
I agree, I don't think EA is a seasoned predator and/or a prior murderer. I also don't believe it all went down in the garage. MOO

I don't understand why he'd lie about things that could (and were) so easily verifiable. He am not smart. Unfortunately it doesn't take a smart person to hide a body. I do still believe there is way more to this story, and I am very eager to hear it all. JMO

I've always felt CM got in the vehicle willingly.. LE states she most probably left the garage in the trunk & the affidavit says her DNA was not found inside the car.. With that said, I DO feel 3 minutes IS enough time for a lot to happen.. (as I've said.. sit there & count off 180 seconds).. And actually it could have been closer to 4 minutes, depending on the EXACT time stamp in minutes & seconds (ex: 3:55:01 - 3:58:59)... JMO
I want justice and I hope EA goes down, but most of all I want the whole truth. I want Christina to be home. I want Jonni to stop being tortured. What happened to Christina is horrific, what's happening to Jonni is almost worse.

What the heck ever happened to that PI?

I couldn't agree more. BUT, the real possibilities are that we will likely NEVER know the whole truth, CM may never come home & her family may never have the relief they all deserve, at least anytime soon.

After reading/following other cases I know it's likely these questions go unanswered even after the perp is convicted and put away. The bad guys (most) don't care, they aren't going to confess and incriminate themselves unless it's clear there's a benefit...and still just don't care. I can't see EA speaking up especially when he is only looking at an AK charge, why confess to murder and reveal the truth?

Fortunately we know LE has enough evidence to put him away for AK, IMO from everything I see. No, we don't have all the answers or that LE's theory is 100% accurate BUT that doesn't even matter to get a conviction. The evidence has lead them to this theory (as it should) and it's not going to be difficult (IMO) to convince 12 ppl of AK.

We are dealing with a compulsive liar, we may never know the truth.
And since we all agree that LE knows what they are doing and have a lot of evidence--why start with kidnapping if there was enough blood to suggest a death? They know something we don't.

IMO what they know is that the DNA in his TRUNK can land them an AK conviction for 99 years, and get EA immediately locked up and off the street while they investigate for the next 6 months, without having to provide any proof of death. Quicker, easier, and a longer-than-life lockup to boot, which gives them plenty of time to find her before they charge him with murder. (Death penalty without a body is doable, but with a body gets much easier.)

There's plenty of time to get a murder conviction. But no hurry.
Jmo, I will be really shocked if anyone else is charged in connection with Christina's disappearance.
If EA had some sort of help after the fact, I think it is more likely that immunity would be offered in order to get testimony against EA.

While being present at the time of a kidnapping and/or murder makes one equally responsible in many states, aiding after the fact is something entirely different and may be open to a plea deal.

But I don't think EA had help. If he had, that helper should have been dealing with the car, the evidence, etc so that EA could show up at work on time, eliminating one area of suspicion against him, for example. Jmo

(I also think this was a crime of opportunity...not a plan and not a part of "something bigger" as many seem to think. The only drug connection I see is that Christina hung out with people who took and dealt drugs...which puts one in a vulnerable position at all times. No telling what people will do, if under the influence. But again...jmo.)
EA was at the minimum, a friend on Christina's FB, when this first happened at least. So it really does not seem completely accurate to say they were "strangers". Not everyone linked via FB is a close friend, but at some point, she had to have accepted a friend request anyway. They were linked by other friends, at the very least and she must have felt safe enough to walk a pretty fair distance with him. Surely, no one imagined such an outcome. Jmo

I accept almost every friend request. No qualms, no worries. I interact with people all over the world and a lot of them I do not "know" at all. I have a very public presence and my jobs rely on PR. People in her generation are not discerning about Facebook friends. At all. Or online privacy. I mean, we've seen her in a Molly shirt on IG, HF and her had a clothing line mocking LE--she wasn't all that worried about her social media, IMO.
I doubt any more info will be released until the trial? I don't see why they would.

The Police know what there doing. I'm sure they have a really strong case against him.

I guess my biggest question just now is why isn't he talking? Is he really so deluded that he thinks he's gotten away with this, does he not understand the severity?

IMO the noose has to get a little snugger, figuratively speaking, and he has to begin to realize the downside of CM being found before he talks, in order to motivate him to offer up info. Time is not on his side - the longer he waits, the more chance she is found - and when he realizes that, we get some urgency.
EA was at the minimum, a friend on Christina's FB, when this first happened at least. So it really does not seem completely accurate to say they were "strangers". Not everyone linked via FB is a close friend, but at some point, she had to have accepted a friend request anyway. They were linked by other friends, at the very least and she must have felt safe enough to walk a pretty fair distance with him. Surely, no one imagined such an outcome. Jmo

I think most of us will agree that FB "friends" don't mean squat.. EA might have had a high-school crush on CM.. probably thought she was cute (and rightfully so..)
I very much disagree. It is definitely not a "fairly standard proclamation" from any LE department. Please show me cases where they have thrown this out as a threat. Not buying this one at all.

I believe it is as standard as "EA is not a person of interest".. or "the investigation is ongoing".. "nobody has been cleared".. and dozens of other cop cliches.. standard "cop talk"..
I know what edm is.

A stranger isn't someone you know, they hung out together with friends before she went missing so IMo I that's not a stranger. But anywho- carry on!

This is one of the topics where people tend to use it two ways - either CM knew EA or she didn't.
If CM and EA were nothing but acquaintances and EA was acting weird (sexually motivated or let down sexually) earlier due to SB, how or why would CM feel comfortable walking with him (turning her good friend, SN, down when he offered to drive her)?
Makes no sense.

Clearly there is something hidden or missing from the story.
Especially after Jonni explained that Christina took precautions and feared being abducted.
If Christina would have snoozed for only two hours or so before leaving, it would have been getting light out when she left.
If she was fearful normally, why was she motivated to leave considering her condition (had been drinking, was upset and whatever else was going on).
It won't work both ways - they were not friends but CM trusted EA (after he acted like an a-hole back at the apartment). :thinking:
They knew each other.
They went to school together and had mutual friends.
EA also seems to have known HF based on his text....
So I just don't see the stranger danger.

In regards to not having help... As time goes on.... We probably forget little things like...

The note in Spanish....... I do not think EA wrote that. JMO
This is one of the topics where people tend to use it two ways - either CM knew EA or she didn't.
If CM and EA were nothing but acquaintances and EA was acting weird (sexually motivated or let down sexually) earlier due to SB, how or why would CM feel comfortable walking with him (turning her good friend, SN, down when he offered to drive her)?
Makes no sense.

Clearly there is something hidden or missing from the story.
Especially after Jonni explained that Christina took precautions and feared being abducted.
If Christina would have snoozed for only two hours or so before leaving, it would have been getting light out when she left.
If she was fearful normally, why was she motivated to leave considering her condition (had been drinking, was upset and whatever else was going on).
It won't work both ways - they were not friends but CM trusted EA (after he acted like an a-hole back at the apartment). :thinking:

I'll use myself as an example (and then I'm ditching this subject lol)
I have plenty of people on my Facebook (men) I went to school with, worked with, or somehow know from life, that I wouldn't call to hang out with alone but I would allow to walk me to my car without fearing about being stuffed into a trunk.
I find the notion that someone in their twenties is going to introduce her mom to all her friends rather unlikely. Parents like to think that they know their children (Sigh)

Agreed, but both JM and AM were adamant about how they knew CM's friends and they were the koolaid house and EA was never mentioned.

These are reasons, IMO, victimology is needed. Parents are going to make their kids out to be Wally and the Beav when in reality their kids aren't and tthey are doing a disservice to their kids by hiding the necessary facts. MOO
I believe it is as standard as "EA is not a person of interest".. or "the investigation is ongoing".. "nobody has been cleared".. and dozens of other cop cliches.. standard "cop talk"..
Not that I am aware of in all my years of following cases. They don't mind saying they are not looking for anyone else, but rarely do they say more arrests could be forthcoming if it is not applicable to the case.
I'll use myself as an example (and then I'm ditching this subject lol)
I have plenty of people on my Facebook (men) I went to school with, worked with, or somehow know from life, that I wouldn't call to hang out with alone but I would allow to walk me to my car without fearing about being stuffed into a trunk.

Agree regarding FB friends. It's nothing other than acquantences. I know lots of people who do direct sales like Scentsy and have a ton of friends who they really don'tt even know.
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