GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #35 *Arrest*

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Aug 25, 2014 - EA allegedly steals gold Samsung Galaxy S5 phone.

Sept 15, 2014 - Detective contacted by Sprint Regional Manager who advised that Arochi had stolen a gold Samsung Galaxy S5 Phone and activated it on his personal account on August 25.

Sept. 23 - 2014 - Detectives take possession of stolen cellular phone, returned by Sprint employee. Forensic analysis indicates phone has been "wiped" to eliminate or destroy data.

I'm guessing EA wiped the phone at some point on August 30th.
I agree Coke and alcohol can make a guy go from the nicest guy in the world to a lunatic capable of harming or killing a person.
Many times not remembering the next day what they did.
I feel like I read somewhere, possibly here in the forums previously, that they found saliva DNA from CM on the sealing of his trunk? Is that confirmed? If that's the case it makes me wonder if she was alive in the trunk when he drove out of the garage... if she was screaming and kicking in the trunk and that's how her saliva got there? And you bet he tried to clean up the stuff from the inside of the trunk, I would imagine, since he did the outside.. Obviously he missed that trunk mat and didn't clean the seal of the trunk enough.. I'm just wondering what would have gone down to get her saliva onto the trunk seal if that is confirmed...

CM had been sick earlier that night and had to change clothes. Borrowed a t-shirt from a friend - PP - maybe? Maybe she threw up in the trunk of the car? I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, but he cleaned the mat.
They said he had a lot of electronic devices in his car. Did he clear them all?

Why would he clear his phone if there wasn't some sort of incriminating texts? Makes it seem less likely to have "just happened".

Only someone who has something to hide after an incident like this would clear their phones & devices/steal a phone from their job, what other motivation would he have? "Oh I'm just randomly going to clear my phone for no apparent reason and steal another one and lose my job, cus that seems like the right thing to do!" Lol

I googled for how long Sprint keeps text messages in their servers and it appears from what I could find (although there aren't completely clear answers it seems), the vast majority say 12 days. Maybe he thought he'd take a gamble on time & the justice system length of time to process things and thought he'd be safe, that they wouldn't be able to recover any of the details of his texts.. Not sure. It's one thing to do a factory reset on your phone, which itself is incriminating after being the last person seen with a missing woman, it's another to steal a brand new phone.. Kind of ups the level of guilty conscience IMO. MOO.
I'm not sure CM wanted to drive all the way to Fort Worth to home. Madden was at home, but BF was not. SN said "she insisted on driving." She was a "little upset." Mom says CM and bf were having usual/typical bf/gf argument. Later we learn that argument involved ex-bf.

Per first affidavit: "He said Morris was talking on the phone loudly and sounded upset."

EA heard every word! He was right there!
I agree Coke and alcohol can make a guy go from the nicest guy in the world to a lunatic capable of harming or killing a person.
Many times not remembering the next day what they did.

Yep, I agree too. Now there's just so many other drugs (Adderrall, molly, cocaine, narcotics) mixed in that it's a deadly cocktail. The part that gets me is when they wake up not remembering what an a$$ they were the previous night they don't get why everyone is PO'D at them....
CM had been sick earlier that night and had to change clothes. Borrowed a t-shirt from a friend - PP - maybe? Maybe she threw up in the trunk of the car? I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, but he cleaned the mat.

I guess I meant more "deep clean" type of clean on the mat, as the report I read mentioned significant DNA evidence more than just "touch evidence" on the mat of the trunk. If she threw up in the trunk it could be that, and could be why it ended up on the seal part where he didn't clean deep enough. Do we know if the trunk mat's larger amount of DNA from her was blood or from her throwing up?
On the way to work today I started wondering if EA was blacked out. Maybe he really doesn't remember? He did it, but maybe he is fuzzy on the details. Scared to say what he remembers bc he's not sure how far it went. I still question whether there was another person involved, though.
I know someone that used to do horrible things and had no memory of it.
I guess I meant more "deep clean" type of clean on the mat, as the report I read mentioned significant DNA evidence more than just "touch evidence" on the mat of the trunk. If she threw up in the trunk it could be that, and could be why it ended up on the seal part where he didn't clean deep enough. Do we know if the trunk mat's larger amount of DNA from her was blood or from her throwing up?

It was enough blood for them to say she's probably not alive.

As for saliva...that happens with strangulation a lot.
I guess I meant more "deep clean" type of clean on the mat, as the report I read mentioned significant DNA evidence more than just "touch evidence" on the mat of the trunk. If she threw up in the trunk it could be that, and could be why it ended up on the seal part where he didn't clean deep enough. Do we know if the trunk mat's larger amount of DNA from her was blood or from her throwing up?

Nothing was mentioned at the hearing about vomit... only blood.

When the substance was sprayed in the trunk, two spots “luminesced faintly,” which Staub said indicated the presence of blood.
“It certainly would be consistent with a bodily injury due to the large quantity of her DNA,” he said.
Only someone who has something to hide after an incident like this would clear their phone like that and then steal another phone, what other motivation would he have? "Oh I'm just randomly going to clear my phone for no apparent reason and steal another one and lose my job, cus that seems like the right thing to do!" Lol

I googled for how long Sprint keeps text messages in their servers and it appears from what I could find (although there aren't completely clear answers it seems), the vast majority say 12 days. Maybe he thought he'd take a gamble on time & the justice system length of time to process things and thought he'd be safe, that they wouldn't be able to recover any of the details of his texts.. Not sure. It's one thing to do a factory reset on your phone, which itself is incriminating after being the last person seen with a missing woman, it's another to steal a brand new phone.. Kind of ups the level of guilty conscience IMO. MOO.

I agree with everything you have stated, but....

Being a manager of Sprint cell phone store might come with some "perks" such as being able to "borrow" phones - not exactly legal or correct, but possibly just something "most managers might take advantage of." It took the regional manager 3 weeks give or take to even report the "theft".

Plus, you let a girl borrow your phone and then you look at your phone later to find out she's texting her drug-dealing BF about some good rock, and now the girl is missing - guilty or not - panic sets in and you wipe the phone not wanting to be involved in a drug investigation. Just saying, he had a girlfriend - he probably didn't want her to get a look at his phone either and especially not the police. It absolutely is not a positive thing that he wiped his phone, but the truth is that we don't know what other phones could have been wiped either because of possible incriminating evidence.
On the way to work today I started wondering if EA was blacked out. Maybe he really doesn't remember? He did it, but maybe he is fuzzy on the details. Scared to say what he remembers bc he's not sure how far it went. I still question whether there was another person involved, though.

Very possible!
This dude I knew didn't not even fuzzy details.
To me it was maybe a chemical imbalance how drugs reacted with his body chemistry.
It happened often and got more and more violent. Was very disturbing. Dangerous for all near him.
He was Paranoid!
Only someone who has something to hide after an incident like this would clear their phone like that and then steal another phone, what other motivation would he have?IMO. MOO.

I missed that ea was convicted of stealing two phones. I thought it was just one.
On the way to work today I started wondering if EA was blacked out. Maybe he really doesn't remember? He did it, but maybe he is fuzzy on the details. Scared to say what he remembers bc he's not sure how far it went. I still question whether there was another person involved, though.

Heather, I am wondering that also. I had nights in my past where I blacked out but was still awake, fully functional and was incredibly stupid, from cussing out a good friend and trying to fight them to walking into the ocean to wandering off and walking miles from where I was and totally lost, I am lucky people came out to find me. The next day didn't remember a thing, not one thing. It never came back to me either. It was sooo bad, and those are some of the more mild ones. It is possible perhaps he truly doesnt remember what he did, maybe he doesnt remember even where he took her, it's possible to "wake up" in your car later and have no idea how you got there.

But it's also possible that he knows every single detail about what happened and won't fess up, he seems to enjoy doing shady things & lying to cover his butt. Reading his body language from an interview it feels like he knows more than what he is leading on... He blinks a lot, some of the things he says, at times has shifty eyes... Idk. I found this raw uncut version of an interview with him - - Sorry if yall have seen this before, first time I've seen this full version.
I missed that ea was convicted of stealing two phones. I thought it was just one.

Sorry, my wording wasn't correct on that, I mean to say more like he wiped one phone and then stole the other, and wiped that one too. That is what I had read. Or did he just toss the first phone somewhere and then steal the second one and wipe it? But yes he only stole the one and got caught. Why would he steal it though if he had nothing incriminating going on? To risk losing your job?
Sorry, my wording wasn't correct on that, I mean to say more like he wiped one phone and then stole the other, and wiped that one too. That is what I had read. Or did he just toss the first phone somewhere and then steal the second one and wipe it? But yes he only stole the one and got caught. Why would he steal it though if he had nothing incriminating going on? To risk losing your job?

I think what he lacked in the department of being attractive to the opposite sex he tried to make up with a fancy sports car, talking about his job as an assistant manager and having a flashy new gold phone that might catch some girl's eye. I think that girl was Sabrina Boss, but I don't think any of that worked on her. He was not the romantic type at all.
Heather, I am wondering that also. I had nights in my past where I blacked out but was still awake, fully functional and was incredibly stupid, from cussing out a good friend and trying to fight them to walking into the ocean to wandering off and walking miles from where I was and totally lost, I am lucky people came out to find me. The next day didn't remember a thing, not one thing. It never came back to me either. It was sooo bad, and those are some of the more mild ones. It is possible perhaps he truly doesnt remember what he did, maybe he doesnt remember even where he took her, it's possible to "wake up" in your car later and have no idea how you got there.

But it's also possible that he knows every single detail about what happened and won't fess up, he seems to enjoy doing shady things & lying to cover his butt. Reading his body language from an interview it feels like he knows more than what he is leading on... He blinks a lot, some of the things he says, at times has shifty eyes... Idk. I found this raw uncut version of an interview with him - - Sorry if yall have seen this before, first time I've seen this full version.

•When presented with a photo showing his car leaving the Henry’s Tavern parking garage, Arochi said he thinks all the parking garages look the same, especially when he’s drunk. He said “It was just a blurry night. … I’m really distracted all the time. … I really don’t remember at all. When I mix drinks I black out all the time.”

I think more people blackout after a night of drinking than would admit it.

Regarding his interview, I don't know either. I found it interesting that he mentioned like 9 people being at the party rather than just the original 5 in the affidavit.
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